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fkucll wbtittc NO. 202. CALDWELL, IDAHO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1893. TENTH YEAR THE LOCAL MIRROR. Cakes Bros, for shoes. Blatchley the druggist. Badley, the smoke vender. Oakes Bros, for best Bhoes. Choice timothy seed at Blatchley's. Take your prescriptions to Blatchley. Oakes Bros, for best shoes at lowest prices. Utah will probably be admitted to statehood early in 1894. Try Oakes Bros for your winter stock of shoes they will save you money. The Fireman's ball, Thanksgiving, will be a grand affair, everybody ought to go. A train load of beef cattle was shipped from here Wednesday by J. M. Ballan tyne. The smoke vender has a 3-for-a quar ter General Arthur cigar that is a dandy. The Tribune is under obligations to ^Representative .Sweet for valuable pub lic documents. Try a can of Surburgs Golden Scepter smoking tobacco. It is surely perfec tion.—at Badley's. Firemen's ball at the Pacific Hotel Thanksgiving evening. Everybody invited. Tickets® 1.50 Local items are always welcome con tributions to the Tribune . Drop in and leave an item or two. Any one wanting a tine fashion shoe knows that the only place it can be bought is at Oakes Bros. The Phyllis Canal Co, is preparing to run a large latteral to supply Caldwell and adjacent lands with water. Some missed our sale on Scent calico's by waiting too long; now come early if you want the 9 cent grades for 6>£ cents. It is rumored that capitalists have made Dunken and Golden a large otter for their placer ground or Snake river. Commissioner Gwinn and Assessor Horn spent a few days at Emmett last week on official and semi-official busi ness. Unburden yourself in the Kicker's Corner. The way to redress public grievances is to publish and condemn them. One of the Idaho exhibit thieves has been captured and placed under bonds. He was an employe about the Idaho building. Do not fail to attend the Firemen's ball, Thauksgiving evening. A de lightful time assured. Everybody cor dially invited. If there be no scarcity of currency why should the administration be in such a hurry to coin the silver bullion held in the treasury V Congress has adjourned and promptly the President issued his thanksgiving proclamation. A neat way of express ing his acknowledgments. Our stock of clothing must go to nake room for other goods, every suit marked at cost in plain figures. Call and be convinced. Montie B. Gwinn Her. Co. We are closing out our clothing stock and have marked them at actual cost in plain figures come in and examin •ur prices, and you will be sure to buy. H. B. Gwinn Mer. Co. M. Honore Mercier, ex-Premier of Quebec, says that the Canadians are tired of being tied to the apron strings of England and that Canada will be a republic in a very short time. A new line of fall and winter cloaks and jackets have just been opened at Montie B. Gwinn Mer. Co's. Come and pick one out while the assortment is good. This line comprises all the latest novelties of the season. Governor McConnell has appointed C. C. Carpenter, of Thorn creek, near Moscow, a memeber of the board of trustees of the soldiers home to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. D. F. Mahana. Mr. Carpenter was formerly a county commissioner of Latah county and is a Grand Army man. He is successful in the manage ment of his own business, and will be of much service to the board— States man. The Emmett Index says that a party contemplates the erection of a grist mill at Emmett. The State Wagon Road bonds will be taken and work on the road begun early in the spring. We are informed that 600 head of beef steers will be fed on Mr. Sebree's ranch for the spring market. Oakes Bros are closing out a quality of 9 cent zephyr calico's, at 6% cents, now dont wait until they are gone. Representative Sweet and Senator Shoup are expected home shortly. Du bois will remain east a few weeks. Remember on your lot of winter shoes we will do good with you; fully 15 per cent can be saved at Oakes Bros. Grover Cleveland has gone on a squirrel hunt, accompanied by a large contingent of his cabinet. Peace, be still. Badley has a line of smoking tobac co, s from plain sun cured cabbage to the finest Torkish mixture. Anyone can be suited. The big ditch north of Emmett is spoken of as a sure thing. If work begins this fall it will help this section of country materially. Mr. D. A. Connor, of Jordon Valley, called on the Tribune last Saturday. Mr. Connor reports the Jordon Valley country extremely dull. According to agreement, we respect fully inform Jud&e Calloway that the wave of prosperity has not struck us yet, but Grover's gone a cooning. Oakes Bros. Cloak sale was one of the business events of the season. It was one of the best displays of ladies and Misses wraps seen in Caldwell. M. B. Gwinn Mer. Co's usual large and well selected stock of dry goods ladies and gents