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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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ROM POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and healthfulness, Assure« the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. ®OYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Mr. Carl Payne of Fayette visited in Caldwell Sunday. Miss St. Clair was the guest of Miss Edna Little Sunday. Died—At Parma Tuesday Sept. 6th. Mrs. II. S. Stockton. Ice cold soda water at Askey's. Take your prescriptions to the Blatchley Drug Co. Miss Rossi of Boise visited Miss Nellie Callaway Sunday. Miss Dora Hard of Boise is visiting Miss lluth Gipsou this week. Miss May Stevenson left Tuesday for Lewiston to attend the Normal. Thos. Callahan one of Boise's promi nent lawyers spent Tuesday in Cald well. Askey the newsdealer. I want to trade you a new harness, -or saddle for grain. John C. Lucas. ♦IMrs. J. A. McGinty returned from Boise ttie first of the week much im proved in health. Miss Alice Jones formerly of Cald well is lying very ill at Pearl, with the measles. Rev. M. B. Townsen will preach at the Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening. John C. Lucas will trade harness or saddles for grain. Fresh candy and nuts at Askey's. E. W. Carson, travelling agent for Bradstreets was iu town Wednesday .sizing up the business situation. Mrs. M. J. Price returned to Cald well yesterday after a visit with her son in High Valley. Miss Laura Patton left for Lewis ton Tuesday last where she enters the Normal School. Mrs. McLaughlin and Miss Ella Pierce of Malheur Ore., visited friends and relatives in the city Monday. Best cigars at Askey's. I want to trade you a new harness or saddle for grain. John C. Lucas. Ellis Askey and Bert tiipson have gone to Salmon River to spend a few weeks in iishing and hunting. Divine service at St. David's next Sunday morning. Rector Jenning's goes to Nampa in the evening. Mrs. A. E. Gipson returned from Greely Colo. Saturday last where she has been visiting for the past month. Miss Ora Reed who has been visit ing in Caldwell for several weeks re turned to her home in Emmett Satui ■day last. Get you a new harness or saddle and pay for it iu grain at John C Lucas'. Ice cream sodas at Askey's. Mr. and Mrs. Bowlesten from Cali fornia are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Miner of this city. They are on their way to Aalt Lake. Mr. S. S. Foote was in town/Tuesday. He says the wheat crop is not up to the average in quality, but the acreage is much increased. Died—At Lower Boise Monday, Sept. >6th, 1897, Ira Willits. Funeral servi ces took place at the Presbyterian church Tuesday at 10 a. m. Ambrose Haydon, A. M., of whom highly favorable mention is made in the Springfield Republican, reprinted in this paper, arrived here Tuesday. Mr. Anderson, Superintendant of Public Instruction, passed through •Caldwell Tuesday on his way to Pay -ette. He returned to Boise Tuesday evening. Died—At Emmett Monday Sept. 0th 1897, Mr. H. H. Fulton. Deceased had been sick, and confined to his bed nearly all winter. He leaves a wife and four children to monru his loss. Tbe members of the Caldwell Kaffee Klatch will meet at the residence of Mrs. C. A. Pinney on Thursday next. Miss Nellie Cook has accepted a posi tion as teacher of the Lower Center ville school, about II miles below Caldwell and will enter upon her duties next Monday. Blatchley, the DruggiBt. If you need a harness or a saddle and havn't tbe money to pay for it, trade grain for it at Jotra C. Lucas'. M las Fannie Wheeler, who has been visiting in Emmett for the past two weeks returned Friday. She was ac companied by Miss Etile Fulton. Miss Fulton returned the same day. S. M. Coffin went to Huntington last Saturday morning to meet Mrs. Collin who has been visiting on tbe coast some months. Mr. and Mrs. Coffin re turned home on tbe evening train. John C. Lucas will trade harness or saddles for graiu. If you need harness or a saddle, and haven't the money to pav for it, trade grain for it at John C. Lucas'. Grant Whitney, proprietor of the celebrated Payette Nursery was in town Tuesday. He said the Payette fruit crop is immense, but prices are not quite satisfactory although he is hopeful of a favorable turn in a week or ten days. A communication from Warm Springs Ferry, which we were unable to publish this week in full, states that the B.N. & O. railroad bridge across Snake River is completed and that the rails will soon be laid and trains, run ning. Get you a new harness or a saddle and pay for it in grain at John C. Lucas'. The opening exercises of the Collesre of Idaho will be held in the Presbyter ian church, Wednesday Sept. 15,10a. cc. Addresses will be given by Prof. A. P. Ilayden and others. The Public is cor dially invited. Entrance examinations on Tuesday Sep. 14, 9 a. m. Mr. Alex Blessinger was in town Monday and brought to this office the finest pear we have seen this year. It weighed a little over a pound. Mr. Blessenger's son Ray, has entered the Salt Lake Commercial school fora two vears term. He started iu the flrst of this month. Jim Smith, the ferryman, was over from Boise