Newspaper Page Text
STAGE TIME CAKD. LEAVKS Caldwell dally, except Sunday at 7 a. in. for Snake Ulver, Poison Creek, Bockvllle, Slieavllle, Jordan Valley aud way points. LEAVES Caldwell daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. for Mlddletoii, Euiniett and Falks Store. D . . . LEAVES Caldwell daily, except Sunday, at 5 p. in. for Nampa,, Silver City, L>e Lamar and way points. , . LEAVES Caldwell Monday, Wednesday aud Friday at 2 p. ni. for Bowm in and Koswell. Mail supplied regularly t<> Snake Kiver, Enter prise and opaline. • Freight aud bagage received. Forty pounds allowed each passenger. For passenger aud freight rates apply to vv w. S. Badley , Agent. JOHN 0. BICE. ^TTORNEY AT LAW-Ofllce In Masonic block. Caldwell, Idaho. JOHN T. MORRISON. Attorney at law—ah legal business win have prompt aud careful attention. Omte over First national Bank In Odd Fellows build ing. Caldwell, Idaho. R GIPSON & GWINN, EAL ESTATE DEALERS, FARM LOANS and Fire Insurance. Conveyancing care M.W »Uli nie IUBUIOIIW. vvu»vj»mv.« 0 ^ fully attended to aud acknowledgmeiits taken. BarûalnK in choice fruit lands. Office —* - 1 — to Telephone excliauge, Main Street, Caldwell, Idaho Republican Ticket. For Congressman— EDGAR WILSON, For Supreme Judge—, J. W. HUSTON. For Governor— W. J. McCONNELL. For Lieutenant Governor— F. J. MILLS. For Attorney General— G. M. PARSONS. For Secretary of State— I. W. GARRETT. For Auditor— F C. RAMSEY. For Treasurer— C. BUNTING. For Superintendent of Public Instruction— C. A. FORESMAN. DISTRICT NOMINATIONS. For Judge— J. H. RICHARDS. For Attorney— C. M. HAYS. LEGISLATIVE NOMINATIONS. Joint Senators, Ada, Canyon— A. S. ROBERTSON, J. W. CUNNINGHAM. Joint Representatives, Ada and Canyon— J. A. FENTON, FRANK WYMAN, R. A. COWDEN. Joint Representative, Ada, Can yon and Elmore— CHARLES BROWN. COUNTY TICKET. For Sheriff— DANIEL D. CAMPBELL. For District Clerk— JOHN T. KEEGAN. For Assessor— JAKE HORN. For Probate Judge— GEORGE LITTLE. For Treasurer— JULES STEINMEIER. For Surveyor— CHAS. H. IRVIN. For Coroner— ED. E. MAYEY. COMMISSIONERS. For First District— ED. K. HAYES. For Second District— ALEX. BLESSINGER. For Third District— HENRY A. PARTRIDGE. LOCAL AMD PERSONAL Col. Irvin and Capt. McDonald, of Nampa, were in the city on business, yesterday. Dr. W. C. Maxey, commandant Sol diers' Home, has been in the city set oral days during the past week. The Mayor, Badley, Blatchley, Steun enberg aud Cwinn are looking-and feel ing splendidly since their return from Grand Lodge. J. D. Flenaer, of Boise, spent a few hours in Caldwell yesterday. The gentleman is recovering rapidly from his receut accident, but still on crutches. Finley Monroe, of Emmett, paid Caldwell and this ottice a visit yester day. Mr. Monroe is populist candidate lor assessor aud quite a young, bright Jooking man. Frank Hardy learned of the sudden death of his mother at her home, last .Saturday. She had attained her 83rd year. Mr. Hardy was prevented from heiug at the bedside of his mother by Ahe suddeness of her death. John M. Nicholas was in town today. He is putting out a large orchard and vineyard, near Meadow Farm between Caldwell and Nampa. Mr. Nicholas says things looked a little gloomy last summer but are wearing a brighter hue now. He says this is the best section in Idaho by all odds, It is noticeable that our Democratic andPopnlist contemporaries are pub lishing serial biographical catalogues of their wares— candidates we mean. The Tribune ^Hs relieved from such advertising schefces by the fact that the names and characters of our candi dates are graven dfct,the memories and cherished in the hearts of the people, there!) Editor Mock, clerk in escrow of Can yon county, was busy among the solid voters of Caldwell, Monday. . □^hiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure, only one cent a dose. 25 cents, 50 cpnts and a s?1.00. A careful inspection of "The Cald well Pharmacy," this morning, revealed nothing missing except a £500 pipe and a bottle of their famous "Cough Syrup," which is displacing all worth less patent preparations the market is ilooded with, only 25 cents bottle, read the robber's testimonial next issue. BORN—Near Caldwell, to Mrs and Mr. John Nicholas, Saturday, a girl. Ali well. READING ROOMS. Caldwell has her higli school, one of the best in the state. She has a college located in her midst with educational facilities unsurpassed ; and in connec tion with that institution a library con taining the best books purchasable, standard works upon every subject, suitable for every walk of life, and embracing every thing elevating and ennobling, and is open to the public. She also has her literary societies, and kindred institutions for the acquiring of knowledge. Another