Of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report
■ . West Bound.
is « P- I'assPiiger No.l 11 :!9ft.
' B^OP. Freight 21 7:40».
. Freight 23 12«.p.
<jk0. L. A lley Ag«nt.
« i»«*e Caldwell on Monday,
1 m and Friday for Silver and
W I. k -30 : i m , returning Tues
1&I.W« and Saturday at 5 p.m.
J? Ed. Meek , Agent.
fi*DAVis, Siipt
jey, the Druggist.
^»nks at Askey's.
le supplies at Askey's.
-dd supplies at Askey s.
,,,Lsmp f« r ï our Blc y ble 8t
Ua want stationary go to the
kiey Drug Co.
-to)Tablets, Slates, Pencils, of all
kbest prices at Askey s.
Ildty council met last night and
Uied the usual routine business.
U min the Republican rally to
btest of Stationery and Notions,
jecoind Cigars at Askey's.
Lou want a pocket kuife? If so
Men jou get the best. At Askey'b
celebrated Si Perkins company
„tithe Caldwell Opera house,
jesdiy evening, November 18.
Inae service at St. David's church
j morning and evening. Sunday
ist 10:30 a.m.
ter, the jeweler, has the most
ne of silverware ever seen
mmodations first class; rates
ible;excellent table. The Griffin
KCaldwell, Idaho.
kregnlar services will be held in
|Fresbyterian church tomorrow
É| and evening.
iwwdint McGinty of Soldier's
twis in Caldwell, Tuesday, to
Kilbvote, returning on the evening
kr. M. B. Townsend will pretch at
(Baptist church, Saturday evening
Dud Sunday morninz.
! bave a well selected stock of
jlPsper at prices lower than ever
The Blatchley Drug Co.
iW.C.Maxey, ex Commandant of
[Soldiers' Home, has moved his
bfarniture to Boise, where be will
»this winter. Iiis family will
ike the Grand Union ci» ar. For
Jittbe Exchange saloon.
mine cigar dippings from the
«led Havana 16 to 1 cigars pre
i by Mosby and Williams and for
II? »II dealers, liest smoking on
jltta meeting of the city council
I timing a 1000-pound "Diviner"
u " was ordered. It will awake
'J from their slumbers within
"lias of ten miles to attend fires.
«wrrlbew, dentist from Nampa,
I to here Tuesday of each week.
"Hilling, crown and bridge work 'a
Teeth made to fit, a fit or no
f- Consultation free.
■ Schenck, the contractor, and
T and Lawrence Gipson will
P# month's vacation in the Owyhee
V^*re they expect to hunt deer
large game.
! «object of the sermon at the
| '' Mian church tomorrow morn
P be "The Twentieth Century's
P. 'he evening the service will
octed by the Ladies Missionary
J and the Christian Endeavor
tf'uiï"' an< * a!! slm! tar skia troubles
It IT T ° f DeWltt ' s Witch Hazel
Nth*»»? 0nce ' Hnd restores thetls
IkHu. „ " ral condition, and never falls to
B.D. Blatelilcy.
J^ont for the Si Perkins company
1 »treet parade at noon. Free
7 »'clock p.m., Wednesday
bnirt. , ^ aldw ®H Opera house
îu Do not miss It for tLe
WuSStlî? 11 lineof Ta blets, Slates
"« school Supplies.
8 Q- D. Blatchley Drug Co
>Ärir Chumplel * h (to
Itbe h nf J^ , The iellah who sold
Ktatsftft, 8 . ald he was a thorough
wronoi.h !i ® nd out k®' 8 "o more
TtV, han you are - Er-a
"fooklyn Life.
"toAnfürP * lave J U8t received*
l 'Lad» a 1 avit0 '" "Walter Scott"
Kl«Mfi? een " cigars. These
L t tndBrs t - C lass cigars.
^•■«^W -ho SS! 0 .'!
People'cbemocratle Party Carry Ev
erythlng Except ProbAte Jnd^e
Kepuhlicans and Silver Men
Not In It At All.
The Canyon County election returns
are all in except Kuna precinct where
as reported, about 45 votes were cast.
