Newspaper Page Text
®l|c (Ttilmuc PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY rhe Tiibane Prioting and Publishing Co. Limited Subscription, Per Annum WEEKLY E8TABLJ U 'IED l»EO. «, 1883, ami •Dt eretl at Hie Oaldwell 1*. 11. a« second das» matter.— Act of jilarcli 3. 1879. THK l'ICKKX. United States Senator, W. E. BOKAH, of Ada. Governor, FRANK R. GOODINü, of Lincoln. Justice of the Supreme Court, GEORGE H. STEWART, of Ada. Congressman, BURTON L. FRENCH, of Latah. Lieutenant Governor, E. A .BURK ILL, of Bear Lake. Secretary of State, ROBERT LANSDON, of Washington. Attorney General, JOHN J. GL'HEEN, of Bannock. Treasurer, C. A. HASTINGS, of Nez Perce. Auditor, ROBERT S. BRAGAW, of Kootenai. Mine Inspector, ROBERT N. BELL, of Custer. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, MISS BELLE CHAMBERLAIN, of Cassia. DISTRICT JUDGES. Seventh District, FRANK J. SMITH. COUNTY. State Senator, A. A. RICHARDS, Emraett. Representatives, GEO. ZIMMERMAN, Emmett. L. V. PATCH, Payette. SAM BALLANTYNE, Caldwell. Sheriff, J. W. WATKINS. Clerk, J. A. TUCKER County Attorney, 0. M. VAN DUYN. Assessor, GEO. H. MOORE, Nampa. Probate Judge F. A. HAGELIN, Treasurer, F. M. SATORIS. School Superintendent CORA BEAN. Commissioners, D. P. DODD, F. A. F1SKE, W. H. PLATT. Surveyor, WILLIAM NOOT. Coroner, A. H. LANG. An Appeal to the Pocket Book. It is possible that monetary con siderations are not the highest oues upon which to ground political be liefs, and yet it is noticeable that all political parties base their claims to consideration for their candidates, either directly or indirectly, on the money which they have saved, will save or may save, for their country, their State, their county, or their more Immediate constituents. We therefore crave the indulgence of our readers for a moment while we ap peal to their pocketbooks in the In terest of Judge Frank J. Smith, Re publican nominee for re-election as judge of the Seventh Judicial Dis trict. And to be consistent, we are going to pass without mention Judge Smith's ability, learning, experience and eminent fitness for the office to which he aspires, and base our ap peal solely on the dollars and cents which his re-election will save, his defeat would cost, the people of this . county. It is necessary to premise that the Democratic nominee who opposes Judge Smith, was appointed to de fend Harry Orchard, who, it is claim ed, was the associate and active agent of Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone, the alleged slayers of ex-Governor Steunenberg. His services, whatever they may have been, under this ap pointment, have disqualified him, by the express provisions of our statute, from presiding at the trial of any of these men. This will necessitate the calling of a judge from another Dis trict to preside at these trials. This judge, whoever he may be, will be one unacquainted with the people of this county, unacquainted with their temper, the credibility of the various members of the community as wit nesses or affiants, or the motives, po litical or otherwise, which may move them to make any affidavits to which they may swear, and, in addition to this he will be one who has no spe cific or particular interest in the peo ple of this county or their combined or individual welfare. As is well known, the defense in that case in tends to move for a change of venue to soma other county and In support ot this motion have gathered a mass of affidavits, some of them from per sons who would swear to anything lor live dollars, and ull of iheui con taining matter which would tend to prejudice the minu of u judge, un acquainted with local conditions and ilie character and credulity of the affiants, against our yeopiu. The re sult is likely to be a chaude of venue to some other, and poas.uly distant., county. And it is here that the pock et book suffers. A change of venue of these cases would cost this county dircctly, and the people of this county indirectly, a sum of money whicn cannot be exactly calculated, but which would certainly run into many thousands of dollars. The expenses of the trials in the other county must all be borne by this county, and the indirect cost of such foreign trials to the people of this county, would practically equal the cost of the trials them selves. That this is true will be readily seen by considering that should the trials be held here, great as the expense will be to the county, yet the money paid out by the county in sheriff's, clerk's, witness' and jur ors' fees will, part of it, go back to the county, and the remainder will be received by citizens of the county and spent by them here among