Newspaper Page Text
One Pure Baking Powder. Like Telling a Secret. A story is told and it is a true story that over seventy per cent, of all the baking powders sold contain either alum or ammonia, and many of these powders contain both. The ill effects upon the system of food raised by alum or ammo nia powders are the more dangerous because of their insidious character. It would be less dangerous for the people were it fatal at once, for then such food would be avoided, but their baneful action because imperceptible at first and slow in its advances, is no less certain. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is declared by all authorities as free from alum, ammonia or any other adul terant. Its purity has never been questioned, and while it does finer and better work, it costs no more at retail than many of the adulterated powders. LOCAL BUSINESS NOTES. Paid For by People Vbo Want Ton to Know Why They Are Hare. I! PAYS TO KEEP POSTED. Jtead this Colnmn as a Matter of Duty fer In It Can be Found Many Things You Ought to Know. Blue vitriol at Blatchley's. Badley, the smoke vender. Onion sets and seed at Blatchley's. Bulk and package seeds at Blatch ley's. Fresh fruits at Wood's store at all times. Green vegetables at Wood's store Sunday morning. Go and see those fine pants for SI.50 and «1.75 at Mayer's. Fob Sale—a good, new organ at a bargain. Enquire at tailor shop. Instructions given on the violin. Address W. D. Fechter, Caldwell. Overshirts— something handsome and nice in silk, all colors, at Mayer's. Try Oakes Bros, for a nice, neat fit ting shoe for ladies or gentlemen. Spring is coming—Blue vitriol for farmers' use—at Wright's Drug Store. Oranges and Lemons just received at Mayer's. Three dozen of either for 81. Try Dr. Grant's Clover Leaf Baking Powder, at Mayer's. Superior tcf all others. If you want to take a drive, remem ber that Johnson can be found at the old stand. Adjustable hardwood window screens to fit any window, at Central Lumber Company. Gentlemen, do you realize that such fine shoes a Lilly Brackett's am be had in your own town ? Well, Oakes Bros, have a full stock of them. Come anil see some handsome styles. That orange and yellow felt that you were looking for has arrived at "The Finest." Wanted —Apprentice girls to learn millinery and dressmaking at Miss A. Carter's millinery parlors, Caldwell. Idaho. Ladies out of town can have samples of all the new spring goods sent tliem by dropping a postal card to Stiles & Dunbar. Oakes Bros, are not trying to nomi nate themselves as delegates to the National Republican Convention, but that did not prevent them selling the biggest lot of spring wraps ever sold in Caldwell. The sale was a success Jin everyrespect. Spend your money at The Finest, where you can ^et value received. Nothing misrepre sented. Let us take your measure for a dress suit! Over 500 samples to select from and prices strictly eastern. A fit guaranteed at the Finest. Why not buy your groceries where you can get what you want, and where there is a guar antee of excellence in quality. Try The Finest. Get a Seeder attachment for hay rake of Howard Sebree Co., a genuine force feed attached to a rake. See the nice line of portiere curtains and draperies of all kinds at the Montie B. Gwinn Mer cantile Co. Flying Dutchman Jr. Sulky Plows at Howard Sebree Co. They are world beaters, go and look at them. Is it good policy to buy goods where you get a second or third grade? Patronize the Finest where the quality is 4 '.finest. ' ' Howard Sebree Co' s car of fine Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons and Carts will arrive on the 30th. See them, they are made especial ly for our Idaho trade. Why! oh why! pay a tailor fifty or sixty dollars for a suit of clothes when the Montie B. Gwinn Mercantile Co. carry a line which they guarantee to fit equally as well for one half the price. Call and be convinced. We are here to serve you. We save you money and save your health by giving you ' 'Finest' ' goods at lowest prices. Go to Howard Sebree Co. and j get a Moline Steel Plow, price $2.50 less than any other make. With the coming of spring comes a desire to change your underwear for lighter weights. A finer line cannot be seen any where than at The Finest. Prices strictly in it. On Saturday, March 26, we will offer Hosiery in the following lots: Lot I, 10 c. per pair, 3 for 25c. Lot 2, 25 c. " 2 for 25c. Lot 3, 25 c. extra value, Lot 4, 35 c. 3 pair for $1.00. Lot 5, 50 c. per pair, worth from 75 c. to $1.25. M. B. G. M. Co. I have moved my office from the bank to room in Odd Fellow's building formerly occupied by Rule & Cole, where you will find me during business hours. If you have any property to sell, stock to sell or property to insure, I will doit for you and on reason able terms. I represent the best insurance company in the world. J. M. Carter. Do