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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
i ^ ery P air G uaranteed. address S an F rancisgo C al QUITE RIGHT. W» notice that quite a number of our exchanges are coming out every week in long editorials lauding Willis Sweet up to the skies as a statesman. To hear them, he is the only man in the Republican party that is qualified L for the position of U. S. Senator. What Is the matter with Senator Shoup ? We have never heard a single man, be he Republican, Populist or Democrat say a word against the record he has made as U. S. Senator, or in any position of public trust that he has held, and in pri vate life he is known as an honest man. It is safe to say that if a vote of the - people of Idaho were taken as to their choice for men mentioned, Shoup, Mc Connell Heyburn or Sweet, that George L. Shoup would receive more votes than any two of the others. There are but few men in the Senate who com mand more respect than Shoup. A senator is supposed to represent the people and not a political party, Shoup did not leave Washington to come back to Idaho and lay his wires to be re-elect ed, but stayed at his post and looked after the interests of this state.—Salu bria Citizen. Most people can not afford to experiment. They want immediate relief. That's why they use One Minute Cough Cure. i I j ' j i : I GOOD SENSE. Regarding the candidacy of W. 13. Heyburn, the statement that he should not be elected because he is an attorney for a jailroad corporation is nothing but silly twaddle. Mr. Heyburn stands before the legislature just the same as Willis Sweet does and between them, is just as much entitled to be elected. He made a brilliant fight for the Re publican party through the entire cam paign, never receiving a dollar from the funds of the central cammittee but paid all his expenses and the expenses Of another out of his own pocket. Ile might be the attorney for all the rail roads and other corporations in the state and it should cut no tigure what ever. He is a lawyer and accepts busi ness that comes to \iira. He is able and competent to represent Idaho in the U. S. senate.—Idaho Falls Register. You make no mistake when you take De Witt's Little Early Risers for biliousness, dys pepsia or headache, because these little pills •ure them. H. D. Blatchley. OUR TURN COMING. At last it has leaked out that the cause of the butchery of 6000 Armen ians in cold blood by the Turkish troops was owing to the fact that they would not or could pay their taxes. As the taxes were due English bond holders it is now thought that the massacre was perfectly justifiable. In Egypt they whip the natives to make them work harder so that the interest may be paid to the bond holders on the vast debt that country owes. If we keep on in the United States with this bond issue our turn will come next.—Boise Senti nel. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair î^hest Award. The name One Minute Cough Cure suggests « medicine that relieves at once, and quickly cures. Its use »rover it. H. D. Blatchlev. NOTICE. Notice is hereby giyen that there will be a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners at the Court House in Caldwell, Monday, December 17, 1804. at 10 o'clock for the purpose of considering unfinished .business, grad ing the approaches to Fn 'k's Store bridge and the Caldwell bridge and re pairing of Willow Creek bridge near Middleton and such other business as may properly come before the Board. jyl. B. G winn , Ch'n. Attest: G. W. Paul. John T. Keegan , Clerk. FREIGHTERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. I will give you free ferryage at the Warm Springs ferry the first of January for an indefinite time. My reasons are as follows: I have spent something over thirteen hundred dollars in the con struction and repair of roads, and now Mr. Lackey & Co., are putting in a ferry one mile below me with intention j of using my roads and thus robbing me of my expenditures in said roads. I ! have been nearly five years in building : up the business here and it is nuw be i coming a fairly remunerative business I for one ferry; they or I must starve j out. I don't intend for them to profit ' from my expenditures, j David L. Williams. NOTICE OF SALE OF MUNICIPAL BONDS. i Notice Is hereby given, that on or before the 3»tli day of January, 1895, at the City Clerk's office in the City of Caldwell, County of Canyon, and State of Idaho, sealed bids will be received : for the purchase of municipal coupon bonds, in I dénominations of one hundred, five hundred, and one thousand dollars each, payable in twen ty years from date of issuance, redeemable at the pleasure of the City of Caldwell at any time after the expiration of ten years, bearing inter est at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, in an amount not to exceed the sum of thirteen thousand dol lars municipal water-works bonds, and not to exceed the sum of five thousand dollars munici pal ele.-lric light bonds, said interest to be paid January 1st and July 1st of each year. That on the 3ist day of January, 1895, the Mayor and Council of the City of Caldwell will publicly open all sealed bids so received for the purchase of said bonds and will award said bonds to the highest responsible bidder for cash. That the said successful bidder will be required to enter into undertaking with the City of Cald well to the effect that lie will accept and pay for said bonds in the order and at the times they may be issued in the amount set forth in his bid and for the amount of accrued Interest at the time of their deliverance to said bidder. The right to reject any and all bids for the pur chase or said bonds is hereby retained by the City of Caldwell. Dated this llth dav of December, 1894. Montik B (Jwinn, Mayor. D. I). Campbell, Tom K. Littlk, A. K. Stkunenberg, Geo. L. Alley, Chas. A. Hand, John P. Johnson. A. C. Macdonald, Cmmcilmen. Clerk. E Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard Room in Con nection . HARDY & THORP, Caldwell, - - Idaho. He«®© & Potter, ELITE SALOON Excellent Club Rooms Attached. Place of business Opposite the Depot. i L. m% Always take your work to the largest BLACKSMITH SHOP in Caldwell. First class work guaranteed, and prices as 'low as the lowest. Shop near Kimball street bridge. WOOD delivered promptly on orders left at Campbell & Hartley's stable. The wood is winter cut and thorougly sea soned. J. P. WILSON. ÄDLEY THE SMOKE VENDER. UP WITH THE SALES, BOWN WITH THE fRICES. ffew Attractions, Sew Inducements, Sew Prices. THE TARIFF QUESTION IS SETTLED. THE STRIKE QUESTION SI SETTLED. Progressive, hard working, pushing merchants will secure bargains. We have them and will put them on sale, commencing, * WÉDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. We have just returned from the Eastern markets and have secured the largest and cheapest stock of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps ever brought to Southern Idaho, all bought direct from headquarters. OUR STOCK is so large it is inpossi ble for us to quote prices but come and see for yourself an be convinced ©alii) dwi&m Mm, ©@, DON'T FORGET T. C. EGLESTON & CO. Ltd., Harve tlie LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL HARDWARE, Heating and Cooking STOVES WAGO NS yVND IMPLEMENTS, That is in SOUTHERN IDAHO. TIME! TIME TIME! Now is the Time to Look Around And get Prices on Your Winter Supply of Provisions. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED EIGHT CAR LOADS OP v NICE, CLEAN, FRESHLY PACKED GROCERIES, WHICH WE ARE ABLE TO SELL YOU AT MUCH LOWER. PRICES THAN YOU HAVJE BEEN ACCUSTOMED TO PAY CALL OR SEND FOR OUR PRICES AND YOU WILL BE SURPRISED. THE IPHfaitf LTD. NAMPA, IDAHO.