competitor has appeared in the shape of a club. The young men of our city imbued with the idea of bettering their condition will form an organization consisting of some thirty members, rent a suite of rooms, presumably in the Masonic block, and fit them up in a manner suitable for an evening's enjoyment. There will be a reading room, and rooms for cards and billiards. The rooms will be made comfortable and be open every evening and Sunday afternoons. The young men desire place where they can congregate ev enings other than the saloons and en joy pleasaut company aud mutual en tertainment beneneficial to themselves; also a place where they can entertain their gentlemen friends. It is a good move. It will relieve life of consider able monotony. THE FORWARDING COMPANY. Immense and Rapidly Increasing Business — Wholesale and Jobbing—Mr. Coffin's Quiet, Energetic and Efficient Management— Caldwell Rapidly Assuming the Proportions of a Commer cial Center. Probably very few people even in Caldwell realize the immense amount of business that is now being transacted by the Caldwell Forwardiug Co., to which firm-title must be added, general commission, wholesale and jobbing merchants. The Tribune did not have but a faint idea until facts and figures were examined, which are truly astonishing. Six or seven months ago when S. M. Cofiin assumed manage ment, the business of the firm was largely restricted to storage and for warding business, only some HO articles of merchandise, in the grocery and pro vision line, being handled. The princi pal patrons of theJForwarding company were home merchants and the institu tion, in its merchandisiug features, w as regarded more as an association of local merchants, jointly conducting a wholesale department as an aid to retail business. In the few months that Mr. Coffiu has directed the busi ness of the establishment, it has taken on an entirely different aspect and in creased in proportions to an astonishing extent. Now, upwards of 200 articles of merchandise, covering nearly the whole range of staples, are constantly kept in stock. The business has jumped from a matter of a thousand or two dollars monthly, to $25,000 per month. Instead of being largely re stricted to storage and forwarding, that feature of the business, though largely increased, has takeu a seconary posi tion. Instead of being a mere adjunct to local retail business, it. is the whole sale depot for a goodly portion of south eastern Oregon and six counties in south western Idaho. It supplies re tail trade from Weiser to Shoshone along the Oregon Short Line, a distance of several hundred miles. It furnishes the stores of DeLamar and Silver City, in Owyhee county; it reaches out to Boise and supplies its merchants at better raflbs than can be procured else where. The business of the Forward ing Company is a physical and practi cal demonstration of the fact that Cald well is the natural commercial center of south western Idaho and eastern Oregon. It can not be denied that the recent rapid growth of this institution is due to the energetic and efficient management of Mr. S. ivl. Coffin. While such an establishment is the natural correlative of Caldwell's loca tion, still it required business ability of no ordinary mark to establish it under the depressed conditions which have been so prevalent during the past half year. Mr. « 'oifin says that he has suc ceeded in procuring traffic rates which give the Forwarding company superior advantages and has reduce the business to such a perfect and economical system that he can make prices to customers lower than any house in the state. The proportions of the business and the commercial standing of the firm are such that it can compete anywhere aud with anybody. A remarkable thing in the recent experience of the Forward ing Company is that business which heretofore has been earnestly and urg ently solicited but refused, now comes of its own accord. The reason is pa tent. Mr. Coffin's theory is that cus tomers will deal where they can do best, consequently he has bent al) his efforts in the direction of their best interests. He sells cheaper and delivers prompter than any competitor. That is the secret. The Forwarding Company is an institution which the people of Caldwell should be proud of. It is do ing a mighty work towards establish ing tue commercial supremacy of this city. DEMOCRATIC MEETING A Somewhat Small but Attentive Audience— Fr«, zer, Young and Martin Express Themselve* —Nugent Defended. Monday night a portion of the Peo ple of Caldwell and vicinity enjoyed something of a novelty—a Democratic meeting. Many leading Democrats were conspicuously absent, whether from a coolness of faith or inclemency of weath er, deponent sayeth