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PLANET mars and its hen jocb Discussion as to tbe Lights and Marks on the Planet. ^semblances Between Mars and Earth _We Cannot Tell Tet About the Men Theré. Are the people on the planet Mars trying to signal the earth? That is the question which the work of the great Lick telescope during the past few days has aroused, as Mars has approached nearer and nearer to the big Cali fornia instrument, wTiich will soon have opportunities for observation sueh as were never known before in the history of astronomy. This may be the explanation of the Btrange phenomena observed this week at the Lick observatory. The results thus far obtained have already been so extraordinary as to have made profound impression upon the practical minds of the astronomers there assembled. Three great lights, forming a tri angle, have been seen in the south western limb of the planet. They had never been seen before, in any observations. There was no mistake about these lights. They were seen for four nights in succession, so that it was impossible that they could have been produced by conditions of the earthly or Martian atmos pheres or have been optical delu eions ot any kind. Wnen first seen at the Lick observatory, these lights in a triangle so astonished the astonomers that they believed them to be the effect of light uncon nected with the planet. They therefore, with true astronomical caution, waited until the following night before devoting much thought to the lights. On the second night, however, which was even more clear and brilliant than the first, the lights were Been to be there when the great polished lens was turned upon the orb which had itepped to its place in the sky. For two succeeding evenings after that these lights were ob served, burning steadily, brilliantly and effulgently, as if from three mountain tops. It was evident that the lights were placed upon mountains in Mars or artificial projections or elevations of some kind. The appearance of three brilliant lights in a triangle upon one of tbe plaiiets in a manner the astrono mers are unable to explain raises a presumption at which their minds recoil. A scientist would, when thoroughly convinced of the exist ence of these light under such con ditions as are known to prevail in Mars, easily glide to the almost irresistible conclusion that they were the work of the men on MarB. Observed at any other time there would be apparently no other mean of explaining these lights in a way satisfactory to common sense Observed at the present time, whon eminent men in science have reached the conclusion that the people on Mars would seize tho opportunity to try again to attract the attention of people on the earth the three lights on Mars are as significant as the moving lights in the diBtanco were to Columbus on his caravel. Hut tho the three strange lights which have looked down tho 3b incli tube of the Lick telescope for four successive nights and astound ed the astronomers at the other end art- not the only unusual appear ances upon the surface of the planet which the great piece of Hint glass has revealed. That glass, which cost over $50,000 and at took years to select, grind and polish until perfection was attained, has re waled things which other observatories have not noticed dur ing the present opposition. The people of Mars being able to bridge this globe which we call Earth so close to them that they can see forests, fields and cities, if indeed, they cannot actually see people walking on the streets, would be eager to establish com munication with us. They may have tried to do this for centuties at each recurring opposition of Mars, or opposition of the Earth, as they would call it, and repeated failures would only stir them to greater efforts. The light» suddenly went out, though, at different times of the four nights when they were seen. It almost seemed as if they were supplied by an electric current and as if the current had been shut off, so suddenly did they disappear. Amazement struck the observers when first the lights went out. They reflected that, of course, the lights were some atmospheric effect on the rim of Mar* and the very fact of their strange disappearance tended to prove this. The next night, however, the three Btrange lights flashed out in the same place as soon as darkness had set in and after showing steadily for a few hours they vanished. SchiaparelU was the first person to give definite basis upon which to rest the belief that Mars was inhabited by a highly civilized race. He discovered that the sur face of the planet was intersected by a large number of canals. Primarily, Flammarion based his theory upon that of Schiaparelli and the two run in together in many places, being to a large ex tent identical. He showed plainly that there was water upon the planet, and there was little doubt, he said, that the inhabitants of Mars very closely resembled those ot the