Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years tlie Standard»
Badley, the smoke vender.
School books at Wright's drug store
Send 50 cents for T ue T ribune to
January 1,181*3.
A full line of storm serges now on
sale at Montie Jî. Gwinn Mer. Co.
You furnish tha feet; ().ike3 Bros
furnish the shoes.
A full line of school supplies at
Wright's drug store.
Oakes Bros, show up the best line of
fancy dress trimmings.
Go to Wright's drug store for school
books for your children.
You read this, and so do 1000 others;
suppose it was a local of yours.
Blatchley is headquarters for school
books and all school supplies.
You want customers; so do we. Ad
vertise and we will both get them.
You can buy a pad of blank prom
isory notes for 25 cents at this office.
If you want to take a drive, remem
ber that Johnson can be found at the
•Id stand.
Adjustable hardwood window screens
to fit any window, at Central Lumber
Dressmakers please take notice:
Oakes Bros, have the best dress linings
in the town.
ThiB is only a scheme to inform you
that we can furnish your children with
all school supplies. Blatchley.
Something for Breakfast ! see our
window, '"iihe Finest" is the place to
get a variety of the best goods to eat.
The orice of four drinks will keep
you posted on national, state and local
affairs until January 1, 18U3. Try T he
The shelf ware for the Caldwell Phar
macy ha3 not arrived yet, which delays
t*ie dispensing department, but any
thing else in the c'ruj, patent medicine
or toilet article line you may want, can
be found there. North room of Masonic
After a short vacation we write
again. Last crop hay is being harvested
bj our people.
Mr. Graves, who was sink at John
Mammen's, has recovered sufficiently
to be around again.
Daughter of John Mammen is con
valescing from her recent illness.
Born, at Bowman, on October 1,1802,
to Air. and Mrs. II. G. Jackson, a
bouncing great big boy. Mother and
»on doing nicely, and with careful
attention we learn the father will re
Our citizens are trying to have the
special mail routo from Caldwell to
Bowman made a regular line. We
hope all good citizens will appreciate
the convenience and help us to procure
the same.
School has been closed at Center
Point this week, fiom the fact of the!
teacher haying received a shock re
cently. Subscriber.
Mr. Stockton, at the Ferry, is werk
ing four men 011 his water wheel, and
hopes to be able to complete it in a
short time. The plan of this proposi
tion is this; To build two large drums,
1C feet in diameter by 1G feet in length!
Place them in the river resting at right
angles from each other, 250 feet apart.
Three cables with paddles five feet
apart, two feet wide and 1» feet long,
will then connect the two drums,there- j
by creating such power as to be able to j
raise water in almost any quantity and !
to almost any heighth.—Range and
On« hundred and fifty tons of hay j
for sale, and 1,000 acres of the finest
........ I
winter pasture in the state. j
148 J. ß. W KIGIIT, 0 a !(a\ Y £*1, Idaho.
« j
All must understand that the new
Jaw requires that the registration 0/1
voters must close October 28th—ten days
before election—after trhich no one
tan get their names upov the list, nor [
under any circumstances be allotced to
vote at the election, November 8th.
Blatchley the druggist.
fo Poc&tello on occasion of Grand
Lo dge of Idaho, Oct. 10, 1SW2, fare 115
on certificate plan. A. K. Steunenberg
will sign certificates. By this plan you
buy your ticket paying full fare; the
agent also gives you a certificate, which
when signed by Mr. Steunenberg, enti
tles you to return lor one-fifth fare.
Tickets on sale 5th to 11th; good re
turning until 20th. Hound trip will
cost $15.25.
To Idaho Falls, on occasion of Wo
mans' Christian Temperance union,
Oct. 21 to 24. Kate of 1 1-5 making
round trip cost $18.30.
To Idaho Falls account of Bingham
county fair, October 9, 10, 11, and 12.
One fare for round trip, $15.25.
To Caldwell from all Idaho points,
October 19 and 20, 1 1-5 fare on occa
ion of Goal Templars' Grand Lodge.
Very well informed people have
but little conception of the ten
great railways, whose network of
rails-covers 4 .he the United States
—several of them have a length of
more than 10,000 miles each.
Horç these systems came to exist
in their present vast dimensions,
the territory which they cover, the
causes which have led to their de
velopment, and their future possi
bilities and probabilities, will form
the subject of a series of papers
which will appear in the Cosmopol
itan Magazine. The first of this
series is by President Plant, the
head of the extensive Plant system
of railways and steamers, and ap
pears in the October issue of the
Cosmopolitan, covering the system -,
of railways east of the Alleghanies
and south of the Potomac. i
Hakes the Uvea of many people miserable,
and often leads to self-destruction. Distress
after eating, sour stomach, sick headache,
heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, » all eone "
feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and trregn
nictroaa ,arlt y of tho bowels, are
UioireSS some of tho more common
After symptoms. Dyspepsia does
Entlniw not gct veU 01 ,tseM - H
» requires careful, persistent
attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa
parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and
efficiently. It tones the stomach and other
organs, regulates tho digestion, creates a
good appetite, and by thus A|#»k
overcoming the local symp. „ \ .