not fail to attend our hosiery sale Saturday, March 26th. We will offer twelve hundred pair of Ladies and Childrens hose at one half their real value. Remember the day—Saturday, March 26th. This is only a commencement of the many Bargain Days we ex pect to 1 are from time to time during the coming year, of which you you will be duly notified. Montie B. Gwinn Mer. Co. You Tulco No Iiis it In buying Hood's S ir laparlil"., fcr It i i every where roco-ulzcd Rs t'c s;-uda:\l building-up mcdizinomid blood pnriner. it Ins won Its v.'cy to the front by lu own intrinsic merit, i-id h-.s t'ic 1.' suie of any preparation of lis kind. Bo s uro to get Hood's. Iioad'ii Pill». — The be it liver Invigorator and general crrlliartic. Gsutlo but pi-xn^t :.:id c&cleut Prleo conta ver box. The dedication ceremony which took place at the Odd F«llow's hall on Monday evening last was witnessed by a large audience; it was a beautiful ceremony and was participated in by a large number of Odd Fellows. The hall is now completed for the meeting of the lodge, and is one of tiie best in the state. The noble order is now prospering as never before and Albion Lodge, No. 25, is especially prosperous, and growing rapidly. This hall does credit to the lodge and is a great addi tion to the town of Albion.—Albion Times. _ General Booth was a decided Btic cesi in Rome, and as the leaders of the Salvation army attracted much attention and received many attentions. ____ Harry Nugent, of Pari», Mo., i» a big boy of his age. He is only 14, yet he is six feet two inches weighs 208 pounds, and hides his chilblains in No. 10 cowhide boots Pension Commissioner Raum has had another rebuke from Sec retary Noble, but he is bearing up under it with wonderful calmness. Noble has a big contract on hand if he thinks of "sassing" Raum into a fit of resignation. The Sanders family, of Hender son, Tenn., are persons of good standing in society. Mrs. Sanders wears No. 15 shoes and her five charming daughters encase their little feet in shoes ranging from 15s to 12s, the youngest of them, •'Baby," being content with the smallest pair. Averaged, the six pairs of shoes show up as 14s. The goat and the circus-poster jest once brought 50 centB per jest let. Now it goes begging at 500 cents per dozen. Witticisms about the expansive ness of the Chicago girl's foot once fetched as high as 75 cents in the joke market. Now no publisher will pay more than 13 cents. Mother-in-law jokes, once in great demand at $1, are now prac tically unsalable. We quote 3 cents per dozen as the price. The merry piece of wit about the pater-fîimilias who sets the dog on his daughter's young man, occa sionally brought as high as $2.50. Now the joke constructor is lucky if he gets 25 cents for it. Plumber jokes and those about the ice man once commanded a brisk sale at 50 cents each. Now 25 cents is the maximum price. These things show the inestima ble value of the the new tariff law. —Brooklyn Life. C. "W. COOPER -DEALER IN Lumber & Builder's (Menai, COAL AND WOOD. -MANUFACTURER OP SM Wire (Mination Fence. CALDWELL, IDAHO. Wright's Drug Store The grand central emporium and and depositorium of the whole ar mamentarium of Materia Medica and other things. Fresh drugs ordered every two weeks. Don't forget the place—corner Main and 3rd Avenue, south side. DR. WRIGHT ALWAYS ON DECK. Esto perpetua. . Skookum chuck VISIT TO CALDWELL. Mountaln Home Hange and Valley. A visit to Caldwell Monday was the pleasure of Range and Valley man and only to see the outcrop pings of prosperity on every hand. While there we met our old friends Gus Rikewine, Coe Buchan an and George Ally, once esteemed citizens of Mountain Home, and although we did not meet with C R. Shaw, inquiry told of the pros perous condition of his business Mrs. Rikewine has been in poor health for some time past, but is now improving, the same can also be said of Mrs. Buchanan while George Alley is actually the hap piest man in all Ada county—reai on: "I'm the father of a bouncing boy whose age is just two days; he weighs a little over ten and I tell you what he's a dandy !" And last of the pleasures of our visit, but not the least, it was our pleasure to meet with one of our "childhood's sweethearts, pretty girls,just twenty years ago;" the Miss Cora Hutch ison, now Mrs. McDonald, who with her family, recently arrived in Caldwell from Savannah, Mo. Mr. McDonald now hold the posi tion of book-keeper in the estab lishmet of the Gwinn Mercantile company. He Filled the Bill.—Advertiser: Are you good at figures? Applicant—I am a plumber by trade, and— Advertiser—Consider yourself en gaged.—Judge. When Baby was tick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Uiss, she clung to Castoria. 