Every one of the Peoples-Democratic
party candidates except Probate Judge
is elected. George Littie, Silver Re
publican, is elected.
following is the vote according to
returns now given, which is no doubt
substantially correct. The Tribune
will publish in tabulated form the com
plete vote by precincts when the offi
cial count is made:
McKinley 077
„ Dryan. ifH
For Congress—
Morrison, U 211s
(Junn, P «97
Borah, S """I 452
For Governor—
Budlong, R 30 j
Steunenberg, P.S...'.'!!! 1076
For State Senator—
Foote, R 312
Coughanour, P ' ggo
Gipson, S 324
For Representatives—
Whipple, R 272
Van Houten, R 258
Alley, R 298
P .- 648
\\ right, P 056
Rogers, P 623
Robertson, S 398
Horn, S 411
Ilays, S 436
For Sheriff
Wilson, R 365
Taylor, P «12
Ilinckey, S 415
For Assessor—
Nesbitt, R 291
Huff, P 677
Johnson, S 433
For Probate Judge—
Dille, 11 241
Davis, P 535
Little, S G20
For Treasurer—
Ireton, R 172
Uhaney, I' 615
Boone, S 494
For Commissioners—First District—
Dodd, R 271
King, P 646
Gwinn, S 4uti
Second District—
Blessinger, R 328
Peterson, P 531
Watkins, S 412
Third District
Allen, R 422
Knox, P 531
Rjder, S 371
The total vote on Equal Suffrage in
the two Caldwell precincts is 225; for
equal suffrage 176, against, 49 majority
for, 127. Returns not in from outside
DeWllt's Wltcli Hazel Salve Is an antiseptic,
soothing and healing application for burns,
scalds, cuts, bruises, etc., and cures pile# like
mas. le. It Instantly stops pain. II. D. Blatchley.
The Combined Democrats and Popnllsls
Carry About Everything—Republi
cans and Duboisites Snowed
While the state returns are yet in
complete sufficient is known to justify
the conclusion that the Popocrats have
swept everything before them. Their
state ticket is elected to a man, and
with few exceptions they have elected
their entire county tickets. In the leg
islature, the Popocrat majority will be
nearly 60, the Duboisites having about
20 members and the Republicans just
about one. Hon. Frank Fenn, of Ada
county, will supplant Tom Davis, oi
Oneida county, as the lone member.
The Tribune will publish detailed
couuty returns when the official count
Is made. Figures which might be given
at this time would necessarily be inac
curate and require revision. It is suf
iicent to say that the Republicans and
Duboisites will cut no figure in the ad
ministration of state or county affairs
during the next two years.
Deserted Wife (in conversation with
sympathetic grocer.)—And I trusted
him sol
Grocer -Confound it, so did I.—Uos
ton Transcript .
No Reason for Dread—"A burnt
shild dreads de fire," said Cohen.
«Vy 'for?" inquired Isaacstein.
"Vosn 't he insured, or vould't de gom
pàny pay V"—Brooklyn Life.
"Do you believe the story about
Joshua commanding the sun to stand
still v "
"Well, I've told my wife worse stor
ies than that in trying to prove to he
that the clock was wrong. —^ ashing
ton Times. ,
Mrs. Dusenberry— It's dreadful to be
a great deal worse than that.
"What, for instance V"
"To be disappointed in marriage.
Texas Sifter.
McKinley and Hobart
Are Elected.
Bryan Congratulates His Snccessfol
Opponent—California and Oregon
All Right—Silver Receives a Stun
ning Blow.
I' riday morning the dispatches an
nounced that James K. Jones, Chair
man of the Democratic National Com
mittee had given up the fight and con
ceded McKinley's election. This infor
mation was conveyed direct to Mr.
Bryan who promptly wired Major Mc
Kinley as follows:
"To Hon. William McKinley, Jr.,
Canton, O.—Senator Jones has just in
formed me that the returns indicate
your election, and I hasten to extend
my congratulation. We have submit
ted tbe isssue to the American people
and their will is law.
William J. Bryan."
The states which have surely gone
for McKinley and Hobart are the fol
lowing: California. Connecticut, Del
aware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Michigan, North Dakota, New Hamp
shire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Dakota, Vermont, West Vir
ginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
The electoral vote of these states is
265, which insures the election of Mc
Kinley by a majority of 83, even should
all other votes be against him, but there
are some states yet in doubt. Bryan's
electoral vote cannot exceed 182, and
may fall considerably short of that.
In 1892, Mr. Cleveland received 277
electoral votes, Mr. Harrison 145, and
Mr. Weaver 22. The revolution of
sentiment which has occurred in the
past four years is shown by the follow
ing comparison: Had Democratic
sentiment remained as strong as it was
in 1892, Mr. Bryan should have received
the 277 votes given to Cleveland and
the 22 given to Weaver, making a total
for Bryan of 299 votes, or a majority of
154. The result this year, giving Mc
Kinley at least 83 majority in the
electoral college, shows a change of
sentiment amounting to 237 electoral
votes. This is clcarly a much greater
landslide than occurred in 1892, when
Cleveland was elected. In 1888, Harri
son's electoral vote was 233; Cleveland's
168. In 1892, Cleveland's electoral vote
was 277; Ilarfison's 145, showing that
the ltepublicans lost only 88 votes, and
the Democrats gained 109. Since the
election of 1892, the Republicans have
gained 237 votes while combined Demo
crats and Populists have lost about 120
votes. The full extent of the great
revolution in sentiment will not be
known however, until tbe popular vote
is ascertained. This cannot be given
until later.