Corns removes the sympa- HOSOOCnO
thetic cffects of the disease, banishes the
headache, and refreshes tho tired mind.
" I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I
had but little appetite, and what I did eat
Heart- Stressed mc, or did me
little good. In an hour
blirn after eating I would expe
rience a falntness, or tired, all-gone feeling,
as though I had not eaten anything. My trou
ble, I think, was aggravated by my business,
which Is that of a painter, and from being
more or less shut up In a
room with fresh paint. Last _ ®
spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOmBCn
rllla—took three bottles. It did me an
immense amount of good. It gave me an
appetite, and my food relished and satisfied
the craving I had previously experienced."
G ko&ge A. P age , Watertown, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. ; »ix for f 5. Prepared onlf
by C. I. flood A CO., Apothecaries, Lotrcll, Mail.
IOO Doses One Dollar
notice for publication.
Land Office at Boise City, Idaho, )
August 22, 1892. Ç
Notier is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
ami that sau! proof will I k- ma.le before the
register and receiver at IJoi^e City, Idaho, on
October 5, 1892.
v " : Washington R. lfcck, of Ho-se Shoe
i'f"« who H«l. application. No.
2IOS for the lot» I and 2 Sec. 2ï and lot 1
sec. 24 Tp. 7 N R iK. He names the follow
' n 8 witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Kze
k ' e > -Sweet, Stephen J. rierce, Jeremiah Dill.
01 Sweet, Boise Co , Idaho, Samuel Clark son
C has. S. K ingsley , Register.
of ïfo« Sh^ Ilend,* IdaC
Remember yon cannot
vote unless
you register now. The fact that you
registered tiro years ago will not entitle
yon to a vote. Registrar Callaway
can be found at the postoffice.
notice for publication.
Land Office at Boise City, Idaho. >
Oct. 4, 1892. )
Notice is hereby given that the followinp
nair.ed settler has filed notice ot his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,antl
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver at Boise City, Idaho, on
November 14, 1892.
viz: Henry Brady, of Caldwell, Idaho, who
filed lid application No. 2991 for the the
se Sec. 3, Tp. 3 n R 3w. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Charles M. Crain, Charles Mitchell, Wilbur
S. Badley, Caldwell, Ada Co. Idaho; Charles
W. Bernard, Nampa, Ada Co., Idaho.
Chas. S. Kinosi.ey, Register.
II Your ij w .• -.0
V:>:t :>;:t water 0 :1 t".i ■ Mnihis r.;;t
c:i t:;i srr.o'.:p. An:l II you have ct>f::vrh y
s!: T.tUl attack the dlie.'.io iu t!:e b'.no.l, 110'
i.i yo'/.r nos?. K '";ovo tl.e i;n;>ai'3 causa, a::
th? lassl eT-iet subside «. To «'. > thl.i. t .':
IU kk I ' j 8 »r .ia ;>art:!a, ths Rival I/. k> J purlller.
w'.ibli permanently cures c:.-.t: :r!i.
ir*:iÏT» r.:t:\vlivrr I'.lt, li!Ii:)i\'.'.ioes.
In.tlt'.iCtf. slsfc l! \ co:<.sti;>aLij:i. CCo.
Upon presentation I will pay all carrent ex
pense warrants registered on or before July 1,
Treus. Ada Co.
Boise City, Idaho, Oct. G, 18!)2.
Special Term of the District Cour; of the
Third Judicial District of the State of Idaho,
in and for the County of Ada.
State of Idaho, \
Judicial Department. j
By virtue of the authority vested
in me, by an act of the legislature of the State
ot Idaho, entitled, "An act to provide for
fixing the terms of the District Courts of the
several districts of the State of Idaho, and to
add the sections of this Act to Chapter Three
ofTitle One of the Code of Civil Piocedure
of Idaho as Sections 3834 and 3835," ap
proved December 20, 1890; it is hereby or
dered that a special term of the District
Court of the Third Judicial District of the
State of Idaho, in and for the County of Ada,
shall commence at Boise City, the county
seat of said Ada county, on the twenty-foui th
day of October, 1892. E. Nugent.
Judge of the Third Judicial District of th<
State of Idaho.
Done at Chambers, Boise City, Idaho, S p
tember 27. 1892.
Order to Show Ctuu why Order of Sele of Reil
Estât* Should Not be Made.
In the Probate Court of the County of Ada,
State of Idaho.
In the matter of the Estate of Mary A. Gor.
man, deceased.
Charles II. Reed the administrator of the
estate of Mary A. Gorman, deceased, having
filed his petition herein praying for an Order
of Sale of all the real estate, of said decedent,
for the purposes therein set forth.
It is therefore ordered by the Judge of said
court, that all persons interested in the estate
of said deceased, appear before the said Pro
bate Court on Friday, the 21st day of Octo
ber. 1892, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day. at the Court room of said Probate
Court at the Court house in said County of
A a, to show cause why ar. order sho .Id not
be cranted to the said administrator to sell so
I much of the real estate of the said deceased
j Mary A. Gorman a_s shall be necessary.
