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LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP ! Consult Your Pocket Book and Then Write to, oî Better, Come and See C0TTMH1M Al IETTLETOÏ, SEE THEIR STOCK OF DRY LUMBER SURFACED ONE SIDE OR SIZED ONLY $16.00 PER M. RUSTIC, FLOORING CEILING, ETC., ETC., CORRESPONDINGLY LOW. loARGE STOCK OF SASH, DOORS, PAPER, MOULD ING, ETC., CEDAR POSTS, CE MENT, LIME, HAIR, ETC., ETC. Telephone 18. Prompt answers to enquiries. report and roll of honor. Report of Caldwell Public schools for month ending March 2nd, 1894. Number belonging last day last month 145 Number belonging last day this month 137 Number enrolled this month 151 Number tardy 13 Number suspended for absence... 23 Number suspended for other causes 0 Cases corporal punishment 0 Average daily attendance 135 Average number belonging 143 Per cent of attendance 95 Per cent of punctuality 99.6 Number ot half day absences 286 Number of visits by parents and others 38 Boys neither tardy nor absent — 46 Girls neither tardy nor absent— 27 Total neither tardy nor absent — 73 Chas. O. Broxon , Principal. Following is a list of pupils neither tardy nor absent during the month: primà.ry grade. Girls—Bessie Vinson, Ethel Froman, Hattie Jones, Katie Huntington, Nellie Huntington, Maggie Davis, Daisy Meadowcroft, Gussie Birdwell. Boys—Harold Moore, Harry Cupp, Roy Maxey, Robert Mitchel, Harry Alley, James Alley, Willie Cupp, Joseph Olsen, Norman Olsen, Willie Paynter, Walter Froman, John Rode, Earl Cox, Earl Crowther, Leo Meadow croft, Alger Meadowcroft, Charlie Cook. Nina R. Ettinger , Teacher. intermediate grade. Girls— Lehä Cupp, Birdie Cook, Mary Cupp, Lou Drennan, Cora Drennan, Katie Gottsch, Eva Martin. Grace Van Wynsrarded, Florence Meadowcraft. >ys— Frêd Brumbaugh, Carl Cox, Hiram Cox, Walter Dymoke, Winfield Dymoke, James Gipson, Dell Hunting ton, Tommy Jennings, Cyrus Lee, Frankie Moore, George Rode, Henry Hartley, Ralph Crowther, Harold Crow ther, John Davis, Purl Vinson. Mrs. Bertha Herrick , Teacher. grammar grade. Girls—Lulu Boone, 'jlary Craig, Maggie Cook, Nellie Cook, Aliee Gip son, Clara Morrow, Mary Paynter. Boys—Arthur Cooper, Ora Cox. Vance Frost. Michael Jenkins, Frank Keirnan, Willie Martin, Charles Payn ter, Bertie Smith, James Treanor. Mary Jaryis , Teacher. high school. Girls—Pearl Fisher, Daisy Kinkaid, Clara Maxey. Boys— Frank Dement, James Keller, Edgar Martin, Claude White. C. O. Broxon , Teacher. MARRIAGE AT PARMA. A Notable Social Event-Tin Cannera Mietaken and Sold. On Tuesday, March 6, 1894. a merry party of botli old and young gathered at the residence of A! J. Mitchell, Par ma, Idaho, to witness the marriage of Mark A. Bates, of Star, Ada Uo., Idaho, and Miss Daisy J. Mitchell, of this place, Judge Pease officiating. The contracting parties are well and favor ably known in this section. Mr. Bates is a young man of pleasing manners and address, well educated, having taught several schools in this and ad joined counties. It is thought by some of his friends that he will engage in floriculture, having chosen the Daisy as his favorite (lower. Miss Daisy Mitchell, a young lady universally loved and respected by all. will be missed from the social as well as the family circle. When they depart for Star, their future home, they take with them the good wishes of a host of friends. It was thought by some that W. B. Mitchell, the batci elor brother of the bride, was the one that had forsaken his batchelor friends. Consequently about 10 o'clock a party of young bloods gathered tin cans and other musical instruments and pro ceeded to the house occupied by the said Walter and there gave evidence of their ability to make a racket, if not musical. They soon found out their mistake and quietly dispersed mutter ing— _ "Sold."Q card of thanks. To friends and neighbors: To those who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and at the death of my husband, the late B. F. Taylor, 1 wish to return my most sincere thanks. Their many acts of kindness and assistance will ever be held In grateful remem brance. Mrs. B. F. Taylor. program p. p. club. Saturday night, March 10, 1894, at Gwinn's old store. Essay—' 'Some Effects of the Concentration of Wealth."—L. A. Hemphill. Oratio»— "Why tiie i'opulists Should Adopt - ^ p| * " •• ^ 1. 