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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
—Go to the dance Tuesday night. — A. L. Butts' new house is rap idly approaching completion; a nice little cottage it is. —The carpenters are raising t^ e walls of Athletic Club's building. It is 25x90, with an eighteen foot roof. It will make a daisy place for recreation for the members. — M. J. Devers will start for Pennsylvania about tha 1st of De cember,-to visit relatives and tell the natives of the Keystone state something about the joys of sage brush farming. —Sherman M. Coffin received a car of hard coal this week from Pennsylvania. Quite a distance to bring coal, but when Coffi n wants a thing he don't allow a few thousand miles to stand in the way. —Bob and Eva McGinley will appear next Friday night at Brown's Hall. This popular com pany appeared here some two or three weeks ago to a crowded house, and were well received. Popular prices of admmission. Tickets at the postoffice. Ex-President Grover Cleveland is noted for clearness of vision and directness of speech in dealing with subjects that concern the welfare of the American people. Mr. Cleveland is specially felicious when dealing with the broad subject of American patriotism— not an ab stract sentiment, but as a practical manifestation of loyalty to country by all classes of citizens in the every-day walks of life. Thus, speaking to the toast of "Our Country" at the recent jewel ers' banquet in-New York city, Mr. Cleveland said: "This is 'our' country because the people have established it, be cause they rule it, because they have developed it, because they fought for it and because they love it. And still each generation of Americans holds it only in trust for those who shall come after them; and they are charged with the obligation to submit it as strong and sound as "it came to their hands. It is not ours to destroy, it is not ours to sell and it is not ours to neglect and injure. It is ours as our families are ours and as our churches and schools are ours—to protect and defend, to foster and improve." A. Clement committed suicide in Hailey last Saturday by taking morphine. He was a Frenchman, well known formerly as a confec tioner. The cause of suicide was despondency because of recent fi nancial reverses. He had no relat ives in this country. It is when the defeated candi dates see their victorious enemies' pictures triumphantly displayed in the newspapers that the sharp anguish of their misfortune dies out in the fiercer joy of accom plished revenge. The most trenchant, eloquent and forceful meisage that President Harrison could send to congress would be a copy of the election re turns of Nov. 4. It is a symposium of the views of the people on the political situa tion. A state charter has been granted to a Chicago company for the transportation of passengers be tween the different sites of the World's Exposition in balloons. The fair projects are becoming airy. J ay Gould had Thanksgiving turkey served up with one or two large railroads as side dishes, the Union Pacific as an entree and the Kock Island in the shape of a light and airy dessert. —We handle the popular brand S. C. corset, the finest, best, and most perfect fitting corset made. If you want them with extra long waist, the only place to find them will be at Oakes Bros. Getting: Ready for the Holidays. J. B. Wright is just receiving a large stock of Christmas goods. Everybody take a look. Dealers supplied at a discount. Also fresh drugs, domestic and imported arriv ing every week. Caldwell is the place tu buy goods cheap. Trusses. A fine line of trusses at Wright's Drug Store on the corner, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Very cheap or cash. —Frank Steunenberg, of the Caldwell Tribune (and the best in Ada) was in town yesterday hunting for a legislative substitute. Frank will be a member of the house and belongs to the Forlorn Ten Democrats who got in. He said that the mild weather was causing the coal-nailin' disease to subside, but unless the U. P. came to their relief it would break out with renewed vigor should the temperature fall.—Boise Democrat. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Boise City, Idaho, ) Nov. io, 1890 J Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Reg ister and Receiver at Boise City, Idaho, on December 23, 1890. viz: William T. Callaway, who made Home stead Entry No. 2387 for Ihe Ey£ NW qr, & lots i & 2 Sec. 30 Tp. 4 n R 2w B. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: James M. Cook, Lewis F. Brown, John J. Scholes and James A. Demet.t, all of Caldwell, Ada Co. Idaho. Chas. S. Kingsley, Register. Peculiar Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar saparilla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar In combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients,^^ a Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the full curative value of tlierfV S best known remediesjr the vegetable king-^X^Q \^^lom. Peculiar in strength and economy—VC/'^^Hood's Sar saparilla tho only medi clne °which can truly besaid^^O ©J«"OneHundred Poses Hollar." Medicines In q V larger and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not ▼P roduce ^ good results as nood's. ^ Peculiar in its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and has won for itself the title of " The greatest bloody purifier ever dlscovcret Peculiarln Its " good name home,"—there Is now ^hiore of Hood's Sarsaparilla— V^sold In Lowell, whore X *Py/lt Is made, than of allV^ ^ blood purifiers■ /£>W u liar in its phenomo-^^ ^^nal record of sales afcroad^^ Q0 other preparation ever attained such popu larity in so short a time, r nd retained Its popularity and confidence among aU classes - -- people so steadfastly. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by *11 druggitt«. fl; «lxforfs. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, IOO Doses One Dollar CUT THIS Whole List Out, take it Down Town and Buy Each. Item. BED SPREADS IN THE WINTER SKIRTS—A MOST LOVELY DESIGNS. ; SPLENDID ASSORTMENT TOWELS ! TOWELS ! TOWELS ! In Damask, I luck, Turkish, Hemstitched, Knotted, Fringe and all Styles and Shapes. We can show the best and largest Assortment. Don't "Forget we take the lead in Winter Shawls, and sell them at prices that astonish all. Notice to Creditors. I Estate of A. J. Strickland deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersingned, i administratrix of the Estate of A. J.Strickland deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deeeased, to exhibit them, wilh the necessary vouchers, within Ten months after the first publiation of this notice, to the Administratrix at Caldwell. Ada county, Idaho, the same being the p'ace for the transaction of the busintss of said estate, in said county .of Ada, Eleanor Strickland,_ Administratrix of the Estate of A. J. Strick land. Dated this 15th day of November, 1890. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Uoise City, Idaho. 1 Nov. 19, 1890. / Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Boise City .Idaho, on December 30, 1890, viz: Taulina Sands, of Caldwell, Idaho, wid ow of Andrew J. Sands, who made lid ap plication No. 1889 for the N %. N E % Sec 27 S ^ S E % Sec 22 Tp 2n R 5 W B P M She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: John W. Hotlenbeak, Isidore Mayer, Patrick A. Devers, of Cald well, Ada county, Idaho, anil John McMahon, of Succor Creek, Owyhee county, Idaho.. Chas. S. Kingsley, Register. Take Notice. All Notes and acc past due must by settled at once. M. B, Gvvinn. Do not Suffer any Longer. Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the first stages of consumption broken in a week, we hereby guaeantee Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it ast prer directions, and do not find our statemen correct. PAINTING And Paper Hanging Having secured the services of J. A. Tompson, who is a Professional PAPER HANGER, I am prepared to do all kinds of painting, papering, dec orating, etc. Office in Old Tribune Build ing. W. W. WOOD. Gem Saloon. J. M. MARTIN, Proprietor. Having opened up a first class Saloon in the building for merly occupied by Wright's drug store, I will be pleased to meet old friends and make new ones. ME. CHURCH—P kracitfn '; at 11 a. m. and 7 :80 p. ra., on the second and fourth Sab bath of raeh month. Sabbath School at 10 a. in. every Salibath. H. N. Maxey, Superintendent. Social Meetings every Friday at 7-,so p. in. J. S. A nderson . Pastor. —To any subscriber of The Tribune who will send us u nein subscriber, we will send 25 novels. The new subscrib er will be entitled to either of our r miunut. Cash must accompany a ne. Persons who lead a life of exposure are sub ject to rheumatism, neuralgia^ and lumbago and will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment; it will ban ihs pain and subdue inflamation. THE LEADER. THE LEADER. The Leader in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Blankets and Quilts. To be in time I have filled my old stand from Floor to the Ceiling With the Fnest Stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOOD ETC. Ever brought to this Market. Prices to Suit Everybody. A Full Line of all kinds Of Family Groceries, NOTIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CUTTLERY, And Everything in that line. Come oue, come all and see for yourself, and as usual I will be pleased to wait on you. ISIDOR MAYER. LOW PRICES. CHOICE GOODS. Montie B. Gwinn. BUY AN ESTABLISHED LINE OP -STOVES' ACORN )ST0VES ANGESC THE BEST ADVERTISED STOVES IN AMERICA. { They Lead All Other». Every Style and Price. Adapted to JSvery Purse. GUARANTEED UNEQUALLED FOR Operation, Economy, Durability and Workmanahlp. AliWAYS HELIAI1LE. Improvements and Finish found In No Others. S s $ // n >■ M M « Montie B. Giwnn.