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®ltc ®trümne. ru il us men weekly by R. H, Davis. H abtcription, 92.00 Per Annum. Catered at the Post Office at Cîldwell, Idaho, ■ mail matter. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1899. THAT RAILROAD We hope Boise will finally be placed on the main line. Boise is the capital city, and, therefore, the first city of the State, and ought not to be switched off on the stub-end of "jerk-water" line, "We believe it to be the wish of all disinterested parties of the State, that this great benefit(being placed on the main line) be ac corded that city. Once Boise was a city of moss-backs, and the pedple thought it the only place on earth, and when about 17 years ago, an offer was made to place Boise on the main line for a small consideration, $15,000, Boise ^indignantly refused to put up the stuff, and the O. S . L. built it's line about 15 miles south of the capital city. Since then Boise has changed. It still holds to the old idea that it is the only city on eirth, but thsi all towis hold that idea, and the citizens en courage it as a patrotic duty. But Boise now is a city of energy. It has every thing that goes to make up a comfortable sized city It's citizens are pushing and wide awake. The railroad company has offered to put the city on the main line for $270,000, and we have no doubt at all, from the way the people up there are going about the matter, but what they will raise it. But we should not get an inflated i.lea about the benefits that will accrue to Boise by being placed on the main line. It does not mean thai Boise will become a passenger divisionj be cause that is out of the question entirely. , Boise is too close to Huntington for that, and Hnting ton is the terminus of the O. R & N. We even believe it too elose for a freight division. So much for that idea. Now with respect to another idea that has gained currency in these parts. Jit has been said that the O. S. L. railroad to put Boise on the main line will tear up all the track be tween Owyhee and Payette and build a new railroad entirely. Such an idea is absurd. You might as well expect a business man who has been getting along with the old-fashioned show win dow for a good many years, to tear down a brick block in order to put plate glass fronts to his building. Boise does not expect any such benefits. If that com mittee expected any such changes they would not keep the matter •o quiet. Such a change would benefit Star, Emmett, and Pay ette, and Boise would be down among those people, and the Money would be raised so quick that ft would make your head swim. But the railroad, for and in consideration of $270,000 promised the Boise committee to extend the main line eight and three quarter miles and put Boise on the main track, and tear up the track between the v blind-siding called Owyhee and Nampa. That is all there is to the proposition. This arrangement will hurt Nam some, and we are sorry for that place, especially for the poor people there who have made for themselves homes, but the change for Nampa will not be so great as is imagined. She will lose the benefit of the Boise branch, but the Owyhee branch still re mains, and it bids fair to more than make up for all they might lose by losing the Boise branch. OUR NEW EDITOR. The Boise C^spital three weeks ago came down upon T he T rie une with a lot of silly twaddle, which, no doubt, the editor of the Capital considered sound argu ment. Thk Tribune supposing that the effort was all that k pur ported to be,—knowing the well known weakness of the editor of that paper to indulge in pueril ities,—answered it in all candor And as a result, we have been be slimed with another discharge of filth. We ought to have known better. We have observed that when a yellow cur is cornered, it curls it's tail between it's legs, lays back its ears, and tries to get away, all the time snarling and showing it's teeth and, if it can, takes despicable advantage of it's opponent—we would hardly com pare the Capital editor with the yellow cur,—although he has all it's traits,—the yellow cur has a little respect left, the Capital has n't any. In our article of two weeks ago, we answering all the argument that paper attempted to present, and it having nothing to say in return, resorts to insult and abuse. It has (always done so; that is the only part of its char acter as a newspaper that has been uniform and consistent. But as we stated before, we expected all this, and were not in the least surprised when it came: we would have been surprised if it hadn't answered as it did. The Capital is pleased to as sume that Mr. John T. Morrison has editorial charge of T he T rib une and therefore is the author of its