Newspaper Page Text
«lÜKW {VERY pA[R GUARANTEED. address & an F rancisgo C al notice. Having decided to sell our ° _ Merchandise business, W6 hereby give notice, we Will .got Bell any goods except lor eash or account due and pay able Deo. 31st, 1894. AUac " ' , . j counts and notes due said firm IXlUSt be settled by January 1st, 1895. This is positive. Montie B. Gwinn Mer. Co. BOWMAN NEWS. Mr. C. P. Lee who has been mining oyer on Snake river returned home last week. Mr. Tennyson Wright, of Caldwell, is spending a few days on his ranch at this place. Messrs. Frank and Ed Weaver have returned from DeLamar where they ha ve been at work. And now active preparations are be ing Christmas. Everybody is looking forward to a happy occasion. Mr. R. P. Gillespie and wife of Ros well and Mr. J. M. Bowman and wife Of this place visited with Mr. B. H. Mc Pougal last Sunday. Grandpa and grai.dma George went over to Snake river last week to visit their daughters. Grandpa returned last Friday, but grandma will remain awhile longer. Rev. Boone, of Caldwell, preached at this place last Sunday, his subject was "Christmas." He will also preach here the last Sunday in this month, Decem ber 30, at 2 p. m. The young people of this vicinity and •others who indulge in public balls tripped the light fantastic toe until a late hour down at Roswell, at the resi dence of Mr. R. P. Gillespie last Friday night. Mr. B. H. McDougal's new house is being hurried forward to completion. "What does it mean? Let the good work continue for it isn't the only new bouse that has gone up at Bowman lately. Who next? Pec. 17,1894. ____ P ansy. ROLL OF HONOR Of School District 21: Maggie Lee, Aatie Lee, Kate Wilson, Alice Melvin, Henry Shuee. Willie Wilson, Burton Peck, Irving Lee, Lee Beck, Harry My ers, Oliver Myers, and Billie Melvin. Those that have not been absent dur ing the month are, Maggie Lee, Artie Lee, Kate Wilson, Willie Wilson, Bur Peck, Irving Lee, Harry Myers and Oliver Myers. Mrs. A. L. Gillespie , Teacher. VISIT THE FOLKS. For the Holiday season the Union Pacific will sell tickets from points on the system on December 24tli, 25th and 81st, 1894, and January 1st, 1895, at greatly reduced rates. For full infor mation call on your nearest Union Pacific Agent. """ SUMMONS. In the District Court, of the Third Judicial Dis trict, State of Idaho, in aud for the Cany< n County. William H. Isaac, Plaintiff, ) vs. Otto Geise and Adolph Geise, Defendants. \ The. State of Idaho send« ( treetiny : to i Otto Geixe ami Adolph Gelte, defendant.*: You are hereby summoned and required to ]> pear in an action brought against you by said plaintiff, in the said District Court, and to an swer the complaint of the above named plaintiù . filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of tin' day of service) after the service ou you of tr .is Summons, if served within this county; or if i f served >ut of this county, but within this .liuu cial District, within twenty days; or if serve! elsewhere, within forty days. The said action : l)ror.')it to recover fhe sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven and l!i-1eo Dollars with iut n i;st thereon from August 1st, 1894. at to per centusa per annum, due the piaintiif upon your promis sory note to him. dated at Cain well. Idaho, ! > ifcid, 1893; the sum of ! wo Hundred ami Time anil 67-UK) Dollars, with interest thereon fron December 4th. 1S!>4, at 1 per centum per month due upon your promissoiy note to T. C Iigl 'ston & Company, Limited, dated at Caldwell, Ida. Dec. 4th, "is!»4. and by said T. C. Egleston & Company, l.imited, endorsed to plaintiff; the gum of'twenty-five dollars attorney's fees as provided in thé second of said notes and for cost ; and dlsout senients of said suit, as more fully ap pears by the complaint on tile in this action to wliieli reference is hereby made for further par ticulars. And you are' hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as above required the plaintiff will take judgment against you by default for the several sums prayed for, to-wit : $i'.'7.t!t and internst thereon at 10 per centum per annum , rom Au^. 1st, 1W4, JM03.