Newspaper Page Text
THE TRIBUNE. ^CATJ>WF,I.L. IDAHO. MAV 15, 1889 —The future of Caldwell is bright. —Piptheria is raging in Boise City. —Mrs. B. T. Young was in town Wednesday. —Bob Aikman was in town laBt Thursday. —The street sprinkler was put to work Monday. —It is about time for a Fourth of July agitation. —How do you like T he T ri- ! bijne's new form? —The Farmery Ciub promises to be a great success. — Cale Roswell, of Middleton, was in town Thursday. —Burglars are at work in Bellevue, says the Press. —Mr. L. Thompkins, of Parma, was in town Tuesday. —John Drenncn sold 250 fine muttou sheep, last Saturday. —Jim Haines is water-master on the Improvement Company's ditch. —Mrs. H. J. Shorb and children arc visiting in Emmett this week. —If yon road this paper care fully, you will know all the news. —"'Key West Bells" and "Little Jewel" Cigars—finest in the city— at No. 9. —Work has commenced on the foundation for the now Methodist church. —Owing to his continued sick ness C. M. Wixcel has closed his barber shop. * —Buck Need ham, a popular O. 8. L. engineer, moved his family to Caldwell this week. —That little bill you owe us would be very acceptable just now. Jinpovcments cost money. IP* —Rev. Badley returned from Squaw Creek Wednesday, where he has been visiting a son. —Mr. Frank Fouch, a rising young man of Lower Boise, called on Tint Tai u unk , last Saturday. —Did some patriotic citizen say *omething about a Fourth of July celebration or was it a dream? —Billy Isaacs began hauling wool this week. No wool buyers have shown up in Caldwell vol. —Born, May 18, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. E. Miller, a fine l»oy. Bob is able to be around. —Go to No. 9 Saloon for the famous Hermitage whisky, Monon ^gahcla whisky and Muscatel wines. X —Somebody put in six whole, new boards in front of the John Thomas property. Such reckless ness! ■ - —Frank Huntington's runaway team created more excitement Thursday evening than even the foot ball. —Bishop Sisson and C. W. Cooper will box ten rounds at T he T ribune office, at a date to be decided on by both parties. —Tho Sheep Man's Exaggeration Society seems to be very light this spring. Send for Capt. l'acard and ^frlien. Roberts. —What has become of the mail route from this point to Jordan Valley that was to be let the löst? Who got the contract? —Lon Mclntyre, retired sheep man, has been driving a span of "flyers" about our streets the, past week. No flies on Lon. •. —Come in and see us. The Sanctum Sanctorum Most Holy of Holies ia always open to visitors Ladies especially invited. —Mr. George Little has pur chased quite a band of horses from Frank Gilbert, and will ta ce ^several cars east, we understand. —From all accounts Mike Roberts und Ralph Oakes will have some startling revelations to make at the next meeting of the Bachelor's Club. —Cuddy, the sanguine and wealthy editor of the Ontario Atlas, piuwed through on hi« way to Boise the first of the week. A vacation for recreation undoubtedly. —We are in receipt of the Post Falls Post, a new newspaper pub lished at Post Falls, Idaho, by A. J. McDonald. It is bright, newsy, and very neat typographically. —The Misses Pefferle have their ÉHce cream parlor nicely fitted up and keep the most delicious ice cream on hand eonstantar.tly. It is to be hoped that the public will appreciate their efforts and give them a liberal patronage. — G. W. Paul, the democratic war horse of Lower Boise, was in town Saturday. Mr. Paul is opposed to Statehood and if you accept his stand point carries con viction with his arguments. We can't agee with him on the starting point, however. —The little 6on of Leroy Brown, of Falk's Sfbre, who accidently shot himself in the foot, an account of which was published in T he ^WtiinvHE at the time, was brought to Caldwell Wednesday a piece of bone removed from the wound. He frjll get along all right now. ! —All the news in T he T ribune. —Mr. Ellsworth, of Boise, and daughter Miss Edith—wereinCald 1 well several days this. —Strawberry and ice cream fes tival at Presbyterian church June Gth, 