Newspaper Page Text
" ' . ,.k ®r . V'. 5|W> •• ♦ ♦ VOL. I 3 CALDWELL, IDAHO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1896 PER COPY, FIVE CENTS n.rnWFLL LODO* NO. 1«. Hall L fl o. ^Ä nt Reguta meeting Wed 'V^tiffwee™ Visiting Brettern L e ^1t«lto»ttend. w c McKpjfzIÏ) ®'SrtUry. Noble Qr tod. ^.UFNT .-TKMPL« JKNCAKPMKKT E I, iW ,,!rr11 scribe. Chief Patriarch. j. » j- y • jfcçiflar* wmmunlrattôns held on tfie Saturday on or utter ÄÄH-S1F f^wn'HSO*, Secretary. W. M. > .strMiorn Addition to the City of W &SLn So D «w lie bought on the lnstal l cash payment only Ming n 'ftlnieof mirthase with easy mj.uthly ' '. „Î, Vii.fcireil payments. This ar •""P.Xri a i;(hh 1 opportunity to secure nation. Vor particulars call ^UweU KeaUCstateanil tfaterO. PBOFESSIONAL CARDS. JOHN T. MORRISON. -».«st at law— All leaal buglne» will "Ämpt'imU^renilatreutlon. Ottlce Hj^rellBuWrterlnj; Co. building, upstairs. [ Caidwell, - Idaho. (C BIC E, H .A .GRIFFITHS. BI0E & GRIFFITHS, i rrOïNEïS AT LAW-Offlce over First KtUoDal Bank. Caldwell, Idaho. DR. J. J. ARMSTRONG, physician and surgeon. flPKlIALIST-Ofr.ce located In Masonic Block Tfberehecan b« found day or night. Caldwell, Idaho. JOHN W. PADGET, jtsician and SU RGEON—Masonic Block, ibove l'ost Office. In office all Caldwell. Idaho. ED. E. MAXEY, M. D., 1Ï8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Office-Odd Fellows' Block. Special attention (riven to tt of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Türoat. » fitted. In office all night. DR. ïï. C. STALKER, DENTIST. piarantee with all work. Il; let of teeth $10. a Ave years Extracting 60 GIPSON & G WINN, Rial estate dealers, farm loans ud Fire Insurance. Conveyancing care I-Hity attended to and acknowledgments taken. ■" Ins In choice fruit lands. Office In Odd r Building, upstairs. I Caldwell, - - Idaho W. E. BORAH, i attorney at law— General law practice IA Pioneer Building. Boise City, Idaho. S. L. TIPTON, i attorney AT LAW-WiU practice In any I il Court 1b the State. Pioneer Building. Boise City, Idaho. j In. H. Howl ey. Wm, B. Puckett. HAWLEY & PUÖKETT, . . -----J AT LAW-Rooms 6, 7,1, » and 1»1.0. 0. F. building. Telephone 77. Boise City, Idaho. GEO. H. STEWART, i mobn-ky at LAW—General Law Fi [ " ta. Rooms l, 2 and 3, Davis Block. Boise City, Idaho. SEND FOR ESTIMATES. hesse & sturges, BOISE, manufacturers of JEWELRY, diamond setters, engravers. i !tuctly first class work. prices reasonable BOISE - - IDAHO. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. i*mü iï r80n8 ow ' n St me for work, are l o come in and settle on or » Decen >ber 1st 1896. To effect t »,1z, ® ent I will take oats in pay in* » w '" g*ve 80 cents per hun same. If accounts are not r bi J °?. "J. above data they will be PWfceti hands °' an attorney for H enry C ox. Blacksmith Idaho October 5,1896. 8i|h grade young American Merino ' or sale at Bryan and Sewall - f>(ie prices, address Robt. Noble, Bolds, Idaho. ° f ,Hefulne * s liave be in cut shor »„y? *° break up an ordinarv cold. Pneu "*rt«i J 0 ? 0111 " 8 ao< l even consumption can be (w u y t . e prompt u»e at One Minute Cough H . d , Blatchley. t ' me we will take bay * r& " 1 »uWscriptloB. iiPORTAST TO mmrni r^uMi candidates UMORS have been set afloat to the effect that certain candidates were to be polled off the Republican ticket; that all manner of swaps and trades are to be made. Republicans are warned against believing such rumors. THEY ARE ALL ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Win or lose, the Republicans must stand shoulder to shoulder and vote the ticket straight. Not a man will be pulled off, and it is the most earnest wish of all good Republicans that no candidate will engage in the disreput able business of " trading." There are oth«r elections to come, and those candidates who prove untrue to the whole ticket at this election will not be