Ü7 and interest then-oil at 1 per centum per month from Dec. 4th, 18!»4; $25.00 attorney's fees, and for costs and disbursements of suit. Attest my hand and the Seal of the District Court of the Third Judicial District, beai,. State of Idaho, in and for Canyon County, tills 12th day of December, ism. John T. Keecsan, By Georoe IjIttle , clerk. Deputy Clerk. JKO. T. Moukison and Frank J. Smith, Attorneys for Plaintiff. FREIGHTERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. ' J "»f J° u 'f'/Sf* at the Warm Springs ferry the first of January f 0r an indefinite time. My reasons are as follows: I have spent something over thirteen hundred dollars in the con Struction and repair of roads, and now ; Mr ' L^ke, & Ço, «• Pöting in a lerry one mile below me with intention US j n g m y roa d S and thus robbing me of m y expenditures in said roads. have been nearly five years in building up the business here and it is nuw be coming a fairly remunerative business for one ferry; they or I must starve out. I don't intend for them to profit from my expenditures. David L. Williams, NOTICE OF SALE OF MUNICIPAL BONDS. Notice is hereby given, that on or before the 30th day of January, 1895, at the City Clerk's oilice in the City of Caldwell, County of Canyon, and State of Idaho, sealed bids will be received for the purchase of municipal coupon bonds, in denominations of one hundred, live hundred, aud one thousand dollars each, payable in twen ty years from date of issuance, redeemable at the pleasure of the City of Caldweli at any time after the expiration of ten years, bearing inter est at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, in an amount not to exceed the sum of thirteen thousand dol lars municipal water-works bonds, and not to exceed the sum of live thousand dollars munici Sal ele.:lric light bonds, said- interest to be paid anuary 1st and July 1st of each year. That on the 3lst day of January, 1895, the Mayor and Council of the City of Caldwell will publicly open all sealed bids so received for the purchase of said bonds and will award said bonds to the highest responsible bidder for cash. That the said successful bidder will be required to enter into undertaking with the City of Cald well to the effect that he will accept and pay for said bonds in the order and at the times they may he issued in the amount set forth in his bid and for the amount of accrued interest at the time of their deliverance to said bidder. The right to reject any and all bids for the pur chase of said bonds is hereby retained by the City of Caldwell. Dated this 11th dav of December, 1894. Montie B. Gwinn , Mayor. D.D. Campbell, Tom K. Little, a. K. Steunenberg, Geo. L. alley, Chas. A. Hand, John P. Johnson. A. C. Macdonald, Councilmen. Clerk. WOOD delivered promptly on orders left at Campbell & Hartley's stable. The wood is winter cut and thorougly sea soned. J. P. WILSON. f (>es an( j f or cos t s of suit SUMMONS. In the District Court, of the Third Judicial District, State of Idaho, in and for Canyon County. Willi -im H. lsriac, Plaintiff, vs. n*to Geise and Adolf Geise, Defendants. The State of Idaho.sen fis ■jreetina : to Otto Geise and Adolf Heist, defend ants. You are hereby summoned and re qrred to appear in an action brought against you by said plaintiff, in the said District Court, and to answer the complaintof the above named nl ii!''iff, filed therein, withiu ten d;iys (ex-.-ln ive of the day of service) after tlie s»«n ice on you of this Summons, if SHr-,>'d within this County; or if served n>. of th'"« bounty, but within ttiis .Jn ial T> - riet, within twenty riays: or if s. :v*d elsewhere, within forty days. TΫ 4 said action is brought to recover fr- r si you the sum of #?3' k > 8 ö wit I i inter est thereon from the 15th d-iy of De cemo'T, ISM, at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum, due the plaintiff upon your promissory note to him, dated Decem ber 15th, 1894, bearing 12 per cent, inter est per annum and payable on demand; also the sum of :550 attorney fees, pro vided for in said note and for the costs of suit as will more fully appear by plaintiff's complaint on file in the action to which reference is hereby made for fuller particulars. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as above required the said plaintiff will take judgment against you, by default for the said sura of i?3()5.85 with inter est thereon from Dec. 15th. 1894 at 12 percent, per annum; for $50 attorney Attest mv hand and the Seal of the Third Judicial Dis .sn\L trict. State of Idaho, in and for Canyon County, this 18th day of December. 1804. John T. Keegan, By George Little , Clerk. Deputy Clerk. Jxo. T. M orihson, Attorney for Plaintiff. CALDWELL HOME LAUNDRY. All kinds of Clothes washed and ironed. Family washing a specialty Prices extremely low. Mrs. Merinda O'Connor. Caldwell, Idaho. LITTLE & BOONE. lit New Iff M EslabMHCflt of LITTLE 4 BOOflE SATURDAY DECEMBER 22. C pi PECIAL ■i (jOODS. ^P rices. DON'T FORGET T. C. EGLESTON & CO. Ltd., Have tlie LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL HARDWARE, Heating and Cooking STOVES WAGONS jftND IMPLEMENTS, That is in SOUTHERN IDAHO. t TIME! TIME TIME! Now is the Time to Look Around And get Prices oil Your Winter Supply of Provisions. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED EIGHT CAR LOADS OP NICE, CLEAN, FRESHLY PACKED GROCERIES, WHICH WE ARE ABLE TO SELL YOU AT MUCH LOWER PRICES THAN YOU HAVE BEEN ACCUSTOMED TO PAY CALL OR SEND FOR OUR PRICES AND YOU WILL Biü SURPRISED. \ M ERC LTD. KAMPA, IDAHO.