editorial articles. This is a compliment we had hardly ex pected and could never deserve. We wish that something would appear in the Capital that would suggest a relationship between it and a writer of any degree of ability and integrity. We are only sorry that Mr. Morrison is not editor, for if he were, the same splendid ability that has been exercised in building up the Republican party to the place that it holds in Idaho politics to day, could no doubt be used to uplift and elevate Idaho journal ism, so that such things as edit the Boise Capital would, perforce, hide their diminished heads with shame. Well, our esteemed contempor ary, the Caldwell Record is after us once more. We have always held to the idea that a "burnt child dreads the fire", but it seems that there are exceptions to this rule, and the Record is among the exceptions. We have always taken a sort of fatherly interest in the Record , the papar being young, and the editor a witless chap. And besides we wanted to act as a sort of public benefactor and improve the intellectual tone of that organ. Drummond says, without involution there can be no evolution : that a man can't climb over a fence by tugging at his boot ears, so we thought with re spect to the Record . It's sole virtue—if virtue it can be called is an infinite aptitude at making mistakes. We thought that if we would point out a few mistakes it would be more careful in the fut ure, and its mistakes would grow less and by and by it would be a sort of a decent paper, command ing alike the respect of the com munity and its constituency. But we see now that all our benevo lent intentions have been wasted. When a man has an apple orchard, the trees of which bear an inferior and wizened fruit, it is simply a waste of time and effort to attempt to improve the stock. He must pull the old trees out, and plant a new orchard. So with the Re cord. It is hopeless to expect it to improve with its present editor, and so the people must either wait until he dies off or sells out. We thought that the Record last week had steared on its slow moving brain a little stnse, but " ll S j fi'id that child-like, it only awaited an opportunity to find something mean and despicable to get even. And the opportunity came, and child-like it attempted to take ad vantage of it. It copied a piece from the Boise » Capital , which was notQonly an insult to the Capi tal for uttering it, but to the Record for publishing it, and firing it at us That piece was all nonsense, and a silly attempt of the Capitals to get out of a corner into which we had forced it. But the week previous, the following appeared in the Capital concerning the Record. This is characteristic of tl e Cald well Record. It never missis an occasion to spit its petty spite and (hoot its shallow wit at better peo ple. Like a mangy cur it snaps at the heels of passers by and sneaks into its little kennel its verv Insig nificance and helplessness render ing it proof against the kick it so justly merits. * * * The Record's attempts at wit would nauseate a buzzard. If it can formulate an apology for belüg on earth at all tbe Capital will take pleasure in publishing it. We did not publish it because we thought it to be true, and we knew that truth usually hurt worse than fiction. Ouncil MoHng». Council chambers, Caldwell, Idaho, August 7,1809. Council met in regu lar session with President Shaw in the chair; other councilmen present, D. D. Campbell, J. M. Cook and J. B. Wright. Minutes of meeting held in July read and apprbved. After discussing the matter of the tax levy the council adjourned to meet Thursday August 10 at 8 p. m. Council chambers, Caldwell, Idaho, August 10, 1899. Council met pursu ant to adjournment; councilmen pres ent, D. D. Campbell, J. M. Cook J. B. Wright. There being no quorum the council adjourned to meet Saturday, August 12, at 8 p. in. Council chambers, Caldwell, Idaho, August 12, 1899. Council met pursu ant to adjournment, present, Shaw, Wright und Cook. There being no quorum the council adjourned to meet Monday, August 14, 1899, at 8 o'clock p. m. Council chambers, Caldwell, Idaho, August 14,1899. Council met pursu ant to adjournment with President Shaw in the chair. Councilmen pres ent, D. D. Campbell, J. M. Cook, J. li. Wright. Roports of tnarshall and police judge were approved and ordered placed on tile. On motion, it was ordered that the treasurer's report be approved with the exception that the #200 county warrant reported in tbe road fund be placed in a special bridge fund. The following bill were allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. general fund. T. C. Egleston, mdse 9 60 K. C. Shira, pumping in July 10 00 W. J. B. Kirkpatrick, marshal salary an 1 fees 68 50 L. £. Hay, mdse 1 50 H. A. Griffiths, attorney's salary. 