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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
rroposea to tk-tep t_ooi. Be fluttered into the drag store with a linen duster, beneath which appeared white trousers and lawn tennis shoes. He didn't have a sign of a collar on and he used his bat as a fan as he sunk into a chair. "Gimme fifty cents worth of muriatic Mid, quickl" he said. "What forf" asked the chemist. "I'm K°ing to drink it." "Why, man alive, don't you know It Will take the coat off your stomach t" "That's what I want. I'm wrestling with the weather, I am, and I'm goin' to git the coat off that stomach so quick that it'll be like swallerln' an ice house."—Washington Poet. It Couldn't Be. "She It a siren, a mermaid, my sea divln S, murmured the enthusiastic lover to cham. "Oh, you'll tell a different story after you return to town." '•Never. Our live» will be one long tale of love." "Then she cannot be a mermaid." "Whyf" "Because the real mermaid's tail la al ways ahort."—Philadelphia Times. More Conjugal Pleasantries. Peek son—My dear, I trust you will not be Jealous, but really I have not encour afftd Bridget's attention'. Why should she Wdd me this lock of hair? Mrs. P. (hysterically)—What ! The vixen! A lock of hair! She must have sent it in th« malls! Peckson—Not exactly. She sent It in (be eoup.—American Grooer. Reverting Nature's L a w» . The conversation had turned on an old beau, who by the aid of cosmetics and (Aber artifices seemed to grow a little younger every year. "You will see," said some one, "how he will suooeed in hiding the ravages of time." "And finally die of extreme youth," added another speaker.—Judge. Used to Night Work. Managing Editor Morning Daily (to ap pOoaat for job)—You say you are used to night work? Applicant—Yes, sir. Managing Editor—What was your pre vious occupation f Applicant—I was a burglar, sir.—Bur lington Free Press. A Tragedy In the Jungle. The Tiger—I'm little % ■ eaU econon^^ tee eke pet]» of Kaaltlw * as with tHcm the Juice»* " Rtmaia wttKln U m meal ' Koro food and much the la Uffc f op ne te Nil IP YOU WANT THE BK®T Buy the CHARTER OAK,'; With the Wire Gwu© Oreo Doom. AT FRANK R. COFFIN & BRO S « notice kor publication. Land Office at Boise City, Idaho. 1 Oct. 28, 1890. J No'ice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Boise City,Idaho,on December 16, 1890. via: John Bishop, of Kalks Store, Idaho, who hied Pre D. S. number 4210 for the s% ne qr ne qr se qr Sec 3 Tp 6N R 3w. He names lhe folk wing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vi»: Jacob G. Palsom, William Forhan, Theodore Wallis and Ebenerer B. Towl, all of F alks Store Ada Co., Idaho. Chas. S. Kingslky, Register. notice for publication. Land Office Iloise City, Idaho. ) Oct. 27, 1890. \ Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, arid that said proof will lie made before Reg ister and Receiver at Boise City, Idaho, on December 15, 1S90. vte: John R. Thimbleby, of Emmett, Idaho, who made Hd Application No 1866, for the sej< ,e X> n^se qrsenr neqrSec. Il,Tp6N Rjw B. P M.Idaho, He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence {upon ana cultivation of, said land, via: Ebenerer U. Towl, Omer Turley and Jacob G. Fslsotn of saEmett, AdaCo., Idaho,and James W. I'atton, •f Falks St jre, Ada Co. Idaho. Cha* S. K i moslsv, Register NO COURTS IN IDAHO. Must Wait Until the Legislature Meets. "Idaho will bo without courts until some time in January if the point made by Judge W. H. Clag ett is well taken," Bays the Spokane Spokesman. "Judge Clagett was a member of the constitutional convention; he was also the dele gate in congress from Montana when the bill providing of courts in the territories was passed. In fact, he was the author of the meas ure. When he says that he can not see how courts can be held in his state until the legislature acts he is quite likely to be right. Under the old territorial law the judges met once a year and fixed the time and place of holding court the ensuing year. This they repeated each year. When the constitution