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Unprecedented Attraction 2 Over a million distributed !M3 Louisiana State Lotterv Co. Incorporated by the legislature in j868, for educational and charitable purpose, and' its franchise made a part of the present State can «tftulkyi. i" I&79. I»y an overwhelming ?• îpu tiei vote. Its M ammotu urav. in<;s lake place *emi - annually,) June ami l.)ec<:nil>cr> and its Grsixl Single Numlicr J>rj«irigs lake place on cach of the oiber ten month» in ääi'Ä'S' " "* Famed For Twenty Years, For Integrity of Its Drawiuçs, and Prompt fayinoiit of Prices. Attested as follows; "VV.c <lo hereby certify that we supervise the arraugmu-ntsfor all the Monthly and Semi Annual drawings of the J.miisiaua State I.ot Aery X'otiipaov, and in jierson manage ami icoulrul the drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, ami in good faith toward all parties, andwe •utho ize the Company to use this certificate« «•it h f.ic similies of our signatures attached, in Its advertisements." COM Mi 3&K>SEft8. We 11« undersigned Banksand Bankers «•ill pay all I'rizes drawn in the Louisiana &t«U- (.'itlcxies which iuay be presented at our (Counters. Ji. M. WALMSLKY, Pres. La Nat'l Iik. J'lK&Kli LAN AUX , Pres. State Nat'l Hank. A. BALIAVIN, 1'res. New Orleans Nat'l Bk. <CAKI, KOllN, Pres. Union National Bank, fcrfifld Monthly Drawing jat the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, April j6, iftSç). Capital Prize, $300,000. f00,000 Ticket* at Twenty Dollars each. Jialves, $10; Quarters $5, Tenths J2; Twentieths $! 1.1ST OH PRIZES. f pri/.e of $300,000 is $300,000 j price of 100,000 is.. iuo,ooo f prize of 4 prize of .2 prizes,«if 5 pri/.cs uf *5 prizes ot ►00 of ,^(X) prizes (jf 500 prizes of 50,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 50.,( 00 50,000 js 25,000 is 10, oc*) are. .. 5,000 are.... 1,000 are.... 5<lo «.re..... 300 are 60,000 200 are 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZIÄ. prizes yf $500 ue $50,000 loo " 300 are 30,000 joo •" 200 arc ... 20,000 terminal prizes. <999 prizes of $ioo are 99,900 999 " <00 are 09,900 3,134 prizes amounting to $1,054,800 Note—Tickets drawiug capital prizes are tiol entitled to tenminal prizes. For cluli rales, or nnv further information write legHily to tfee undersigned, clearly stat ing your residence, with State, county, s-trcet m land number. Mure rapid return mail de ive.ry »ill lie assured l>y your enclos ing nn .onvelo|>e bearing your full address. Send Postal Notes, Express Money (Xrders, or New York Kxchange Su ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at (0*rjrxpense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La., os M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. O. Address Registered Letters to »JSW OKLKAN8 NAT'L BANK, XE\X ßJirni'S, LA. SBMEMBBR that the psvmeo: of all rtiwrsis guaranteed byfom National llanos of Nt» Orleans and live Tickets* ,*re signed by »he President uf an iwitkvtion, whose Char it ejnd jig his are rccqfrniz^d .by ihe highest (courts; thcrefose, UeMnrjruf all imitations or iTjnofymotKs schotucs. ONE DOLL.AH is lli/- price of the smallj . est part or fraction of a Ticket jssuj'.n by .us in any Drawing. Anything in our nam .«d fur less than a-dollar is a swindle. No; 9 Saloon, D. S. BROWN, Prop.