15 00 „ disallowed, 820 00 W. H. Red way, mdse 85 Frank Hardy, night watch for fire July 4 2 00 Total on General Fund....» 98 45 ROAD FUND. T. C. Egleston & Co. mdse 8 4 30 . 3 00 44 50 Xgi I I.. W. J. B. Kirkpatrick, work on street Frank Hardy, street commis sioner W. H. Rod way. mdse and acot. C. H.Oupp 19 35 A. L. Butts, blacksmithing 2 50 John Bishop, work on road 10 60 Oscar Kirkpatrick, work on road 22 00 Brumbaugh, work on road 8 50 Riley Cot, work on road 10 50 Central Lumber Co. lumber 87 66 Total on road fund... ....8157 71 Petition of Edgar Meek and others, praying for a bridge across ludian creek at 3d Avenue west was granted. On motion, it «us ordered that the clerk advertize for bids for tbe con struction of the above named bridge, said olds to be accompanied by plans and specillcatious. On motion, it is oidered that the city council meet in a special session at 8 o'clock p. m. September II, I8W, for the purpose of Öxing the valuation on all property embraced in the sprink ling district, as per Ordinance No. 108, at which time all snch property own ers shall have the right to appear. Communications from T. C, Egles ton ft company of this city and also from the New York Gutta Pereba and Rubber Co, of Portland, Oregon, re garding hose for Ore purposes, were read and ordered placed on Hie. On motion, the council did then ad journ to meet Wednesday, August 16 1899, at 8 o'clock p. tn. Council chamber?, Caldwell, Idaho, August 16,1899. Council met pursu ant to ndjoumment with President Shaw in (he chair. Councilmen près ent, D. I). Campbell, P. E. Engle, J. M. Cook, J. B. Wright. The bill of L. E. Hay, account of H. X. Maxey, for 875, for sprinkling was allowed and on account of the lack of money in the fund a warrant for §50 was ordered drawn on sprinkling fund, the remaining S25 to be held over. On motion, the bill of II. A. Griffith, acted upon August 14, 1899, was recon sidered and the 820 disallowed was al lowed and a warrant ordered drawn on current expense fund for the same. On motion the petition of T. C. Eg leston and others praying for a side walk on the east side of biock No. 63 in the city of Caldwell was granted and placed on tile. Ordinance No. 105 an ordinance re quiring the building of a sidewalk on the west side of Third avenue east from First street north to Second north, and providing for the levy of a special as sessment on the lot.« adjacent thereto to pay the expense of said improve monts, was read the first time. On motion, the rules were so sus pended that Ordinance No. 105 be read the second time by title only. Title to ordinance No. 105 was read second time vote resulted as follows, yea, Campbell, Shaw, Engle, Cook, Wright. Motion was made and seconded that the rules be so suspended that Ordin ance No. 105 bo read in full the third time and make its final passage. Yea, Èngle, Shaw, Campbell, Wright and Cook. Motion declared carried. Ordinance No. 105 was read in full for the third reading. Vote taken to pass or not to pass, resulted as follows: For passage, Campbell, Shaw, Cook, Engle, Wright. Ordinance No. 105 was declared passed. Ordinance No. 106. An ordinance appropriating ^certain moneys for sprinkling certain streets and fixing a rate of tax levy on certain property in the city of Caldwell and to provide a fund for tbe payment of the same, was read the first time. Motion was made and seconded that tbe rules be so suspended that Ordin ance No. 106 pass the second reading by title. Vote resulted as follows, ves, Campbell, Shaw, Engle, Cook and Wright. Motion carried. Motion made and seconded that the rules be suspended and Ordinance No. 106 be read for the third time and make Its final passage. Vote yes, Campbell, Shaw, Engle, Cook, Wright. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 106 was read in full the third time, vote taken to pass or not pass resulted as follows: For pass age, yes, Campbell, Shaw, Engle, Cook and Wright. Ordinance No. 106 was declared passed. Ordinance No. 107. An ordinance fixing the annual appropriations and the rate of tax levy to pay the same for the fiscal year beginning the second Tuesday ia Mav, 1899, and ending the second Tuesday in May, 1900, was read the first time. Motion was made an 1 seconded that the rules be suspended and Ordinance No. 107 be read the sec ond time by title only. Vote yes, Campbell, Shaw, Engle, Cook and Wright. Motion was declared carried. Ordinance No. 107 was read the second time by title and the vote resulted as follows: For passage, yes, Campbeil, Shaw, Engle, Cook, Wright. Second reading declared passed. Motion made and seconded that the rules be suspended and Ordinance No. 107 be read the third time