Reports from Congressional districts
all over the country indicate that the
next Congress will be Republican by a
comfortable working majority. The
lowest estimate now made and con
ceded is a Republican majority of 50.
This may be increased to 75.
One-third of all the children
die before they are five years
old. Most of them die of some
wasting disease. They grow
very slowly ; keep thin in flesh ;
are fretful; food does not do
them mach good. You can t
say they have any disease, yet
they never prosper. A slight
cold, or some stomach and
bowel trouble takes them away
"sferrs EMULSION of
Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos
phites is just the remedy for
growing children. It makes
hard flesh; sound flesh; not
soft, flabby fat. It makes
strong bones, healthy nerv«.
It changes poor children to
children rich in prosperity.
Book »bout tt hte for tke
t^-No subritutete ScrtSj&nul
rion will do fof the duldr« wfcat we
kaow Scott'» Emoluoo will do. Get
SCOTT & BOWNE, Ne» York.
Tired Feeling
Mak« you Mem "ali broken up," with
out life, ambition, energy « appetite, 1
It is often the forerunner of aérions 111«
ness, or the aooompanUuont ot n errons
troubles. It Is a positive proof ot thin,
weak, impure blood; tor, il the blood is
rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, It Im
parts life ■ and energy to every nerve,
organ and tissue ot the body.. The
necessity ot taking flood's Barsaparilla
for that tired feeling is therefore apparent
to every one, and the good it will do yon
is equally beyond question. Remember
Is the best—In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills SSrÄÄ:
Comfort and
Eeonomy !
« © «
Best in Quality,
Plump in Weight,
Piedmont Smithery
Special prices on large quantities.
The only popular and reliable dealer,
In the District Court, of the Third Ju
dicial District, State of Idaho, in and
for Canyon Couuty.
William II. Male, Benjamin Gra
ham, William Halls Jr., Harris
H. llayden, Plaintiffs,
H. E. Simmons, Anna B, Simmons,
W. J. Bowdon, The Boise City
and Nampa Irrigation Land and
Lumber Company, John W. Dan
iels and W illian Carrol], Defendants.
Action brought in the District Court
of tbe 3d Judicial District, State of
Idaho, in and for Canyon county, and
the complaint tiled in said County of
Canyon in the ollice of the Clerk of
said District Court.
The State of Idaho sends greeting to
II. E. Simmons, Anna B. Simmons, W.
J. Bowden. The Boise City and Nampa
Irrigation Land and Lumber Company,
John W. Daniels and William Carroll,
You are hereby required to appear in
an action brought against you by the
above-named plaintiffs in the District
Court of the Third Judicial District,
State of Idaho, in and for Canyon
-^w. H. REDWAY,^
Successor to The Hontie 6. Gwinn Mer. Co.,
Groceries Hardware.
Crockery and Glassware.
25 Per Cent
That looks a little unusual,
But that is only the Discount
—-Sf^Given on^s—
Too much of it in stock. Hence the Big Cut.
These Prices are for CASH Only.
Chas. A. Oakes.
IDr. Stod.da.rt,
Permanently Located at Atlas Block,
Helena, Montana.
I I OVTi TREATMENT that will give instantaneous relief and a Permanent Cure in all
rH C atarrh, Throat. Bronchial, Heart, Lung, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Affections
I * The Eye, Ear, Nose. Throat, Blood and Reproductive and Nervous System.
Free *nd confidential examinions to all at the office or by letter. Ile treats alt curable
chronic diseases with electricity, medicine and surçery. The cure of private diseases, as
well as all female troubles, deafness, catarrh, bronchitis, consumption, dyspepsia, skin dis
eases, I ver, kidney and piles, a specialty. Suigical operations scientifically and successfully
perform ;d if necesaary. Medicines sent safely and free from observation to any part of the
country . Write for sy.nptom blank and circular.