the merchants of the county. Should the trials on the other hand, be held in Washington County for example, this county would have to pay to Wash ington County directly the Sheriff's and Clerk's fees, which, in them selves, will probably run into the hundreds of dollars and which would otherwise be returned by those offi cials directly Into our own treasury, and will also have to pay the jury fees, amounting to thousands of dollars to citizens of Washington County to be spent there. In addi tion to this, every witness who travels from Caldwell to Weiser to testify, will receive from the state not only bis three dollars per diem to be spent in the Washington County seat in stead of at home, but will also be paid about $10 mileage, which other wise this county would not have to pay at all. Time and space forbid my ampli fying this matter, and I have no such definite knowledge of the number of witnesses which each side intends to use, and the miles that they must travel, nor such a bent for mathe matics, as to enable me to forecast directly what the removal of these cases would cost Canyon County. But to show that they will not be cheap, I will refer briefly to one item, the jury fee. Jurors are entitled to $3 per day and 15 cents mileage, going and coming. It would be surprising, in view of the notoriety of these cases, if the jury panel could be filled on any on© of them with less than 150 men—probably 500 will be needed In all. Every juror will be entitled to at least one day's pay, and mileage that will average at least $3. There will be $3000. Suppose they are drawn in panels of 100. Every day that the full panel is kept waiting for the trial panel to be drawn, will cost this county $300. And at least 12 jurors will be kept waiting after the trial panels have been filled for, at the very least, 30 days—$1000 more. But why con tinue speculation as to how much this will cost. It rather appalls us when we remember that the trial of Molineaux alone cost the State of New York over $200,000. And his trial was a small affair in comparison cure a voting residence in the pre with that of these three defendants. 1 must again state, in closing, that I am basing my appeal solely on dol lars and cents—not because 1 feel for a moment that cash considerations are the strongest or even one of the strongest motives for the election of Judge Smith—but to emphasize a point which many of our people have probably overlooked. Again let me say that this appeal is not directed to those who believe or fear that the people of Canyon County are too nar row and prejudiced to do justice to Haywood and Pettibone, nor do I purport to predict the action of Judge Smith on any motion which the de fense in those cases may make. I only assert that It is necessary to have upon the bench a judge capable, by residence among us. to weigh af fidavits made by citizens of this coun ty, and to disregard those made by persons of known incredibility, or false on their face. The election of Mr. B,-yan will necessitate the trial of these cases by a stranger who can not do this. Aud should a change of venue in these cases be grauted, because of the inability of the trial judge to properly weigh the affidavits presented to him and not because the defense is rightfully entitled to It, a needless expense will be entailed on the people of this county, the bur den of which they will feel for many years. CONSTANT READER. John A. Tucker Complimented. John A. Tucker, our present coun ty clerk, who is a candidate for re election. received a very high compli ment from one of our citizens the other day. This man, who has a great deal of county business remark ed: "Tucker is by far the best coun ty clerk we have ever had. His rec ords are in better shape and if you want to know anything connected with his office he can tell you cor rectly In an instant." This is only one of the many enconiums Mr. Tuck er is receiving and people who listen to them are convinced that he is a good man to keep in the office. He will be re-elected by a large majority. —Nampa Leader-Herald. Judge Frank J. Smith has proven a most worthy successor to Judge Stewart, and it would be difficult to say anything more complimentary. Socialists and anarchists are fighting his re-election because he is an hon est and fearless judge, and that is one very excellent reason why he should have the loyal support of law abiding citizens.—Meadows Eagle. