Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report
East Bound. West Bound.
Passenger No. 25:43 p. Passenger No.Ill:i!)a.
Freight 2JU:10I>. Freight 21 7:40a.
Freight 241:30 a. Freight 2312 :30p.
G ro. l. alley Agent.
Will leave Caldwell on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday for Silver and
DeLamar, at 8:30 a m , returning Tues
days, Thursdays and (Saturday at 5 p.m.
Fare, $5. Ed. Meek , Agent,
j. J. Davis , Supt.
Cigars at Askeys.
blatchley, the Druggist.
Smoke the Cameo, 5 center at Askeys.
Fresh candies aud nuts recieved reg
ular at Askeys.
Take your prescriptions to the
Blatiihley Drug Co.
Mrs. H. B. Griffin returned from
Boise Monday, after a visit of several
T. J. Iluff, assessor elect, has moved
to the city, and will remain a couple of
If you want stationary go to the
Blatchley Drug Co.
Most complete of line periodicals ever
shown in Caldwell at Askey's.
See the fiine Holiday goods now
being dispalayed at the postoflice.
Tom and Jerry, Hot Scotch, and all
other hot drinks at the Caldwell Club.
We w.ill pay cash for 300,000 lbs.—
wheat and oats.— T. C. Bgleston & Co.
All kinds of cigars, tobaccos, stat
ionary, pocket knives and razors at
Dr. Petitt will return to Caldwell
once per month for three days . Con
sult him.
S. M. Coffin left for Hoise Monday
where he had been summoned as a
grand juror.
Rev. M. B. Townsen will preach at
the Baptist church Sunday morning
and evening.
First class lump, nut and blacksmith
coal, sold by the Union Pacific Coal
company, only.
Divine service at St. David's church
Sunday morning and evening. Suuday
school at 10:30 a.m.
Accommodations first class; rates
reasonable; excellent table. The Griffin
Uot .el, Caldwell, Idaho.
Clark Stiles received word Monday
of the death of his father at the age of
69, at Freeport, Illinois.
All the latest fancy mixed drink?,
and the best brands of cigars are sola
at the Exchange Saloon.
We have a well selected stock of
Wall Paper at prices lower than ever
touched. The Blatchley Drug Co.
Elder Dowling of the Christian
church will preach at the Fair view
school-house on the coming Sunday at
3 p. m.
Get your winter's coal now while
prices are down. Best grades, lump,
nut and blacksmith. U. P. Coal Co,
W. H. Taylor has rented Dr. Wrights
house on the east side, which he will
occupy during his term of office as
The Golden Rule store, Caldwell, car
ries the best line of dry goods and no
tions in the city. It will pay you to
buy there.
The latest brand of cigars on the
market is the "Exchange," manufac
tured expressly for, and sold by, Hardy
& Thorp, It is a good one.
The oyster supper which was to be
given by the Ladies Aid society of the
Christian church on Wednesday next
has been indefinitely postponed.
E. II. Dewey has started a force of
men on the Levan property at Pearl,
the principal work of which is the
sinking of an incline on the Judas',
Genuine cigir clippings from the
celebrated Havana 16 to 1 cigars pre
pared by Mosby and Williams and for
sale by all dealers. Best smoking on
Theodore Swanson, one of the oldest
railroad conductors on the short line,
has severed his* connection with the
company. Theo is after something
Your subscription to your papers is
about to expire. Renew through
"Askey" the Newsdealer who makes a
specialty of subscriptions aud will save
you money.
Mr. IL P. Cox, miner and musician
departed with his family for Boise
Wednesday where his family will reside
during the winter. Mr. Cox will be
in the mountains overseeing work on
his quartz claims.
PERFECT and pcnr .nent are the
cures by Hood's Sai aparilla, be
cause it makes pure, ch, healthy,
life and health-giving BLOOD«
24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes
all in a neat box for 15 cents at Askeys
Ilostetter, the jeweler, has the most
complete line of silverware ever seen
in this city.
We keep a full line of Tablets, Slates
Pencils and School Supplies.
The II. D. Blatchley Drug Co
^ A grand ball will be given at Pat
1* ahy a hall Middleton, on New Year 's
eve. Come and dance the New Year
iu 1 ickets S1.00, including supper. 3t
Do not get it into your head that Dr.