* When you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, don't fail to call at No. i), "TBI m BRICK Öl THE CM." Back of the Bank. ROLLER PROCESS —Made at— Hie Miieton Mills Is the in Ada county. It cyuals thu Pillsbury Minnesota. IF YOUR SROCER DOES NOT Keep It* Make Him Get It TAKE NO OTHER, S. S. Foot©. WM. LEMASTER CaJUvvelJ, Idaho. Boot and Slioe Maler I am now permanently located Sn Caldw-ell, and am prepared to do .any work in my ljne at reasonable rates. I understand my business {horoughly und will guarantee to make as fine a fitting boot or shoe ?is can be found in the market. All kinds of repairing neatly and sub ^tantially c I odc . Also keep on hand the Famous 8inger Sewing Machine, repaired. AH kinds of machines KSTRAY NOTICli. Taken up by die undersigned at my lancfc, 4 mile« west of Caldwell., on February 14, fSSg, stock <!.cscrjl«U a.s follows: One re<l steer, two yea ft ear marks, crop ofl eadi iwr and split <jf eaclij no brand. Ot}e year ling heifer, red, nick "ff «oder part of .each iear, blotch« d circle Uand on right hip. Owa fir call and p.-»y .damages. f f, 1 f . IvELI.ER. j THE TRIBUNE. C M .DWELL, IDAHO. MAR. 16 , 1889 at ; —Jtham, the druggist, i —Soda water at Isham'p. strode i. in t»».,. i —Harmon, the wizzard. IS i town again. | _ T u„ f. n „, f 1 in «own I T . . ® , imiter m tOWU I Isidor Mayer ». j —Wonder if it really is goinj ! 1 . . * 4 j ^ " 8pilflg. j —C'oflin lias the street full ! Fi » h *-■ »'" eon " "~ T * T - Dar,ll8on ^ of Ontario, 0 °* ; was in town Sunday. —Gwinn went to Einmett last Thursday on business. —C. W. Wixcel is improving his residence with a coat of paint. —Do you want to trade money for drugs? Isham is on the trade. —Gwinn seems to be having all the rock in Canyon hill 'hauled over. —Real estate transfers have been quite brifk in Caldwell of late. —Hoover makes a specialty of framing pictures. low prices. —The Payette Nursery has kept i T " E T ki BUNK job press OU the run | this Week. —The Adams boys, sheep men of Succor Creek, were in town Monday. f— lion. I). L. Badley named his baby boy Elmore, in honor of the new county./ —Elmore and Logan counties are for keeps—r>o says the Supreme Court of Idaho. —Rev. Geo. Buzzell, Episcopal minister of Mountain Home, was in town Friday. —Seeds, seeds—flower, vegeti ble and garde«—at Little & Blateh ley's drug store. —Drop a nickel in the slot and Mick with an armload of old pa pers will appear. —It will be just like Isaacs and Roberts to go back on that dance St. Patrick's day. —The band lias re-oraanized and fitted up Charlie Reed's old law office for a band room. — Mr. M. G. Stiles purchased two lots across the way from A. J. Strickland's this week. f—Water was turned into the Scbree ditch day before yesterday. The ditch is in fine shapey —A lamp exploded at the home of II. N. Maxey recently, but luck ily no damage was done. —Si. Morrow, stock inspector, went to Payette this week 011 busi ness connected with his office. —Col. Hand went to Boise last week, to see, we presume, Lyda Thompson's troupe of high kickers. Nice^ work and j i 1 —The base ballists had a £ a ne last Sunday afternoon. The score I keeper sloped with the gate money. ; jt j o , _ . , ! —Howard Sebree came in from s ^T" ■ VS, and went down to Parma Tues- 1 —That advertisement of F. R. Coffin & Bro. in this issue, is a trade-bringer and no mistake. Pon der over it. „ „ lf , — H. N. Maxey has accepted a position at Gwinn s, and will in the future jump counters instead of making them. -Mr. T. Donovan ha. taken Mr. road dur Frank Olmstead's place as master of the Idaho division, ing the latter's.absence. —Isham is selling drugs, patent medicincs, etc. lower than the lowest. Call on him when you ^vant anything in his line. —Letter heads, note heads, bill heads, statements, envelopes, post ers, circulars, cards, shipping tags, all kinds of pointing at T he T hi - bune , quick, neat, cheap. —Five more subscribers have added their names to the immortal roll this week, and will receive the tidings of salvation through