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A PRET TY M ILKMAID Thinks Pe-ru-na It a Wonderful Medicine, tm % ■n V i t,f ■■ ■ v.v oSmfe MISS ANNIE HENDREN. Mies Annie iJendreu, Kockiyn Wash., writes: "I feel better tban I have for over four yeare. I have taken several bot tles of Peruna and one bottle of Mana lin. "I can now do all of my work in the honfe, milk the cows, take care of the inilk, and ho forth. I think Peruna is a most wonderful medicine. "I believe I would be in bed today if I had not written to ynu for advice. I had taken ali kinds of medicine, but none did ine any good. "Peruna has made me a weil and hap py girl. I can never say too much lor Peurna." Not only women of rank and leisure praiBe Peruna, but the wholesome, use ful women engaged in honest toil would not he without Dr. Harttuan's world renowned remedy. The doctor has prescribed it for many thousand women every year and he never fails to receive a multitude of letters like the above, thanking him for his advice, and especially for the wonderful benefits received from Pe runa. Monnlenr Hyde. "M. J nines Hyde," says the Paris Flgnro, "the exceedingly rich American who appertains to the most high society of New Yo-k, comes from commanding at Paris a carriage electric. It Is to the French Industry that M. James Hyde is addressed himself for to have the most comfortable, the most commo dious and the most elegant of the vehi cles of the city."—Translated by Har per'» Weeklv. Wailed Effort. "It takes time, trouble end Infinit« pa tience, of course, to be a goo.'. Sunday school teacher, but you have the satis faction of knowing that you air helping to mold the character of the riling gen eration." "Yes, but it makes me sad to think how quickly a year's work is undoDe when green apple time comes." TERRIBLE TO RECALL. tit Five Weeks in Bed With Intensely Painful Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Mary Wagner, of 1367 Kossuth Ave., Bridgeport, Conn., says: "I was Bo weakened and generally run down with kidney dis ease that for a long time I could not do my work and was five weeks in bed. There was contin ual bearing down pain,terrible back aches, headaches and at times ditzy spells when every *•"'* thing was a blnr before me. The passages of the kidney secretions were irregular and painful, and there was considerable sediment and odor. I don't know what I would have done but for Doan's Kidney Pills. I could see an improvement from the first box, and five boxes brought a final cure." ' Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Poster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Carl Schnra. No other man of foreign birth ever ■howed such flue command of the Eng lish language or used it so felicitously. ▲ man who objected strongly to his politics but admired his talents as a writer once suld : "I wish Mr. Schurz couldn't write so well; I could hate him bettor." In 1877 Carl Schurs vis ited Boston to make a speech against Benjamin P. Butler, who was running for Uovernor of Massachusetts. While arguing on the question of the resump tion of specie puymeuts, an Issue that wus paramount at that time, Mr. Bchurz likened "Inflation" to a balloon filled that had carried the American nation off Its feet. At that tlui* he made use of the following expression, which brought the immense audience that greeted him to its feet : "We have placed our feet on solid ground again •nd we pfopose M keep them there." Qntte True. Miss Boston—They suy «he's extreme ly haughty. Miss Tours—I should say so! The last time I saw her she was sailing down the street in Miss Boston—Pardon me; why do you use that senseless expression? How could she go "sailing" down the street? Miss Tours—Easy enough. I saw ber last In Venice.—The Catholic Stand ard and Times A NATIONAL EVIL n»»lil Prosit» from tke Bottom to the Top. Tipping Is rapidly becoming a nation al evil. It began with the payment of small gratuities to waiters in restau rants and hotels. In this form It was an Importation from Europe. Of course, the waiter ought to serve the customer faithfully without being bribed to do the work which he had been hired to perform, but the custom has grown to such an extent that un less one fees he is sure not to obtain good service. He submits, therefore, to the Imposition, as the less of two evils. The practice has spread to such an extent that the man who blacks your boots, that helps you on with your