OCR Interpretation

The Caldwell tribune. [volume] (Caldwell, Idaho Territory [Idaho]) 1883-1928, February 24, 1894, Image 5

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091092/1894-02-24/ed-1/seq-5/

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Mr. Frank Myers has built him
self a new house.
A Mr. Groves of Missouri i9 vis
iting with his uncle, Mr. George.
George Ashe, his father and
mother have moved onto the John
son place.
Mr. C. P. Lee and family are
going to move on their ranch down
on the bench before long.
Mr. M. B. Bowman and family
are visiting with relatives and
friends in and near Caldwell.
Mr. B. H. McDougal and Arthur
Scott have been digging a well for
Tennyson Wright on his ranch.
Miss Tina Adams of Marble
Front is visiting with relatives and
friends in and around this vicin
Mr. C. R. Smith will move his
family to Caldwell in a few weeks.
They will be greatly missed from
this community.
Mr. Ed Melvin has sold his
place and he and his family will
move onto the Atkinson place for
the present.
Mr. J. H. Lowell will put his
to work on the Riverside ditch
as soon as the ground thaws out
and the weather gets better.
The Western Union Literary
Society will close Saturday evening
with an exibition at the Center
Point school house. All are cordi
ally iuvited to attend.
February 19th, 1894. Pansy.
Soma Ideas on
the Deputy
Business—A few
In response to a request for a legal
opinion, bearing on the powers and
duties of the board of county commis
sioners in the matter of allowing clerk
hire to assessors and probate judges,
attorney Forney of Latah county sub
mitted the following:
The board of commissioners is a tri
bunal of special and limited jurisdic
tion. Its powers are specially con
ferred by statute and its power to act
must affirmatively appear. The board
has, however, discretionary powers in
certain instances: for example, the
1)0 wer conferred by section 6, article 18
of the constitution, in which they are
permitted to fix the compensation of
such deputies and clerical assistants of
the sheriff and auditor as the business
of their respective offices may require.
This is a legal discretion and should be
exercised for the best interests of the
county. "The maximum compensa
tion to be paid annually to assessors
and tax collectors is limited oy the
provisions of section 6, article 18 of the
constitution to the sum of $3,000, and
he cannot in any event receive a large
sum." The constitution contains no
provision making allowances for dep
uties or clerical assistants in any office
other than the sheriff and auditor, and,
in my opinion, clearly prohibits such
allowances to any other officer.
Referring to the remaining question
propounded by you, whether the sheriff
is entitled to à per diem compensation
for attending upon the District Court
when in session, I am clearly of
opinion that he is not. Under the old
law, this per diem was legally charge
able against the county. IJut by the
adoption of the constitution and the
enactment of subsequent legislation
this provision was repealed, and the
countv is not liable for any fees or com
missions as hereinbefore stated, unless
made so by some express statutory pro
The foregoing extracts are published
in order that both sides
question may be heard.
of the deputy
Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloomfield,
Iowa, farmer, says: "I can recommend
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all sufferers
with colds and croup. I have used it in my
family for the past two years and have found
it the best I ever used for the purposes for
which it is intended. 50 cent bottles for sale
by all drnggists.
Came to my place on or about January 15th,
«nie yearling sleer; strawberry roan, branded,
ftitherC.or (i. on rinht hip and right shoulder,
marked under slope off right ear and upper slope
off left ear. The owner should come forward
prove property, pay charges and take the same
away. Jacob. Alchenber«er.
Middleton, Idaho.
The regular election will be held in this city of
i-amwell, Tuesday April 3rd, 18114, for the pur
pose or electing: Mayor, City Clerk, and City
engineer to serve foi a term of one year, and one
councihiuu each for the 1st, _»ad and 3rd ward to
verve for a tune of two years.