1889. Particulars next week. —A road way for wagons is being built by Gwinn and Coffin back of their stores to connect with Kim ball street. Great scheme. —Edwin Francis, one of the most popular conductors on the 0. S. L., is enjoying a well-earned va cation sight seeing in the east. —The Albion Sentinel, which al wa}-s wa. c a disgrace to Idaho jour nalism, has met its just rewards and turned its tender toes up to the daisies. —There will be plenty work for the Board of Trade this summer. We will have something to say about needed improvements in the near future. — T he T ribune is now establish ed in its new quarters, and better prepared than ever to receive $3 subscriptions. Come around and see us anyhow. — W. W. Dryden, road supervis or, is doing some excellent work on tho road between town and the wagon bridge. There is room for improvement on that road. — T ribune the big has been sick this week aud T ribune the small and the devil have had to hustle. Look out how you stir them up; they are not in a very good humor. —R, A. Cowden returned from Denver Tuesday night. Ralph says Denver has gained 25,000 in habitants since he left there eight months ago, and is still on the boom. is —The Caldwell Building <fc Loan Association loaned $1,500 last Thursday. There are now over 300 shares taken and about $5,000 is out on interest. Stock is at a premium. —Mr. Geo. Osmond, of Salt Lake City, representing Dun's Merchantile Agency, was in Cald well Tuesdav looking up the com mercial standing of our business men. Needless to say it is good. —Caldwell has some of the pret tiest lawns in Idaho. Just take a look at the yards of Dr. Lee, Dr. Pefferle, Geo. Little, Sherman Cof fin, Montio Gwinn, C. S. Scott, and a score of others, and then talk about alkali. —At the democratic primaries last Saturday F. Steunenberg, E. Frost, J. J. Apperson. W. W. Dry den, Win. Kinkaid and H. Davis were elected as delegates to the county counstitutional convention, which meets in Boise to-day.* —A young fellow by the name of Cameron was thrown from a road cart last Monday, and sustained severe, though not serious injuries. A young lady who witnessed the accident, fainted, thus causing con siderable excitement. —Rev. and Mrs. Newman will leave next Monda}' for Iowa, where they will visit this summer, and go from there to New York. The entire community see them depart with regret, and hope the change may be beneficial to Rev. Newman's health. —We call the attention of our agricultural friends to the meeting of the proposed Farmer's Club, to be held next Saturday, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Caldwell school house. Such a useful movement should meet with universal endorsement from all progressive men engaged in country pursuits. —Mrs. Collins will leave for Washington Territory the first of the month. The eating department of the Commercial will he closed, but rooms and lodging will 6till be obtainable. It is with the sincer est regret that we see Mrs. Collins depart, and she will carry with her the highest regards and best wishes of all. —Howard Sebree, S. M. Collin, M. B. Gwinn, H. R. Steavenson C. S. Scott, Swain Beaty, C. 11. Reed, W. C. Maxey, M. A. Roberts and A. K. Steunenberg met at the bank last Thurs lay afternoon and reorganized the Caldwell Board of Trade. Arti cles of incorporation were drawn up and a committee appointed to wait on the business men and so licit membership. Give it your best support, gentlemen, a pull all together is a strong pull. —A. A. Holcomb, Vice-President of the U. P., Mr. Kimball, General Manager, Mr. Cummings, Assis tant General Manager, Mr. Rap pelje, Supt. Idaho Division, E. S. VanKuran, Supt. Idaho Central, accompanied by several other per sons, passed through Caldwell last Thursday on a special train. Sev eral of our representative citizens met them at the depot, and im proved the short stop that was made. Messrs. Cummings and Rapepelje retumod to Caldwell on an evening freight, and were driven out to Canyon hill and viewed the old grade to Boise City. No one is any the wiser for their