T he T kibune weekly hereafter. —Ed. Maxey, who has been at tending a cour^ of medical lec tures at Chicago, returned home Thursday morning, for the summer vacation: Glad to 8« you, Ed. . , ' lo you read the announce-j ments made by Howard Sebree Co. in T he T ribune . ^ ou cant buy intelligently unless you do. They are opening up a most ele gant stock of dry goods. ; -Barnes informs us that the : freight business for February, »t ! this station, exceeded last year's business for the same month by nearly "»00,000 pounds. And still j we growl about dull times. I — D. L. Badley has taken his ! stand at the anvil again at his old ; blacksmith shop, and would be j pleased to see his old friends and , patrons, and any new ones that de- ; sire any thing in his line. He will < attend promptly to all work en- ! trusted to him at fair and reason able prices. —"Marc Antony Squrtz" is re ported to have given up all sinister designs on the Delegateship. Clough will therefore have a clear fît- Id—if the Hailey injunctioni?ts don't get in their work on "the gal lant little man with the backbone of iron and the palsied hand" at the last moment.—Bellevue Press. —.-In order to make the fourteen thousand dollars appropriated by - , contemplation to employ the pris 0:iers at t'J e penitentiary in getting stone from the ledge in the rear ; ^' ie institution and using the j same for laying the walks and in completing other proposed im provements. At Canon City, Col orado, where the 6tate penitentiary is similarly located, the prisoners have constructed a wall enclosing thirty or forty acres. • Buch wall is about thirty feet high and four and rifles pfguards^Boise Statesman. » « half feet thick, in the quarries is Of course, work done under the I —Geo. II. Holbrook, of Parma. I was in town Tuesday. —Mrs. Frank Randall, of Nampa, ; was in town last Tuesday. —Rev. R. M. Gwinn, has been ! confined to his bed the past week. ! —Rev. Newman, we are pleased j to state, is recovering, and is able ' to be up. —Seids, seeds—flower, vegetable and garden—at Little & Blatcli ; ley's drug store. ! —Services at the Presbyterian j Church, next Sunday morning and -evening, by Rev. W. J. Boone. — W. E. Snodgrass, of Glenn's Ferry, visited his father G. \V„ Snodgrass, of this city, this week, preparatory to an eastern trip. —John McMahon, the irrepress able sheep man and orator of Succor Creek, was in town Tuesday. John looks lost without Capt. Packard, —Emigration has commenccd in earnest. The 0. R. & N. had to run two sections of the passenger train out of Huntington the other day. —We noticed our old friend C. S. McConnell, ex-auditor and re corder of Ada county, driving a team through town the other day, a-Ia-rancher. —There were 210 fat steers ship ped from Payette to Portland this week. They were brought to Pay ette last fall from Wyoming, and fed there this winter. —Gov. Stewart, of Falk's Store —the only original Missourian— was loose on the streets of Cald well without a muzzle, the other day. No harm done. — Mr. P. A. Devers, who has been at Shoshone for the past month, came in town last Sunday, and left for "Bonanza Ranch" Tuesday to superintend the spring work. r ' , y \t i 1 e Our friend Joe Vanderpool, of Mountain Home, was 111 town several days this week. Joe has been quite sick recently and is barelv able to be around now. —John Lamb, a well-known ; freight conductor, and two passen- 1 ger conductors by the hames of Francis an 1 Ball, have lately been ~ 'laid off" by the railroad company. — C. O. Picard, returned from Portland Monday morning. He got back just in time to spoil a picnic that Mike Roberts had ! planned. I hey will shipnostoci