Petitt is a cure-all. He is not. He
treats curable diseases, scientifically,
according to the latest approved meth
Dr. Merrihew, dentist from Nampa,
will be here Tuesday of each week.
Gold filling, crown and bridge work 'a
specialty. Teeth made to fit, a fit or no
pay. Consultation free.
The decorated windows on Main
Street, with their display of toys and
fancy goods remind us that the holi
days are drawing nigh and another
mile stone will soon be passed.
For toys and Christmas presents for
the young folks, don't send out of town
but look at the stock at the Golden
Rule store, Caldwell. Nearly every
kind of known toy on exhibition.
LOST—From the Midas Bar, on
Snake river, one iron gray stallion;
blotch brand on left shoulder; had one
hind leg broken; 810 reward will be
paid for his return to the Midas Bar.
Wednesday's Satesman says: "Gov
ernor Steunenberg is in the city. He
occupies room 40 in the Overland, a
circumstance that suggests that there
is to be some politics here in a short
Born —In Caldwell, December 8,1896,
to Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Hardy, a son,
160 ounces fine. This being the first son
of their issue caused Frank to smile
and a gleeful mood to pervade the
There's another new coon in town,
but the latest is in the local bastile,
having been sent up for fifteen days
by Judge Lang of Nampa, for stealing
an overcoat. He makes the fifth in
the county jail.
The Oregon Short Line and the
Utah Northern railroads will be sold at
Salt Lake City, January 9, 1897, high
noon. What an exellent opportunity
for Caldwell capitalists to control some
well paying railroads.
Miss A. Gilgan left for the east Mon
day, where she will purchase a stock of
millinery for the coming spring and
summer trade. Miss Gilgan will go as
far as Watertown, N. Y. to visit her
parents, who reside there.
Dr. Petitt, the Specialist, has located
in Boise City. He will treat all Chron
ic and nervous diseases by correspond
ence if he takes your case and does
not help you the first month materially
he will refund your money.
Montain Gem Lodge No. 4, K. of P.,
entertained a number of their friends
Tuesday evening in their hall. The
evening was spent in a very enjoyable
manner, there being dancing, singing,
games, and a sumptuous lunch.
Mr. A. E. Gipson, editor of the Gem
State Rural, has contracted with W. II.
Schenck, for a neat 7 room dwelling
on his homestead north of the city. Mr.
Gipson expects to move his family to
the new home early next month.
The M. E. Church, after a journey of
of about three weeks, reached its des
tination Tuesday, and is now on the
lots just across Indian Creek. Work
men will be set to work at once to build
up a foundation for the building.
Friday evening the City Marshal
arrested a man for stealing coal and
brought him before Police Judge
Brumbaugh. The fine and costs
amounted to $17.75 which was duly
paid, and the city exchequer replen
If you want to select a piece of fine
jewelry, silverware, cups, cigar cases,
shaving mugs, or napkin rings lor
Christmas or New 1 ear presents,
make your selection at the Postoffice
store. The largest aud best assorted
stock ever shown in Caldwell.
According to the census reports out
of every 100 families in Canyon county,
50 of them are living in rent. We
think a family can build and own a
comfortable home, providing it in
tends a permanent residence, in a town
much more cheaply than pay rent.
"The Lone Sufferer" will be the
theme of the morning discourse at the
Christian church on the coming Lord's
Dav by the pastor J.Charles Dowling.
In the evening the subject will be "Sol
omon, the Brilliant Failure." All are
cordially invited to attend these, ser
The oUl way of delivering messages by post
boys eom pared with the modern telephone,JUiis
trates the old tedious method of breaking
colds compares with their almost instantaneous
bure by One Minute Cough Cure. H. D. Blatch
District Court convened yesterday at
2 p.m. The Judge has quite a long
docket at this term.
Police Judge Brumbaugh says he
will appeal from the action of the city
council in disallowing his bill for ser
vie j to the city.
The arguments in the equal suffrage
amendment case was concluded Wed
nesday. The court was crowded during
the time the attorneys were placing
their views before the justices. Mr.
Ilawley was the last speaker and when
he concluded the court took the matter
under advisement.
The ladies are making arrangements
for a leap year ball to be held on New
Years eve. Of course they will Invite
the gentlemen to attend, but after danc
ing a couple of hours leap year will be
gone, to come again not until the year
1904. Some will need make good use of
that couple of hours.