visit. I J j I ; He sâvs a person ! —Mr. J. W. Mahony, General Traveling Auditor of the Kansas Division U. P. R. R., formerly of the Idaho Division, was in town Saturday last, looking after his section under the Sebree ditch. He left Saturday night for Port land and San Francisco. —This issue is only a starter on the many improvements The Tri bune proposes to make. We have plenty of room to expand now, and are going to take advan tage of it. Meanwhile we could possibly crowd a few more dollars into the "'strong box." —Mr. C. W.Cooper, returned last Saturday from a trip to Seattle Washington can have no idea of the magnitude of the "boom" in that country with out seeing it. Seattle has the location, resources, enterprise and capital to make a second Chicago in his estimation. —The solid steel Whitely binders and mowers retain all the meritor ious features of the Champion ma chines (which they supercede) and in addition thereto possess all the latest inventions of that acknowl edged mechanical genius, Wm. N. Whitely. These machines are for sale only by Howard Sebree Co. —C. J. F. Peterson, of Lower Boise, was in the city recently with his new patent hay rack. It is a marvel of convenience. A mere skeleton, light, weighing only 200 pounds, yet it will carry three tons of hay. and you can turn your wagon as easily as though you were driving the running gears alone.—Boise Capital. a a —Coffin's Boot and Shoe parlor is truly a thing of beauty and fills a long felt want. It is nicely painted, carpeted and furnished with chairs and sofas, where ladies can have their shoes fitted without the embarassment occasioned where there is no privacy. Mr. Coffin has spared no expense in fitting up his boot and shoe emporium and his efforts will be appreciated. —That fine span of mules which Mr. John Arvidson, of Reynolds Creek, purchased of J. B. Garfield of this city, both died recently says the Avalanche.^ The stomachs were ] taken out and traces of poison dis- j covered. We would hate to act as judge on a fiend who would poison a valuable team, for our intellect is incapable of devising any torture devilish euough to submit him to. We would begin by making him eat both the poisoned mules though. —An informal meeting of those interested in the formation of a Farmer's Club was held at the bank last Saturday. The agricul tural and stock interests of Boise Valley were well represented by Howard Sebree, G. W. Paul, W. W. Dryden, Win. Kiukaid, E. Frost, G. D. Stafford, H. Davis, J. Alkenberg, W. Glenn, J. B. Smith, Jim. Kinkaid, P. J. Fahy, Geo. Lit tle and H. R. Steavenson. II. K. Hartley and others who favor the movement, wers prevented from at tending by business engagements. After a recital of the many advan tages obtainable from a Farmer's Club, in the gathering and pub lishing of useful information, by methodical experimenting and by combination among its mem bers, it was resolved that a club be formed for a mutual enterchange of ideas and protection of agricultural interests. A committee consisting of Wm. Kinkaid, Elijah Frost and II. R. Steavenson was oppointed to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for the Club, and to report at an adjourned meeting to be held at the school house next Saturday. —Clarence S. Scott celebrated his 20th birthday last Monday night in a manner befitting a per son who has passed that many mile posts of a successful life. Mrs. Scott is absent in Montana, and Clarence conceived the idea of giv ing a "stag party," in pursuance of which about a dozen "stags" assem bled in his elegant parlors on the evening mentioned, and tried to decide l'orover the mooted question of who is the champion seven-up player of Caldwell. Just as the champion was about to be discov ered, a most elegant lunch was spread and the attention of the players somehow drifted in that direction. After doing justice to the superb spread, the following toasts were responded to. "IIow to Save Low," by M. B. Gwjnn; "Points on Counting," by M. A Roberts; "The Ace and its Rela tion to the Jack," by S. M. Coffin: "Science of Saving the Ace," by S. N. Moe; "How to Hold with Judg ment," by Swain Beaty; "Game vs. 