Newspaper Page Text
PLEASANT RIDGE There will be preaching at the church Sunday. Everybody is stacking hay or grain. We hear that Perry Shields will soon start his machine in the neigh borhood. Miss Ada Thomas of Boise Is vis itiiiS at Mr. Balluid's. Mrs. Morse made a trip to Boise Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Nordyke Monday, August seventh, a sou Mr. Nordyke thinks he will soon have some help. A number of the young people of the Ridge took in the show at Boise Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George, Bert, and Mr. and Mrs. Hoff started for the hills last week to be gone two or three weeks. They were accompan ied by Miss Louise Roberts. Quite a number of the neighbors gathered at Mr. Morrows last Sun day night and had prayer meeting which Mr. Morrow seemed to enjoy very much. He is improving slow ly since his return from the hills. Albert Christianson was -:n Cald well a few days this week. Mr. Christianson has been at Hai!e/ tor the past six weeks. He is In the employ of the Eilers Piano house of Boise. Presiding Elder Van Dusen will be in Caldwell Sunday evening, August 19. He will conduct services at the M. E. Church and administer the Sac rement of the Lord's Supper. This will be Elder Van Dusen's last official visit to Caldwell, he having served the longest possible time here. He was appointed to fill a vacancy in this diocese and has been returned here at each aniiual conference. An elder can not remain in the same diocese for more than six years. The next conference will be held at Idaho Falls the latter part of August. SUGAR BEET INDUSTRY. à Wide Exteuaion of It on lirl((t«4 Lands la Predicted. The experience of the last twenty fears has shown the probability of a very wide extension of the sugar beet Industry on irrigated lands. The de sirability of such an extension rests upon an economic basis. In the first place, the control by irrigation of the distribution of water renders the pro duction of a crop practically sure. The other meteorological data are usually of such a constant nature as not to endanger the production of an average crop. The predominating factor, there fore, in so far as yield is concerned is the distribution of the water. Thus it happens that the crop of beets that will be harvested in the arid regions may be confidently predicted within a few tous Such a prediction renders all of the farm operations connected with the production of the crop more certain and iuore economical. A Crop of Hick Money Value. In the second place, it is highly Im portant to secure for Irrigated areas a crop which shall have a high money value pçr acre with a reasonable mar gin of profit. The cost of bringing - lauds under Irrigation as a rule is con siderably greater than that of prepar ing land In the uoulrrlgated regious for cultivation. The actual cost, therefore, of the laud, other things being equal, Is greater in the Irrigated than lu the nonlrrlgated areas. This higher cost fastens upon the farmer a fixed charge which must always be provided for In the crop before a margin of profit is possible. The ordluary average crops do not always present the most hope ful avenue of securing this lucrease of profit. For Instance, the amount of ludlau com or other cereals or grass crops, with the possible exception of alfalfa or other speclea of clover, does not afford the opportunity of certainly discharging the obligation accruing from the interest on lite iuvestuieut In land. The sugar beet, however, adds further inducements In this direction because of the possible aud even cer tain production of au average crop of not less thau fifteen tons per acre, liav lug a mouey value delivered at the fac tory of from $00 to $75. These Ideas are fully borne out by the data from the Utah and Colorado stations. The average yield at Logan Is 18.9 tons per ucre and at Fort Collins 20.4 tous. The average content of sugar Ut the beet is quite satisfactory at both places, being very good at Fort Collins.