at present. j at present. —The sheep men came near taking the town Tuesday. There was Isaacs,^ McMahon, Mclntyre, the two Adams boys, and several 'others. Pretty good crowd too, all things considered. —Those refreshing rains we have had this week are worth more than a dozen railroad booms. Caldwell takes no back talk from her sister towns, but, she does entertain a i wholesome respect for the weather 1 clerk. I —The pile driver rnd work train ; has been stationed at Caldwell ! several days this week. Insomuch s „„ .. . ■ nearer Nampa, than Caldwell 1 we e3n . t c0n3c i' 0 . Jsly c , ainl , as their operations have been con | | boom. j — Mr. P. A. Devers received a j telegram last Tuesday frcm his old j 1 oine at Scranton, Pa., containing j the sad news of the death of his • f a ,h er . It is a sad blow to Pat j an( | Michael, and their many frfenda sympathize with them, ™ - j i i . ! r"l' i*"' 'ing people of the bustling little town of Payette, recently voted to I bond t! eir school district for $5,r00, j to build a fi:ie n&w brick school I house. The enterprise of our sis I tor town is highly commendable. —The Caldwell Lumber Co. are i enjoying a thriving, prosperous, ! trade, not only retail but also ' wholesale. They ha v e been ship i ping lumber in car loads lots to Glenn's Ferry, and other towns, of late. —Miss Mina Newton, who has heen teaching the school just below otwn, closed the term on the 8th. inst. She is a splended teacher, aiid gave good satisfaction to the visiting her home. A r;i. r* ', , , , , -M'ke D*™«. Uwlyn.y-h.nd«! sage brush rancher, informs us that forty new houses have been built. a j otlg lhc line of the Sebrpe ditch pince its completion. Those sage ( )rush plains will not know them selves in two years more, if all the Stiers make as good a showing as Mike has. -Hoo. Silas W. Moody, of Boise | City, has rented the Improvement Co's office in the Odd Fallow's j Building, and opened up a law office in Ca ldwell. Mr. Mcodv is a experience "deestrict fathers," anTthe pupil's! She is m present at Freeman, Mo., lawyer of abilty and and has held several important and responsible positions in the territory, the offices of Territorial Controller and Supt. of Public Instruction both having been filled by Lim with honor to the Territory. He is an honorable man, an able lawyer, and a splendid acquisition to Cald well's socicty arid bu i eäs. He of the Idaho division has obtained a leave < will recieve a good support. — Jas. H. Gwinn, who has so long stood behind the counter at M. Ii. Gwinn's store, has tendered his resignalion and accepted a position with the Whitney Bros., of the Payette Nursery. Jim enters upon his new duties the first of n i xt m »nth, when he will start for Montana, in which field he will la are all sorry ish him un prosperity in his new venture. F. L. Olmstead, road* master U. P. H. R., of absente for sixty days, and gone to Washing ton Territory to supsrintend the building of a new railroad from Montesano to Port Townsend—a distance' of about eighty miles. We learn that the irrepressible Kobt. Blickensderfer, of ü. P. fame/ 18 at the head of the enterprise, We can't get along very well with out Olmstead, and hone for a speedy retutn, > ! healthy home grown plants to those ; shipped long distances, arriving too j l a *e to plant, will do well to order j once, so that we may reserve the ! ^ock for you, and be prepared to t. 