earth. Thus, in considering the subject of opening up communication with the Martians Flammarion has de voted much thought to a possible method of signals which might be devised upon the earth. He has said: "A triangle, traced in lumi nous lines on MarB* surface, each side from twelve to fifteen kilome tres long, would be visible from here by the aid of our telescopes. It follows then that a triangle, square or circle of the dimen sions stated, constructed upon a vast plain of the earth by means of luminous points, reflected in the daytime by solar light and ligted at night by electicity, would be visible to the astronomers of Mars if there are such astronomers and if they have optical instruments as good as our own. Tracing this illustration still fur ther, Flammarion has said: "The logical sequence is simple. If we were to see a triangle con structed on Mars we would be con siderably puzzled, but if we were to see it change first into a square and then into a circle we would think with some reason that such figures reveal without question the presence of a geometrician upon the neighbor world. The question however, now arises, what object our brethren could have in forming these figures. Why Bhould not the inhabitants of Mars be as curious as we are, more intelligent perhaps, more elevated in their aspirations, less hampered than we are in the mire of material needs? Why should they not suppose that the earth is inhabited as well a» their own world, and why should not the object of these geometrical appeals be to ask ub whethes whether we exist? It is not difficult to reply. They show us a triangle; we pro duce it here. They trace a circle; imitate it, and lo! communication is established. DO YOU KNOW That the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company Manufactured and sold OVER ONE THIRD the M owers, R eapers and B inders. of America in 1891. It is a Fact 121780 Is the Record Exceeding the product of any other five factories o earth. It Proves McCormick King Be sure you see them before making any contract for Mowers, Reapers or Binders for 1892. McCORMIOK NO. 4 MOWER, $05 00 McCORMIOK BIG 4 MOWER, $70.00 THE McCORMIOK DAISY FOLDING REAPER, AND THE MACHINE OP STEEL—THE GREAT McCORMIOK BINDER. GENERAL AGENTS CALDWELL. BOISE CITY. S. fl. Collin Commercial Co., Lt d If the care of the hair were made a part of a lady's education, we should not see so many gray heads, and the use of Hall's Hair Renewer would be unnecesary. It makes no difference how ambitious a man may be to excel; at this season he can endure being "thrown into the shade." GUARANTEED CURE. We authorize our advertised druggists to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lunq, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving a it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may re turn the buttle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discove,y could be re'ied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at H. D. Blatchley's Drugstore. Large size 50c. and $1. COULD NOT TELL A LIE. "Tommy, how did you get the back of vour neck all sunburned? " "Pullin' weeds in the garden." "Butyour hair is all wet, my son." "That' persp'ration." "Your vest is on wrong side out, too." "Put it on that way a-purpose." "And how does it happen, Tommy, dear, that you have got Jakey Du Bois' trousers on?" (After a long pause) "Mother, I cannot tell a lie. I've been a Bwimmin'."—Chicago Tribune. PASTOR Ko Diijj. •fetvcToHïO Ht. Titus Duce Gncd. VIII Bam An dbbas, cal Co ., Cal., Fab. 188). Mr boy, 13 years old, wu io affected by 81 Vitui Danes that he eould not go to school lor 9 years. Two bottle* of Pastor Koanlg** Neri« Tonlo restored bla health, and he is now at tending school again. MICHAEL O CONNEL. Could Hare Saved IMlaery. B am Fbamoisoo , Cal.. January, *88. I was treated by several physicians slnoe 1 years to get eared ol epilepsy, bat the attack be. oame more violent and oftener ; since I take Pas tor Koenig's Nerve Tonic I feel delighted at my Improvement. Bad I known of this remedy years ago, I eould have saved moon misery and «arriment of mind and body. MBS. W. PBTKB3. fkfmmkup I 111—1- till» medicine free of chargw. KOENIC MED. GO., Ghloago, lib Sold by Drrsrlsts at SI pctr BotU*. 6teN Kara* Mi» 11.13. ü Bottle; fer «9. C. R. SHAW. R. A. COWDEN. H. R. STEAVENSON CENTRAL LIMER COIPM —DEALERS IN— BOORS & SASH. LUMBER OF ALL SORTS LATHS, PAPER, SHINGLES, FENCING, BUILDING LIME, CEMENT, HAIR, PLASTER PARIS, ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL TIMBERS CUT TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE YARDS AT Caldwell, Emmett, Nampa, and Idaho Falls. S*W MILLS —At— Emmett, Idaho. W hew In Boise you can pass a pleasant half hour in visiting the Picture and Photograph Gallery of HORACE C. MYEER. CO C0 oe FURNITURE STORE A. A. HOOVER, Prop. PARLOR SETS, BED ROOM SETS, WINDOW SHADES, MATTRESSES, BABT CARRIAGES Repairing of all kinds neatly done.