—Dr. H. W. Wiley. The other day at cards two Londtwi ladles quarreled long aud arduous*? over a paymeut or the gigantic sum oi 15 shillings. At last the loser fluug tha mouey down ou the table, saying, wltb concentrated venom, "There, that will pay for your next dinner party." Not Wkat Ha Meant. Judge— You are accused of tiavlug beaten this person cruelly. Tbe Ac cused—Well, I had to beat him to make him do his work. He is an idiot. Judge (severely)— You should remember that •n idiot Is a man like you or me. "80 they Uve In the same hotel, etiT" "Yss; he has • room oa the second •tory." "And she?" "Oh itar a iujttM itoir ' —CLlektfxj Tts- sudelt part ot ail our accpT.u U.t: cataîîrorlias lie* in ti;e xrutHag ««Itou:» tant *>i» nevsr claimed. CLASSIFIED [OLM ONfc CENT A wo D PER ISSUE NO AO VERTISMENT 1 AKEN FOR LESS THAN I He W antkd.— Tribüne want ads , at i cent a word. For sale.— Second haud grader Call at this office. For sa i.e. — Promissory notes at The Tribune office. For sale.- Five good milch cows with calves. Inquire ot tbe Idaho Implement Co. Help wanted— Anybody want ing help, or in need of employment call at the reading room. For Sale. The best three lots in the city of Caldwell, 3 room house, plenty of outhouses. Inquire at thisoffi.e Lost.—1 tent 8x10, and 2 sleep ing cots branded "S. I. M. R. R." Finder please return to Dan Camp bell's livery barn, and receive re ward of I5.OO. 12-15 Wanted— Gentleman or lady to travel by rail or rig for a firm ol $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses; salary paid weekly, anü expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, Jos A. Alexander. Caldwell, Idaho. Wanted.— Places in or near Caldwell for boys to work for board while attending school. Boys can do such work as sweep, wash dishes, chop wood, milk cows, etc. Inquire of W. J. Boone. For sale.— Cheapest in West Caldwell. Lot 75x300 feet, 5-room house, pump in kitchen, 18 bearing fruit trees, outside celllar, porch, chicken bou>e and yard, or cou'd be 4-stall stable, young grape vines, garden ot growing vegetables, neat ichool. Will sell at a batgain. ■^ee owner. C. J Dobson. Mill end sale at The Famous. Ladies' Oxfords at reduced pri ces, at The; Famous. For Binder Twine, see the Idaho Implement Co., Caldwell. Get prices from Central Lumber Co. fo«- fruit crates and boxes. Elbow length gloves in black, white and colors, at The Famous. Before buying screen doors, call and see our line. Caldwell Lumber Co. Long gloves, all sizes, at The Famous. See the Idaho Implement Co., Ltd., for high grsde hand made farm harness, strictly guaranteed. Men's summer underwear 25 cts and 50 cts., at The Famous. Call on the Central Lumber Co. when in need of any frit it boxes of any kind. Always on hand. Pri ces right. Attend the Mill-end Sale at The Famous. The Caldwell I,umber Co. has the largest line of screen doors ever seen in Caldwell. Call and see them before you buy. Dr. C. A. Phllpott, dentist. Office over Western National Bank. Straw hats at half price at The Famous. The Central Lumber Co. will carry a stock of all kinds of fruit boxes this season. Bell phone No. 3. Independent, No. 2. Ladies' 25 cent mitts in silk 10 eenls. The Famous. The BoyeB Hardware Store will op en for business with a large and complete line of builders' hardware, tinware, carpenters' tools, cutlery, etc. The stQCk is arriving daily. The Tribune believes that the people of Caldwell will find this an enterpris ing and energetic firm. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION Department, of tbe Interior. t'niteil Hintes Lsnri Oltioe Boise. Idaho, Julv 30. 