not. Mr. Missouri Young first addressed the audience in a calm, clear voice, repeating much in teresting historical matter, gleaned from current compaign literature and designed to propogate the immutable principles of Democracy. Mr. Young said, "My God," only once, and other wise conducted himself in a gentle manly and conservative manner. Mr. W. W. Frazer followed with some ex cellent quotations from Henry Braidy aud the poets. The Frazer speech shows industrious compilation and discrimination and taste in se lection. He combines in his effort some of the best things in Democratic prose and miscellaneous poesy. Every body was delighted with his repertoire Mr. Martin came next with a defense of Judge Nugent which was designed to rebut and overcome the testimony of Tom Cahalan. Mr. Martin was earnest and logical. His speech made the best impression of any of the even ing. Altogether, the opening Demo cratic meeting was a pleasant and in offensive affair. Each speaker dis played the appearance and manner of a gentleman. If the night had been fairer, it is probable the audience were larger. CALDWELL GETS IT. The Representatives Return—Next Grand Lo<9«, I. O. O. F. Will Be Held at Caldwell. The Caldwell representatives to the 1. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge session at Lewiston, returned home Saturday. The general proceedings of the body have already appeared in the columns. Thk Tribune need now only record the fact that the Caldwell contingent, ladies and gentlemen, returned home safe and sound, happy and healthy Grand Secretary Steunenberg is profuse in his praise of the hospitality of Lew iston and all the representatives pro nounce the session a grand success. But they are all glad to get back to Caldwell. They say that after travel ing the state over from center to cir cumference, Caldwell is the only place to live in. No other town or locality shows so much energy, progress and prosperity as our own. The next ses sion of the Grand Lodge will be held in this city and it is firmly expected that this will then be established as the per manent headquarters of the I. O. O. F. in Idaho. It is the impression of the Caldwell delegation that after one ses sion of the Grand Lodge is held here, the body will fiatly refuse to consider propositions from any other locality. Far in advance, The Tribune tenders the freedom of the city to the fraternal chain gang and vouches for their royal entertainment. TEACHERS EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby given, that the quarterly public examination of appli cants for School Teachers Certificates in Canyon will be held on Weduesday the 7th day of November 1894, at 10 o'clock, a. in., at the office of the County Superintendent, in Caldwell. M. R. Jenkins , Supt. Dated at Caldwell, Idaho, Oct. 22, 1894. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. THE CREAM OF CURRENT THOUGHT. Public Opinion, published at Wash ington, D. C., is a weekly journal de voted to the reproduction, in condensed form, of carefully selected magazine articles aud of editorial comment from the representative daily and weekly press of all political parties, and from all parts of the country. The readers of Public Opinion get all sides of every question. It is just the paper that the farmer and villager need for general reading. It keeps its readers fully abreast of the times and supplies them with the best thought of the day in the fields of American affairs, foreign affairs, sociology, commerce, finance, religion, science, education, art and new books. Public Opinion and The Tribune supplement each other ad mirably. Together they give the farm er or villager and his family more of current news, editorial comment, and magazine literature than can be had in any other way for five times their cost. The price of Public Opinion has been reduced from $3.00 to §2.50 per year. We have just completed arrangements by which we can offer Public Opinion and The Tribune for ®4 cash per year. Merchandise bought right is half sold. We know that under our roof is the largest stock of goods ever brought to Idaho. Every item will be offered to our patrons at closest margins. We are going to demonstrate to the trade of southern Idaho that to buy goods of us is to save money on every article. We are the only house in this part of the country that" sends our representa tive to market. Our connections for buying are such that we can afford special inducements in all departments. We handle everything in general mer chandise, bread and butter stuff to lux uries both to eat and wear. Montie B. Gwinn Mer. Co. NOTICE. Bids will be received by the City Street Committee, for hauling sand on the Frost road, by the load. Bids to be filed with the City Clerk