in full and make its final passage, vote yes, Camp bell, Shaw, Eagle, Cook and Wright. Motion declared carried. Ordinance No. 107 was read the third time. Vote for final passage was taken which re sulted as follows: To pass—yes, Camp bell, Shaw, Engle, Cook and Wright. Ordinance No. 107 was declared passed. There being no further business the council adjourned. O R, Shaw, L. W. Bach , Acting mayor City Clerk. NOTICE To all resident land owners under the Caldwell and Phyllis ditches and to whom it may concern: There will be a mass meeting at the city hall In Caldwell, Idaho, on Monday at 10 o'clock a. m , Aug. 21,1899, for the purpose of considering the formation of an Irrigation district. State Engineer D. W. Ross is ex pected to be present. By order of Committee, II. A. Griffiths, Chairman. K0TICE. By ordor of the city council, I hereby advertise for bids for the construction of a wagon bridge across ludian creek on Third avenue west in the city of Caldwell, Idaho, said bids to be accom panied by plans and specification. Said bids seal! be opened on September 4 I8#9, at 8 o'clock p. m. The couucil re serve tbe right to reject any or all bids. L. W. Bacii , city clerk. Sulphur Lime and Salt for spraving fruit trees, at T. C. Egleston. MONEY TO LOAN—Inquire 0 Frank J. Smith, Caldwell, Idaho. I 1 LITTL] -Dealer In DRY GOO DS, CARPETS, CLO THING, BOO TS A ND SHOES , I1ATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS. NEW STORE NEW GOODS SQUARE DEAL Caldwell. Xc3.st3ao. ORDINANCE NO. 105. An Ordinance requiring the building of a sidewalk on the west side of Third Avenue east from First Street North to Second Street North, and providing for the levy of a special assessment on the lots adjacent thereto to pay tbe expense of said improvement. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Caldwell, Idaho. Section 1. Each and every owner of a lot or lots in block sixtv-three (63; adjoining Third Avenue east on the west side thereof, in the City of Cald well, Idaho, is hereby required to con struct alongside of bis or her said lot or lots, a sidewalk conforming to the following specifications, tcwit: Said sidev alk shall be five feet wide with three sills each two by four iuches, which sills shall be laid upon a good and substantial foundation, the cover ing shall not be less than one and one half inches thick, of plank laid cross wise of the walk; the outside line or curb shall be eight feet from the. block line; the gr.ide of said walk shall be such as established by the city engi neer. Section 2. Should any owner or owners of said lot or lots neglect, l'or a period of sixty days from and after the passage of this ordinance, to con struct such sidewalk alongside his or her said lot or lots as herein directed, then the city street commissioner shall advertise for bids to construct the same and shall let the contract to the lowest and best bidder, and the cost of construction under the contract shall be charged against the city to be audited and paid as in other charges against the city; and the council shall, upon due notice to the owner or own ers so failing to construct sidewalks as aforesaid, at a special meeting, by res olution, levy a special tax upon his or her lot or lots to pay the expense of constructing said sidewalk as a special assessment for improvements to be collected as other city taxes. Passed and approved this 16th day of August, 1899. Attest: [ seal] C. R. Shaw, L. W. Bach , Acting Mayor. Citv Clerk. Ordinance No. 106. An ordinance appropriating certain moneys for sprinkliug certain streets and fixing a rate of tax levy on cer tain property in the city of Caldwell and to provide a fund for the pav ment of the same. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Caldwell: That a special assessment of six mills on the one dollar of assessed val uation of the property fronting or towit- ng Up0n the foUowln f streets, Main street from a point 125 feet east of the east line of Kimball avenue of Ä nt A 200 fftet We8t of the "ne of Ihird Avenue west. Ay-nue west from the Oregou Short Line R. R. track to Indian creek TÄ ,? V ? nU , e £ om tlie Orearoa Short hlne U. R. to Indian creek, First aven nnint OI ?vî f ? m Kimbalt "»venue to a £w ™ we V of the we8t line of 1" irst avenue west. Main stieet from a point 125 feet ton nMnt e -- a f ' l ine of Klmba11 avenue nf Thi l ue8 ' (,f ttle w e»t line of Third aveou-east ; is hereby levied «Ä ■ tProwa « tskal] Attest; Acting Mayor L. w. Bach , city clerk. Ordinance No. 107. An ordinance fixing the annual annro iTiations and the rate of tax lew tn pay the same for the Balllyear be fftSo ^ . 8econc * Tuesday In Mav itt Jj.