1906. Notice i .s hereby given that jo»epli (i Tracy of Homedale, liluljo, bits tiled notice of intention to make proof on bis desert-laml claim No IS7Ö. the N KU 8W 1 « Sec. K. Tu. N..U.5W.. B. M. before tierk 1'robste Com t at Caldwell, ldabu. on Thursday the fit I) day of Sehlem l*r, 190K. Ht naines the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and réclama tion of suid land : W.J. Benham. I. \V McDowell. B F. McDowell and Jack Mux well. ail of Homedule. Idaho HARRY J. ÔY 3J3, Aug * SI Register. NOTIOEFOR PUBLICATION. IvpHrtiiwit of the Interior, I aim I Oftk* at Boise, Müht», June l«l, Notice U hereby i»i\eu tint the following luMUett settler l»;is tiled notice of his Intention t«» in.tkf tinal proof in support of Ins claim, and that sa id proof will he made before the tMerk of the rrolmt, roiirt at l'ait! well, Idaho, on August l<mr>, viz. : John ohstrae/vk, H«1 No 4544 for laot 4, se swV 4 See. 7, Two. ;t n % I« . i * Ii M . He uuiitfs the following witnesses to prove hi* continuous resilience upon ami cultivation of said lan«l, vl/ . Krank Rudolph, Alhcn i'iark, I* K archer, \V K, Itader, alt of Nauitm, Idaho Il A Kl» V J S Y MS, -10 Ke^Kter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, I-Old Office at Boise, Idaho, July '.'3, 1900. Notloe lb Hereby ylveti that the following :iam«l settler has lllc<l notice of Ills Intention to make tiiml proof In support of his claim, ami that said proof will ;>e made before Clerk Pro hate Court at Caldwell, Idaho, on Sept 4, 1!»*:, viz : Joel M Fisher, Homestead Kutry No |>75S). for the l,ot t and Ï, SV, NEW Sec. 2, Tp. !" N R 4 W., B, M. He names the following wit liesses to prove 111* continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. : Philip K. Smith, .tames W. Smith, Floyd N. Smith, Ki nest D. Trotter ; all of Caldwell, Idaho. Jy28-S4 HARKY J. SvVtS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Boise, Idaho, July 23, 190« Notice Is hereby dven that the followlug- nam ed settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of Ins claim, and that said proor will be made before the Clerk of the Pro bate Court at Caldwell, Idaho, Sept. 4. 190«, viz.: Anna I Ingenfelter, Homestead 6471, for the SEV 4 -Sec. 30. Tp. 5 N., K. J W., B. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz.- Dan M. Shueeof Caldwell Idaho ;<Jeorge W. shuee of Caldwell, Idaho, rred H, Lenagheu of Mlddletou, Idaho, Clevan Murphy of Mlddletou, Idaho. JV28-S1 HAKIIYJ. S Y MS, Heglster. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the interior, I mi I Offic« at Boise, Idaho, July 12, 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In tills office by Augustus Greenlund, Caldwell, Idaho,, agulnst homestead entrv No. 8319, made May 29, 19UG, for NW>. HEW Section 19, Township 4 N., R. -l W.. B. M., by Clara May Walker, Caldwell, Idaho coutestee, In which It Is alleged thai "Clara May Walker hxs never established residence on said tract; that said tract is not settled ui>on and cultivated by said party as required by law ; that uo Im provements of any kind are on said tract- that Jier aiisenbe was not due to her military service for the United States;" said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Sept. S, 1906, before M. I. Church, Clerk Probate 9. 1 .* 1 ! ,a f Caldwell, Idaho, and that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. m on Sert. 12, 190«, before the Reulster and Receiver of the Culled States Ijtnd I (Rice lu Boise, Idaho, contestant having, In a proper affida vit, filed July 12, llioiï, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice «Inno« be made. It Is hereby ordered »lid directed that su h notice he given by due and proper publication EDWARD E <iAHRKTT, Receiver. NOTI.E FOR PUBLICATION. Uepartmeut of the Interior, Land Office at Boise, Idaho, .luue lft, iü O ü . Notice Is hereby gl>eu that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make filial prool In support of his claim, and tnat said proof will be made before the Clerk of tile Probate Couit at Caldwell, Idaho, on August 4, 19»i, viz ; Joseph I. Patch, Hd ^'b 7 r f0r w " eli sei '' 31 ' tw|> ' 4n k ® He names the followlhg witnesses to prove his obtitiunus residence upon and cultivation of said land. vl/.. : Frank E. Tracy of Homedale, Idaho; I.. b Cowen of Homedale, Id.ho; R. K. Estes of Homedale, Idaho; !.. V. Patch of Payette, Idaho. * harry j. syms, Register. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at tbe office of the sewer committeu, in the City >fCaldwell, until 10 o'clock a. m. on the jth (lav of August, 1!