on or before Oct. 25th 1894. Thé right reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the City Council. A. C. M acdonald, City Clerk. REPUBLICAN ANNOUNCEMENS. Meeting at Falk's Store, Wednesday October 24; at Parma, Friday, 26; at Bosweli, Saturday 27. Two or more fol lowing speakers: John T. Morrison R. II. Dayis, Lot L. Feltham, M. A. Curtz, A. Meachen. Grand Rally at Caldwell, November 5th, distinguished speakers from abroad. A full line of Fall aud Winter Jack ets, in latest styles and at lower prices than ever before quoted in Idaho, now on sale at the Montie B. Gwinn Mkr. Co. NOTICE TO SHEEPMEX. I will have two cars of American Merino bucks in Caldwell by Septem ber 15th. All, large thoroughbred and grade sheep, well wooled, and espec ially adapted for the range. Come and see them, they will please you. Prices lower than ever, and terms easy. For further information address, T. C. Egleston, Caldwell, Idaho, or Ciias. Cunningham. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS. Blatchley the druggist. Badley, the smoke vender. Fine Stationery at Blatchley's. Take your prescriptions to Blatchley. Finest line of cigars in the state at fllatchley's. Spectacles of all kinds dirt cheap at Hostetter's the jeweler. Get prices of Bacon, Hams and Lard from Isidor Mayer before purchasing else where. If you want something nice for cookies, hot-cakes etc, try a can of Gol den Cottolene at Isidor Mayers. Before purchasing gents furnishing goods, boots, shoes etc, go to Isidor Mayer and get his prices and save money. SPECIMEN CASES. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis. was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight year's stand ing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker Catawba, O., had five 1 irge Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by H. D. Blatchley, druggist. RATHER STEEP Than take in any other form is what many people think and Park's Tea is made for just those folks. It cures constipation and though not a cathartic moves the bowels every day. NOW TRY THIS. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its its use had speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at H. D. Blatchley's drug store. Large size 50c. and $1.00. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the mer cantile firm of-Smith and Adam of the C. O. D. store has this 15th day of Oc tober, 1894, dissolved partnership by mutual consent. All debts due the firm and all accounts against it will be settled by E. H. Adam. Dated this 15th day C. R. Smith, of October, 1894. E. II. Adam. FIRE Wood for sale cheap. Deliv ered at five dollars a cord by the rail, or six dollars, cut any length required. D. M. Buchanan, Caldwell, Idaho. 3W/ ^um/U/v. » • -•* GUARANTEES ILL WORK P. 0. Building, Caldwell. Fijfc pLLipteisy. Miss M. E. GILG-AN, of Caldwell, has an ELEGANT Line of trimmed hats and bonnets, in all the latest fashions, at prices to suit all. Childrens Hoods,. .75 and up. Caps 35 " Sailors, 75 " Walking hats and an elegant LINE OF Ostrich tips, fancy feathers, ribbons, jet and aigrettes, at prices to suit the times. Our GOODS are all new and of the latest styles. They will be sure to please. Mail orders will re ceive prompt atten tion. NOTICE. All persons indebted to me must set tle either by cash or note. I will not let any bill become outlawed so govern yourself accordingly. l)r. J. J. Akmstong. This is to call your atten tion to the fact, that: THE Caldwell Pharmacy, is the place to have your Prescriptions Compounded, and the place to buy your ]VIedicines, Toilet Articles, Etc. Because their prices are in harmony with the times, drugs pure. For Coughs and Colds, use The Ualdwell Pharm acy Compound Syrup of White Pine and Tar. ADAM & SMITHSON, North Room of Masonic Block. THE ®. O* D m GROCERY Carries the Best Assortment of First-class Groceries, Pro visions, Canned Goods, Fruits, etc., in Caldwell. Ever ything Fresh, Quality Guaranteed. E. H. ADAM, PROP. The Square Dealers, Have the best selected stock of Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks in Southern Idaho, which includes many of the very latest styles in vogue, as low as is usual asked for in ferior garments. m 'M MM m v3, « Oall early while the as sortment is full. OAKES BROS. The Furnishers Of the Masses. Boot and Shoemaker Repairing of all kinds neatly done. G. H. Kan Wyngarden, Contractor Z q Builder. PLANS and ESTIMATES furnished on application. Manufacturer of WINDOW and DOOR FRAMES. Shop work promptly at tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Kimball Street. Leave Orders at Chinn's Photo Gallery. al i 'SHOP REED & HAMM, Proprietors. HORSE SHOEING from to $3.50 per span. WOOD WORK and machine repairing a specialty. Prices