. £ ll( >wing officers were appointed at the
last regular meeting of the city council:
kor registrars
Owinn; 2nd ward, Lot L.
e L i an li' ward, Frank .J. Huntington, Said
registrations may be made on every Saturday
between the hours of a o'clock A.M. and 5
4» clock F M. and 7 o'clock P. M. and 9o'clock
■ 1 W1I11: tlM ; PuMleatlon of.thls notice
and 10th day preceediutç said election, and on
any other day that said Registrars may be
found at their respective places of registrations :
ror distributing clerk's of
1st ward, E. E. Maxey; 2nd
Keaty; 3rd ward, Chris Faliy.
ward, Swain
forjudges ok election.
ist ward, B. F. Hartkopf; j. b . Wright and
J. A. Dement: voting place Court House; 2nd
ward, C. W. Cooper; D. S. Brown, andC. A.
Hand; voting place City Hall: 3rd ward, D. W.
White, A. L. Buttsand 1. N. Faynter; voting
place, Gwinn's old store building.
Attest, Howard Serrer,
A. C. McDonald , Mayor.
City Clerk.
Dftted, Caldwell, Idaho, Feb. 13, 1894,
Estate of .John W. Harris, Deceased.
N >tice is iiereby given by the undersigned, ad
ministratrix of the estate of John W. Harris,
deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons
having claims against the said deceased, to ex
hibit them with the necessary vouchers, within
four months after the first publication of this no
tice, to the said administratrix at her residence
five miles south of the town of Caldwell on the
Oregon Short Line railway,
Mrs. Jennie Harris,
Administratrix of the estate of John W. Harris,
desert land, final proof.—notice for
U. S. Land Office, Poise City, Idaho, )
February 21, 1894. )
Notice ; s hereby given that Eliza Chapman
of Boise City, Idaho, has filed notice of in
tention to make proof on his desert-land
claim No. 689, for the e}4 Sec. 31» Tp. 4 n
R 2 w, before the Register and Receiver at
Boise City, Idaho, on
Saturday, the 31st day of March, 1894.
He names the following witnesses to prove
the complete irrigation and reclamation of
said land: Curtis A. Force, Ernest Hesse, of
! Boise City, Ada Co. Idaho; Albert A. Hol
■ comb, Frank A. Randall, of Nampa, Canyon
Co., Idaho.
Chas. S. Kingsley, Register.
**?!.■ ii*
Manufacturer of a
Superior Grade of Harness and Saddles.
Give us your Patronage
and we will give you
Next Door to the M. E. Church.
Always take your
A. L. Butts,
work to the
in Caldwell. First class work
guaranteed, and prices as low as
the lowest. Shop near Kimball
street bridge.
Bakery and Coffee House.
Fresh Bread always on hand—
All kinds of Pastry, Coffee, Tea
and Lunch served at all hours of
! the day.
Next Door to Caldwell Meat Market.
Henry G. Reinemer,
Middleton, Idaho,
I am ready to do all kinds of
Blacksmithing and Horse shoeing
at a price as low as the lowest.
An ordinance prohibiting the molestation or use
of the fire apparatus, or any property belong
ing to the fire system of the City of Caldwell for
any other purposes then the prevention and
suppression of lires and the drill of the fire de
partment ; and providing a penalty for viola
tion thereof.
Be it ordained b y the Mayor and Council of the
City of Caldwell.
Sec . 1. Any person who shall handle, molest,
use, carry away, injure or destroy any apparatus
or property belonging to the fire department or
the lire system of the City of Caldwell, for any
other purposes then the prevention and suppres
sion of fires and drill of the fire department,
shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not
to exceed one hundred dollars nor less than live
dollars and in default of payment thereof shall
be committed to jail for a time not to exceed one
day for every two dollars of said fine.
Sec. 2 This ordinance shall take effect firom
and after its passage approval and publication
passed and approved this 7th day of Feb. 181H.
Howard Serree,
A. C. McDonald , Mayor.
notice for publication.