'P | ien p P nn g opens Payette \ ~ urser V* tf. j —Remember that the prices | 'Poted from the Payette Nursery i * re onl ^ S°° d for one week from MaT7htï';ru 1 s , -c. A P r 1 si; e ra , o has returned from the east; that John Allington is a part owner in a new lode near Wagontown; that North Sinker Creek is dry— 110 water for irrigating or stock; that Messrs Lewis and Nichols have made a strike, of $208 ore; that a man by the name of Hall received severe injuries from an explosion of giant powder in the Poorman mine last Wednesday. —All parties who intend to plant trees, berries, or ornamental shrub bery, and prefer fresh, thrifty. date of same, unless the given within that time. order is tf. Di'ath of Emma Holbrook. DIED—Saturday, March 9. 1889, of quick consumption, Lmma Holbrook, age 13 years and twenty-six days, daughter of Geo. Ii. and Elizabeth Holbiook, of Parma. Thus a sweet young life is cut down in all its beauty and freshness; just as the tender plant seemed maturing into the perfection of no ble womanhood. Death has stepped into our midst, and with buta few day's warning, taken from us a dutiful daughter, a kind and loving sister, and a warm and generous friend. He has claimed her for his own; and with his irresistibla hand, has snatched her from our circle. We shall miss her bright and happy face, her kind and gentle manner, and the sunshine which h er beauty and grace were wont to Rhw , nrn ,/ nfl thn ^ wiih whnm shed around those with whom she mingled here below. Yet finite beings must resign themselves to the will of the Infinite; although we are left to mourn her loss in this "vale of tears," we have a hope behind the veil (through which our feeble eyes can pierce but dimly) that "our loss is her gain." E. M. The Last of Poor Segley. rittsburg (renn.) D^atch, March s ! The funcral 8ervices 0 f Mr. Jas. S. N'egley, Jr., were held at Sam j son ' s chapel. Sixth avenue, yestcr day, at 2 p. in. Rev. Dr. Holland preached the sermon. Interment . was made at Allegheny Cemetery, ; Young Mr. Negley died of typhoid j fever at Boise City, Idaho, Febru j a ry 21. He was a son of General J ain ^ s S. Negley, who is now in mills. 1 have on hand an im London. The whole proceedings at the funeral were taken down in shorthand for the General. Hear ! Hear ! From Malad City Enterprise. Every oncu in a while some gar rilous Idaho paper seriously volun ; teers the information that "upper ' case'' Pride will be the next Gover ! nor of Idaho. How Pride's name could ever have come up in connec | tion with the Governorship is one of the unfathomable mysteries. Such connection is not more nor less than a shameful libel on the the chief Territorial office and and to the people of Idaho. It is about time that the press of Idaho should let up advertising siu-h nonseme. Seed Oats. We will" have a car load of Mon tana clear white seed oats this week. Farmers desiring good, clean seed oats will call or send or ders to H oward S ebree Co.," . Caldwell, Idahe. Kesp Your Money in tbc Country Bv buying your lumber of home • rfm ftïl V T , • • V ' V 1sso Be ? t \ nnin % ™ th January 1, 1889, WC , aCCept n ? ,°ï t , °°f ™ le8S b Y the cash. \\e must have the money before ' C ampbeu i J oh» 3 to s . ADVICE TO MOTHERS. M ks - W inslow's S ojthint. S vrup , for Ç hil(,r r en teething, is the prescription of one l>est lemale nurses ana physicians in t e - • * ~ mense stock of well-seasoned lum ber, which I <vill sell from this date until January 1, 1889, at the fol lowing low rate for cash: Com mon lumber, $12.50 per thousand; dressed lumber $15 to $22.50, ac cordi »g to quality; shingles, war rant , e(1 ( u11 ? ount ' ^ 3 - 50 P er thou " sand. Now is the time to buy lum ber. I need money and must have it, and will give you bargains. J as. W ardwkij ,. Eminett, Idaho United States, anil has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the pro cess of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves the chi.d trom pair, eures dysentery and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child it rests the mother, l'rice a bottle. ROYAL ? ■«nirriLY 2 POWDER Absolutely Pure. . , . . , economical ihan the ordinary kinds, aud can not be sold ill competition with the multitude of '7 test ' c sh . u . rt - alum ^ phosphate ÄÄ wSsÄS%, :!L ADIES ' Y0UR attention I j ÏTEW GOODS. LOWEST CASE PRICES. We have just opened up the most complete line of dry goods that has yet been shown in Caldwell. Our well assorted stoek consists of Prints, Ginghams, Seersucker, Table Damask, Percoles, Napkins, Crash Towels, Etc. We are, this season, making the following our specialties: 38-inch all wool Henrietta cloth with plush and surah trim ming to match. Kid gloves, cotton and Lisle Thread, Hosiery, and Ladies' Summer Underwear. Also headquarters for carpets, window shades, window hollands. spring rollers and fixtures. Special inducements on hundreds of other things to num erous to mention. It will pay you to call and examine our goods and prices. Howard Sebree Co. S- !N". —PRACTICAL— Watchmaker & Jeweler, CALDWELL, - IDAHO Carries a full line of Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches. Chains, Charms and Lockets. Clocks, Silverware, Optical Goods, and Jewelry of all descrip tions. My goods are all First-Class, and prices low. Repairing done in a first-class manner and satisfaction guaran teed. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. MIDDLETON NURSERY Nursery Stock of all kind for sale. All kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees; from 1 to o years old, will bej sold cheaper than they can possibly be bought bought elsewhere. A NEW PRICE LIST home-grown, acclimated trees, and astonishingly low prices. IT WILL PAY YOU to correspond with the Middle ton Nursery if. yon want tVees JACOB PLOWHEADi"' Middloton, Idaho. Onion Racific Railway.!; "The Overland Route." The oui) L'.uc c»rrjln)t tlie U:)tted States Over l.L.l Mail. rii'Jm.n SI eper< ami Mmlern Day Coac cs trom the Missouri River MAKING DIRECT CONNECTION Denver, Cheyenne, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and all Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Neva da, California, Washington Territory, and I'aciiic Coast Points. Baggage Checked Through from all Points in the East to Points Named. Family SI re per* Free on all Trains. Through j ! i j j i i For fnr'h'r Inf jrinitt n reftirrtln* th? terri ory I travers..!, rates of fare, .les rlpilve pan ptilels ! e- . apn T t . ihe near*st.^i.t of tue IT ton Pa -Iflc II» Iw.v. or to nrclln* >< ad's, ortddre's T I KIMRAII F I I HMAÏ I TCRRFTQ A.w J 'i»- TEBBETS Geu I Manner, A G P ft T À G P A T. A j " Geu Manner, A G P ft T À G P A T. A Faliy Bros' Saloon, CALDWELL, IDAHO Popular Place of Resort Opposite Pacific Hotel. The Choicest Wines, Liquors^Cigars Alv ays on Hand. Good Billiard and Pool Table in the room. Try some of our eleven year Old Kentcukv Bourbon Whiskey. The best in the Market. f 59 THE WORLD'8 BEST Kid Button $2.50 Shoe H«* no eqnal for Style. Fit and Wear. Potltlrelj tbe best shoe In America for the money. Do not b« deceived. See stamp on bottom of each «hoe. Take no other. Brerr pair warranted. Stylish and c^nsl t* any •& akoe in the market. For sale by m. ti . GWI NJN. Chicago M wanken & St. Paul R'y via Omaha & Council Bltift.. Short Line to chicago and the east. Finest Dining Cars in the world. Through Sleeping cars to Chicago. Only direct route to the G. A. Ii. Encampment at Milwaukee. Everything first-class. First-class people patronize first-class Lines. Ticket Agents everywhere in the west sell tickets over