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CûfôttKli tïbune. VOL. XI, NO. 7. CALDWELL, IDAHO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1894. PER COPY, FIVE CENTS Oakes Bros, for shoes. Blatchley the druggist. Badley, the smoke vender. Stationery and notions at Badley's. Take your prescriptions to Blatchley. If you want tine stationery, go to Blatchley's. Badley sells the famous General Arthur cigar. A big drive in fine toilet soap at Blatchley's, Mr. Swain Beaty has been on the sick list during the week. A choice assortment of pure candies •an always be found at Badley's. Mr. Stewart. Boise's prominent attor ney, was down at the metropolis, Mou day. Come and see the latest styles in lace edged cabinets at the gallery back of post otlice. It is said that lead ore will be pro tected with a one cent duty. Down with tue robber tarift'( V) Oakes Bros, are fitting un their new quarters in excellent shape. Call and see them and look over their bargains. Please remember that the Triiiune is only $2 a year and renewing for another year you get 25 per cent, off on the old account. Sensible people always act sensibly, therefore it is hardly necessary to call your attention to the fact that Badley keeps the only pure candies. The Baptist ladies are noted for their good cooking. Patronize their festival Thursday evening and judge for your self. It will only cost two bits. Capt. Gunn is holding a series of po litical meetings in the eastern part of the state. Peoples'party clubs are be ing organized wherever parcticable. The Tribune is under obligations to Senator Shoup for a splendid public document, Report on the Population and Resources of Alaska, ceusus of 1890. Struckman can take photos as well in cloudy, as in fair weather. One hundred Sitters wanted to work up my stock in the next two weeks. next two weeks. Gallery back of post otlice. The Wilson bill has passed the House; the Federal election law has been re pealed and still Henry WaUerson is cussing a blue streak. Waat does Simon pure Democracy want anyway. It is whispered confidentially that a Caldwell man has discovered a little ÎÎÏÏSLS« i ä A° fn n l t f hre , atens ^ ® lzed sta t e treas ' ^o/ilM. C 1li UrniS S S om S f material in Idaho and don t J^orget CnnHnnTi w 8 k S 8 °1? u 2?Jî rv£" Mr w JL hk k ' m ^ ^ ry ^ mn'frïlîîv iajudgment }f 8IjO, 000 against the New 1 ork and Phyllis nnrfoTthô h. y ? ne canals fall hammer! \J imir ontortain.1 The literary antfmusical entertain ment at the Presbyterian church last Monday night was a success in every respect. Every number was well ren dered and the program was excellent. Such entertainments speak highly for Caldwell's local talent and accomplish ments. A number of Republicans met at «♦Kl»««/« Koii Tv. j F f!îr nÏ2inîîî l J^ ay »' D1 ?î l ii oa ^ a o ge «?ihî!î. anoithT? 4S we . publican club, f he pot political bub îles apace and there will be a triangular contest here pretty soon that will be worth something to see. In the last few days a family was dis covered in lower Boise in a destitute condition. A numuer of merchants ,n,j «ihn. r ® A „ V persons at once îaïo frSiAW Thio^I 0 yv? 10 « 8 ? mor * follow. This is the first case of actual destitution which has come to the public knowledge during the hard times. A rousing meeting was held at Pay ette last Saturday and it was deter mined to go right to work arid build a railroad to Emmett. The people of both commities are enthused. It occurs to us that the time has arrived when »h« M« should apologize for poking fun at this railroad boom. Some body wants to know if Corbett and Jackson may fight in Idaho. The moral sentiment of this state and the statutes are dead against those exhibi tions of brutality, but a little way be low Caldwell is a piece of neutral terri tory called no man's land. It lies be tween Oregon and Idaho and is outside of any jurisdiction. This is merely a suggestion. A gold saving machine will be put in operation on property belonging to Postmaster Leonard of Boise City. Mr. Richmond will put the machine in working order and have everything in readiness lor a practical test tomorrow. The work will be done on Snake river, a few miles from this city. A number of Boise capitalists will come down to witness the operation. The ladies of the Baptist church will give an all round good supper in the building formerly known as the Athlet ic Hall, on Thursday evening Feb. 22. Supper at 25 cents each, will be served from 5:30 to 8:30 p. m. After which time, all lovers of a general good time are invited to come in and participate in a Topic Social, which will be inter spersed with ice cream and cake. Oakes Bros, for best shoes. FIRE—man's dance Thursday night. Boston Baked Beans at the Festival Thursday evening. Col. Irwin of the Phyllis Canal Co, was in Caldwell, Tuesday. You save % of your money if you buy your fine soap at Blatchley's. Mr. Isidor Mayer, has been in DeLa mar on business during the week. Young man, stop! That girl of yours desires to dance. Remember the Firemen. In deference to the declamation con test. the Lowell Literary will not meet next Friday. The Caldwell Brass Band under the able leadership of Prof. Smithson is making splendid progress. j The C. O. D. store has been moved I from the Masonic block to the building j recently occupied by Oakes Bros. Ingalls says that Cleveland is becom ing irascible, ivirs. C. had better run over to Europe for a year or two again. The Tribune is very much taken up this vveek bv ordinances. Some of them are of great importance and ought to be read carefully. j The old warship Kearsage that knock ed out the famous Alabama was wrecked and went to the bottom of the sea a few davs ago. I The T. C. Egleston Declamation Con test will