• Land Office at Boise City, Idaho, /
Feb. 8, 1894. )
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has'iiied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Clerk of the District Court at Caldwell,
Idaho, on
March 26, 1894.
viz: Julia Mammen, who was Julia Gray, of
Bowman, Idaho, Hd. application 2044 f >r the
lot 7, and se^ sw#, and Sec. 26,
Tp. s n R 5 w. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of, said land, viz:
Mounce B. Bowman, Mounce Bird Bowman,
Pleasant Scott, of Bowman, Canyon Co.,
Idaho; Charles P. Lee, of Roswell, Canyon
Co., Idaho.
Chas. Kingsley, Register.
Continues on Boots, Shoes, etc., with the addition of our large and complete line of Harness,
^ Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Robes, Horse Blankets and Fur Goods.
Mens heavy, tap sole, full stock boot, $2.50. Men's heavy, tap soled blots, $1.90.
Men's rubbers, 50 cents.
Ladies' rubbers, 40 cents.
Misses rubbers, 35 cents.
Children's rubbers, 25 cents.
Men's lined Alaskas, 75 cents.
Ladies' Jersey Alaskas, 75 cents.
Ladies' snow excluders, $1.
Gents' snow excluders, $1.25 to 1.50.
Boys' gum boots, $1.
Felt boots with overshoes, $2.
German and lumberman's socks, 65
and 75 cents.
Lined gloves and mittens, 25, 50,
65, and 75 cent9.
old price.
Single harness, nickel and rubber
trimmings $ 25 00
ingle harness, nickle trimmings 20 00
Single harness, nickle trimmings 14 00
Single harness, X. C. trimmings 10 00
Double buggy harness 60 00
Double buggy harness, nick'le trim's.. 35 00
Double buggy harness, X. C. trim's.. . 25 00
Double team harness . . 45 00
$18 00
16 00
10 00
17 50 (
40 OOl
Horse collars, formerly sold at $4 .50, $4, and $3.50, reduced to $3.50, $3, $2.50 and $2.
ets reduced from $6, $5, $4. 50 to $3.50, $2. 75, $2 and $1. 25. Men's
fur coats at cost, $10 to $45.
ferecL in tlie West.
Cups, saucers, plates, glasses, bed room sets. Every
thing at your own price. Genuine sacrifice sale.
Stock must be cleared away. Goods
25 per cent, less than whole
sale cost.
This sale will continue until the 1st day of January. Not
one day longer. Come now. Invest your holiday
money to the best advantage. $5 will buy now as
much as $10 any other time.
S. M. Coffin Commercial Co., Ltd.
Our line of Cooking Stoves and Ranges is complete
in all sizes and styles.
Tinware, Granite ware, "Wooden ware and a complete
stock of House Furnishing Goods.
S. M. Coffin Com! Co. Ltd.
We have 125 dozen pair of fine
wool socks. We will sell 3 pair for
50 cents.
Ladies' glove grained calf shoes 1.25
Ladies' heavy glove-grained calf
shoes, $1.50.
Ladies' all telt and felt lined shoes,
We have a complete line of
French kid shoes, in all styles and
prices. (See our new line of Juli
etts and 5 button boots.)
ou» price.
Double team harness ...... 35 00
Double team harness 30 00
Ladies' saddles 30 00
00Ladies' saddles. 20 00
OOlLadies' saddles 16 00
50jMen '8 saddles 40 00
Men's saddles 30 00
Men's saddles 20 00
30 00
25 00
22 50
16 00
12 00
32 50
22 50
15 00
Gentlemen's shoes in all prices,
but we quote a few leaders :
Men's Cordovan shoes, latest styles,
Men's calf congress, $2.
Men's heavy, solid grain, $2.50.
Men's calf shoes, $1.50.
Also our complete line of Lilly
Brackett & Co's shoes at cost.
Boys' and girls' school are one
line in which we lead. See our 65
cents, $1, and $1.25 shoes.

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