J. II. Anderson, State Auditor elect,
has already taken up his quarters at
Boise and making himself at home in
the capitol building. He was in such
a hurry to qualify that on Wednesday,
he asked Gov. McConnell to approve
his bond, but the Governor is not ap
proving Demo-pop papers.
Thursday evening next, December 17,
Rev. T. C. lliff, will deliver a lecture at
the Presbyterian church entitled, "Sun
ny Side of my Soldier Life." Tickets for
the lecture are on sale at Oakes Bros, at
25 cents each. Speaking of the lecture
the Burlington Post says : " The attrac
tion of the day was the address of Dr. T.
C. Iliif of Salt Lake City, chaplain-in
chief-of the G. A. R.. who talked a full
two hours on the subject, 'Sunny Side
of my Soldier Life.' As the title indi
cates his address abounded in pleas
ant word pictures of the ridiculous and
funny side of army experiences, with
just enough of the pathos to awaken
the tender memories of by gone days
and experiences that were too real and
serious to have a funny side. The ad-,
dress captured the audience, both old
soldiers and civilians, and the boy of
fifteen, who has now ripened into the
gray headed comrade, was the hero of
the day."
The Ladies of the Nampa Guild will
give a fair December l5, and will have
for sale many useful and unique ar
ticles, such as doilies, center pieces,
lunch cloths, etc. Supper from 6 to
10 p. m.
Major J. A. McGinty is making quite
a record in his management of the.
Soldiers Home, and has been highly
complimented by the Governor. Adju
tant Reynolds' report for the month
of November shows the cost of main
tenance per capita was reduced 10 cents
from the month before. For October
the total expenses was 8999.21 and jtlie
per capita expense per day 59 2-3 cents.
For November the total was $905.60
and the per capita 49 5-8 cents. The
number of inmates increased 5 and the
average attendance 7. This reduction
in cost was brought about in the face
of extra expenses made necessary by
the severe cold and by an accident ne
cessitating additional medical atten
dance. The account for November
also includes 347.45 expended for per
manent improvements. The saving
the governor says, is affected by Mr.
McGinty's thorough Knowledge of the
needs of such an institution and by his
practical methods. Much credit is also
due Mrs. McGinty, who personally
looks after many points where saving
can be made. Withal, the manage
ment is perfectly satisfactory to the
inmates, the governor stating that he
has not heard of a single complaint.
The number of inmates of the home
today is 72, four of whom are on leave
of absence.
The money paid by the national gov
ernment towards the maintenance of
the home is accumulating in the treas
ury, as there is no law under which it
can be used. It will be tbe duty of the
incoming legislature to make provi
sion under which the fund can be ap
plied to the maintenance of the insti
tution. This contribution is $ 100 per
year for each inmate.
This is the complaint of
thousands at this season.
They have no appetite; food
does not relish. They need the toning up of
the stomach and digestive organs, which
a course of Hood's Sarsaparilia will give
them. It also purifies and enriches the
blood, cures that distress after eating and
Internal misery only a dyspeptic can
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
tired feeling and builds up and sustains
the whole physical system. It so prompt
ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp
toms and cures nervous headaches, that It
seems to have almost "a magic touch." .
Sarsaparilia ~
, „ '
Is the best—In fact the One True Blood PuriHer.
— —
.. n ... are the best after-dinner
HOOd S PlIlS puis, aid digestion. »0.
The regular meeting of the city
council was held Monday night. All
councilmen with the exception of C. G.
Stiles, present.
The usual number of bills were pre
sented, and but one disallowed, that of
Police Judge Brumbaugh, who claimed
both fees and salary. The statute pro
viding that the police judge shall re
celve as compensation the fees pre
scribed for justices of the peace, tLe
council was of the opinion, and the
city attorney also, that his salary bill
was not a legal claim. At this action
the able judge registered a $16 kick,
and gave notice he would sue the city.
The judge is laboring under the delu
sion he is also h justice of the peace.
The fire committee, headed by Chief
Thorp made a very full report of their
tour of inspection of the city, which
showed a number of defective Hues are
being used, the most dangerous of
which are in the Chinese restauants on
Main street. The Marshal was order
ed to take the report and see that the
ordinance in regard to defective flues
was strictly enforced.