the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Pat 1 K'y> Fur further information apply to. A lkx M itchell, ' Salt Lake Utah, at the Stop ] _ THE 0NL\ First ^ ,ass One Dollar House in the city. j MRS. E. A. IIANNAN, Proprietress. Campbell & Johnson, 1 , . I ( *' e horses in the country, and 11 fu ™ y ' »vyü"»s ™i«ired | in our line with or without ! driver, night or day, at reason ible rates. We have Caldwell, Idaho. Caldwell Livery, Feed & Sale Stable, The finest turnouts and sad country, HAY, GRAIN AND COAL to sell at low rates. Leave orders at the stabie, where they will re ceive prompt attention. HORSES BOARDED, By the day, week or month. Campbell & Johnson, j Calci .veil Idaho. ! IIIOÜÖANDS OF DÖLL.AK3 i rre »pant every year !>y the people of Hi s Stit° for j ortliless in<*<ûcines for lliu cure of iliroat a <1 ii j ri leaser, when we know that if they wott'd o y m i in i\ n TA A H1K he new Ca f » «I »cor i t-ry for conamuptton and klmveil romp aims, iliey wotilil ii tills pleasant reined. Had relief. Ills rer-i minei.iie'l liv.inlii.ster«, phyMcla « and pnhllc IF R ' f I'e Oolden jtste Id and #u .ranleed by Little A BUich ey at $1 a bottle. Thr e f ir fi.äO 'lté most stubborn of ca.nrrh »HI .petdlly su ciiinli to CAI.ItOUNIA. CAT- -CURE. olx mont, s" ire.Mnei I for >1. Py mal; à , Ii. MJCfCL'CN '3 ARNICA SAI.VK. I The Hest Salve In the world for Cuw, Bruises, ! , t . ."."V'"' ^ CVtr ö " r : s ' „ U ! ,e . Cbap^d Hands, CI blalns, Cor ; s, and all bKIn Kn.ptlons, and p >rtUvtly enres piles, or no pay r»qilwd. It ii g mran'eed to Rive p ifect sais» ta. lion or ino„. y r. fun led. l'rlce 25 cei l, per j box. For «nie by Lilile jl Blatcliley. CROIT?. WIIOOPIVV C0l T GH and Br-nchltl», im.nediately relieved by Siillou's Curt'. I. tile U'a'rhl. y. silicon's OOl'GH and Consumption Cire ■«id i y 111 ona (..»raiitee. at cures Little & lllatchb y. SBII.OK VITAI, T ZEI!S I s «-bat yon need for ro is ipail >n. loss 01 api»*ttic, dlz/.in»*s and »II sii ypioins.» lllspepsfa. Price lu aud 76 cents per Ii nie. I Ittle & Klatctle). W I h\j YOU SVFKER with Dvspepsla sn1 I.I ver Comp aim? Shllou's Cure is 1 he loaiedy for you. LI i le & Hlat.'l ley. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that leir b e c .ugb. Sil oh's Cur« Is the romeny for you. M tie £ match ey. THAT HACKING COIH1H can be so quickly cur ed by S'dloh's Cure. We guarantee lt. Little k B tel. ley. C VTA HUH COKED; health and sweet breath se curtd. by Sluloh's latarih Hemedy. l'r c« SO ce.tls. F as l Inj- clor Free. Utile A Hlatcliley. For lame back, sld3 or chert, use Shlloh's P»r rus Plaster. Prlcc Î6 cents. LKtle s Illatchley. ONSUIHPHW (Qb)i^ÄX 0ÜG « 5 ^ronçhiti •IN q "Se»)' 1 jor circula r.4| ^ tr ^ftlt3 ("'• 9.^" iNCMŒco.QRoyiui.fAL CALIFORNIA CAT-It-CURE. The ony guirantfed enrrs for c >tarrb, cold In th tiea.l, Ii. y i.v«r, rote culd. catjrrli.l dt-cfn«:» s id 'Ore e\et Re'tore tbe sense of Uftea.i.l iirpleaj aut breath, rtsuU'ig from caurrb. K:tsy rnd pleas .nt t>. ns>'. K.. low d reel Ions and a ru'e Is warranted, h» a 1 drnrg'Sis, s» iH to- f Irrul.r to ABIETIXW ME i »ICA l company. OroTllle. < al. si* >n- nths trpaini-n».. SI; sent bj mall $1 10, Vor sale by L'tl'e à Blatcliley. TflAQC U MOJ.. . ^Djojra^CiJCtjcAi tolCTINEMU Q-C the ONLY Qll/\^ANTEED V CLIf^E "fOR CATARRH ORIIVILLE CAU ABEOLFTE CUKE. The ORIGIXAL ABIETTNE OINTMENT is on y pur up In two ounce tlu boxes, and Is an aba - ute cure for old s.