'His Nibs' and How to Lose Both," by A. B. Kautzman; "When and How to Turn Jack," by C. W. Cooper; "The Advantage of Claim ing Everything," by C. H. Sebree; "The Seven-Spot as a Factor in the Game," by C. S. Scott; "Why a Champion Should not be Proud," by A. K. Steunenberg. The party dispersed at a late hour secretely wishing that Scott would have . about four birthdays in a year, ! „„I.: J? ■ Z \\r , ! dskillg îor a receipt.. W e sincerely j trust the new order will not be ; generally accepeted. It would be I embarrassing to strangers to see all j the business men of Caldwell run- j ning around the first of the month ; with a g ua - 11 is merely on the j score of looks that we kick, how- ! ever, for to our mind a big gun has ! no more terrors for the average per-j son than a big bill, backed by a law j suit. The pen is mightier than the s .ord any way you fix it. How to Collect a Bad BilL A story comes from Huntington that is destined to revolutionize the order of business life if persisted in. It seems as though a saloon man down there had a bill of $19,50 against a man that the ordinary advances had failed to collect. One day last week he met his debtor on the street, and pointing a big six shooter at his head, demanded $19.50. The debtor acknowledge the debt, went down into his boots, fished up the coin, paid up the bill, and went his way without even J I j Try it Oa the Mormons. The reader has read of the rab bit pest in Australia and of the offer by the general government of •t 100.000 for the most successful means of exterminating them. The latest idea and the most success ful thus far is to hunt them in nets in the usual way, then to kill all the females and turn the bucks loose. These soon kill the remain ing females with their attentions, and then fight one another to death. First of the Season. Shoshone Journal. Yesterday we received a present of a lot of fine, fresh strawberries for which the generous donor has our cordial thanks. These straw berries were raised on the ranch of Mrs. Elizabeth Haines, on Snake river, and show the adaptability of ptability the soil and climate of this section of the country for fruit raising. Ada County Stock on the Move. Boise City Statesman. Mr. Thomas Wilson, of Boise Valley, left the city 011 Friday, with 80 head of horses, intending to drive throuh Montana and thence to Dakota in search of a market. Mr. Cedrge Williams, of this city, will leave in a few days wilh 15U head of horses, and will tade the same route. ~~ """" Must Have Keen au Editor. Pocatcllo Herald. Some erratic genius considerable attention one day last week, by reason of his wearing gold c<*iin for buttons 011 his coat and vest, and a $20 gold piece for a scarf pin. If the coins were genuine he carried some three or four hun dred dollars worth thus conspicu ously displayed. attracted More Truth Than Poetry. Mountain Home Bulletin. Steunenberg Brothers, proprietors of the Caldwell Tribune are to be congratulated upon their removal . - 1*1 into new anu commodious quarters opposite the streé . from their former place of business. They will need a three story brick if they keep on in their rapid march of improve ment. Same Old Complaint. oss of mail matter enroute i,.i Ä , T > . 1 j (?11 c\ uc to Boise. One Rellevue Press. Numerous complaints are heard of the loss from lie Bellevue merchant says he has! lost two letters ill the last two WtH'lv-5 -iddre«ed to Ur.isp TI hmp w u ks, auareseu to i>oibe. 1 here must be something wrong to the main line of the O. S. L. Another Bear Story. Pocatell ) Herald. Last Wednesday evening, as Engineer Jttck Price was pulling out of Topaz siding, he had a col-' lision with a 850 pound cinamon bear, in which the latter got the! the worst of it, being completely cut in two. Jack don't need a gun to kill a bear. A Word to The Wise. Mountain Home Bulletin. Saloon men are noted for their public spirit and liberal patronage toward newspapers. Hence we re commend all strangers visiting Mountain Home to call on Rike wine <k Vanderpool and Alex Bruce and partake of some of their good truck. Where, Oh Where! Eagle Rock Register. There have been a number of real estate sales of late. Some of our oldest and best citizens have sold out, but they still linger around. And where, may we ask, can they find a better country than right here. The Last Act. Adding to a long series of con tinued success, the Union Pacific again takes the lead in running suberb dining cars on the solid Union Pacific and Northwestern train from Denver to Chicago. Meals, 75 cents. 