Mayor Gwinn was added to the fi
nance committee, with instructions to
go over the county books and deter
mine whether or not any money was
due the city from the assessor. There
is a difference of something like $170
existing between the books of the as
sessor and city treasurer, and no de
linquent taxes have been paid in for
over a year.
An ordinance was passed extending
the fire limits so as to include block. 5.
To cure all old sores, to heel an indolent ulcer
or to speedily cure piles, you need simply apply
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve according to direc
tions. Its magic-like action will surprise you.
II. D. Blatchley.
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Piles Rupture
Stomach trouble or any disease of the
skin, blood, liver, bladder or kidneys, if
so, try one months treatment with Dr.
Petitt the Specialist of Boise City, if he
does not help you he will return your
De Witt's Sarsaparilia Is prepared for clean
sing the blood It builds up and strengthens
constitutions Impaired by disease. U.U. Blatch
To Customers of ihs Boise and Nampa Canal.
Water bills may be paid at the Boise
office, or on every Wednesday and
Saturday at H. J. Wiltcrding's office at
Nampa. R. E. Gueen,
o24d31 Manager.
An Ordinance extending the Are limits so as to
Include Block No. Five of the City of Oild
well within said fire limits.
Be it ordained by the Manor and Council oj the
City of Caldwell:
That the tire limits of the City of Caldwell
shall be extended to include all of Block No.
Five in the City and all of the provisions and
limitations and penalties, of Ordinance No. Mix
of Caldwell shall apply to said Block >"o. 5.
Passed and approved this 7tl) day of Decem
ber, 1390.
Attest: Mayor.
O. J. SnoRn, Clerk.
in the District Court of the Third Judicial Dis
trict of the State of Idaho, In and for the
County of Canyon :
In the matter of the application of the First
Presbyterian church, of Fayette, for power to
mortgage oroperty.
Pursuant to au order of the Hon. j. H.
Richards, Judge of said District court, notice Is
hereby given to any and all persons interested
in the real property of said society, and in mat
ters thereof, to show cause. If auy they can, on
Saturday, the 12th day of December, 1896, or as
soon thereafter as the same can be heard, at the
authorized by an order of said court to mortgage
its real property, situated in the town of Payette,
Canyon county, Idaho, and more particularly
described as follows, Measure from the north
east corner of block twelve of Masters addition to
the town of Payette, 120 feet west to the point of
departure, from there 145 feet south, from there
00 feet west, from there 14i> feet north, and from
there 00 feet east to the point of departure. And
to make, execute, and deliver with such mort
gage a promissory note, in the corporate name of
said church corporation, as ev dence of the in
debtedness, to secure which the mortgage Is to
be made.
Witness my hand and the seal of said District
1 j Court, this 27th day of November.
-, SKAL r 1896.
W. C. D unbab , Jr..
By H . C. Dunbar, Clerk.
Dr. GEE W0,
Will remove the swelling from in
flammatory rheumatism in three days.
Dr. Gee Wo is a regular graduate of medicine
from China, having taken a thorough course of
study, extending over eight years. In some of the
best Chinese colleges. lie offers his services to
all those suffering from diseases of any kind, and
feels confident that In every case lie undertakes
redlents he uses In his remedies
he can do you good
Most of the Ingre
are botanical substances from China, many of
thein unknown outside of that country
Can call and have a friendly chat with him,
and he will frankly state to you what he can do
for you. His consultations and communications
conducted in the utmost privacy and strictest
Ills remedies are easy to take and perfectly
harmless. The most of them act on the blood,
urlfylng It and destroying the microbes or bac
Perhaos you are suffering from some disease
' long standing and have tried almost every re
edy known without success. Would It not be
be a success. I was grievously afflicted with
sciatic Rheumatism. I cheerfully recoinend Dr.
; Gee Wo's treatment to afflicted humanity.
well to try the Chinese mode of treatment now,
or at any rate call anil let Dr. Gee Wo examine
the case and tell 5011 what he can do?
For the benefit of those who cannot see the
doctor he lias prepared the following eight renie
i dies for the most prevalent diseases:
These troubles can easily he dlaimosed and the
proper remedies procured. For all other troubles
write, enclosing stamps for question blank and
book, as the doctor uses a special remedy for
each disease.