Drs. Liebig & Stoddart treat chronic, nervous and spécial cisea.ies, also weak men, or
ganic weakness, failing memory, lack of energy, physical decay, deformities, etc., etc., aris
ing fre m indiscretions; excess of indulgence, producing some of the following effects: Ner
yousnc ss, debility, dimness of vision, self distrust, defective memory, prematureness, want of
control of vital organs, p'mples on face, aversion to the society of females, loss of »mbition,
lack of c mfidence, gloominess, despondency, unfitness to marry, melancholy, stunted devel
opment. loss of manhood, etc. Send for question blank, or better call if you can. All pa
tients it, around and aboct Ada, Boise, Canyon and Owyhee counties, and elsewhere jhould
consult Ot , Stoddart the .renowned specialist, personally or by 1«««. at Atlas Block, Helena
county, and to answer the complaint
tiled thereiu within ten days (exclusive
of the day of service) after the service
oa you of this summons—if seryed
within this county; or if served with
out this county, but within this Dis
trict, within twenty days; or if served
elsewhere, within forty days—or judg
ment by default will be taken against
you according to the prayer of said
j The said action is brought to obtain
1 a decree of this court for the foreclos
i ure of a certain mortgage, described in
i the complaint and executed by tbe said
H. E. Simmons and Anna B. Simmons,
I his wife and delivered to W. L. Telford
on the 13th day of September, 1892, to
! secure the payment of a certain prom
! issory note, styled a "First Mortgage
; Coupon Bond,"dated, BoiscCity Idaho,
Sept. 13th 1892, for $7,500 No. 23954 due
on the 1st day of December 1897, paya
ble to W. L. Telford, or order, in gold
or its equivalent in value, with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per
annum payable semi-annually accord
ing to the tenor of eleven interest cou
pons attached. If any part of the
principal or interest is not. paid at ma
turity it shall bear interest at the rate
of 12 per cent per annum, payable an
nually and if any interest remains un
paid twenty days after due the princi
pal shall become due and collectable at
once without notice at the option ot
the holder. Signed, II. E. Simmons.
That the plaintiffs herein, on the
20th of March 1895, purchased the said
note or bond, and all of the unpaid
interest coupons, and said Mortgage of
the said W. L. Telford, and the said
plaintiffs are now the lawful owners
and holders thereof.
That 4 of the said 11 interest coupons,
and no more, have been paid, except
that on the 8th day of February 1895,
there was paid the sum of 0200 on the
5th one of said interest coupons, leav
ing then a balance of $02.50 unpaid on
said 5th one.
That the premises conveyed by said
mortgage may be sold and the proceeds
thereof applied to the payment of said
note, interest coupons unpaid, interest,
attorneys fees, as provided for in said
mortgage, and costs of suit, and in case
such proceeds are not sufficient to pay
the same, then to obtain an execution
against said defendant H. E. Simmons
for the balance remaining due, and al
so that the said defendants, and all
persons claiming by, through or under
them, may be barred and foreclosed of
all right, title, cleim, lien, equity of re
demption, and interest, in and to said
mortgaged premises, and for other and
for other and further relief, and if you
fail to appear and answer said com
plaint as above required, the plaintiffs
will take default against you and apply
to the court for relief demanded in the
complaint, a certified copy of the Bame
being served herewith.
Given under my hand and Seal of the
said District court of the
Third Judicial District,
State of Idaho in and for
[seal ] Canyon county, this 22nd
day of September in the
year of our Lord one thous
and eight hundred and
W. C. Dunbar , Jr.,
Joseph II. Blair , Cleik.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
To Cu»(om»rl of (he Boiii and Nampa Canal.
Water bills may be paid at the Boise
office, or on every Wednesday and
Saturday at H. J. Wllterding's office at
Nampa. It. E. G keen,
o24d3l Manager.
Many political speakers, clergymen, singers
and others who use the voice excessively, rely on
One Mlnuto Cougli Cure to prevent husklness
and laryngitis. Its value as a preventive is only
equaled by Its power to aflord Instantaneous re
lief. h. d. Ulatchley.
Chront" constipation Is a painful disagreeable
and life shortnlng difficulty. It deranges the sys
tem, causes sick headach, bad breath, and pois
ons the blood. It can be readily overcome by
DeWltt's Little Early Klsers. These Uttle pills
are great regulators. H. D. Blatchley.
In the District Court, of the Third Ju
dicial District, State of Idaho, in and
for Canyon county.
Ella M. Randall, Plaintiff,
Francis A. Randall, Defendant,
The State of Idaho sends greeting: To
Francis A. Randall, defendant.
You are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear in an action brought
against you by said plaintiff, in the
said District Court, and to answer the
complaint of the above named plaintiff,
tiled therein, within ten days (exclusive
of the day of service) after the service
on you of this summons, if served with
in this county; or if seryed out of this
county, bnt within this Judicial Dis
trict, within twenty days; or if served
elsewhere, within forty days. The said
action is brought to recover a judg
ment by the plaintiff and agaiust the
defendant, dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony between the plaintiff, Ella M.