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR THE ERECTION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A WAGON BRIDGE ACROSS THE BOISE RIVER AT NOTUS, CANYON COUNTY, IDAHO. Notice is hereby given by order of the .Board of County Commissioners of Canyon County, Idaho, that said board will receive bids for the erec tion and construction of a wagon bridge across the Boise River at No tus, Idaho, up to and until the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., November 21, 1906; said bids must be sealed and must be marked "Proposals for the construction of the Notus Bridge" and must be accompanied by a certi fied check to the amount of 5 per cent of the amount bid and must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners before said hour of 10 o'clock a. m., November 21, 1906. Said bids must be for the erection and construction of a wagon bridge across the Boise River at No tus, Idaho, as it is described by the plans and specifications thereof pre pared by Wm. Noot, accepted and adopted by the Board of County Com missioners and now on file with the Clerk of said Board. Reference is hereby made to said plans and speci fications for a full and complete de scription of said bridge to be con structed and same are hereby made a part of this notice. Said proposals will be opened at the office of the Board of County Commissioners in the Court House at Caldwell, Idaho, .on the 21st day of November, 1906 at 10 o'clock, a. m. Such proposals wfll be submitted subject to the car rying of a bond election for the pur pose of paying the cost of construc tion of said bridge, and the success ful bidder shall be awarded the con tract of construction conditional up on the said bond issue being voted by the electors of Canyon County. The right is hereby reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated this 18 th day of October, 1906. 020-N17 JOHN A. TUCKER. Clerk of the Board of County Com missioners of Canyon County, Idaho. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stntes Land Office, Boise. Idaho, Sept. 26, 1906. Notice ib hereby given that t'lara Powell, wife and heir of Perry N. Powell, deceased, Caldwell, Idaho, has filed notice of in tention to make proof on his desert-land claim No. 1818. for the SU SE Sec 26, N>£ NEW 8ec 38, Tp 4 N R 3 \V, B. M.. before 0. S. Comiuissoner, W. R- Cupp, at Caldwell, Idaho, on Saturday, the 3rd. day of November, 1906. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclama tion of said land: 8. H. Vassar. Ira Wilson. II. D. Blatchlev, Charles Grimes, all of Caldwell, Idaho. HARRY J. 8YM8. Sept 38 Kegister notice for publication. Derartment of the Interior La:id Office at Boise, Idaho, Oct. 1, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler lias tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of Iiis claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Boise, Idaho, on Nov. 12, 190.'», viz: John W. Johnson. Hd, 6664, for n e % sec. 33, tp. Sn. R 4 w. B. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Kniest Bedford, Stephen Calkins, K. M. Calkins. J. 8. Hurtle, all of Caldwell, Idaho HARRY J. 8YM8. 20-10 Register. order to show cause. In the Probate Coi.rt of the County of Can yon , State of Idaho. In the matter of the estate of Mary Jane Pleace, deceased. Order to show cause why order of aale of real estate should not be made. It appearing to this Court by the petition thia day presented and tiled by Prank J. Smith, the administrator with will an nexed of the estate of Marv Jane Pleace, deceased, and of Florence kushworth. aole beneficiary under the terms of said will, that it ia necessary to sell the whole of the real estate of said decedent to pay the debts of decedent and the expenses and charges of administration. It is therefore ordered by this Court that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased appear before the Probate Cou t of the 17th day of November, A. D. 1906, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day. at the court room of said Court, at the court house in the city of Caldwell, county of Can von. state of Idaho, to show cause why an order should not be granted to sai 1 administrator to sell so much of the said estate belonging to said estate as shall be iit oessary, and that a copy of this order lie published four successive weeks in the Caldwell Tribune, a newspaper printed aud published in s id county. Dated this 11th dav of October. lHOa. F. A. HAUELIN, 21-5 Judge of Probate Court. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. j Department of the Interior, Land Office at Boise, Idaho, Sept. 24. 