*«, for furnishing tin material and constructing the sewers in the City of Caldwell, State of Idaho. Forms of proposals, copies of specifica -ions and instructions to contractors niav be obtained of tbe President, of the Hnnrït of Sewer Commissioners, or of the City Engineer, and the plans and profile may lie seeji at their office. Each bid must be accompanied by a de wait of fi per cent, of the amount of the hid. as a guarantee of the good failli of the bidder. The committee reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. < 11 F It ICI). H. McCONNKIX, City (Engineer NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dei urtuient of the Interior Land Office at Boise, Idaho, June 19, 1906 Notice is hereby given that thfe follow ing in settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of bis claim, und thai »aid proof will be made before C'l-rk Probute Couit at Caldwell, Idaho, on August <1, IDOO. viz; Martha M Fuller, Hd No 821*1, for the sw Sec ' Twp. ,1 n., H w B M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, va; Robert K. Mo'gun. Frank Price, B. F. Collllis, Raymond Combs, ail of Caldwell. Idaho HAHKY J. SYMS. ""10 Register NOTIOE FOR PUBLIOATION. Department of the Interior. Lund Office at Boise. Idaho, July 30, 1900. Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler lias hied notice of his inten tion to make final proof in i-upport of bis claim, and tlia. said proof will lie inude lie fore t lerk Probate Court, at Caldwell, ou Sept. 6, 1906, viz., : Oeorge A. Springer, Homestead -1757. for the SU S K W Sec 24 Tp. 4 N , R 4 W., H M. He naines the following witnesses to prove his coutinuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, viz. ; William H. Bulltird, Robert O, McKarland, Thomas Johnston, William Newland; all of I'ald well. Idaho. HARRY .1 SYMS, Aug4 5t Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate Of lieorge Doch arm#, deceased Notice is hereby given by the uuderskiied ad ministrator of the e täte of Oeorge Duchariue, deceased, to the creditors of aud ail persons h tvlug claims against said deceased, to tmibii 'hem. with the necessary vouchers, within JO mouthsI «fier the first publication of (his notice, t.; «aid administrator at his otlice Id Soana Block, Boise, Idaho. Dated this 1Kb day of June, wot. „ JOHJN T. AluhUAN, Administrator Estate of Ueorg-« iluc&arme r— —i JChas. A. Qreen r s s t — j WÄTGHES! (Successor to J. F. Kenly) JEWELER A Dandy Stock to Select trom The good kind—the ones that give you satisfaction and is a pleasure to pull out of your pocket in a crowd. S ( s s JDIÄM0NDS I (Will advance 20 per cent, by January 1, 1907; buy now. We can save you money. Payments on satisfactory security if you desire them. Pine Watch Repairing. Absolutely every piece work from here is guaranteed of $10.00 Reward. Strayed, from H. A. Fisbback's, y/i miles east of Middleton, a sorrel mare, with silver mane and tail, weighing about nine hundred lbs., branded J on left stifle, also left shoulder Any one find ng her drop me a card at Middle ton, and receive reward. Jy I4"4t Is — — ' Brautilully located in Portland. Oregon. utters unsurpassed facilities for tbe cul ture and education of younu women. Special opportunities in Music. Art. Languattes and Liter ati'.re Well equipped Physical and Chemical Lab oratories. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet The largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary in the Pacific Northwest, it enjoys a national reputation for im parting the best physical, mental and moral train iny and developing true womanhood. Equips socially and educationally for ths most exalted station. Confers Academic and Collagiata Degrees by Stat« Authority Interference with convictions of non-Catholics issctm ulou^ly avoided. Academy is ideally located, amid inspiring scenic ad van Uges. Social opportunities such as are available in no other city on the Coast. Buildings large and commodious, well-lighted, heated and ventilated: dormitories and private rooms supplied with all modern conveniences. The institution is liberal and piugrcssive without sacrificing the character and traditions of age