furnishing goods are daily arriving from the east. They are being marked down very low. Governor McCounell addressed a mass meeting of citizens at Moscow this we6k. It is reported as the largest gathering ever seen in that city. The Governor's speech is highly praised. It is reported that Russia contem plates using a large amount of silver for subsidiary coinage. When the United States gets ready for bi-metal ism there will be no silver to do it with. Albert Gipson, formerly a Tribune typo, has graduated and taken an im portant position in the First National Bank of this city. We wish the young man unbounded success in his new employment. Announcement is made in this im pression of the organzation of a literary society. This is a move in the right direction and should receive the hearty support of the community. Look out for the programme next week. Struckman the well known photo grapher will return to Caldwell this winter to work, he gives general satis faction so save your orders for him. I have new scenery and accessories to make the finest photos in Idaho. The only A. 1. Tobacco in town, Badley's. POPULISTS LOSE IN KANSAS. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 8.—Returns In dicate the Populists lost ground but they claim when the rural districts are heard from the fingers will show they have at least held their own. The Re publicans probably elected seven judges, the Populists five, and the Democrats one. The Republicans claim to have secured most of the offices in at least 75 of the 102 counties in the state and to have elected nine of the 13 judges. LOWELL SOCIETY. The following program will be ren dered at the Presbyterian church, Fri day, November 17th. Declamations—Edna Horn, Belle Pence. Essays—Florence Egleston, Woodie Maxey. Orations—Ruth Gipson, Mr. Boone. Extemporaneous Oration — Albert Brunzell. Select Reading—"Babe" Egleston, Leon Mayer. Debate— Resolved, That the state should control the liquor traffic, j Affirmative—Huber Burr, Negative [ — Chas. Woodward. Members—Miss Dudd, C. J. Shorb. COMING TO CALDWELL. Soma Immigrante From Southeastern Idaho—Tha Baginning of a Steady Flow. The Malad Enterprise says: "John M. Nicholas and family, Rees Jones, Hiram Davis and David Leigh and family will leave soon for Caldwell, Idaho, where they expect to locate per manently. Success to you, may you live long and prosper." In addition to the foregoing, we learn by private letter that p number of other parties contemplate coming here in the near future with a view to settlement. We believe that this is just the beginning of an extensive and desirable influx of people from other portions of the state. Knowing the south eastern part of the state, we do not hesitate to tell all those who desire a change of location that they can do no better than come here. There are ex cellent opportunities here for indus trious and intelligent people. It will always be a pleasure of the Tribune to welcome the claRs of people which are likely to come out of Oneida county and in our efforts to induce them to come here there is nothing mercenary or selfish. If we did not believe that they could better themselves, we would frankly tell them so. They must come with a determination to work and struggle for a few years, and not ex pecting to find everything ready to their hands. On the other hand, we desire to give notice that when those strangers do come they ought to be treated "white." Any attempt to gouge them, misrepresent, or otherwise take advantage of them will only give the country a blackeye. Those people are honest, and hardworking and they come here to develop and build up the country. Let those prosper who now come, and many more will follow. Remember that every acre of ground brought under cultivation in this county adds to the value of every other acre; every home makes every other home more desirable. Ten acres of improved land on a field adds to the value of the whole hundred and sixty. Sell half your land to some one who will cultivate it and immediately the unsold half is of as much value as was the whole. These are facts it will pay to study. But remember this: When good people come to Canyon county to settle, treat them white. TEACHERS CIRTIFICATES ISSUED. As a result of examination of appli cants for teachers certificates in Can von County, held November 1st 1893. Certificates have been issued to the following persons: 1.8. Hicks, Chas O. Broxton, Ella Madden, Daisy Kinkade, Edna Jones, Ida White, Bertha Herrick, Kitte Compton, Caldwell, Idaho. H* F. Baker, A. M. Henry, Nampa. Idaho. Nellie Goodwin, Chas J. Pearsea Pay ette, Idaho. Laura B. Hazeltine, May Salmon, Falk's Store, Idaho. Hattie Stene, Horseshoe Bend, Idaho. Kate Clark, Flora MeCall, Emmett, Idaho. Willa S. Ross, Mae N. Ross, Parma, Idahe. ^ CULTUS CLUB. At a meeting held last Saturday even ing in the office of Morrison and Rice, a literary society was organized