be held in the Presbyterian church, Friday evening, Feruary 23rd, 1894. Admission, 25 cents, i Mr. Rollo, of Middleton has a kennel of pure bred St Bernard dogs. They are said to be beauties. Mr. Rollo is a dog fancier of extended reputation. , StrucKman the photographer will be in Caldwell for two weeks longer only. To work up my stock of goods have reduced cabinet photos to $2.25 per doz. The reason why Rep. Sweet did not vote against the Wilson bill was that j he was taken suddenly very sick. It was not known that he expected to be sick. ! Middleton people have entered the : lists in the grand county seat race. The wire will fall on the morning of Training is now in 1 November 8th. order. j [t ig rumored that considerable inter necine commotion was caused on the 14 by the sending and receiving of va rious indiscribable missiles, called val entines. ! Mary Hallack Foote has written a novel on the Cœur'd Alene mining troubles. Considering the yarns al re ady spun on that subject one would think the theme exhausted. 1 The f ireman 's will hold their annual at Pacific the evening of ; Washington's birthday. Februaryjfend, im Look out for furthtf an nouncements and get ready to attend a great event and help along a nrnn/ 1 oonu good cause. Midwinter Fair rates from Caldwell to San Francisco via Portland and steamer and return 847,10. via Portland and Shasta Route (all rail) and return $52,60. Tickets limited to continuous passage each direction with final limit of 30 days. G eo . L. A lley , Agent. A petition has been circulated ask A petition nas been circulated ask j city council to submit the ' question of bonding for the purpose of * erecting water works and an electric lighting plant for Caldwell. The proposition seems to meet with much approval. Last Friday evening the many friends of Miss Mollie Callaway, collected to gether and marched to the residence of geuitji »nu niaient* tu iue resiuwiice or j Mr. Alex Dement, where they gave the y° un & lad y an agreeable surprise. Miss ; Callaway entertained them in her usual KSSH&JItartH vivacious manner and a very pleasant evening was spent. Say, Whist! come around the corner. Ah! anybody looking? Lend me your ear. Hush! Heard anything about —hist —whist—heard anything about county s-s- whist—seat ? Nope. Why —hist—going-whist -put it—hush-lis ten-going to plant her over at—hush The commissioners of Ada county have called an extra meeting of the board in order to provide for fencing in the gave yard. Boise corpses must be inclined to leave, the reservation. Prompt action on the part of the com missioners may save a general stampede. The regular monthlv Odd Fellow's sociable last Wednesday evening was a highly enjoyable affair. Thirty or forty link bearers together with their wives and families and best girls gathered at the lodere room and spent the evening in games, songs and sociability, An elegant luncheon was served by the ladies of the Baptist church and a hap pier event could scarcely be imagined. Wednesday evening a pleasant valen tine party was given by the Christian Endeavor society at the home of the Misses Hartlev. About twenty-five or thirty invited guests were present and the evening made enjoyable by singing, and playing many interesting games. At about 10 o'clock the valentines were distributed, comic, handsome and sen timental, after which the guests regaled themselves with pop-corn and other edibles. The Misses Hartley are ex cellent entertainers and made every one feel perfectly at ease. GOLDEN G0LDEÏ 0PP0RTÜIITY. In order to reduce our large stock previous to taking our Annual Inven tory February 1st, we shall, until then, make remarkable reductions in prices on all kinds of goods. Montie b. Gwinn Mer. Co. OPPORTUNITY GOOD REASONS WHY. FIRST—A poor man who has no credit buys of us Ten Dollars worth of goods and pays the cash. A rich man who has a credit also buys of us Ten Dollars worth and has it charged for 30, 60 or even 90 days. Is this just to the poor man? SECOND—In doing a credit business every year is sure to show up some bad debts. The merchant can't afford to run his business at a loss, therefore, he must charge the cash customer enough more to make up what he loses on these bad accounts. Can he afford to stand it? THIRD—In selling for cash we have no bad accounts, everyone is treated alike. You can readily understand why we can sell cheaper under this system. ALL GOODS ARE BEING REDUCED PROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT. Yours For Bargains, NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Hereafter our business will be conducted in the building recently occupied by Brown Bros.; $Text to H. D. Blatchley's Drug Store. &' Bj For sale a new school or fire bell, cheap. Enquire of Chief of Caldwell Fire Department Caldwell, Idaho. It strikes us that Governor McCon nell is. writing more private letters for publication than the occasion demands. Emmett people hsve agreed to con tribute $10.000 towards the Payette railroad. Payette will make known its contribution after mature reflection. Terrible storms haye been raging throughout the east during the last week, devasting, the country and de stroying hundreds of lives. It is good to live in Canyon county in times like these. BORN—Near Dixie, February 9th, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gilbert, a daughter. All in good condition. PEOPLE'S PARTY CLUB. At a meeting held in the town hall, last Friday night, a People's party club was organized with some 18 or 20 members. W. C. Dunbar was elected president; Junius Wright, secretary; W. P. Carter, vice-president and C. W. Cooper, treasurer: A number of short speeches were made ai.d it was deter mined to hold fortnightly meetings of the clnb