coat, that hands you your hat, that tells you the way, that brings you a glass of water, that shaves your face, or cuts your hair, expects a gratuity In addition to the pay which he receives for performing his work. The tipping evil has gone higher up than this, and Is now beginning to spread Itself through all the depart ments of business and politics. It Is the duty of the legislator to pass good laws, but he sometimes has to be tipped to do It. It is the duty of the police man to protect property from robbery, but he often has to be tipped to do it. if you want to sell a line of goods It Is even necessary to tip the butler, the farm superintendent, the purchas ing agent. Do you want a switch con nection or a prompt suppiy of cars from a railroad? It may be well to tip the railroad official with a gift of money or of stock. It is eibout time to cheek this tip ping abuse. Let us stop It first high up, and work down to the bottom.— Wall Street Journal. Only tha Promise. A big sea turtle was sprawling around In ihe tank in front of the restaurant. "Look, papa !" exclaimed the little boy. "Let's go in and have some real green turtle soup !" "Not yet, Geordie," said the father. "Wait till some day when you see this tank empty." Side Llffhta on Htatory. The Hessians at Trenton had surren dered. "Ah, well," they said, "think how much more disastrous it might have been if ws had had to make a hurried retreat !" Later, as if to verify their words, cam« the Hessian fly. Brad Contempt. Girl with the Gibson Girl Neck—Can't you see something familiar In the face of that man sitting on the oprcslt« side of the car? Girl with the Julia Marlowe Dimple— Yes ; it's his eyes. I wish he'd b« a littl« less familiar with them. S tate or O hio , C itt or T oledo, » Lucas County, ( m * Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney a Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, Coun ty and State aforesaid, and that said iirm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR8 for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be curea by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1886. , t A. W. GLEASON, J seal j Notary PnblJc. Hall 's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free, o w rJ' J * CHENEY <k CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Ilia Reputation. Miss Medicus (sister of the new vil lage doctor)—Have you heard of Dr. Medicus about here? Native—Rather, mum ! Do you se# that hearse and carriages goin' by over there? That's one of hla funerals.— Haroer's Weekly. Umial Darth of Cold Water. Borus—I've been nearly dead for sleep during the last week. I could scarcely keep awake while I was writing that story that was printed yesterday. Naggus—I can easily believe It. It af fected me the same way while I was read ing ft—from sympathy, I supposa. Llh-9eiln( Service. In perhaps no other country Is the life saving service as proficient as In the United States. The syteiu was first established in 1871, and there are at present 277 life-saving stations supported by the government, 102 of which are on the Atlantic coast, 68 on the Great Lakes, 10 on the Pacific coast, and one at the falls of the Ohio River near Louisville. There, were only 305 disasters along the coasts during the year ending June 60, 1905, and out of 4,088 persons In volved only twenty-seven were lost For that Dandruff There Is one thing that will cure it—Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a greatdeal to you—healthy hair, no dan druff, no pimples, no eruptions. The best kind of a testimonial— 14 Sold ior over sixty years." A s br J. O. Ajrer Co., Lowell, Hate. Also naniifioturtr« of % _f_ SAKSAPAK1LUL PILLS. CBEUY PECT0BAL. iters "I've half a mind to write a maga zine sonnet." -Go ahead—that's Just whit it takes."—Cleveland Leader. "Is your business on a running basis yet?" "I should say so; I always run when I see a creditor coming."—Prince ton Tiger. "It's never too late to mend," argued the customer. "Oh, yes It Is," answered the Journeyman tailor, "this Is a union shop.' —Puck. Lady—It's very changeable weather, isn't It, William? Road Mender—Yes, that It Is, Miss. We don't get a single day alike.— Punch. First night of unappreciated play.— He—Are we alone? Voice from the Gallery—No, guv'nor ; but you will be to-morrow night.—Punch. "Ycu reckon Br'er Thomas got Into Paradise?" "I can't tell fer sartln. All I kin say Is— de mule kicked him ter de gate !"