>rea, wound, chapped bauds, and all sklu erup Ions. Will p a'tl.eljr cure al k nds of pll^s. Ask t-r the ORIGINAL ABIEIIVE-'I-VTMENT. »old by Little A Blatch iey at it ee ,ts pt r bo* - Vj will, 8 ) cepu. MONTIE B. GWINN j j ! ! IDAHO. :has the largest stock of: ftpr|pr>Q T Mcvppli Q nrl ion jvJUllUlCXl lVlCl UllClllLllotJ j IN j "V alley, -consisting STAPLE AND FANCY s Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Gents' Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Trunks, Valises, Ladies' and Misses' Tripamed and TJn trimmed Hats. HARDWARE Tinware, Glassware, Queensware IRON, STEEL, OIL, Lead, Seeds, Grain, Etc. Prices to Suit The Multitude. No trouble to show Goods. :JULir MOTTO: Lowest Prices.. Fair Dealing. Full Weight Who is Isidor Mayer? Is not such a leading question where can as 1 Buy Clething 1 Cheap? To successfully answer tie last ques tion, it is absolutely ne pessary to go to the store of IsidorMayer and examine his Elegant New Stoek and get his prices, as he has recently enlarged his store and added a large stock of Clothing to his StocK of Groceries, Notions, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Capo, Boots and Shoes, Blanket?, TOBACCO, CIGARS.. CANDY, NUTS, Fresh Fruit of All Kinds. Call and get acquainted with Isidor Mayer. It will save you many a dime to trade with him. Fact, Sure! Front Street, - - Caldwell. FURNITURE STORE. .A.. HOOVER, F rop. J Parlor Sets, Bed Room Sets, Window Shades, Mattresses, Etc. Repairing of Every Description Neatly Done. CALDWELL ' : : : I'JAHO H0W .V1D 8 BR E. B. F. WHITE. C. S. SCOTT, CASH'8. CAPITAL, O.OftO. STOCK GROWERS &. TRADERS BANK, Of Caldwell, Idaho. • 0. S. SCOTT & CO., Bankers, Transact a General Banking Business In All Its Branches. Ot'ISICK II OU KS —9 to 12 A. 31. I to 4 p. M. Deposits received subject to check on demand. Foreign and Domestic Exchange 1 .ought and sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Real Estate Agents. Steam Ship Agents. Insuranoe Agents COUNTY AND TER3IT03IAL WARRANTS BOUCHT. - Collections of all Kinds a Specialty. Notary Publio RENTS COLLECTED & HOUSES TO RENT. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Shipment of Ores, Oold and Silver Bullion. rRINCIl 'AL CORRESI*ONI>KNTS. Chase National Rank, New York City. First National Bank, Ogden Utah Wells Fargo & Co. San Francisco, Cala. Commerçai National Bank, Ogden' Utah r\ i First National Bank of Idaho, Boise City I T* w r "7 Bank > City, Idaho'. E DEPOSITS. Omaha National Bank, Commercial National Bank, Omaha, Neb. Poitland, Or. Boise City -INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DON'T EXPERIMENT. Y«u cannot afford to wiste time In experlment I iik wlien jour lungs ar« In danger. Contunip Ion always sreuu. at On' only a cola. Do not pmnlt any deal»r to lmpoae upon y< u with ton. ehrap Imitation ot Dr-K'nca New Dtsrovery f >r Con sump l .n, Corghs and Cold-, but h% sure yon gt-t tbe genuine. Because be can make more p't.fti he may t 11 jcu he baa something Jjst as good, oi Ju.t tie same. Dou' i be deceived, but Insist up m get. tlog r King's New Dis 'overy, which ia ruara" teed lo re II. f In all Throat, Lung and Client _ „ - _ . . . ^ ' îv-H C n°^ s.o^l bnUM 84 * B '»W b - j ej a Stpre. ELBCTKIC BITTERS. Tbl« remedy ,1s becoming to wtll known and sa popular as to netd u> ip.-iW mention. All wh.> hoven ed Elecrte bitters sing tbe ua> ton* of praise. a pu «r medicine does not t xlst and it Is g'iarautted to do all that is clai» ed. Kltctilc Bitters Will cme ai diseases ot tbe Liver tad Kidneys, w il n-more I'implt s, Bollr, galt Ith»»» aud oiher aftertlons caused !>y Impure blood. Will orive malaria frmn tbe syst« m and preTeiit as well as cm re malarial fever*. For cure at headache Constipation aud Indigestion t y Electric flitters! Rutin* «util fa •! Inn MismMaaA m - Satire sutnfaMlon guaractetd or mooty nf md.d i *" » "*» »nd »1 per bottle at Lilie * • |-j's Drug now, ***