was adopted the old territorial official were continued in office until their successors were elected and qualified. The inten tion was that there should be no interegnun. The constitution says the legislature shall fix the terms of court. Now there is nothing to continue. The judges have no authority to meet and fix the terms, the old arrangements having ex pired. The new state will have judges, but they will not be author ized to hold court until the legisla ture acts, which can not be for two months yet. There is any quan tity of legal busines accumulating, but it must wait. The omission of some provisions in the constitution empowering the continuance of the old territoriol plan until the legis lature has acted was an oversight. Judge Claggett is in favor of leaving to the judges the power of fixing the time and place of hold ing court, the legislature fixing the number of terms to be held in each county. Ko. 9. Saloon, When you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, don't fail to call at No. 9, THE ONLY BRICK 01 THE CORKER. BACK OP THE BANK. —Ladies if you want the best Thread for hand or machine use the Clarks Mile End white thread wound on black spools; black and colored on white spools. For sale wholesale and retail by W. L. Geary. Caldwell, Idaho. oo SIXTY DIFFERENT STYLES SIXTY -IN Cloaks:-: and:-: Wraps, Remember we are the only exclusive Dealers in Dry Goods and Boots Shoes, and our entire Attention is given to these lines. 60 60 Take Notice. All Notes and accounts past due must by settled at once. M. B, G winn. P A I N TI N'G ftnd Paper Hanging Having secured the services of J. A. Tompson, who is a Professional PAPER HANGER, I am prepared to do all kinda of painting, papering, dec orating, etc. Office in Old Tribune Build ing. W. W. WOOD. E H- WLSON, Caldwell, Idaho. Boot & Shoe Maker. Manufacturing and Repair ing done neatly and promptly. Prices to suit the times. Drop in and see for yourself. P J. «FUT. KABLE« PEFLEY Idaho Saddlery Co. Successors lo P. J. PEFLEV, at Boise City and Caldwell, Idaho. This new firm takes the p'ace of the above old and well-known houses, and is now ore pared to accommodate the public with the largest and most varied select stock of fresh new and latest styles of SADDLERY, HARNESS .TRUNKS and Valise Goods ever seen in Idaho Territory, consisting of all of the best grades of custom, hand made Men's, Ladies,' and Boys' Saddles. Single and Double Buggy, Express, Hack, Heavy, and Light Team, Truck and Plow Harness, Collars, Whips, Bridles, Cinches, Riatias, Curry Combs, Brushes, Lashes, Silver in-laid and plain Hits and Spurs, Ladins' and G nts' Fine Trunks and Valises. We are also the sole owners in Idaho, Ore gon and Washington for the celebrated PEERLESS REÎM-HOLDERS the only one on the market that will positive ly hold a rein .where you put it. -• All of the above goods, and in fact every thing in the saddlery line that we carry in stock will be sold at the very lowest bed-rock prices. We also solicit a share of the jobbing rade from the country dealers in our line. «•"Carriage trimmings a specialty. Prompt attention given to repairing. THE LEADER. THE LEADER, The Loader in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Blankets and Quilts. To be in time I have filled my old stand from Floor to the Ceiling With the Fnest Stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOOD ETC. Ever brought to this Market. Prices to Suit Everybody. A Full Line of all kind» Of Family Groceries, NOTIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CUTTLERY, And Everything In that line. Come one, come all and see for yourself, and as usual I will be pleased to wait on you. ISIDOR PilÂYER. LOW PRICES. CHOICE GOODS. Montie B. Gwinn. BUY AN ESTABLISHED LINE OF =STOYES= OR MES xüwm THE BEST ADVERTISED STOVES IN AMERICA. The* Lead All Other». Evtry Stute and PrUm. Adapted to Every Pmr—. GUARANTEED UNEQUALLED -roil'— Operation, Eoonomy, Durability ' and Workmanahlp. ALWAYS HEI. TAT11 -in , tapraiMMoto and Finish found to Ho Qftor*. m SP « c Montie B. Giwnn.