to be known as the cultus club, object: Liter ary culture, meetings will be held in Presybterian church every two weeks commencing Monday evening Nov 27th Program of first meeting will appear next week and will consist of music, readings, declamations, essays, orations and debates. Anyone of a literary turn of mind is asked to join and take part. Let the people of Caldwell give this society their hearty support. The ladies are especially invited to attend aud assist us. Ed. E. M axey. Chairman Ex. Com THE EMMETT INDEX. No 1 of volume 1 of the Emmett In dex, with a bow and a smile, greets the new world this week. Mr. Eugene Lor ton is editor and publisher. The Index comes out clean and bright. Unshed with prjmise of success. The Trib une extends to the Index a cordial welcome and, though fully appreciat ing the dangers which confront its in fancy, hopes and believes that it will grow up strong and robust and be for ever a pillar of strength in the cause of humanity and justice. THE KICKER'S CORNER. The Kicker, has come to be recog nized as an important and otten benefi cent element in society, and it has been suggested to the Tribune that he ought to be heard. Therefore, we have concluded to try the somewhat unique experiment of setting aside a column for the especial benefit of the kicker. If you have any grievance of a public nature, you are respectfully invited to register it in the kicker's corner. If your taxes are not justly assessed, if your road overseer, school trustee or teacher does not do his duty; if the city ordinances are not enforced or if hood lums are permitted to make night hide ous, enter your protest in the kicker's corner. Or if bridges or roads are in a bad condition; public nuisances harrass you or your neighbors, file a complaint. Make your pleadings short and pointed and if your kick has any public bearing it will receive atteutiou. Sign your name to all communications, not nec essarily for publication but in evidence of the fact that you are a legitimate kicker. As this department is in the hands of a specialist, kindly address communication intended for this col umn, Tribune Kicker, Caldwell, Idaho. Remember that great latitude will be given the kicker so long as he confines himself to respectful language and public subjects. 3 for 25 cents, Badley's. UTAH ALL RIGHT. Tha Craat Tarritory Join* tha Viotorioui Repub lican Column. Ogden, Utah, Nov. 8.—Utah joined the general Republican landslide, and the latest advices give the legislature to the Republicans on joint ballot. Two years ago there was not a single Re publican in the legislature. Ogden city elects a full Republican municipal and legislative ticket. In Salt Lake national issues were ignored, the Citizens ticket winning over the Liberal ticket which was de feated except city treasurer. Mayor Baskin, who was elected by the Liber als two years, bolted that organization and was nominated on the nonpartisan ticket to succeed himself, thus heading the victorious ticket. All over the territoy there were great Republican gains and the people are jubilant. Utah will join the sisterhood of states as a Republican state. IN NEBRASKA. Tha State Carrlad By tha Rapvbliaaa Tiehat. Omaha, Neb, Nov. 8.— Indications tonight are Harrison, Republican for supreme judge, will carry the state by from 2000 to 6000 plurality over Hol comb. Populist vote shows a decrease, and it is taken as good evidence the party in Nebraska is on the decline. Twenty-four couLties out of 90 in the state show Harrison, Republican, 18, 650; Holcomb, Populist, 15.440; Irvin, Democratic, 9189; Mrs. Bittenbender, Prohibtion, 16 40. NEW MAIL ROUTE. The mail route from Caldwell to Bowman has been extended to Rose well, to take effect on the 13 inst This will give a tri-weekly mail service to Snake river on the south side of Boise river and be a great conven ience to the people in that section who now must come to Bowman or Cald well for mail. Arthur cigar at Badley 's. STOCKMEN'S NOTICE. The Boise Valley Land & Live stock Co. have 1200 tons of fine lucerne hay for sale or will feed and care for A No. 1 beef steers on good terms. Apply to George Ward on the ranch 4 miles east of Parma. Post Office address, Parma, Idaho. NOTICF. H. N. Maxey has bought the dray and express line of W. F. Schnäble and will still continue the work. Mr. Maxey solicits the liberal patronage of the public for work in his line. All kinds of draying and delivering done on short notice. 3, 25's for a quarter, Bad ley's. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Schnabel Bros, having dissolved by mutual consent, notice is hereby given that the business of said firm will hereafter be conducted by Louis Schnabel who earnestly solicits tne continued patronage of the public with the assurance of every effort on his part to give the best satisfaction in his p jwer. w. F. Schnabel, ^ ij „ . Louis Schnabel. Caldwell, Idaho, Nov. fith, 1893. CALL FOR BIDS. Bids will be received at the Clerk's office, Caldwell, Canyon county, for the boarding and maintaining of paupers from January 1st, 1894, to January 1st 1895, and also bids will be received for medical attendance and n.edicines for paupers for the ensuing year of 1894 per order of the board. m. b. Gwinn, J ohn T. Keegan , Chairman. 