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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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Royal Mkn Um food para, wfcotaMon u4 dallclMU. ^AKlH^ POWDER Absolutely Pure »oym. lakihb powoe» co., n«w vohk. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Best cigars at Askey's. ÄBkey the newsdealer. Blatchley, the Druggist. Fresh candy and nuts at Askey's. W. L. Griffin of the Holel Griffin, is in Boise this week. J. J. McFarland was up from Falk's Store yesterday. P. P. Shelby of Parma, was in the city Tuesday last. School supplies at Askey's. Goods are cheaper than ever at the Golden Rule Store, Caldwell. Born—November 13,1897, to the wife of Mr. S S. Foote of Middleton, a son. Ex-Governor B. F. White of Dillon, Montana, was in the city for several days this week. The measles are reported to be letting up. No new cases having been dis covered during the week. • Dr. Dutton returned from Owyhee County yesterday where he had been on professional business. Dr. Isham's elegant offices are in the Opera House building. Hay or grain taken on subscription, »t this office. Governor Steunenberg was in town Sunday and Monday, returning to the Capitol Monday evening. Hen. Alex Robertson and Frank McKee of Nampa, were visitors to the county metropolis Tuesday. "A new arrival in Grover Cleveland's household—single standard," is the way the Carson Appeal puts it. Read Ellis Askey's advt. on another page. If you are fortunate enongh to win a prize, you get a good one. Take your prescriptions to the Blatchley Drug Co. We will take bay or grain on sub scription. Mrs. E. B. Johnson came up from Baker City last Saturday and will re main a few days with her husband. Jas Reagan of Emmett, was in town Monday and Tuesday. He was ship ping «.attle for the eastern market. Martin Jensen, is (over from Succor Creek laying in supplies sufficip'' to run his sheep camps the comiiu »«. ter. Dr. T. H. Callaway and dH.i;;!;',. r came down from Boise Monday to -, tend the funeral of M-s. ClarK rem: lng Tuesday.' Divine service at St. David's i.ext Sunday moruing. Rector Jennings goes to Nampa in the evening. It is said that a St. Louis girl 1> years old has been married twice, divorced twice and secured $5000 from a railway company, all within three months, and yet they call that town slow. Just received, best line of tablets that ever came to the city. Call and examine quality and prices at Askeys. Examine your chimneys and see that they are in first class shape. If you tind them the least defective repair them at once, as it may save you the inconvenience of being burned out. Any subscriber wishing to pay his subscription in turkey can do so, but this offer is only good until Wednes day next, as we want to lay in a supply of liver then if no turkey shows np. In the Probate court on Tuesday last, the petition in the matter of the «state of Geo. T. Cook, deceased, was beard and Mrs. Minnie Cook was ap pointed administratrix of the estate. Go to the Kraft Clothing Co. and ex amine their mammoth stock of over coats. Dress overcoats, ulsters for stormy weather and In fact overcoats for all classes. Prices right. «The stage robbers who held np the Meadows Mail coach are reported to have secured $4000 in cash from four letters alone. No clue has yet b*en found of the robbers. Dave Newman started for DeLamar Thursday morning with a load of vege tables, chickens and ducks. Dave al ways finds a ready market In the Owy hee for his produce. Smoke the 16 to 1 cigar. It is the best made and cleanest cigar handled In Caldwell. A. J. Rainwater of Dayton, Wash., has been in the city the past week the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. W. H. Thorp. Mrs. Rainwater, who has been visiting here for several weeks will re turn with her husband tomorrow. Mrs. Wm. Cupp and children are in town from above Emmett and will re main all winter as the children will at tend school here. Mr. Cupp will re main on the ranch and look after bis sheep and stock. Deputy Sheriff Ross Madden was at Emmett Saturday last and sold the H. E. Kelley & Co. stock which was at tached by the Caldwell Forwarding Co. The stock is said to have brought very fair prices. Holiday goods have arrived at the Golden Rule store, Caldwell. Call and see them. Mr. Lingenfelter hiyd two children who have resided above Middleton for several years past, léft on Friday last for California, where they will probab ly remain permanently with Mrs. Liu