Caldwell, Idaho, June 17, 1890
To whom It may concern :
I the undersigned had Dr. Gee Wo treat me
during my slckuess and found his treatment to
J ohn T. S ekhee,
Many thousand dollars
worth of valuable articles
suitable for Christmas
gifts for the young and
I old, are to be given to
smokers of Blackwell's
Genuine Durham To
bacco. You will find
one coupon inside each
two ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each four
ounce bag of Blackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco I
and read the coupon
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get them.
* . . wholesale and betail dealers in
Reliable Merchandise,
At lowest prices eve r offer ed in Southern Idaho.
All of our departments are full of Reliable New Fall and
Winter Goods. Our New Pall Dress Goods recently received
are handsomer and cheaper than ever.
Ladies, Children and Misses UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY
in all grades at Hard Pan Prices.
FLANNELS and BLANKETS.—-We carry a complots line of
Oregon made.
OLOAKS, OAPES and JACKETS.--Our lino is new and up
to date styles.
SHADES and LINOLEUMS. We guarantee prices.
is much larger and cheaper than ever before.
BOOTS and SHOES.—We can give you better value than
you will get elsewhere.
We carry Buckingham & Hecht Boots, Strauss Overalls,
and Stetson Hats.
Ope price to all, and all goods marked in plain figures.
<&,. Boone,
A Pointed Question ? ?
So sharp as to pierce rlfllit Into
four Inner conscience. Not that It
s any of our business-It Isn't—hut It
Is your business to know where to
buy—to buy right. It you have not
Investigated tills store you don't
know. It's a
First-class progressive Store
We're talking about. Under one
roof you will tinrt more «owls than In
all the other stores of Boise coin
M t*
rlvlted Denim Over- il
alls, best oualltv*
Denim, at
Men's 8 oz Denim
Men's 76c
lilack Sateen
Men's Kip
Working Shoes,
Uood quality,
a Small l'rlce bas!
Onr Strictly
One Price System
Assures you uniformity In priée.
New goods, new prices with this
house. Your money back whenever
you want It.
Win. Hardman ft Son,
Men's inoz copper
1 1 over-i
Kast Iron
Working Suits
Men's »1.25 we.
Working l'ants » QC
Men's 8I.00 apd »1.25 Kancli
Hats In black, /»
brown, tau and
Fine lines of
Men' s warranted
flint stone tanned 4
standard work-2
lug Shoes,
We fire the ONLY house that sells EXCLU
SIVELY for cash and hence our prices are not
made as OT1IEU HOUSES' PRICES must be,
on the basis of the AVERAGE LOSSES result
ing from the CREDIT SYSTEM. No other
house, therefore, DOES or CAN afford to sell as
cheaply as we do. • •
JSc ?|c
Dress Goods
Heady Made
U mbrellas
there you have our
political faith. Its a good one.
Don't you think you had. better
adopt it by dropping in line
with the masses and buy your
Big T Flour,
It Is a fixed and Immutable law that to have
good sound health one must have pure, rlcli
and abundant blood. There Is no shorter nor
surer route than by a course of De Witt' s sarsa
parilia. H. 1), Blatchley.
This peculiar affliction is caused by
catarrh,which can be permanently cured
by taking proper treatment. When
Dr. Petitt says he can cure Catarrh he
means what he says. Consult him by
writing to his permanent address, liox
201 lloise city Idaho.
Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands
and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, are
quickly euren by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It Is at present the article most used for piles,
and It awluys cures tliem. H. 1). Blatchley,
Lump, nut andblacksmith. Prompt
delivery, bottom prices.
Union paciGç Coal Co.
Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless, and In
variably reliable are the qualities of One Minute
Cough Cure. It never falls In colds, croup and
lung troubles. Children Uke It because It is
pleasant to take and It helps them. H. I).
ATTORNEY-AT-LAW -General law prac
tice. Office lu Odd Fellows building.
Caldwell, Idaho.
On December,.24, 25, 31 and Janurary
1st we will sell round triip tickets to
any point in the state at one fare for
the round trip. Tickets will be good
returning until Janurary 4th.
g. L, Alley,
Agent U. P. System
Dr. Petitt treats aH Chronic and Ner
vous diseases and the diseases of Wom
en at S10 per month, he furnishing all
medicines, correspsnding with his pa
tients once per week.
Doctor Petitt respectfully calls your
attention to the fact that he has had
ten years experience in the exclusive
treatment of the diseases of women.
Consultation free.