® re is hereby levied upon all «MsrassyrssSS fila 8 SfiîRô two 6C (2, 0n mills oW. Fund , t , he su "> of assessed valuation. ° De of the tw^%°mn ls ß oÄ Fun ^ the sum of assessed^akiaiUin d °" ar of lhe a Swsoo aPPr ° ve , d l his 18, h day of I [seal] 'Attest- a £- 1A ^, 1 L. W. Bach , city e'erk 8 *° T ' THE PALACE OF SALT. Utah 's Vfllque And interesting Pro duct ion. The Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, constructed from Salt crystals formed' in tbe Brine of Great Salt Lake, is the most novel enterprise ever undertaken in the AVest. The main building is a veritable crystal palace, and no ade quate idea of tbe dazzling effect can be secured except from a personal view of the exhibition. Connected with the Palace is a Midway Plaisance, includ ing Hagenback's Great Wild Animal Show and the Fastest Bicycle Track in the world. The paiace is located in the heart of Salt Lake City and occu pies abont twenty acres of ground. The only trans -continental line passing di rectly through Salt Lake City is the RIO GRANDE WESTERN BY. Stop over privileges given at Salt Lake City on all classes of through tickets. This line operates through Pullman Palace and Ordinary Sleeping Cars, Free Re clining Chair Cars and a Perfect Din ing Car Service. Eor rates, maps and other information concerning this magnifioent route call on O. S. L. agt. or address Geo. W. Heintz, A. G. P.A„ Salt Lake City. DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF.-NOT1CB FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Boise City, Ids. I T^OTICE Is hereby given that Emiiu M . Schell », 1 °L. we J\ Boise, Canyon County, Idaho, lias nled notice of Intention to make proof on lier des cto,m No - ,4CT i fur » ie SB* of the MV* Sec 20 Twp .r,, N. K.4WB. M. before £ » . District Court at Caldwell, Idaho on Saturday, tire 2iid d:iy of Sept, luv». She names the following witnesses to uro« the an<l reclamation of «aid land : William Burnett, J. A.Tucker of Caldwell. Ida ??'• ee Kurtz, N. B. Sebree of Lower Boise, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, 1 1-and Office at Boise City, Idaho. [ NOTICE is hereby given that the following named settlers have flled notice of their In tention to make flnal proof In support of their claims and that said proofs will be made before the Register and Receiver, U.S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, on September is, l«w, viz: Gerard B. Adams, Hd. appllcatloa No. JM» î? r î h ,îr W i i of "> 9 of Section M. To. 4 N., K. 4 W , B. M. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William K. vu . im ' „ A,,sal °ni Doore, John W. Newland, îdàh? m rr * a " of Caldwell, Canyon Co., Doore, Hd application No. 3040 for î*KK,Sec. KandSWfcNWK and NW ft ? ec - 23 • TP- 4 N., K. 4W. He aames thefollowing witnesses to prove his continuous ïS?)ii ,c ? "I™" and cultivation of said Und, viz : William K. Ballard, Gerard B. Adams, Warren culver, William A. George, all of Caldwell, Canyon Co., Idaho. William K Ballard, Hd. application No. »144 fortheSH SWJiandNK'iSWH of Section 23, IP 4 N., K 4 W B. M He name* the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous renl<i«nc.a upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Absalom Doore, Gerard B. Adams, Edgar Starr, John W. Newland, all of Caldwell, Canyon Co. Idaho. , „ JAMita KINO, Aug 19—Sept 23 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, I Land office at Boise City, Idaho. >• Aug I, 1899. ) ■^JOTICE Is hereby given that the followlng ,r ' named settler has filed notice of bis Inten, tion to make final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Keg l«io "Î Keclever at Boise, Idaho, 011 Sept, 14, iS?'. .L Charte« J. Leonard, Homestead No. 3030 for the Loti, and SK>4 NEH of Sec. STp. •^} K. 3 YV. names the following witnesses to prove hi; coptlni!, ms residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Adam, Henry Cox, Daniel D. Campbell George Little all of Caldwel' Idaho, Aug. S. -Sept. 9, Jamks Kino , Register. IDAHO BUG EXTERMINATOR FOR Mites, Lice and Bugs. J. DOWNEY, Agent, Caldwell, Idaho. No Ousting, No Grossing. Mokes SyoooM I» Poultry Culture Easy, a Powerful aad Lattfot Disinfectant. PRIOE, SO OENT8. DIRECTIONS: .^°L Mi ' es anrt Lice—Paint the drop boards S* roo* poles of the poultry house with the w .\ n generally be sufficient. . , '!'« 'owls are extra lousy, paint tlie bot *9® the crate, and coop chickens therein about two hoars, allowlna them plenty of fresk ^ult-every lonw<lead. *"<1 Cattle - Dampen a cloth with the 1.quid and rub the animal thoroughly; If very oad. dampen the blanket and place It on the an îî J a f «" w hours . For hogs, sprinkle the place of slesplnp thoroughly. lim, m {^''^"S^K'is.clies and Fleas-Apply the j quid to their place of abode. You app * the »quia- it will ila the rest.