genfelter's parents. She has rented her farm here for a term of years. Senator Shoup reached Boise from Salmon Sunday. The Senator ran against a truck in his mercantile es tablishment a short time ago and has been somewhat lame ever since. The Senator reports business very good in Lemhi County. Dress Goods for ladies are cheaper than ever at the Golden Rale Store. We have bought from factory the high grade Baking Powder named Per fect and guarantee it as pure as money can buy. Caldwell Forwarding Co. Idaho is all right according to the showing of her ten national banks as reported by the comptroller of the treasury. Their deposits, loans and discounts have largely increased, as al so their resources, while the average reserve held is 40.48 per cent. Moscow must be quite a moral city. Marked Down Sale 0F MILLINERY. M. E. GILGAN & CO. Are offering all their Fall and Winter Stock AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OP. ALL OUR $7.00 HATS AT $5.00. 5.00 „ „ 3.50 3.50 „ „ 2.50 SAILORS, WALKING HATS, TAM-'O-SHANTERS and BOAS all marked down one-third. Come early and make your selections. THE New Cash Grocery, LOCATED IN THE PEFLEY BUILDING, CALDWELL. Our goods are all NEW. We sell for CASH, and our prices are the Lowest in Caldwell, Give us a call and be convinced. Remember the Plaee IN. THE PEFLEY BUILDING. HOWARD 8EBBEE, President. B. F. WHITE, Vice-President, W. S. SEBRKE, Cashier. First National Bank, OF CALDWELL, IDAHO. A General Banking Business Transacted. COBMBFONDBKCK INVITED. Awarded Highest Honors—World's Fair, •DR yWO w CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 years the standard. The saloons have to close at midnight, and on Sunday they are allowed to keep open during the forenoon only. Last week tbe council refused to grant licenses for gambling and ordered the city officers to enforce the anti-gam bling law and to arrest anyone caught violating it. Rev. Deuel of Boise, rode down from Nampa yesterday morning on his wheel returning in time to catch the noon train at Nampa. He made tbe trip from the city of railroads in 40 minutes. Tbe Rev. gentleman had seen his wife and child off to New York tbe previous evening. Our felt boots and rubbers are of the best quality we can buy, and our stock of gloves, mittens and heavy under wear is the largest in town. Kraft Clothing CO. H. N. Maxey left on Monday last for Willow Creek to do the necessary assess ment work to hold the mining proper ties held by himself and brother, Dr. W. C. Maxey. The group comprise the Blackbird, Mammouth and Meadow Lark, and are considered valuable properties. It is agreed by all fine cooks east that the Baking Powder named Per fect is tbe best in the market because don't cause indigestion. Ask us. Caldwell Forwarding Co. The Napa Reflector says that B. F. Hunt, aged 89, was married recently to a young and blushing widow, aged 90, at that place. The giddy young thingl She might have however se lected a man older than herself, This thing of girls taking boys to raise should be stopped. « If You ölaot Winter Clothing Winter Underwear Winter Shoes DRY GOODS or House Furnishing Qoods COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK *kd GET OUR PRICES— , *. BEFORE YOU BUY. LITTLE & BOONE, CALDWELL, IDAHO. DEALERS IN RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. GAPES S JACKETS 8 -«»«-«i.© OUR PRICES RANGE PROM $3 50 to $5.00. For Nobby, Neat-Fitting Garments you should look our line over. We can save you money. Ladies' Winter WHISTS, CORDUROY, $4 .50. VELYET, $5.00. OAKES BROS. \ m mmma M. COFFIN, President. . A. COWDEN, Vice-President. MO & ILM GOLD MINING CO., LIMITED. CALDWELL, IDAHO. ' ■ ' " 1 1 " 100,000 SHARES AT #10.00 EACH. W. O. COWDEN, M anaokb. Our Company will engage in PLACER and QUARTZ MINING in Alaska and British Columbia, have already sent our representatives to the field for the purpose of securing claims. Special attention will be given to dredging the rich river bars. STOCK BOOKS will be open September 10th for the sale of 10,000 shares. Send all remittances for stock to the First National Bank, Caldwell, Idaho. For farther information address C. R. SHAW, Secretary. H, W. DEE, Treasurer. C. B. SHAW, Secretary The Graphophone, Tb« greatest triumph of inventive genius for the repro duction of sound, will be given by The H. D. BLATCHLEY DRUG Co. to tbe person presenting the greatest number of coupons. One Coupon given with every 25c. worth of goods bought and one coupon given with each cigar.