'When she had Children, she gave them Castoria FOR SALE. a ranch of 1C0 acres, located on Succor crock on the main road to the l)c Lamar and Flint mines; good house, ban and out houses, cheap for cash or easy installments, liood title, a good station. lilt Mlts. J. H. SCHNABKL. A NEW LEAF TURNED FOR 1892. This is what we are doing: Run ning Pullman dining cars, Pullman palace slecding cars, Pullman col onist sleepers, free reclining chair cars and now day coaches. It costs you nothing extra to ride on a first class line. You can reach all east ern points via the Union Pacific. FOB SALE. An excellent hay ranch, Rood for sheep and stock. Hunch located In the heart W the best summer range, ten miles from the best winter range, well fenend, good house and corrals, self 1 rrlgating, running water the year around. A lib; lake borders on one side of the ranch. (Joud title. 1 have also a number of good, gentle work, saddle or buggy horses and four wagons 1 will sell ciieap for cash or on easy terms with good security. „ „ 119 W. F. S CIINAMCL. Through passenger trains, through freight trains, quick time, via the Chicago, Union Pacific & Norih-Western Line to the princi pal cities east of the Missouri rivei, via Omaha. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary Free. The Tribune is continually offering its patrons rare bargains, but the great est of them all is the Original Webster unabridged Dictionary, free of charge. To any subscriber who pays up »u arrearages to The Tkibcne ana for one year in advance, and deposits 50 cents for express charges, we will give one of these valuable books, bound in cloth and gilt. Tnere is no humbug about this offer, it is straight goods. You have wanted a dictionary probably for years, now you can get one for nothing. Two years ago this" book sold for $8, but the copyright expired and cheap re prints were made. Trv one. Should you desire better binding than cloth we can furnish them in naif morocco or full sheep, but they will cost you from 25 to 45 cents extra. BOARD OF TRADE. 0IRECT0RS AND OFFICERS Montie B. Gwinn, President. H. M. Stevenson, Vlc«President. G. L. Cole. Secretary. 8. M. Coffin, Treasurer. John T. Morrison P. A. Devers A. K. Steunenberç H. Ii. Blatchley, Christopher Faby. CITY DIRECTORY. TOWN COUNCIL Montie B. Gwinn, Chairman. Frank Hteunenberg. A. K. Callaway. S. M. Collin, Isidor Mayer. J. H. TATE, Practical— House Talnter and Sign Writer, l'aper Hanging and Kalsominlng. CALDWELL, IDAHO. MISS R. W. ROGERS, M. D. CALDWELL, IDAHO. OFFICE In Masonle Bloek. Ofliee hours, 0 to 11 a. in.. and -i to 5 p. m. I'raetlee limited to diseases of women and children. W. O. Maxey. E. E. Maxey. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Ai . l calls promptly answered day or night. Office in Odd Fellows Block, uustalrs. FRANK MOORE. PHOTOGRAPHER. First-class guaranteed and prices low as the lowest. Galery at res idence. Call and examine work. W. C. STALKER, R ESTliENT DENTIST, sonic Block. Office In New Ma CHAS. A. HAND. SURVEYOR. Locates and Surveys Govern ment and Private Land. A complete set of maps showing all the open and occupied lauds In Boise Valley. lMlch Surveying a Specialty. CHAS. H. REED. Attorney-at-law . win attend to an business intrusted to Ills cure promptly. John T. Morrison, John C. Rice. MORRISON & RICE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office In Odd Fel lows' Building. All legal business entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful uttentlon. CHAS. E. LEE, M. D. TENDERS Ills Professional Services to the Citizens of Caldwell and Boise Valley. I ENCAMPMENT.— T rmpu K ncani-mknt J No. t, I. O. O. F. Meets the first and third Monday In each month at odd Fellows Hall. Visiting Patriarchs made welcome. T ° Ar _ iiy evening euch "week. ally invited to attend. c. T. A tkinson, Noble Grand. K. S tkunkntkho , c. t. A tkinson, Scribe. c. p. O. F. -cal.kwkl.l, Lopau No. 10. Hall new brick building. Regular meeting Wed nesday evening each week. Visiting Bretheru cordially Invited to attend. W, S. B aulky, Secretary. Knights of pythias.— M ountain g km I.OIHIK No, il, K of i*. Meets every I'"day of each mouth at Masonic Hall. Visiting Knights are Invited to attend. S wain B katy , J ohn S tkunkniikko, K. of it. of S. (!, Ip, A 1 '!' ^ m '— k ssknk i .OIXIK No. vit, a. .. , '.'egular communications lield ai Odd 1 ellows (lull, on the Saturday on or after full [noon, MiI inbersof sister lod «es and sojourn ing Bretliern In good standing cordially Invited to attend. S iikum A n M. C oki'in, J. M. CAHTRH, Secretary. \v M. <i every Sunday at Sunday School at M lu' 1 "'"" 1 2:30 p. m. o'clock. evening. m. and at 7:.'<i ; imday I Kong Service 'Sunday evening ut 7:lt> i rayer Meeting at 7 ::io on Thursday U kv . .1. S. M c C ain , Pastor. Divine s k knicks every Sabbath In the 1 H' UiuMi, MoniIIIK Service i*° »• {" .„'•veiiiiiiJSemi* 7 sill it. in. Sabbath School 10:JJ. I riij'er Meeting Friday ovuulug I». ni. Everybody welcome. Ukv. \V. J. Boom k, Pasto