forgotten in the future. Stand by your principles by voting for every man on the Republican ticket. Better go down in honorable battle than gain a partial vic^ by dishonest methods. Trickery in politics may succeed porarily, but sooner or later it will be exposed and punishese, the condemnation of all good citizens. Be men. Stanf* your colors and support the straight Republican ticket J* voice and vote. Again, Republicans are cautioned agains^ lieving false rumors. The full Republican ticket is in the ^ and in to stay. ,-th R. H. D/WIS, to Attest: Chairman County Republican Comn: ;r ^ H. J. SYrtS, •" Secretary. • Dated, Caldwell, October 30th, 1896. ^ Following is the Republican ticket. See that your crc placed in the circle after each name. See that the tickei vote is headed the I REPUBLICAN TICKET FOR PRESIDENT, william Mckinley, OF OHIO. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, GARRETT A. HOBART, OF NEW JERSEY, Col. ressed even d the iving that s had Ueton their or to Hong, akers 'ed a ce to illy in ole's ack epub îvited dress, '•» ar For Presidential Electors WELDON B. HEYBURN, JAMES F. AILSHIE, GEORGE C. PARKINSON. STATE FOR CONGRESS, JOHN T. MORRISON. FOR SUPREME COURT JUSTICE, DREW \V. STANDROD. for governor , DAVID H. BUDLONG. for lieutenent governor , VINCENT BIERBOWER. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, ISAAC W. GARRETT. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, JOHN H. BAGLEY. FOR STATE AUDITOR, ELMORE A. McKENNA FOR STATE TREASURER) FRANK C. RAMSEY. FOB SUPT. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, CHARLES A. FORESMAN, FOB MINE IRSPECTOB, THEODORE BROWN. COUNTY. STATE SENATOR, S. S. FOOTE. REPRESENTATIVES, W. R. WHIPPLE GEORGE L. ALLEY OZRO C. VAN HOUTEN. sheriff JOSEPH WILSON. assessor FRANK NESBITT. treasurer WILLIAM IRETON. PROBATE JUDGE L. S. DILLE. FOR CORONER, ' . ELMER E. DUTTON. FOR SURVEYOR, EDWIN G. NETTLETON. commissioners , DAVIS P. DODD ALEXANDER BLESSING ER EDWARD ALLEN. PROCLAMATION Arthur, DENOUNCED. Speak Sargent and Arnot Against Sliver. Peoria, 111., Oct. 27.—The following circular was issued today: To the Workingmen of the United States:—To refute a false statement, as we sinoerely believe, and to correct an impression that our friends and ac quantances may have fortued concern ing our signature to campaign docu ments going the rounds of the press and circulated broadcast on the streets entitled: "Proclamation," in which it is made to appear that we are in favor of free silver at any ratio and the sub stantial establishment of the two standards of mouey, as contradictory as the terms may be, we wish to be re corded by all who are Interested in our position as being emphatically and unequivocally against any such meas ures, but are for the sound-money plank promulgated by the Republican convention in St. Louis. Our signa tures wer» obtained nearly three years ago to a document pretending to be a seciii« lifo uient ui A v eo. in Region, issory note, styled a "First Mort^ a a Coupon Bond," dated, Boise City Id at Sept, i3lh 1892, for 87,500 No. 23954 d a " on the 1st day of December 1897, paour ble to W. L. Telford, or order, in gney or its equivalent in value, with intq. ne( j thereon at the rate of 7 per cent . annum payable semi-annually acc r . ing to the tenor of eleven interest toin pons attached. If any part of t to principal or interest is not paid at * j„_ turity it shall bear interest at the i . of 12 per cent per annum, payable . 