And that a copy ot tins oiuer oj ^aulishe
j at least four successive weeks in the Cai.i>
j well T rim' NE a newspaper printed ar ; <
I published in said Ada county.
W. F. Rvai.s,
Judge of the Frobate Court
Dated Sept. 22, 1892.
We are better prepared to fill Pall öuders
than ever before, and we invite purchasers
from surrounding country as well as hoirie
consumers to leave thoir orders with us.
v .r. '
We arestilltakingstep^
to procure for our patrons tlie
very best of everything in the
Grocery Line, and no one is
going to be disappointed.
Of teas we have one brand
in particular of which we will
say :
You get more tea and better tea
from a pound of SCHILLING'S
BEST than from any other kind.
It makes more cups ; it provides
more pleasure. It invigorates
but never irritates.
In its purity is
its power and
hence its econ
In its use you
happily combine
both pleasure
and profit.
When you buy tea be sure you
get tea not paint and poison I
Green teas are hard on your
purse and hard on your health !
safeguard. You won't know what
pure tea means until you try it *
Sold by £
Bert àq<1
last chance ditch comp I ^ T
Place of business, Ummett, Malm
Notice Is hereby «iven th.» .
of tlie directors held ,i s 'i a meeting
tember 17, IRfti, an assessing!} siîf
per share was levied upon the «5T,î 1 2?" ,r » «si
the corporation, pavable on ,,r i, <• 1ital stockt
Ortober, JS92 . tô fhèÂ2£ r o & tlle
at Kmnictt, Idaho. * ' SJl(l corporation
Any stock upon which this asses*™»..
unpaid on the al>ovo date will be ' rpn »lns
advertised tor sale at publie aiictton Ä nt «W
payment Is made before, it w ill » 'W «nl«w
3ist day of October, 1892, to p»y the^u.. on ">e
assessment together with costs f n .f l3, W| H
and expenses of sale. ' a( ivertlsing
Kmmctt, Sept. 17, 1892 " Fultos . Secretary
list ate of Nancy A. I)cnient deceased
Notice Is hereby given bv the mwi .
Furnian I,. Keller, administrator with' «J® 1 **.
annexed of the estate of ffiv A
ceased, to the creditors of* and to a T. ent de '
having claLns against, the said <leeouM,l pe £ (m *
hi bit thein. with the necessary vouX?'&?*
ten months after the llrst publlratinï, '„W»
notice, to the said administrator at the «m hli
Morrison & «ice in the County of Ada. l,eof
ulmlnlstrrator with the win annexe nf lf R '
tute of Nancy Dement deceased , ni,e e «"
•ated at Caldwell, Hept. 13, 1892.
desert land, final proof,—notice Kn.
U. S. Land Office, Boise City, Idaho )
September 5, 1892. ' t
Notice is hereby given that Flora r
I.ittle, of Caldwell, Idaho, has filed notice of
intention to make proof on her desert lw
claim No. 866. fo, the e V z nw^ Sec 2,
sw V. See. 14, Tp 4 N R 3 w, before the
Reg ister and Receiver at Boise City, Idaho on
Saturday, the ' '
15th day of October, 1892,
She names the following witnesses to prove
the complete irrigation and reclamation of said
land: George Little, Sherman M. Coffin
Henry IJ. Blat;hley and Charles O. Picard'
all of Caldwell, Ada Co. Idaho. '
C has . S. K ingsley , Register,
notice for publication.
Land Office, Boise City, Idaho, \
September 3, 1892. j
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intentm
to make final prcof in support of his claim
and that said procf will be made before the
register and receiver at Boise City, Idaho, on
October 22, 1892.
viz: John W. Givens, of Fnrma, Idaho, whe
filed fid. application No. 2,654 for the nek
Sec. II, Tp. 5 n R 6w. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of, said land, vit:
George W. McConnell, David K. McConneli
of l'arma, Idaho, Arian T. Thomas, Felix A.
Tari.il, «f Boise City, Idaho.
C has. S. K ingsley , Register.
The Lest salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, letter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to.give perfect satulaction, or money
refunded.T Price 25 cents per tox. For sale
by H . D. Blatchley.
notice for publication.
Land Office, Boise City, Idaho. )
Sept. 28, 1892, j
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Regis
anil Receiver at Boise City, Idaho, on
November 12, 1892.
viz: Mary An Regan, of Err.mctt, Idaho,
who made Ilü. entry No. 1S56, for the wj£
ne# nvrj( se '4 and ne% s>w# Sec. 32, Tp.
8 N R 1 w. She names thefollowing witnesses
to prove lier continuous residence itpor. and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Michael Vag
ison, Thrn-.as Murphy, Emir.ett, Idaho, Wil
liam Connaughton, Sweet, Idaho, Price
l:ain, Ln.mett, Idaho.
C has. S. K inosi.ey, Recister,