where the leading political issues of the day will be discussed from all standpoints. The populists seem to be quite sanguine of success in this county and are moving .vigorously. The next regular club meeting will oc cur two weeks from next Monday night. _ GOOD NEWS. The Tribune is pleased to learn that the Misses Dorman will open a first class dress making establishment in this city about April 1st. The ladies are expert seamstresses and have had extensive experience in dress making. Thev will be prepared to turn out the latest and most, approved styles of ladies' wear at reasonable prices. The attention of Caldwell ladies is called to this matter in order that they may save themselves the trouble and expense of sending away to have their sprinor dresses -made. It is so much nicer to have your dresses made at home. THE STRAIGHT OF IT. An article which recently appeared in the Hailey Times gives the impres sion that there yet remains some doubt as to what the trustees of the soldier's home will do with respect to changing the plans of construction of the home. We are authorized to say that the trustees never seriously contemplated any change, and furthermore, there is no disposition to push construction in order to find employment for Boise's unemployed or any other unfortunates. The trustees fully appreciate all the conditions which oppress the people of Idaho and, with perhaps one excep tion, are anxious that nothing shall be done which will add to the burden. It is but fair t ? state that Dr. Maxey, of the board of trustees, published a state ment in which he expressed himself as opposed to the proposed changes and also opposed to urging operations un necessarily. It is hoped that this will put the matter at rest, and also place the majority of the trustees before the public in a right light. NOTICE. I have rented the blacksmith shop in Middleton and am prepared to do all kinds of general blacksmithing, horse shoeing etc. Henry G. Reinemer. OUTPUT OF THE DELAMAR FOR JANUARY. The following statement from the Nugget shows the output of the DeLa mar mine for January: Tons crushed 306" Value bullion realized 977,875 00 Value ore shipped I4,ooo oo Miscellaneous receipts 90 00 Total «91,965 00 Expenses 40,385 10 Estimated profit $61,580 00 The estimated profit for December, 1893, was $52, 547. Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloomfield, Iowa, Farmer, says: "I can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all sufferers with colds and croup. I have used it in my family for the past two years and have found it the best I ever used for the purposes for which it is intended. 50 cent bottles for sale by all drnggists. f ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court .of the Third Judicial Dis trict, state of Idaho, in and for Canyon* County. George W. Huntley, Plaintiff, vs. , Robert B. Young, Ella Young and James W. Patton, Defendants. [ The State of Idaho send» Greeting: to Robert B. Young, blUa Young and Jamea IF. Patton';. Defendants. You are hereby summoned and required to ap pear in an action brought against you by. said plaintiff, in the said District Court, and to an- - swer the complaint of the above named plaintiff filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of thin : summons, if served within this County; or if served out of this county but within this Judicial* District, within twenty days ; or if served else where, within forty days. The said action is brought to obtain a decree of this court for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, described In the - complaint, and executed by said Robert B. Young and Ella Young on the 29th day of November,. 1892, to secure the payment of a promissory note made by said Robert B. Young to plaintiff on the same day. for $18<>. 80 described In the complaint herein, which with Interest at the rate of IÎ4 per cent, per month from the 29th day of November, 1892, is due and unnaid ; also $7.79 paid for taxes, with interest at 10 per cent, per anntun îfrom February 13th, 1893; also $00.00 paid, balance due on a deed of trust to the Caldwell Building and Loan Association, with interest at the rate - often per cent. per annum from the 29th day of July, 1893; that the premises conveyed by said mortgage may be sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of said note, moneys ex pended by plaintiff as .«foresaid, and costs of suit. For further particulars reference to the complaint on file is hereby made, and in case such proceeds are not sufficient to pay the same, then to obtain an executiou against said Robert B. Young for the balance remaining due, anil also that the said defendants, - and all persons claiming by, through and under them may be barred and foreclosed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity of redemption, and interest in and to said mortgaged premises, and every part there of, and for other and further relief. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as above required the said plaintiff will take default against you, and apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Attest my hand and the seal of the District Court of the Third Judicial District, State |seal ] of Idaho, in and for Canyon County, this 19th day of January 1894. Bv John T. Kkegan, George Little , Clerk. Deputy Clerk. Morrison & Rice , Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that the firm heretofore existing between Geo. Oakes, Ralph W. Oakes &Chas. A. Oakes, is this day, dissolved by mutual consent, Chas. A. Oakes retiring. Said Geo. C. Oakes & Ralph W. Oakes assuming all liabilities of the late firm and to receive, all, sums there to. GeorokC. Oakeh, Ralph W. Oakes, Chah . A. Oakes. Caldwell, Idaho, Feb. 1st, 1894. u ^ ;