Bandall, and the defendant, Francis A.
Randall, and for the custody of Ciaudie
A. Randall, a male child, threo years
old, the issue of the marriage.
Upon the ground of wilful desertion
and abandonment of plaintiff by de
fendant since about the 2(ith day of
January 1894 up to the present lime, as
more fully appears by plaintiffs com
plaint filed herein.
And you are hereby notified that if
you fail to appear and answer said
complaint as above required the said
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in the complaint.
Attest my hand and the seal of the
District Court of the Third
Judicial District, State of
[seal ] Idaho, in and for Canyon
county, this 29th day of
September, 1896.
W. C. Dunbar , Jr,
Chas. H. Reed , Clerk.
Attorney for Plaintiff. no7
In the District Court, of the Third Ju
dicial District, State of Idaho, in and
for Canyon county.
William II. Male, Benjamin Gra
ham, William Halls Jr., and liar
ris H. llayden, Plaintiffs,
II. E. Simmons, Anna B. Simmons,
W. J. Bowden and Boise City and
Nampa Irrigation Land and
Lumber Company, Defendants.
Action brought in the District Court
of the 3d Judicial District, State of
Idaho, in and for Canyon county, and
the Complaint tiled in said County
of Canyon in the office of the Clerk of
said District Court.
The State of Idaho sends Greeting to
II. E. Simmons, Anna B. Simmons, W.
J. Bowden and Boise City and Nampa
Irrigation Land and Lumber Company,
You are hereby required to appear
in an action brought against yon by the
above-named plaintiffs in the District
court of the Third Judicial District,
State of Idaho, in and for Canyon
county, and to answer the complaint
tiled therein within ten days (exclusive
of tho day of service) after the service
on you of this summons— if served
within this county; or if served with
out this county, but within this dis
trict, within twenty days; or if served
elsewhere, within forty days—or judg
ment by default will be taKen against
you according to the prayer of said
The said action is brought to obtain
a decree of this court for tbe forclos
ure of a certain mortgage, described in
the complaint and executed by the
said II. E. Simmons and Anna B. Sim
mons his wife and delivered to W. L.
Telford on the 13th day of September,
1892, to secure the payment of a cer
tain promissory note, styled a First
Mortgage Coupon Bond, dated Boise
City, Idaho, September 13tli, 1892, for
$3,000.00 N o. 23953, due on the 1st day
of December 1897, payable to W. L.
Telford or order, in gold or its equiva
lent in value, with interest thereon at
the rate of 7 per cent per annum paya
ble semi-annually, according to the
tenor of eleven interest coupons at
tached. If any part of the principal or
Interest is not paid at maturity it shall
bear interest at the rate of 12 per cent
per annum, payable annually and if
P r -
come due and collectible at once with
any interest remains unpaid twenty
days after due, the principal shall be
out notice, at tbe option of the holder.
Signed, H. E. Simmons.
That the Plaintiffs herein, on the
14th day of March 1895, purchased the
said promissory note, styled First
Mortgage Coupon Bond, and all of the
unpaid interest coupons and said Mort
gage, of the said W. L. Telford. And
the said plaintiffs are now the lawful
owners and holders of the same.
That 4 of tbe 11 interest coupons,
and no more, have been paid; except
that on the 7th day of February 1895,
there was paid the sum of $69, on the
5th of said interest coupons leaving
then a balance of $36 unpaid on the
said 5th interest coupon.
That the premises conveyed by said
mortgage may be sold and the proceeds
thereof applied to the payment of said
note, interest coupons unpaid, interest,
attorney's fees, as provided for in said
mortgage, and costs of suit and in case
such proceeds are not sufficient to pay
tho same, then to obtain an execution
against said defendant H. E. Simmons
for the balance remaining due, and al
so that the said defendants, and ell per
sons claiming by, through or under
them, may be barred and foreclosed of
all right, title, claim, lien, equity of re
demption, and interest, in and too said
mortgaged premises, and for other and
further relief, and if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint as
above required, the plaintiffs will take
default agaiust you and apply to the
court for relief demanded in the com
plaint, a certified copy of the same be
ing served herewith.
Given under my hand and seal of the
said District Court of the
Third Judicial District,
State of Idaho In and for
[seal ] Canyon county, this 22nd
day of September in the
year of our Lord one thous-
and eight hundred and.
W. C. Dünbar , Jr.,
JosEPn II. Blair , Clerk
Attorney for Plaintiffs.