County this week, and re ports that section of country more prosperous than it has been in many years. He says everybody oyer there has plenty of money and plenty of contentment. The Calamity Godlers have all disappeared and the dominion of joy and prosperity is complete. Mr. J. Kesgard of Payette was in town Tuesday. Mr. Kesgard says that the people of Payette are enjoying an unusual degree of prosperity. The high prices which all agricultural pro ducts, including live stock, command are putting the people squarely upon their financial feet. Mr. Kesgard was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Butts, while in town. He was their nearest neighbor when they lived in the Pay ette Valley. Smoke the 16 to 1 cigar. It is the best made and cleanest cigar handled in Caldwell. John W. Thomas of Silver was in town yesterday. Mr. Thomas is con ducting a successful dairy near Silver and has the reputation of producing M. E. Gilgan & Go.. The Only Reliable—— mm -. MILLINERS OP CALDWELL, IDAHO, Are showing a finer and more complete stock of goods than ever. FINE MILLINERY, Lovely Pattern HATS and BONNETS, - - f u ; SAILORS, CORSETS. Children's CORSET WAISTS and FANCY GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT THK TIMES. The CALDWELL MILLINERY PARLORS are oppo site the Depot. Mail orders given prompt and careful attention. CALDWELL, IDAHO. 1 Awarded Highest Honors— World's Fcir, DR two w CREAM BAKING PffNNR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARO. the best quality of butter in the State He has been considering the purchase of the Meridian Creamery. A man of his energy and experience would sure ly make a success of the enterprise. Mr. Thomas is of the opinion that there is no imminei-t dauger of tbe closing down of the Black Jack and Trade Dollar mines. Owing to the fact that Miss Webster teacher for the primary department of the public school, did not arrive at the opening of school, Miss Nellie Cook was temporarily engaged until Miss Webster's arrival. Miss Cook graduat ed last spring and gives promise of making an excellent teacher. Miss Webster comes from the east highly recommended, is a normal graduate and has had ten years experience in primary teaching. Accommodations frs* class; rates reasonable; excellent table. The Griffin Hotel, Caldwell. Idaho. THE COLLEGE OF IDAHO, (ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT.) Sixth year opens. SEPTEMBER 15,1897. Thorough instruction in all branches re quired for admission to leading colleges, East or West. Music and Art Departments. Prof. A. V. HAYDON, Special Instructor in Elocution and Oratory. Selected corps of instructors in charge. Send for catalogue to W. J. BOONE, President, CALDWELL, IDAHO, BUTTS & SCOTT, Always take your work to the largest Blacksmith Shop IN CALDWELL. First-class work guaranteed. Prices as low as the lowest. SHOP NEAK KIMBALL STREET BRIDGE. NOTICE TO CREOITORS In the Probate Court, Canyon County, Idaho. In the matter of the estate of Daniel Kelleher, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, Nellie Kelleher, administratrix of the estate of Daniel Kelleher, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims uiralnst said de ceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after ttie first publication of this notice, to said administratrix «t her place of residence In Caldwell, Canyou County, Idaho, or to her attorney, Frank J. Smith, at his office In Udd Fellow« building, Caldwell. Idaho, the same being the places of the transaction of business of said estate, In the County of Canyon, State of Idaho. N K ki.i.khkk, a"s4 Administratrix. =» TUE GORDON HAT AT -OO. We warrant this HAT for one year. Is of the very finest make and The Styles are Unexcelled. It is worth your time to examine these goods. OAKES BROS. In order to make room for a muc h larger FALL. STOCK than ever carried by us before, we shall for the next 30 days make Special Bargain Prices On all SUMMER GOODS and on all odds and ends in Dry Qoods, Carpets, FuLmistLing Goods, Olotliing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. We need the room and must have it for NEW GOODS. Call and examine our prices and you will buy from LITTLE & BOONE, CALDWELL, IDAHO. DEALERS IN RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. COFFIN, Presldpnt. COWDEN, Vice-President. s. m k. a >3 H. W. DEE, Treasurer. C. R. SHAW, Secretary. k ALASKA GOLD LIMITED. CALDWELL, IDAHO. 100,000 SHARES AT $10.00 EACH. W. G. COWDEN, Manages. Our Company will engage in PLACER and QUARTZ MINING in Alaska and British Columbia, have already « sent our representatives to the field lor the purpose of ^ securing claims. Special attention will be given to| -j dredging the rich river bars. STOCK BOOKS will be open September 10th for the| sale of 10,000 shares. Send all remittances for stock toj the First National Bank , Caldwell, Idaho. For further information address C. R. SHAW, Secretary. The Graphophone. The greatest triumph of inventive genius for the repro duction of sound, will be given by The H. D. BLATCHLEY DRUG Co. to the person presenting the greatest number of coupons. One Coupon given with every 25c. worth of goods bought, and one coupon given with each cigar.