6 nually and if any interest remains »try paid twenty days after due the prioost pal shall become due and collectable j n once without notice at the optior,, the holder. Signed, H. E. Simmonr ,n That the plaintiffs herein, on f the ! van, cent Where Do Yon Boy? \ Pointed Question ? ? So sharp as to pierce right lntc your luner conscience. Not that it Is any of our buslness-lt Isn't—but II is your business to know where t< buy—to buy light. If you have not investigated this store you don't know. It's a First-class progressive Store We're talking about. Under one roof you will find more goods thau in all the other stores of Boise com bined—line goods-medium goody too—Fine and Suiierftue arc sold on a Small Pi Ice basis. Oar Strictly One Price System Assures you uniformity In price New goods, new prices with this house. Your money back whenever you want It. Wm. Hardman & Son, COR. 9TH AND CROVE, BOISE, IDAHO. e is Men's free rivltc ^res IJenimrom Men's.. Oyerar Men'»' Can Black mis Shlrti e op Men't Work CJOOd UK, siv: oUve mad VT on tr 11 ing Ilian housoT, che^roth 1 J' £veen j-heat lver price * the it's in -;iated ü^ly in s. It -^HW. H. To, „ „.be, w ,fcMC ago. On the other hand, the greater price foretold by Bryan's gang of cheap money makers would amount to noth ing material. The price of wheat would probably go far higher even than it has gone recently, but practically the rise would be on paper only. Hut it would be a mere c hange of figures. The fifty-cent dollar of free silver coin age would change the market price of other commodities just as it would change the price of wheat. The wheat grower would be unable to buy an ounce or an inch more of other things than he can buy to day. The idea that he would gain lu actual wealth is pure delusion. Uufortunately the farmer who should vote for free silver In the belief that it would bring him solid profit, could'ut plead afterwards that it amused him and didn't hurt any one else. While making a fool of himself he would made a swindler of the government, notto mention private debtors.—The New York Sun (Democrat). Awarded Highest Honors—World's Fair, •DU * CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. BEST with • big B. Blaekwell'a Genuine Ball Durham la In aclaea by Itself. You will And one coupon Inside each two ounce bag, and two cou pons Inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Buy a bag of thiA celebrated tobacco aud read the coupon— which gives a listof valuable presents and bow to get them. LITTLE & BOONE, whol.esale and retail dealers in Reliable Merchandise, At lowest prices ever offer e d in S outhern Idaho. All of our departments are full of Reliable New Fall and Winter Goods. Our New Fail Dress Goods recently received are handsomer and cheaper than ever, Ladies, Children and Misses UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY in ail grades at Hard Pan Prices. FLANNELS and BLANKETS.—We carry a complete line of Oregon made. OLOÀKS, CAPES and JAOKETS.—Our line is new and up to date styles. CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES and LINOLEUMS. We guarantee prices. CLOTHING and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS.-Our fitock is much larger and cheaper than ever before. BOOTS and SHOES.—We can give you batter value than you will get elsewhere. We carry Buckingham <St Hecht Boots, Strauss Overalls, and Stetson Hats. One price to all, and all goods marked in plain figures. X-aittlo Boone, OjAk.HiID n WEiIL.I_j, IDAHO. The SQUARE DEALERS HAVE JCST OPENED UP A BIG LINE OF . Bovs' and Youth's CLOTHING, AND CAN SAVE YOU 20 to 30 I'ER CENT. J ^ Children's Suits, 4 to 10 years, Pants and Coat. $1.35 to 2 5O. Boys Suits, Pants, Coat and Vest, 11 to 14 years, $3 50 to 4.75. Youths Suits, Pants, Coat and Vest, 15 to 19 years, $4 50 to 7 00. DON'T MISS OAK"FiS BHOS., IF YOU WANT CLOSE FRIGES IN CLOTHING. QUICK »ATTENTION PROPER PRICES SMALL MARGINS GOOD GOODS OF THE CASH ZJ. Big T Flour, $2:0O per ToloL j ^ND^ there you have our political faith. Its a good one. Don't you think you had better adopt it by dropping in line with the masses and buy your Groceries GROCER, E KLA.Y. CALDWELL, IDAHO. Pacific Hotel, MRS. Â. OLSEN, CALDWELL, Proprietress IDAHO. ; ;; f JRates Peasor\able.^