and achievement. Terms modest. Satisfactory references required. Write for announcement booklet. Board and tuition$180 per year. Address Sister Superior. St. Mary's Academy PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.A. THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT I»*"* Eg&-Phosphate making powder TlieCresent Matk guarantees its Purity. Insist upon Cresent Hi and Coffee, Tea, Spices and Kxtracts. Our Motto: PURITY AND QUALITY Crescent Mfg. Co. l-H iii'Mi i ! n I un n m » i -O HOW BONNËR WON SUCCESS • The career of Robert Bonner, the veteran publisher, furnishes a signal Illustration of the value of perslsteut and sagacious ad vertising. When he began the publication of the paper whose pheuouienal success brought him fame and fortune, he did not wait for the people to find out slowly and gradually, the inter estlng features of his Journal. H« forced his enterprise up on public attention by a sys tematic lavlahness ot ex penditure tor advertising which at that time was without precedent or paral lel. Whole pages of dally newspapers were secured at high prices to blason forth the merits of his undertak ing Prom one end of tke country to the other tbe names of Bonner and his Ledger were made fa miliar to the people by coustant repetition. Conservative publishers, jog ging aloug In tbe ruts of old routine, prophesied bankruptcy and ruin for this unconventional ! Innovator, but Bouner kept on spending a large share of bis re ceipts In buying publicity, and those receipts Increased with startling rapidity. Every dollar disbursed In this way brought in more dollars uu tll croakers were confounded aud pessimists in this particular branch of business silenced by bis treoieudous success. The lesson Is oue that Is as well worth heeding today as It was forty years ago. — Philadelphia Bulletin, I » 1 l - l-l -l t » ! ■ M - M - l »■ I 1-1 - H - Urge space la this »aper Is on* mt the ktai taveat atsli a Buahaat aaa aake. "M i l I I I.I I 1 I 1 I M I 1 I I I I I l| Bakery News Ever eat cake and never get enough? Our cakes are just such kind. We I lake more each day, yet they all go, never have any left. If you haven't sam pled these eakes you have missed a delicious treat. We make special tancy cakes for your Sunday din uer. Ask our delivery hoy to show them to you, or call us up l»y phone. An other suggestion. Home made I »rend, (5 loaves for 2"ic. Rolls, l()c a dozen. This bread is made from pure home-made yeast; no alum or ammonia enters into the combination of our breadstuff's. We will appreciate your trade, anil deliver at your door each morning of the week ex cept Sunday, or just as often as you wish us to. Ask our delivery boy for a hreatl Hag, or call us up by phone and 'we will put you on the route. Respectfully, WHITE SlANDARD BAKING CO. Let lis Do Your Baking I o I .t *uve your order» will» H. Ii. A vkn. or L. B. M anning T han muck Company WE DO THE REST HISS VALLERY Vocal Instructor In Caldwell Tuesday and Wed nesday of each week. Voices tested free of charge. Studio Isaac Resilience—Bel! phone 43a. DR. BANCROFT aa NEUROLOGIST 2 io Overland Bidg. Boise, [dabo. AU eye strain, nervous, chronic ills and female ttoubles permanently cured. Write lor in formation. W.A .STONE JNO.F.M .cLANE Wm.C.COMPTON Stone, MacLane & Compton Attouipys-at-luw Offii'ea over new Post Ollloe. Caldwell - - . Idaho THOMAS IT. SOULE ABCHITKCT & Sn-KKINTENOENT PICA KD A ROBERTS BUILDING caldwem,, ioaiio Have yon money to lavtd. property to b* cartd far or catatca to b* managed? Win your health, time and private afialrt permit you to a, 4 " W* "J promt Nyr You may have the collective wtodom of experienced men lo «he management of your tntrr eata M you consult thia Company. It alto r<ceiv«s depotita subject to check, aad savings accounts Irotn one dollar up, paying current Interest thereon. Acts as trustee In all property reiations requiring such services, buys and sells bonds, effects col lections, lends money. In many other ways It can be of service CaB or write tor fr— HunpkUt seMaf forth the scope at Rl spcratttes. huais WASnÔT