8. Hicks, Prohibition as a Plank of their Platform. ' ' —Rev. Music- Hi. Dunbar. ' Debate—Question : Resolved , That Nat H Banks have been a greater curse to the country than Ststc Banks Affirmative—Dr. T. h. Callaway. Negative— Dr. J. B. Wright. IDAHO TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION MEETING' at Idaho Falls, April 5th, and 6th, for the above occasion we will seJL-tickets on the certificate plan at one and one fifth fare ($18.30) for the round trip. Alex D. Martin will sign certificates. "\ï. Geo . L. Alley , Agent. nam d a farmer's meeting. The Farmers Association met at Nampa as per adjournment on Wed and notwithstanding the inclem ency of the weather, was fairly well attended. An amendment to the constitution changing the name to The Idaho Promotive and Protec tive Association was adopted. The scope of the organization is now broad enough to include not only the county but the entire state if neces sary. It is hoped that'not only Cald well will se send a large delegation to the next meeting, but all other points in the valley from Boise City to Payette and Weiser— as the subject of canning factories, evaporators and like question will be considered and the question of the best methods for the protection of orchars from insect pesto will be given special attention. Meeting at Cottingham & Griffith's hall on Wednesday, March 14 at 2 p. m. Robert MilliEen, Cor. Secretary. REPORT OP THE CONDITION Of the First National Bank of Caldwell, in the State of Idaho, at the Close of Business, February 28, 1894* resources. . Loans and discounts $ 119,596 S3 Overdrafts, sécured and unsecured 5,077 06 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 00 Premiums on U. 8. bond« 1,187 50 Stocks, securities, etc 1,820 77 Banking-house, furniture, and fixtures 1,500 00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 28,66# 43 Due from approved reserve agents— 46,418 27 Checks and other cash items 57 08 Notes of other National Banks 2,278 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 23 80 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie S 14,312 oo Legal-tender notes 5,500 00 18,112 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation) 112 50 Total $234,043 94 liabilities. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund. % Undivided j>rolits, less expenses and 10,coo oo taxes paid.... National Bank «81 94 notes outstanding 11,250 00 Due to other National Hanks 5 464 38 Due to state Banks and Bankers 36 71 Individual deposits subject to check... 131,230 74 Demand Certificates of deposit 25, IsO 17 Total «231,043 94 State of Idaho , j County ok Canyon. ) I, W. R. Sebree, Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. R. Sebree, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of March, 1891. Chas . W. Pinney, Correct—Attest: Notary Public. Howard Serkee, j S he rman M. Cokkin, V Directors. Montik B. Gwinn. ) GREETING. TO The REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS, POPULISTS, if Ctef ©m We take pleasure in informing our many customers and friends in this County that we have now a most complete SPRING STOCK of Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes and Clothing. These goods are all fresh and new and we GUARANTEE our Prices to be Lower Than These of Any Other House in the County, All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. THE FALK'S&LE C» LTD. of ©it? If aasftsS S. 1. Dement, Pf©p. Solicits the patronage of the public for work in his line. Will move freight or express at very reason able rates. All kinds of draying from ten pounds to as many ton promptly attended to. Coal deliv ered to any part of the city. IMPROVED RANCH FOR SALE. I will sell for cash or exchange for cattle a 160-acre improved ranch situated 8 miles below Cald well. Two-roomed comfortable house; about 5 acres enclosed and planted in alfalfa. Good well on premises. All or part will be sold. An excellent bargain. Desirable location. Very cheap. Apply to, Mrs. Say, Payette, Idaho. H. N. MAXEY, For Coal and all kinds of Draying. Leave your orders at H. D. Blatchley's DRUG STORE. h Manufacturer of a Superior Grade of Harness and Saddles. Give us your Patronage and we will give you Satisfaction. Next Door to the M. E. Church. Free Farms! Free Homesteads!! 160 ACBES. A personally conducted party will leave Spokane, Wash., about the 25th of this month for Alberta and the great Saskatchewan Val ley. First class soil. Plenty of timber for fuel and building. Good water and natural grass. No irri gation required fMFlaxes only for school purposes. Special rates for settlers and their effects. For full information, maps and pamphlets, enquire of C. A. Munson or P. F. Daly. Spokane, Washington. The First National Bank OP CALDWELL, IDAHO. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $15,000. DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. W. R. SEBREE, CASHIER PACIFIC F. M. SATORIS, PROP. StrietlyFirst-elassin all its Appointments Good Sample Rooms and Fine Bath Rooms in Connection. THE BEST PLACE IN IDAHO TO SPEND SUNDAY RATES, S2, S2.50, AND 18 PER DAY. FURNITURE STORE. Ä« JË» HOOHSR) UNDERTAKING A SPECIATLY PARLOR SETS, BED BOOM SETS, WINDOW SHADES MATBESSES, BABY CARRIAGES ETC, Repairing of all kinds neatly done. Picard & Roberts, Fresh and Salt r, r r y CALDWELL, MEATS IDAflO C. "W- COOPER -DEALER IN Lumber & Builder's material, COAL AND WOOD MANUFACTURER OP M Wire Combination Fence. CALDWELL, IDAHO. im.