6-1 THE Vf. C. T. Ü. The Monthly Gospel Temperance meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church Sun day evening May 26th. The following is the Programme for the evening. Music. Scripture Lesson—by President. Prayer. Music. Responsive Reading. Select Reading—Miss Lucas. Music. Bible Reading —Mrs, Newman. Solo—Miss Young. Recitation—Mrs. Blatchley. Music. —Seeds, seeds—flower, vegeta ble and garden—at Little <fe Blatch ley's drug store, ! —" griping in the bowels, aj*l j wind colic. Dy giving health to the child it ; resls the mother. Price 25c a bottle. I —— —Howard Sebree Co. loaded two of the celebrated Whitely solid steel mowers andj two Bonanza hav rakes for parties in the Basin this week. Trulv the fame of the Whitely and. spreadeth abroad in the j ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Wixsi.ow's Sootuixg Syrup , for children teething, is the prescription of one test female nurses and physicians in the United States, and has l>een used for forty years with never-failing success bv millions ui mothers for their children. During the pro cess of teething its value is incalculable. It J relieves the chi.d troni paie, cures dysentery I and diarrhœa. —— Keep Yonr JI ojoj in the Country Bv buying your lumber of liome mills. " 1 have on hand an im mense stock of well-seasoned lum-1 ber, which I will sell from this date until January 1, 18S9, at the fol lowing low rate for cash: Com-j mon lumber, $12.50 per thousand; dressed lumber $15 to $22.50, ac cording to quality; shingles, war ranted full count, $3.50 per thou sand. Now is the time to buy lum ber. I need money and must have it, and will give you bargains. Jas. Wakdwki.l . Emmett, Idaho Cheap Living. Magnificent dining cars and meals at 75 cents, perfect service, quick time, and luxurious travel are the leading characteristics of the solid Union Pacific and North western trains from Denuer to Chicago. G-l —A solid steel binder is certain ly a novelty; but when accompanied by a lightness of draft and strength of parts hitherto unattained by the old style of machines, it becomes a leader. Howard Sebree Co. tire agents for the only solid steel bind er manufactured in the United States and have one set up for in spection on their implement plat f° rul »1 Caldwell. Chieag-o Miwaiikee k St. Paul R'y via Omaha & Conncil lîinffs. Short Lino to chicago and the east. Finest Dining Cars in the world. Through Sleeping cars to Chicago. Only direct route to the G. A. R. Encampment at Milwaukee. Everything first-class. First-class people patronize first-class Lines. 4 Ticket Agents everywhere in the west sell tickets over the Chicago Milwaukee it St. Paul R'y. For further information apply to. Alex Mitchell, Salt Lake Citv, Utah. : I i the Jus'icc Court of Caklwell I'rerinct, in the County of Ada, Territory of Idaho. J am - S i! - Garlicld > Plaintiff, | Alias .Summons lohn W. Vott, Defendant. | The Territory of Idaho sends greeting to John W. Molt, defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear at my office in Caldwell precinct, in Ada county. Idaho territory, on the first day of July, 18S9, at I o'clock p. m., to answer the complaint of the atxve-named plaintiff in an action brought against you by said plaintiff. Said action is brought to re cover (he sum of seventy-live dollars, claimed to be due and owing by defendant to plaintiff for one 3I2 inch Studebaker wagon, sold and delivered by plaintiff to defendant 011 Novem her 22, 1888, at your special instance and re quest. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will take judg '«ent against you for said sum of seventy-five dollars together with the costs of this suit, Given under my hand this 23d day of May, 1889. Swain Iîeaty, A Justice of the Peace of said Precinct. CitAS. II. R eei >, Att'y for Plaintiff. DESERT LAND FINAL PROOF—NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land, Boise City, Idaho, \ April 16, 1SS9. I Notice is hereby given that Patrick A. Devers, of Caldwell, Ada county, Idaho, has filed notice of intention to make final proof on -!* s ^ estrt laml cla L n ï> / or l J} c fcec. 19, Tp. 5 n of ii. 4 \v., before Register a nd Receiver at Itoise City, on Tuesday, the 28th day of May, 1SS9. IIe namcs ,he following witnesses to prove lhe co:n P !c,e irrigation and reclamation of sai(1 |an(!; Gcürge D Staffordt of Caldwell, and Charles J. F. Peterson, William D. Ar nett, Hezekiah I. McLaughlin, of Parma, A !a county, Idaho. 16 MARLEN PEFLEV, Register. ! j j j j i ; i ! j i i fflU ROYAL •*«IUTILY A Absolutely Pure, This powder never varies. A marvel of durity, strength and wholesomeness.. More economical than the ordinary kinds, aud can not be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Bak ing Powder Co., 106 Wall St., New York. o. 8. l. time table. WEST. EAST. 8 20 P. M . Lv Glenn's Ferry Ar. 11 05 P. M. 8 40 Medbury 10 45 9 00 Reverse lo 25 P. M. 9 20 .. Mountain Home . 10 05 9 40 Cleft 9 40 9 SS Nameko 9 22 1007 Bisuka 906 10 20 Owyhee 850 1035 Mora S 32 10 43 Kuna 8 23 11 co Nampa 8 02 11 17 caldweli 7 42 11 32 Notus 7 27 11 50 Parma 7 07 12 25 A. M Ontario 6 2S 12 33 Payette 6 20 i 00 Weiser 5 50 i 45 Huntington 5 co P. M. Positivtly no Freigh» or Express received after 5 o'clock p. in. Tickets furnished and baggage checked to all points in United States and Canada. A. K. Barnes , Agent. IDAHO CENTRAL RAILWAY. —0— TIM Ii TABLE. west east 6:00 p. m. Lv Boise Ar 12:30 a. m. &30 p. m Lv Hunter.... Ar 12:00 p. m. 7:90 p. m Nampa 11:30 p. m. 49*Trains run daily. E. S. V ankuran , Superintendent. i j i j : 1 j j j Boot and Shoe Department F. R. COFFIN <& BRO. We alone represent the following well-known Man ufacturers of Boots & & o i Shoes. Porter, Slessenger & Co., A. C. Eastwood—Gents' Gents' Fine Fine Hand Boots. Sewed Shoes. c. M. Henderson & Co—Little Red School House Shoe. AC O0D the ]>ast month we have been Big Shippers in this line, and we now claim to have th moat complete line of Boots and Shoes ever brought to tke Citv. WE GUARANTEE EVERY PAIR SOLD. If goods are not as represented m0îfey refunded. Frank IR,. Coffin BrotHer O-A-LDWEUU IDAHO, ATTENTION Farmers and Ranchers We are now prepared to sell you anything in the wagon and agricultural implement line, cheaper than ever before, i Please write for prices, terms 1 and catalogue. Our stock con- j sists, in part only, of the cele j brated Bain Tubular and Steel ' Skein Wagons, Racine Spring j wagons, Moline Steel and Oli- j Chilled Walking 1 Plows, ! ver Moline (power lift) Casady I („„ kndside) and Flying Dutch- J man Jr., Sulky Plows, Climax j Disc Harrows (in all sizes) j walking Harrows with .30, 40, 45 and GO steel teeth, Strow biidge Seeders, and finished hardwood of all kinds. We have secured the new, rt 7 • 7 n i 7 it -7 • « 7 t . . Soil,(I, STPPL \'V Alow VVOl'U, Hi I/O I IJ tliwu 7 rr7 -H cy 7 * 7 ev and Whitley Solid - -m -j- y m g Steel Low Open Harvest ev and Binder , invented during the year 1888, by wm n\ whitely , the inventor of the old and well-known "Cham pion" Machines, and will also . keép a full supply of repairs for them, as well as Champion Mowers and repairs for all Champion machines. howard sebree co Caldwell and Shoshone, Idaho u CLEVE" A handsome Cleveland Bay Stallion, three years old, KU hands high, weight about 1,400 pounds, will stand for the sea son at Pat Fahy's Ranch, Mid dleton, Idaho. Terms—$15 for the season. A 6IÏT FOK ALL Iu order <o give all a chance to test It, aud thus be eonvlnced of lti wonderful curative powers, Ur King's New Osscoiery fur Consitinpiloa, Coa^bi and Cold», will be, tor a limited time, given away. This otter Is not