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LEV! -STRAUSS & CO. FACTORY- SAN FRANCISCO -CAL. COPPER RIVETED TBJI • • OVERALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PANTS: EVERY ÔARMENT GUARANTEED. EMPLOY OVER 330 GIRLS. JOE BOWERS. Missouri Wilt Ertd a Monument ta Hi« Memory. The last session of the Missouri legislature passed an act authorizing the appointment of a commission to take steps for the erection of a mor.u ment to one of her illustrious oitizans whose memory is enshrined in song and whose name is familiar to every one In California forty years ago. The name of the hero was Joe Bowers, and he immortalized himsef and old Missouri by writing the famous song which bears his name, the first stanza being as follows: My name It Is Joe Bowers, I'v« got a brother Ike, I came from old Missouri, All the way rrom Pike. I'll tell you why I left there, Amt how i came to roam, And leave my poor old mammy So far away from home. Joseph then proceeds in rhyme to narrate his little romance, how he loved a girl named Sally Black, who when Joe asked her to marry him said "it was a whack," but insisted before they hitched for life, it was Joe's duty to get a little house in which to keep his little wife. So Joseph, for Salley's sake, started for California to try to raise a stake. The parting was very affecting. When Joe bid adieu to all "Sail cotched him around the neck and then begau to bawl." Joe made his way to the land of gold and after the usual ups and downs of a miner's life made a stake and was on the eve of returning to claim his bride' when one day he got a letter from Ills dear, kind brother Ike, It, came from old Missouri, all the way from Pike. "It told the goldarndest news that you ever did hear." It said my Sally was fiele le, If or love for me liatl fled. That she had married a butcher. Whose hair was awful red. It told me more than that, Its enough to make |me swear I It said that Sally hud a baby, And the baby had red lialr. Joe Bowers was known as the "poet lariat" of El Dorado, where he nour ished in the BO's and will be remem bered by many old Californians.—Ex. HAY FOR SALE. I have 500 tons of hay for sale at Fred J. Kiesel's ranch near Parma. Will either sell hay or fed stook. Good open water ail winter, i'or terms apply to J ohn N elson , Parma, Idaho U234t. _____ REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the First National Bank at Cald well, in the State of Idaho at, »„he close of business, October 5th, 189". ItKSOUHCBS. Loans and illsrcmtits gis7 r»5f» 01 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... 3.879 32 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation .... 12,000 uö Premiums on V. s. Bonds i V. no Htocks, securities, etc ia,7r>o 97 Baukiug-house, furniture and fixtures 1,000 CO Due from Mallotutl Banks (cutreserve agents). is,Of* 80 l>uc from State Banks and Bankers.. 9.770 10 Due from approved reserve ageuts .. $48,053 70 Checks and other cash items 297 75 Notes of other National Banks , 9,181 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels ami cents 8 » ço Lawful Money Keserve iu Bank, viz: y\ a&a.üiö 50 Legal-tender notes 6 ,000 ou Redemption fund with 11, S. Treas'r IB percent of circulation) 39 ,616 ro 602 no Tot »' «598,57.1 05 Capltul stock paid lu « km Surplus fund n,\ Undivided profits, less expenses and — 1 llank notes outstondliig"11 Due to other National Banks t, Dua to state Hanks and Haukers I Individual deposits subject to check. 452 Demand Certificates of deiwslt a»! Time certificates of deposit 2J, ,486 07 oo .oao or» ,217 4: Total...., }S93,0"3 DO S tatk ok I daho, i „ COUNTY" OF C-ANYCOf. ! **' w : « 8el>ree, Cashier of the above named hank do solemnly swear that the above sta.entout Is true to the test of my knowledge »w» bellet. W. It. S ki -. kkk , Subscribed anil sworn to before me thls'lïth day Ä r 'A ! ?''. Ohas. W. PiNXKY. 3 Correct -Attest: Notary Public H oward R khrkb. l Ii. F. W hitk . V Directors. M onths li. «win*. I TIME CARD U. P. RV. CALDWELL. IDAHO East Bound. West Bound. Passenger No. is:« p. Passenger No.l 11 :isa Freight sa 3 .-to p. Freight n Freight Ml jo a. Freight aswaop. U ku .L . ai.i.My- Agent. to old to "it to to all his of PURCHASE PRICE INCREASED. Government Officiel» Have nothing to Say About the Sal». Washington, Oct. 26.—Although the Government officials decline either to adlrm or deny the report of it« accept ance of the new proposition of the re organization committee of the Union Pacific railroad, there is no reasonable doubt of its accuracy. This proposition is understood to be an increase of the original guarantee bid of «50,000,000 to assume sufficient, to cover the full amount of the Government claim against the Union Pacific road proper, which on October 1st aggregated S58, 067,398. This include the principal of the debt, which amounts to 627,236,515, and the balance of The interest paid by the United States, amounting to 830, 380,886. This represents the full amount of (he United Pacific's obliga tions to the Government. The sale of this line will be proceeded with, as ori ginally intended, about November 1st. Whether the Government will ask the court to order a sale of the Kansas Pacific on December loth, cannot be stated, but should it so decide, it is un derstood that no