—Atlanta Constitution. Mr. Saphedde—I—aw—really cawn't believe the things I cawn't understand, don't yon know, Miss Pert—What a terrible skeptic you must be.—Phila delphia Record. What He Needed.—Mike—Are ye much hurted, Pat? Do ye want a docthor? Pat—A docthor, ye fuie! After beln' runned over by an autoino bllly? What Ol want Is a lawyer! "Henry. I must have a new outfit, and I want to give you credit for gen erosity." "All right, my dear. If you can persuade anybody to give It to me for anything else."—Baltimore Ameri can. Teaclu-r—How many commandments are there, Sally? Sally—Please, teach er, ten. Teacher—Suppose you were to bleak n commandment. (Impressive pause.) Sally—Then there'd be nine.— Punch. Perseverance.—"I think," said the reporter, "that the public Would like to know how you managed to live to such a great age." "By perseverance," replied the centenarian. "I Just kept on llvln'." "This Is the time of year," said the suburban citizen, "when I like to get out and dig rp the ground." "So do I," answered Mr. Foozling. "That's the reason I am trying to play golf."— Washington Star. Not Professional.— "AU I have to say is this: You're going out Into the world. You'll find the road rough. But strike out, my boy, strike out." "Not If I can help It," replied the young man. "I'm going to be a baseball player." Across the Garden Fence.—"No, Mr. Wilkes, I ain't goin' to keep fowls no more. Don't pay. Why countln' the malro I give 'em this winter, the eggs —well, I don't git any, but If I did— they'd cost me 'arf a crown each!"— Punch. A Good Find.—"Albert, dear, while looking through some of your old clothes, I made such a lucky find that I ordered a new dress on the strength of It" "What was It, dear?" "Half a dozen checks that had never been writ ten on." A Great Feat—Jones (to Brown, who has been relating his wonderful adveu tures in Russia)—And I suppose you visited the great steppes of Russia? Brown—I should rather think so. And walked up every one of them on my hands and knees. Try again !—Mrs. Nuwed—Here's the bread I started to make to-day. Isn't It too annoying? Mr. Nuwed—Why, It Isn't baked at all. Mrs. Nuwed—I know It Isn't ; that's Just lt. I put plenty of baking powder In It, but the powder doesn't seem to have baked It "Drug stores sell Ice cream, soda wa ter, confectionery, and a lot of other things that are not medicine," said the man who complains. "That's true," an swered the pharmacist. "But njost of them are likely to lead to the consump tion of medicines."—Washington 8tar. "Why, Willie, what are you crying about?" " 'Cauce I don't get no Sat urday holiday like the other children does. Boo-hoo !" "But why don't you get out of school on Saturday?" " 'Cause I alnt' oh. enough to go to school yet. lioo-hoo-hoo !"—Cleveland Leader. Parson Bagster (solemnly)—Does you. Claud Kinsabby, take dis yuh lady. Miss Gladys Poots, to be yo' lawful wedded wife, for bettah and for wuss The Groom (uneasily and hazily)—Uh-cou'se I does, if I has to, sab; but ain't dar some way of takln' her klndah on an ave'age?—Puck. "That rich Mr. Spooner Is the most provoking thing! He asked me if I was 33." "And what did you say?" "I said, 'Mercy, not' And be said be didn't think any woman should marry until she was 83." "Gracious! What did you do then?" "I called after hi in that I was 33 my next birthday, but he didn't seem to hea • me."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. General "Phil" Sheridan was at one time asked at what little Incident he laughed the most "Well," be said, "I do not know, but I always laugh when I think of the Irishman and the army mule. I was riding down the Une one day, when I saw an Irishman mounted on a mule, which was kicking Its legs rather freely. The mule finally got'lte hoof caught In the stirrup, when. In the excitement the Irishman remarked: 'Well, begorrah. If you're goin' to get on, I'll get off!"* t'aele Allem. | "It Is perfectly natural that w« should hat« the man who wants to do all the talking," reflected Uncle Allen Sparks. "He prevents us from doing It all." To Break In New Shoes. Always shake tn Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures hot. sweating, aching, swollen feet. Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 26c. Don't accept anv substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Addres. Alien S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. I anal Heanlt. One day, just to try a new pian. The office went hunting the man; But it hunted too high. For the man he was shy— And it bagged the oid boss of a clan. Save the Babies. INFANT MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of all the children born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent., or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirtyseven per cent., or more than one-third, beta they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen I We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a ma jority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of theso infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or less opium, or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity they stupefy, retard circulation and load to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the pores of the skin and allays fever. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. A. F. Peeler, of St Louis, Mo., says: "I have prescribed your Castoria In many cases and have always found it an efficient and speedy remedy." Dr. E. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have prescribed your Ca» torla In my practice for many years with great satisfaction to myself and benefit to my patients." Dr. Edward Parrlsh, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I have ufied your Ca» torla in my own household with good results, and have advised several patients to use It for its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm." Dr. J. B. Elliott, of New York City, says: "Having during the past six years prescribed your Castoria for infantile stomach disorders. I most heartily commend its use. Tho formula contains nothing deleterious to the moBt delicate of children." Dr. C. O. Sprague, of Omaha, Neb., says: "Your Castoria Is an Ideal medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe it. While I do not advo cate the Indiscriminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria la an exception for conditions which arise in the care of children." Dr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria holds the esteem of the medical profession in a manner held by no other proprie tary preparation. It Is a sure and reliable medicine for infants and chil dren. In fact. It is the unlvorsal household remedy for infantile ailments." Dr. H. P. Merrill, < Augusta, Me., says: "Castoria is one of the very finest and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my opinion your Castoria has saved thousands from an early grave. I can furnish hundreds of testimonials from this locality as to Its efficiency and merits." Dr. Norman M. Geer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During the last twelva years I have frequently recommended your Castoria as one of the best — _ preparations OÎ the kind, being safe in the hands of parents and very ef #Â*perfecf Remedy forConsflpa- H ' ec * lve ' n relieving children's disorders, while the ease with which such rion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, 9 a Pleasant preparation can be administered is a great advantage.'* ää' i genuine castoria always facsimile Signature of I _ ^ ^0 Signature Of NEW VoiïK. Ill AVege table Preparation for As - similaliiig the Food and Regula ting the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. (jkcv* at Old ßrXV-fl II PITCSIB StêU Alx.Senna /bcfulUSalM jXcartoiULkSUm* fOrm S*ed - LXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. The Kind Yoa Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ▼MB eSNTAUM COMPANY. TT MURRAY tTRCIT, NEW YORK CITT* How Good Food may Turn to Poison éÇ ECAY Is not digestion, you 1 \ know, even when it takes J J place in the stomach. Food decayed in the body alter being eaten Is as dangerous to health as food decayed before being eaten. Food nourishes or poisons, just accord ing to how long it remains in the Bowels undigested. Cascarets are the simplest and surest safeguard against Delayed Digestion yet discovered. Sold in a thin Enamel Box, half as thick as your watch, which fits into the vest pocket or lady's purse as if it grew there. In this round-edged Enamel Box are found six small Candy Tablets. One of these toothsome tablets works wonders for digestion. Soon as placed in the mouth it starts the Saliva flowing, which at once gets to work dissolving it. The Saliva becomes blended with the Candy Cascarct tablet, and from the moment they start going down your throat together they start workin g to gether. Now, what do they work at? Bowel work, of course— Digestion. Most of the Digestion occurs In the thirty feet of Intestines that connect with the Stomach. They are lined wlih a set of little mouths, that squeesc Digestive Juices Into the Food eaten. The Digestive Juices thus mix with the food, Just as Saliva mixes with Cas caret tablets, dissolving and changing that food into n ourishment, as It passes along the channel. Mora Llks It. j "Graphter is in financial straits, I hear." "Don't believe It I'll bet they're financial crookeds." — Philadelphia Ledger. Mothers will find Mr«. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup the best remedy to use lor their children during th« teething p.rlod. Served It on Her, Anyway. Mistress (indisposed)—What is it you wish to say to m«, Bridget? I am too ill to sit up. Domestic™Well, mum, y« can take no tic« widout sittin' up. I lave ye ciit Sath'rday, mum. • The Intestines are also lined with mil lions of little suction pumps, that draw the Nutriment from Food, as it passes them in going through. This Nutriment Is then carried Into the Blood, and spread over the Body as Brain, Bone and Brawn. But, when the Bowel-Muscles are weak, the Food moves too slowly to stimulate the little Gastric Mouths and there Is no flow, or too little flow of Digestive Juice, to change the food into nourishment. Then, the food decays in the Bowels, and In the thirty feet of Intestines. When this Dec ay begins the little suc tion pumps draw Poison from the decayed Food, Into the blood, Instead of the Nutrl tlon it should have drawn. Now, Cascarets contain the only com bination of drugs that Stimulates these M uscles of the Bowels and Intestines Just as a Cold Bath, or open-air Exercise, stimulates a Lazy Man. Cascarets therefore act like Ex ercis e. They produce the same sort of Natural result that a Six Mile walk in the country would produce, without any Injurious Chemical effect. The Vest Pocket Cascaret Box Is sold by all Druggists, at Ten Cents. Be sure you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." VT fRtC TO OUR FRICNDSl We want to send to ear friends a beautiful French-destined. GOLD PLATED BONBON BOX. hard-enameled in colors. It Is a beaoty tor :the dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a measure of * with which' Send to-day, S ter lies Remedy Company. Chicago or Hew York Baron TakakI says four-fifths of th* Japanese boys are now studying E3n> gllsh, and that It will soon become the language of Japan, and later of tb* world. CITO Bt - Vitus' Dur. »na all Nervous Dlsrasas N I O permHiiently cured by Dr. Kiln*'« Ont - N er ve R<-s ,,rer. Send fur FREE 92 trial bottle and treatise. Ur. It. H.KU 1,. Ld.,«Jl Arch St., PbUa.,I»a An Appreciation. "Have you ever seen Hamlet played precisely as you thought it should b»f "No," answered Mr. Stormlngtoa Barnes. "I have often wished I might be a spectator at one of my own per formances."— Washington Star. VVlSE BROS Young MEN, Old MEN, Middle,Aged MEN Send for free pamphlet in plain cover. Tells about an appliance that insure« happiness, health and success in lifo. Free—send today. PORTLAND APPLIANCE CO. P. O. Box 25 Portland, Ore. muie T eam BORAX Will produce Whiter, Cleaner Clothes In Your Laundry Than Any other Article with less Labor All dealers Free Sample Borax and I'orax Soap, Booklet a d Souvenir Pio.nre in colors, for 10 «enta and Pea^r's name. PACIFIC COAST BORAX Ci>., Inland, Cal. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre sentative Business Firms. CREAM BKPAKATOUS-We guarantee the U.a. Separator to be the best. Write tor free catalog 11 Kiel wood Co., Fifth and Oak. MEN'S CLOTHING — Bnffum A Pendleton, sole agents Alfred Benjamin A Co.'a correct clothes. Everything tn men's furnishings. Morrison an4 Sixth streets. Opposite poatofllte. POULTRY FOOD—If you want your hens to lay more eggs write us for free particulars about P(*> KIN A POULTRY FEEDS—Acme Mills Co, Portland, Oregon. PIANOS A ORGANS — Oldest piano house on Ps> citic coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments. Write (br list. Let us ouote you a price. Alles M Gilbert-Ramaker Co., Portland, Oregon. WANTED—Men and Women to learn Barber trade in eight weeks; graduates earn Irora |15 to |2S weekly ; expert instructors; catalog fr*-e; Moter Syst» m of Colleges, 85 N. Fourth st.. Portland. [w HEN writing to sdrertlisn pi em I mention this paper.