only liberal, but shows unbounded tau h lu tbe merits of tbls g eat reinrdy. All who suffer from Oongha, Crlds, Connunptlon, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of Throat, Chest, or Lungs, are especially requested to call at Llltle & B'atcUey Drug Store, and (et a Trial Bottle free. Large Bot. lea $1,00. j j j i 1 j j ' j j CLOTHING ! $1.00 Saved is $2.00 Earned Go to the Howard Sebree Co. AND SAVE 20 PER CENT IN CLOTHING We have the beat and most complete stock in the city. Men'* fine dress suits; Men's working suits, light summer weights in endless Variety. In odd pants we claim to have the best assortment ever shown in Caldwell. Youths', Boys' and children'« clothing in all sizes. Try us and be Convinced. S3. KT. MOE, —PRACTICAL— W atChlïiaker & J 6W6 {BY, Carries a CALDWELL, - IDAHO full line of Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, Charms and Lockets. Clocks, Silverware, Optical Goods, and Jewelry of all descrip tions. My goods are all First-Class, and prices low. Repairing done in a first-class manner and satisfaction guaran teed. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. CALIFORNIA CAT-Ii-CI K?.. The on'y guaranteed eures lor cntarrb, coM Id th j hcHit, t'»>-tever rose cold, oaunlul iktfutu aud ! tore fves niMore tt»- tense ur)>l*ai aQt breuthi r«ut».;pg from cnUrrb. E»y ti.d l'leawnt to um . Vo low d reciioua and a care Is warranted, liy a 1 driipg;('8. tknd tu- circular lo A 111 ETI N K MEUIOAI. COMPANY. OrbTllte, ( al. Ulx in un I hi tmatin* nt- ft ; cent bj mail $1 10, For Ol A IJI*'I11I20 %a I 111 ~ II I«« pi f «»1« ^ •* Butcmev LÏ*Mi"»!"r4|V is by ma'u 1 ;, .Ç un 7S VC IKCÜ<.A'< BIETINEMOI-Ca THE O N LY— k qU/^ANTEED *CUF\Ï TOR "CATARRH 'flROVILLECAL. !i"tw miwiot {.--'gj.j p ï n '* â ? 5 ABSOLUTE ;CUKE. The OtttGISAL AHIKTINE OINTMENT i« on'y put up In large two ounce tlu boxes, and Is an al't. - «te cure for old sores, burrs, wound, chopped bands, and all ekln erup Ions. Will p s Ihely cure al' kinds of pll»s. Ask f'»r th? ORIGINAL ABIEIIN'E ' 'INTMKNT. Sold by Little 4 Ulatcb Icy at V5 ce. ts per box- by mall, 3D cents «Si udtoftSN(T ^ îXisVI A Safe Investment, Is one which Is guaranteed to bring you rat'sfsc cory remit*, or In case of failure a retain of pur chase p-lc*. On tbls -ttn plan you can bnv fn in our advertised druggist a bottle '1 Dr King'* Nt* D s co very for consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case when used 'or an »tfce tlouof the throat. Inngs or chest, auch as con sumption, inflammation of lungs, bronchlll*, asth ma, whooping cough, croup, etc. It ts pita ant acd agreeable to taste, perfectly safe,, and can a. waj s fce depended upon. before after Tbe Solebrated French Eure. w ssr "APHRODITINE" JK Is soi.d os A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure nu y form of nervous disease, or any disorder of the generative or gnus ol either sex whether arising from the excessive use of .Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence, Ac., such as Loss of Brain Tower, Wakeful ness, Bearing down Pains iu the Back, Semi mil Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emissions, I^eucorrhoca, Dizziness, Weak Mem ory, Loss of l'ower and Impotency, which if ne glected often lead to premature old age and insan ity. I'ricc Î1.00 a box, C boxes for fcj.OQ Seut by mail on rceeipt of price. A WltITTEN (1DABANTEE for every *0.00 order, to refond the money if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old aud young, of both sexes, ]>erm anently cured by A piiroditink . Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN BRANCH, BOX 27/ M!QETLAND70R^ SOLD BY H. D. BLATCHLEV. wm: murphy, Caldwell, Idaho. Boot and fe Maker I am now permanently located in Caldwell, and am prepared to do any work in my line at reasonable rates. I understand my business thoroughly and will guarantee to' make as fine a fitting boot or shot? as can be found in the market. All kinds of repairing neatly and sub stantially done. Stop at the IOW —THE ONLY— First Class One Dollar Day House in the city. MRS. E. A. HANNAN. Proprietress.