objection will be raised by the reorganization commit tee. The net result of the new organi zation, so far as concerns the Union Pacific, is regarded by the officials as highly advantageous to the Govern ment, as it secures all that it has ever claimed to be due it, and renders it practically certain that a very large share of the debt of the Kansas Paci fic wil be realized whenever it may desire to consent to its Bale. THE UNION PACIFIC. Passes through the best cities and towns in Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, and is the best route to Denver, Kansas City, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Louis, Chicago and all eastern points. The advantages gained by traveling via the Union Pacific are Quick Time, Unequalled Service, Magnificent Equipment. Double Drawing Boom, Pullman Palace Sleepers, Pullman Dining Cars, Free reclining Chair Cars, Pullman Tourist Sleepers. For time tables, pamphlets descrip tive of the country traversed, rates of fare, or anv other information, address E. L. LOMAX, Omaha, Neb. "Actions speak louder than words"—ask your gro cer ifwe really mean money back if you don't like Schil ling's Best tea A Schilling g- Company üau Krancisco BOISE SADDLERY CO., BOISE. IDAHO, Carry a full line of C. M. HENDERSON, J. B. LEWIS AND HAMILTON & BROWN'S Ladies' Gent.'s and Children's FINE SH©ES. e a Finest .... SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, ROBES, Etc. e e Every kind of HORSE FURNISHINGS. Single Harness from $6.00 Dp. KLONDYKE May have lots of GOLD, BUT WE, The best line of HEATING An COOKING OT0VES IN SOUTHERN IDAHO The styles will please. The prices are satisfactory. T. C. Egleston & Co. THE GASH GROCERY STILL LEADS IN PRICES. OUR MOTTO: w 0 ^ w W »TW Y Small profits, iL** J l ^* fiÛYç Sole agents Quick returns. LTJCUS BLOCK. for BIG T Flour THE RENOWNED Caldwell Club, L. A. SIMON, Proprietor. WSNES, LIQUORS AND CHOICE CIGARS. Good Billiard Table. Commedions Club Booms CALDWELL, IDAHO. ©HAS. Ä. ©HKES, E^urnitvire Dealer. Mattings from 25c to 45c per yard. Lamps of Every Description. WALL PAPER The Latest Designs At Lowest Prices W. C. MORDEN. Confectioner and Baker, A., ID.A.ÏÏO. FLOUR from 80c to $1.15 per sack. Rolled Oats, Cornmeal and Germeal at Rock-Bottom Prices. Seven Bars First-class Soap for 25c. CAN GOODS and GROCERIES. Call or send and get our prices, it will pay you. At the Brick Bakery, opposite Nampa station. W. C. MORDEN, Proprietor. m & & # à & i W. R. SEBREE, Cashier firsi ßaiioiial CALDWELL, IDAHO A General Banking Business Transacted CORRESPONDENCE INVITED JUDICIOUS ADVERTMC Pays. SHOP SOCIETIES. Io O. F.— C alpwbli. I .iioor. No. 10. HitII new brick building. KeçuUtf meeting Wed nesday evening each week. Visiting Drethem cordially invited to attend. a . E. G ii'hon , L or an T ompkins, Secretary* Noble Grand. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOHN T. MORRISON, ATTOKNKV AT LAW— All legal business wilt have prompt and rargful attention, urtiee, Caldwell Kutcheilng Co. building, upstairs. Caldwell, - Idaho. IOHN C. RICE. H.A. GRIFFITHS. RICE & GRIFFITHS, Attorneys at law-ohicc over First National Hank. Caldwell, - Idaho. FRANK J. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - General law prac tice. Office in Odd Fellows building. Caldwell, - Idaho. W. E. BORAH, Attorney at law- General law practice, l'loneer Building, Boise City, Idaho. S. L. TIPTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW-WUI practice In any Court In the State. Pioneer Building. Boise City, Idaho. Ja». H. Haicley. Wm, H. Puckett. HAWLEY & PUCKETT, Attorneys at law -Room« e, 7,8, 9 and 10 I. o. o. F. Building. Telephone 71. Boise City, Idaho. E. J. FRAWLET, Attorney at LAW—General law practice. City Hall, Boise, Idaho. JOHN T. MORGAN. LAWYER—840 Idaho street. Long distance telephone, 89. Boise City, Idaho. H. E. WALLACE, ^ TTOH N E Y- AT-L AW. Office ^ and court u. * practice. Prices reasonable. Ofllce up stairs in Payette Valley Bank Building, Payette, Idaho. NOTARY PUBLIC. CIIAS. W. FINNEY, Notary Public—Ack nowledgments of all kinds made and papers carefully prepared. Ofllce in First National Bank, Caldwell, Idaho. ED. E. MAXEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office—Odd Fellows' Block. Special attention driven to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nos« and Throat. Glasses fitted. In ofllce all night. Caldwell, Idaho. JOHN W. PADGET, AND Jlnok_ si hnv night. Caldwell, Physician Block, above Post Office SURGEON—Masonic Iu office all Idaho. DR. W. C. STALKER, Resident DENTIST OFFICE Hours, ft a.m. to 5 p m. All work warranted. Masonic Building, Caldwell, Idaho. W. H. SCHENCK, XpNGINEER and SURVEYOR.—Over years work prat cul ex P erie nce in Irrigation and ditch Caldwell, Idaho. ! Across Street from I.O.O.K. Hall. W. H. THORP, - - Proprietor. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard Room in Con nection . Caldwell, - - Idaho FREE COINAGE SALOON, Main Street, - Caldwell. R. CHRISTIANSON, P roprietor. Choice Wines and Liquors, and the best Cigars only kept in stock. ADJOINING ARMOKY HALL, Neat Club Rooms and Reading Tables. BUTTS & SCOTT, Always take your work to the largest Blacksmith Shop IN CALDWELL. First-class work guaranteed. Prices aslow as the lowest. SHOP NEAR KIMBALL STREET BRIDGE.