cheaper than ever. SHOP NEXT TO JOHNSON'S STABLES, Caldwell, Idaho. ISIDOR MAYER, THE LEADER. My Fall and Winter Stock is arriving daily and is about Complete, it is Larger, Finer, Than any time shown before in Caldwell. Clothing, Overcoats, Furnishings FOR MEN AND BOYS. Boots and Shoes, flats atitl Caps, All kinds and sizes, at prices to suit the times, and Again homering the Record IN PRICES. , N I have the Buckingham ifc Ilecht Nova Seotia Seal Shoe A WORLD BEATER. Groceries, Hardware, a full and select stock as always at the lowest living prices. LOOK! LOOK! To dispose of my Spring and Summer Stock of Cloth ing before moving in my new store, I will sell them from this day0U AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Don't miss the opportunity and get a good suit of clothes at bottom prices. Thanking you for past favors. ISIDOR MAYER, Caldwell. 500,000Fruit Trees An Unprecedent Offer 9 AND 10 YEARS TIME. All Classes Suited. READ THE VARIOUS PUS. Igt. Cash when stock is delivered. This plan has some advantages. 2d. If not less than $100 worth are bought, will give 9 or 10 years time in equal instalments : interest 6 per cents. 3d. Will furnish not less than 1,000 trees and take two crops as full pay. All Stark Bros, old oaK process whole root trees. For further information address ' V - • A. S. Rollo, «je -** -WV . .vi » ! CAD WELL, IDAHO Ém PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENT. Public notice is hereby given that at the gener election to be held in the various counties or the state of Idaho on the sixth day of November, lS'U, there will l>e submitted to the ciuaunod electors the question of ameiding the constitu tion of the state. , . Th" authority for submitting such nuestion is found in a joint resolution passed at the second session of tne Idaho legislature, which is as fol lows : .sl1.stitvtf. kok hoi sk .ioint resolution nl'mkkks thkkk and four. V joint resolution to submit to the electors of the state <>r Idaho for rejection or approval an amendment to section G of article 18 of the constitution of the st;;te of Idaho, relating to Ilie election ot probate judges aud county superin tendents of public instruction lie it n ntlci'd liyliic UyMature of the State of Idaho Sirnox 1 That section fi of article 18 of the constitution of the state of Idaho, be amended so as to read as follows : flection 0. The legislature by a pourra! aiui uniform laws, shall orovide for the election biennially in each of the several counties or the state, of county commissioners, a sheriff, a county treasurer, who is ex -omeio pub lic administrator; a probate judge, a county su perintendent of public instruction, a county as sessor, who is ex-oflleio tax collector; a coroner and a surveyor. The clerk of the district court shall be t»\-offlelo, auditor and recorder, no other county <>i tic» s shall be established, but the legis lature" by general and uniform laws, shall pro vide for the election of such township, precinct and municipal officers as public convenience may reouire, anil shall prescribe their duties an<l tlx terms of office. The legislature shall provide for the strict accountability of county, township, precinct and municipal officers for all fees which may lie collected by them, and for all nubile and municipal moneys, which may be paid to them, or officially come into their possession. The county commissioners, may employ counsel when necessary : the sheriff, auditor and recorder and clerk of the district court shall be empowered by the county commissioners to appoint such depu ties and clerical assistance as the business of the offices may require; said deputies and clerical as sistants to receive stielt compensation as may be tixed liv the county commissioners. No sheriff or county assessor shall lie qualitied to hold the term of office immediately succeeding the term for which he was elected. The salary and qual ifications of the county school superintendent shall he tixed bv law. Sic •' The question to lie submitted to the electors of the state, at the next general election, shall lie in form as follows, to-wit : Shall section ii of article is of the constitution of the state or Idaho lie so amended as to separate the offices of probate judges and county superintendents or public instruction. Approved March fi, 1893. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my h nul and affixed the great seal of the state of Idaho, at the city of lioise, this 18th day of September, A. 1). 18'J4. J amks F. C urtis, Secretary of State. TAKE THE _ BEST °ÏÏets., COcts. nnd^ S1.00 Bottle. One cent a di dose. Itia sold on a guarantee by »11 druff eists. It cures Incipient Consumptioa »ad. is tlia best Cough, and Croup Curo> > H. D. BLATCHLEY, Druggist.