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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
LEVI STRAUSS & 00. FACTORY- SAN F ft ANCISCO -CAL* COPPER RIVETED OVERALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PANTS: EVERY GARMENT OUARANTCEO. EMPLOY OVER 390 OIRLS. AGAINST SANTA CLAUS. The New York press reports that a number of prcachers of that city hare agreed té discour age and banish Santa Çlaus as a feature of Christmas observations. They say that the religious na ture of the day is neglei ici in the superior homage that is paid to the patron saint of the children. Instead of Santa Claus they pro pose lo introduce a symbolical mangrr and child and thereby catry out the bibl:~~al signi. 'w e of the day. It is a saddening fact that mod ern childhood has lost much of i olden freedom, buoyancy and in nocent delusion. The Fontlcroy boy and the hothouse girl have largely replaced the wicked liule rascals and the tomboyish lassies that have become the fathers and mothers of the present day. Jack the giant killer and Bluebeard are no longer staple in child lo r e, nor do the ogre and good fai y terrify or soothe the young hear; as in olden, golden days that even you and I remember. But is it well that childhood has lost its : ' lusion and romance and imagery? Truly it seems that in thSs age of high pressure activities the young are brought enough inte» the ac tualities of life. The forcing period comes in ample season, childish vanities are quibkly dis pelled, the bloom and freshness of innocence are gone even before the change is understood. Chil dren are born into childhood and by nature are intended to he ve its frolics, its follies and itè fai.ies. The child that does not have these has had something taken out of its life that after year3 can never restore. Let the preschers crowd all the symbolic religion into the adults and into those that have reached the age of discretion that they may stand. It won't hurt them and may do them a power of good. But let the iconoclastic hand spare the harmless joys of the childish heart. Let Santa Claus bring in his messages of pe^ice and good will and his substantial blessings that shed such light and benediction upon the family circle THE OPAL MlNES Tm Man Taking Oui Baautltkil— Davalapmaat Wsrk N.w Gang On. Mr. M. R. Given8, owner of the Warm springs on Snafte river, 18 miles west of Nampa, was in town the first of the week and stated to a representative of the Leader that C. B. Garrison, mana ger of the opal mines, had just received word from the owners that money had been sent from Boston to make final payment. This means more to the people of Nampa than might be supposed by many, but the full effects can not be stated at present. This is the nearest railroad point and, of course, supplies and machinery will be freighted from her!e. Two men are now at work and are taking out opals that would daz zle the eyes of a dealer in Austra lian beauties were he to gaze on them. It is the intention cf the company to put a large force of men at work within a few weeks as the stones recently found sur passes those that took first prize at the World's fair, both in size and qu?'ity. As development work goes on everything goes to prove that the supply is unlimited and lha* the deeper in the mount ain they go the larger and better the stones. The opals that are now being mined are superior to any yet discovered anywhere and ere long will be the most popular, —Nampa Leader. WANTED. 100 head of good calves and yearlings, delivered at my ranch, near Parma, for which the highest cash prices will be paid. Enquire of J. W. Watkins, at Ranch, or address him at Parma, Ida. d25 B. F. W hite. FARMS FOR SALE. If you are looking for (food farm lands, improved or unimproved. Call on or address Jasper Nichols, Caldwell, Idaho. dl4 FOR SALE 40 acres of land adjoining Jas. Ap persons place south of town, at reasonable price and time payments subdivided to suit purchasers. al4 Apply to C. A. H and. THE UNION PACIFIC. Passes through the best cities and towns in Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, and is the best route to Denver. Kansas City, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Louis, Chicago and all eastern points. The advantages gained by traveling via the Union Pacific are Quick Time, Unequalled Service, Magnificent Equipment. Double Drawing Room, Pullman Palace Sleepers, Pullman Dining Cars, Free reclining Chair Cars, Pullman Tourist Sleepers. E. L. LOMAX, Omaha, Neb. BOISE SADDLERY CO. BOISE. IDAHO, Carry a full line of C. M. HENDERSON, J. B. LEWIS and HAMILTON & BROWN'S Ladies' Gent.'a and Children's FINE SHOES. Finest .... SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, ROBES, Etc. Every kind of HORSE FURNISHINGS. Single Harness from $6.00 Up. "Christmas Cheer Comes onee a year." (REMEMBER YOUR FRIENDS WITH A USEFUL PRESENT. LET US SUGGEST TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. ROGERS' Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS and SPOONS, SLEDS, SKATES, RAZORS, SHEARS. See oar beautiful ROCHESTER and STUDENT LAMPS, besides an endless line of other desirable goods. T. C. Egleston & Co. THE GASH GROCERY STILL LEADS IN PRICES OUR MOTTO: w ■« «IW w r Small profits, I m 9 Sole agents Quick returns. LUCUS BLOCK. for BIG T Flour THE RENOWNED Caldwell Club, L. A. SIMON, Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS AND CHOICE CIGARS Good Billiard Table. Commedions Club Rooms CALDWELL, IDAHO. THE\ ws » We know of no review published. In this country or In Europe, which combines so success fully as the A mirican M onthly the slertness. timeliness snd energy of lourntllsm with the sound Judgment, carcfullv weighed opinion, exact knowledge, and well-chosen English of the pure. y literary periodical. '— Tht Outlook. Ii fa impossible to promise particular features that will appear in ths "AMERICAN MONTHLY" during the coming year, for it is, as the Bcoforun says, - a peat monthly newspaper." As such, it prints tor its readers an illustrated account of the notable things which make the history oi the month,' of the political, the economic, and literary happenings which are of value to intelligent men and women. The Editor's 44 Progress of the World " tells suc cinctly an illustrated story of the month. The M Leading Articles'* Csre the best thought and information of the current magazines in five conti nents | the contributed articles furnish the character sketches of the man of the month, and give timely disc ussion s by authorities oo any question of immediate serious import. The result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the Information needed by intelligent people oi "live'' instincts is bat gauged in the opinions which the readers of ' .. the AMERICAN MONTHLY have seen fit to express. These are thinkin g business men, clergy men. editors, lawyers, professors, engineers, the wide-awake women of America. They write that the AMERICAN MONTHLY "fc ~~ i n d i s pens a b le"» "is simply invaluable ' a historical cyclopedia oi the world Fol 25c. SPECIAL OPFER Tbc current number and the two preced ing issues. » « . . . . I "is a generous library in itself"! ia 'the best mesns of aid for a busy man"t "the best pe ri odi cal of the kind we have ever had"a triumph of editoria. gcnius"i "the world under a field-glass," etc., etc. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2J0 PER YEAR S ADDRESS American Monthly Review of Reviews \ L—- X 13 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK SOCIETIES. IO. O. F.— C aldwell L odoe N o . 1». Hall new brick building. nesday evening eaeh week. Visiting Brethern cordially invited to attend• -nuntras A - EG,F Äry. L0H, ÏÏÂ. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOHN T. MORRISON, a TTOHNEY AT LAW—All legal biisluessw* A have prompt and cargMatl ^^J ^"' Caldwell Butchering Co. building, upstair». Caldwell, - Idaho. IOHN C. BICE. H - GRIFFITH». RICE & GRIFFITHS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—Office over Fir* National Bank. Caldwell, - Maho. FRANK J. SMITH, , TTonvvv- at- LAW.—General law pias A tlce. Sffiee In Odd Fellows building. Oaldwell, - Idaho. W. E. BORAH, ATTORNEY AT LAW-Üeneral law practice. Pioneer Building, Boise City, Idaho. S. L. TIPTON, • ttornfy AT LAW—Will practice In uy ATcourt kiilie State Flonee'r Building. Boise Oity, Idaho. E. J. FRAWLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW-General law practice. City Hall, Boise, Idaho. JOHN T. MORGAN. LAWYER— MO Idaho street. Long distance telephone, 89. Boise Oity, Idaho. H. E. WALLACE. ATTORNEY-AT.LAW. Office snd ccrt practice. Prices reasonable. Office up stalrs In Fayette Valley Bank Building, Payette, Idaho. NOTARY PUBLIC. CHAS. W. PINNEY, Notary Public-Ack nowledgments ot all kinds made and papers carefully prepared. Office In First National Bank, Caldwell, Idaho. ED. E. MAZEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, omce—Odd - Fellows' Block. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Olasses Btted. In office all night. Caldwell, Idaho. JOHN W. PADGET, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-Masonlc Block, above Post Office. In office all night. Caldwell, - Idaho. DR. W. C. STALKER, Resident DENTIST ifldlng, Caldwell, Idaho. W. H. SCHENCK, "C^NGINERR and 8URVKYOR.-Orer w years -*-rf practical experience In irrigation and ditch work. Caldwell, Idaho. COLUMBIAH PRIZE WIKNERS. CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS j WIN GIVEN H ighest A wards At the World's Exposition lor excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume oî tone, elasticity of touch, artistic materials and workman* ship of highest grade. OATALOaUU ON APPLICATION crib. JHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. OHIOAGO. ILL. UH8EST mmiFinmpppg n F BAMS Ain pRC AHS m THF wnpij.