piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM Our Groceries Are the Best Obtainable Are You a Customer of Ours? Now is the time of year that Good, Dependable Footwear While money is scarce make it go as far as possi ble. Get our prices on and the prices are always the lowest. is needed. Our stock is very complete and our prices very low. We guarantee all footwear to give satisfactory wear. Give us a trial order for next Saturday de livery and we believe you will find our store good one to patronize regularly. Groceries and Footwear a We Want You for a Customer, A few of Our Prices Are: Children's Shoes—Black or Brown, sizes 5 to 8 $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 Children's Shoes—Black or Brown, sizes 8 to 11 $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Misses' Shoes—Black or Brown, sizes 11 l / 2 to 2 $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 Boys' and Little Gents' School Shoes $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $4.00 A few Prices for Saturday, November 12th « y 2 Pound FREE with each 2 Yi pound Tin 1 pound FREE with each 5 pound t ttai: Swift's White Soap. Peanut Butter. Corn Flakes. Campbell's Tomato Soup Soda Crackers. Sliced Pineapple. Green Tea. White Syrup. Dark Syrup.,. . Hard Wheat Flour. Cane Sugar. y \ .6 bars 25c ... .2 pounds 25c 1 package 10c .2 cans 25c . 5 pound box 80c . . 1 large can 28c .1 pound 50c . . .1 gallon $1.00 1 gallon 90c .49 pounds $2.00 100 pounds $7.50 Tin I y Boys' High Tops—Brown with 2 Buckles, sizes 2i/ 2 to 51/2 VACUUM PACKED Friday and Saturday, November 18 and 19 we will have a $3.50 Growing Girls' and Women's Shoes—Black or Brown, Calf or Kid, Low, Military or Cuban Heel, sizes 2y 2 to 8 Special Coffee Sale of Folger's Golden Gate Coffee $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $4.75 Ye Okie Tyme Comforts" for women better none $3.50, $4.50, $5.75 2 Vi pounds for $1,10 and y 2 pound free. 5 pounds for $2.15 and 1 pound free Different in taste from other coffee—and better. Take advantage of this sale. Remember the dates. We have a complete line of Cotton and Wool Hosiery for men, women and children, and Rubbers and Overshoes for all. We are always well stocked with Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables White & White The Grocery and Footwear Store Kootenai Street Bonners Ferry, Idaho ^IlillllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillillllllilllWIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllilllilllilllllllllllllllW Established in 1891. C. W. KING, Editor. Published every Thursday at Bon ners Ferry, Idaho, in the Interests of Boundary County of Idaho. Entered s second class matter, January 1. 1906, at the postoffice at Bonners Ferry, Idaho, under the Act of Congress ot March 3, 1879. Subscription rates. $2.00 per year If paid in advance; $2.50 otherwise; Canada and foreign countries, $2.50 early In advance. ! j [ Beware (he Pedler The people who get stung most fre quently are the ones who buy from the peddlers who travel from town to town, disposing, as a rule, of inferior and shoddy goods which the home merchant would not give room on his shelves. Beware of the pedler. He is here Yes it's toasted, of course. To seal in the flavor— ■W (J V ftk '■ I A: « y today and gone tomorrow. If defects show up in your purchase you have no way to get redress. Your money is gone. You have no way of knowing whether or not the goods you are buy ing have been stolen. If they have been stolen they can be taken from you and your money is lost. The pedler is following the most expensive manner of merchandising and it follows that you either pay the pedler more than your local merchant would charge or else you are getting cheated in some way. Remember, the pedler, takes your your money out of your community. He pays no taxes, does not help to keep your county, city or school gov ernments running. You never find his name on any subscription list for any public welfare movement. Beware of the pedler. Keep your money at home where it will grow and have a chance to re turn to you again, home merchant, not all that is represented he will re place it or refund your money. .,_ , , r „ , „ wr^ 1 V fh a and ' ornon Campbell won the dictionaries for September. bv g aH d of * the* erades ^Th '" 8 f 10 '™ crades ai trvinp lr a T - Ç f'o ' 7 Burke won't ten what it is ' urae won t teil wnat it is. ! Hallowe'en was spent in the most I enjoyable manner. We all gathered at \ the hall dressed as fairies, ghosts, witches, Old Mother Hubbard, a black cat, Satan, brownies, Mexican girls and many other people. About 8:30 our parents began to arrive and then the fun began. We played games. ! danced, ducked for apples, guessed j who the other people were and every [ one pinned the tail on the donkey About 2:30 the party broke up. Our only regret was that we couldn't stav longer. The people from the Bonner Buy from your If your purchase is MEADOW(REEK NEWS Tie camp want to come again and we may give them a chance to come soon. Lela Campbell celebrated her twelfth birthday on Wednesday, No-■ vember 9. She had a party in the evening for all her friends. After a very sociable time we went home, hop ing that birthdays would come oftener. On Friday we are planning to oh Our program is given below; Pupils .... j . AlVena Glen Ethel Hartman Pupils George Sayre .... Pupils Emily Glen ... .Pupils ... Pupils ' Mr. Burke j ... Pupils ....Pupilsl serve Armistice Day. with a little pro gram. America ...... Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Flanders' Fields Song . . We Are Men of Coming Years. ... .Leonard Freeman. Walter Sayre Little Hands and Little Hearts..... Our Salute Nellie Yerkes, Lenna Glen, Squire Glen, Claude Campbell. Song . November 11th Armistice Talk ...Rev. Geo. Fowler, Bonners Ferry Americans' Creed in Union Song . Closing Remarks. Song ... Salute to Flag. We are also planning to have a program on Thanksgiving and Mr. Burke expects to have another speaker from Bonners Perry, possibly two. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETS Owing to the fact that many mem bers had gone to Sandpoint to attend the Rebekah lodge meeting, the attend ance at the commercial club meeting Monday night was not as large usual. A report was made by C. W. King of the meeting of Idaho and British Columbia engineers on Saturday. This report is covered in another column of this paper. A. B. Ashby, station agent for the Great Northern Railway company, was invited by President Fry, to present the railway company's side of the dis cussion started at a previous meeting when grievances against the G. N j wer e aired by club members, m,. Ashbv statpri that ho ,ho discussion was ill advised and that 1 no Bood. could come of the commercial club startin e a fight against the rail 1 way company; that he believed that ! r. e 1 u . esta of . the town and county of I ,, a , s * or improvement work by the I Great eni bad not been made j "'rough the Proper officials; that, as ; * ar as be . c . ou l d learn, no Great North ! e I I ? 0 , lc,a * s bad made exact promises 1 j having any particular Improvements ! done bllt bad only stated they would A e ^? 1 mn ÎS nd P ucb improvements. Mr. ! •'' 8 * 1 oy thought that the proper way to s ?f ur t ? res " lts would be to make ap i P , llcati ? a * or improvements needed f.; ong Great Northern right-of-way ! thr 0 i! gh tbe . tr f tfic department, inas much as this department is the first to suffer when the railway's patrons do not secure proper treatment. He stated that two members of the as | 1 trafflc department had visited Bon I ners Ferry last Wednesday and that: , tlle alle sed grievances of the district bad been laid before them. gentlemen, Messrs. Doyle and Merritt wired to Mr. Ashby yesterday that au thorlty bad been secured to put in the railway crossing signal at the Main street crossing (this signal is being installed) and that Mr. Dovle j had submitted recommendations cov ering repairs to other crossings and the filling up ot holes along the right ot-way through Bonners Ferry. O. C. Wilson defended the action taken at the previous club meeting, saying that the people were tired of promises and that he felt, considering the revenue the Great Northern de rives from this district, it should in common justice, make some returns. He stated that the sentiments pressed at the previous meeting were not directed at Mr. Ashby or any par ticular Great Northern official and that he was glad to learn, after many years, that requests should go through the traffic department in order to se cure results. Commercial club members feel that These now ex headway has been made in the effort to secure recognition from the Great Northern Railway Company and that any antagonism against the company should be forgotten if the company will meet the community half way in taking care of much needed improve ments along its right-of-way. Union Church Services "The Pilot of Civilization" will be the first of two great themes, very opportune at this time, and "Creators of Faith, Or God In History." It you believe in either man or God or have a. serious thought, for the future of humanity, we invite you. Our Christian Endeavor has been a surprise to us in both the attendance an interest taken. The spirit ot the young people is in the ascendancy. "In What Way Does the Divinity of Jesus Differ from Man?" will be the evening subject. Sunday school 10; preaching 11 ; Christian Endeavor 6:30; evening ser GEO. FOWLER, Pastor. vice 7:30. Phone 124 _ = == ~ 3 ^ — ~ z= ~ — — = =r = =E " EE == \ our 11 ome Creamery Needs the cooperation of the Dairyman, the Merchant, and every individual of this district in its effort to build up the Dairying Interests and an institution of which Boundary County may be proud. Wc are not asking "something for nothing." If we cannot give the dairyman just as good and fair treatment as he gets in Sandpoint or Spokane, we can not expect to get his products. But we can and will. If we do not give the public as good if not better Butter than can be bought from outside creameries we will not complain if we do not get the business. BOUNDARY BUTTER. If it is just as good then why not keep your money at home and help build up a home enterprise? _ = === == ES =E =E = zzz EE EE ~~ EE EE =E m EE sz: = Ess EE ES ss: Try The Boundary Creamery Paul K. Taylor, Prop. Telephone No. 128-W Card of Thanks The undersigned desire to express their heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends who rendered assistance and extended expressions of sympathy to us in our recent bereavement We de sire to especially thank the nurses of the Bonners Ferry hospital, the I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges, and those who expressed their respect for our loved one with beautiful flowers. L. K. Hamilton and Children. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Riefsteck. Methodist Church Notices The Sunday school at 10. Commun ion service at 11. Junior League at 3. The children enjoy this service be cause it Is their meeting. Epworth League at 6:30. This is a live meet ing, true to the life of young people. Song service at 7:30. You will find a home like church .and a warm wel A. H. MORTON. Pastor. come. FOR SALE—Pedigreed Tamworth pigs; three boars and one sow. Sow to barrow soon. Geo. E. Eberhart, Lenia, Idaho. advtf Is An Absorbing 1 Love Story A strong man's love Is a wonderful thing. But even the love of a strong and splendid man needs faith to tido it over the cross currents of life. In "The Tiger's Coat," the Dial Film company production released through W. W. Hodkinson which will be shown at the Amazon theatre on Armistice Day, you will see enacted one of the most absorbing love stories that has thus far been brought to the screen. You will see Alexander McAllister, strong, self-willed, a ruler of men and their destinies, brought to a realiza tion of the need for Faith in his love for the woman who had become more to him than life Itself. Three well-known and popular play ers are featured in this dramatic pro duction. Myrtle Stedman. Lawson Butt and Tina Modotti, the Italian beauty who has been so successful in motion pictures abroad, each have a role suited peculiarly to their own in dividual talent and personality. "Brownie, the Dog." this special Armistice Day program Also a special two reel comedy. Don't fail to see at the Amazon theatre.