202 Clerk. FOR CASH. Clothing at Cost. Each suit marked in plain figures in red ink. Examin j our prices. Montie r Gwinn Mer. Co. The celebrated Arthur cigar. I will pay warrants numbered on bacK 38, 35», 40, registered April 21, 1893, on Current Expense Fund, at my office in First .National Bank. Howard Sebree, Treasurer, Canyon Co. Caldwell, Idaho, Nov. 3, 1893. I will pay all warrants on the School Fund registered to date, at my office in First National Hank. Howard Sebree, Treasurer, Canyon Co. Caldwell, Idaho, Nov. 3, 1893. notice-deskrt land. U. 8. Land Office, Bulge City Idaho I July is, 181)3. | Complaint having been entered at this office by Clara J. McUlnty against Dan W. Thomas for failure to comply with law an to desert land entry No. 798. dated July 12, I8»n, upon the wH s.w. H section 5, township 3, N range 2 w, In Canyon county, Idaho, with a ■ view to the cancellation of said entry: contestant alleging that Dan W. Thomas made said entry with H|teculatlve and fraudulent Intent and not for the purpose of redeeming the lands embraced therein from their arid condition or reclaiming, cultivating or settling upon the same. Thai said entryman failed during the year« 1880, 1891, 1892, and 1893 to date hereof, toconvey, er cause to be conveyed, upon said land or any part thereof, sufficient or any water for the Irrigation or reclamation of said land from Its desert and arid condition and has not from said 12th day of July, 18M, to the 12th day of July, 1893, both Inclusive, or at any other time, or at all, cultivated, Irrigated or in any manner reclaimed said land or any portion thereof from Its desert and arid condition. That said cntrymen has not filed la said office his election to take the benefits of and prove up said land under the act of March 3rd, 1891 pertaining to desert land entries. That this aJWdavit Is amendatory of a certain affidavit of content against said entry, filed by the contestant In said office July s, 1893. The said partie« are hereby summonod to appear at this office on the Gtn day of September t898, at ten o'clock a. m. to respond and furnish testimony concerning the salo alleged failure. Affidavit of Inability to make personal service filed, and service by publication ordered Sept. 2,1891. Oct. 28. 189», day set for hearing. Chas. 8. Kdkmlkt , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. land Office at Boise City, Idaho. I Oct. 6th, 1888. f Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Boise City, Idaho, on November 13,1803, vl2: WlUlam Hljli of Emmett, Idaho, loi inwi via. niiusw vi nn iiuvw; msis Hd. application. No. 1975 for the W.H 8.1.b 8ec. 2, and N. % N.B. H Sec. U, Tto. 7 N.R: 1 W. He names the following wltneaae« to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of. said land, viz : Sidney Kingman. George Tregaskls. Charles Oakes ana John Hump«, fil of Emmett, Canyon Co. Idaho. C has . 8. K inosijcy , Register. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. The Last Chance Ditch Co., of Emmett, Idaho. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the directors of said company, held In Emmett, Idaho, on Saturday, October 14th, '.898. An assessment of SM per share, was levied on the capital stock of said company, payable to the Secretary. John Carter, at Ills residence In Em mett, Idaho, on or before the 14th day of No vember, 18»3. Any stock on which the assess ment remains unpaid after the above date will be delinquent and «ill be advertised for sale at pub lic auction and imless paynwnt Is made before will be sold on the 9th day or December to pay the delinquent assessment and the costs of ad vertising and the expenses of the sale. J ohn C aktkr , Secretary. Emmett, Idaho, October 14, 1893. NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. Postofficc address of Inspectors and Deputies: Robert Alkman, Sheep Inspector Canyon County, Idaho, Middleton. dkput1ks. T. P. Cupp, Emmett, Idaho. H. C. McDowell, l*ayette, Idaho. Address correspondence or call on as above. roitkbt alkman, Mayl*—I.T. Inspector. notice kok 1'ublication. Land Office, Hoise City, Idaho. ) Sept. 28, 1893, > Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Regis and Receiver at Boise City, Idaho, on November 14, 1893. viz: Henri Viaene, of I'arma, Idaho, Hd. application No. 2251, for the sw qrSec.. 19. nw qr nw qr, Sec. 30, Tp. 5 n K 4w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Hezekiah McLaughlin, Thomas Ronan, Michael Devers, of Caldwell, and James N. Tucker, ol Parma, Canyon Co. Idaho. Chas. S. Kingsley , Register,