190G.. Notice is hereby phen that the following ' nnmul settler l as tiled nothe of his int» nii- n to make filial prcof in support of his t latni, und that said proof will be made before Iii»- lieft- . ister and Keceiver at Boise Idaho, on Nov <♦, UKKJ, \Iz : Frank Crockett, Hd. 4Ô04, for the w 1 2 s w »4 g w u w »4 sec. 28, s e n <: 1 . sec. 29, tp. a n. K2 w. B.M. i tie names tiie lotiowinu witness»*« to prove his • cohtiriunus residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. : A. J. Hre^hears, Samuel Newman, (icerße Myers, Levi Reynolds, all of Middletoti, Idaho j 20-10 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Ottice at Boise. Idaho. Sept. 20, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the following numcd settler has ti ed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will ne made be fore l T . S. Commissioner, \V. K. Cupp at Caldwell, Idaho, on November 1, 190t», viz: Rundolf Kaegi, Hd. .>107 for the S },.j S V.\£ Lot 5 i^ec 4 and N \S% NEW Sec 9 Tp 3 N H 5 W. B. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land. viz. : Jacob Mussel. A la Mussel, William Thomas. Jane Thomas, all of Homedale, Idaho. HARRY J, 8YMS, Sept. 28 Register. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT In the District Court of the Seventh Jwlidial Dixtrict of the State of Idaho, in and for Canyon County. JESSE BAKER, Plaintiff, CHARLES HERVEY, Defendant. Nptice is hereby given, that a writ of attachment was issued out of the above entitled Court on the 24th day of October, liiOil, in an action wherein Jesse B'iker is plaintiff and Charles Hervey is defendant attaching the property of said defendant to recover the sum of $403.11 and costs of this suit. In Witness Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and atlixed the seal of said Court this 26 day of October, liWtL [SEAL] JOHN A. TUCKER. 23-25 Clerk NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Offlee at Boise, Idaho, Oct. 18, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of Iiis claim, and that said proof will be made before Walter R. Cupp, 17. S. Commissioner at Caldwell, Idaho, on'D"cember 4. 1!X)6. viz. : Commodore Oary of Caldwell, Idaho, for the n 1-2 sw 1-4 of Section 32, Town ship 4 n, Range 3 w. B. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fred O. Burris of Caldwell, Idaho : Thomas Mc Collum of Caldwell, Idaho; William A. Warner of Caldwell, Idaho; Mark Seeley of Caldwell, Idaho. 22-26 HARRY J. 8YMS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Boise, Idaho, October 17, 1906. Notice is hereby g'ven that Hie following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in snppoit of his claim, and that said proof will lie made be fore Walter R. Cupp, IT. S. Commissionei at Caldwell, Idaho, on December 4. 11)06, viz : Phillip E. Smith, Hd. 6745 for the swli of Section 1, Township 3 n, Range 4 w of B. M. He names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon the cultivation of said laud, viz.: Joel Fisher of Caldwell, Idaho; John Car of Caldwell, Idaho; John Green of Caldwell, Idaho, John Janssan of Caldwell, Idaho. HARRY J. SIMS, Register. State Land Sale. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, November 20, 1906, the following described lands belonging to the State of Idaho and situated in Owyhee county, will be offered for sale at public auction at the court house at Caldwell, Canyon county, Idaho, at 1 o'clock p. m, : Description ^ o | w H 0$ ££■«! sw^seW 16 2n 5 w $10 (10 nwßswW 4 3n 5 w 12 SO n « % n e 8 3 n 5 w 10 00 8 3n 5 w 10 00 sw^ne'i 8 3n Sw to 00 U n e \i. 8 3 n S w 10 00 « k W ... . R 3 n R w 10 W 10 00 1U 00 16 an ftw toon III 3n 5w 10 00 16 3 il 5 w 10 00 10 00 8 s n 5 w s w \ s e i-i 8 3 n 5 w n e n e % 16 3 n 5 w » « V* n e 'I aeVseU seWse}/ »('(DeM 17 3 n 5 10 00 »('(DeM 17 3 n 5 n w M n e % 17 3 n 6 w in Oi s w W n e Ù 17 3 n S w 10 Oil s e n e >4 17 3 u 5 w 10 no ne%nw% 17 3 n 5 w 10 00 nw*,nwW 17 3 □ 6 w looo 8 w '4 n w >4 17 3 n s w 10 (III 8 e ' 4 il w 17 3 n 5 w 10 (to a t *4 ne Wi. 23 3 u Sw In 00 nw'ine(4 2» an sw 10 oo s w ' 4 n e ' / 23 3 n 5 w 10 on 8e^4 n e 23 3 n 5» I0(»i s w II w »3 3 II 6 w 10 Oil s e (i ii w Ki 3 n 8 w 10 eo Il e '4 8 w 23 3 n 5 w 10 00 n » W 8 w V 23 3 11 5w 1000 S w J4S W lj 23 3 11 8 W 10 00 s e s w Vi 23 3 11 s w 10 00 ne '4 Se %. 23 sn Sw 10 CO u w r. s e'4 23 3 11 Sw 10 00 swiisek 23 811 5 w 1000 s e 14 H e VZ 23 3 n 6 w 10 On 24 311 S w 10 00 n W % D e 24 3 II 8 w 10 on neWnw'-i 24 3 u sw 10 on d w n w 24 s u r. w 10 00 n • s w 21 an sw 100.1 DWU8WÎ4 24 3D Sw 1000 8 W H 8W »4 24 30 S w 10 00 S»ii8Wi4 24 3n 6 W 1000 ni^iek 24 3n Sw 1000 nw>>4 8ew 24 sn Sw 10 00 n • K n« ' 4 26 3 11 8 w 10 on n w '4 n • !<4 26 3ii s w 10 00 |»|i G«i4 26 3 11 8» 10 0(1 s «1-4 ne 1-4 26 sn Sw 1000 26 3 11 Sw 10 00 II « 1-4 D w 1-4 26 3u 8 w 10 00 Ifl-tovl-t 26 3n Sw 10 on ■ et-4nwl-4 20 an Sw 10 00 n« 1-4 ne 1-4 (traps, »so. 00» .36 4 s lw 10 00 n w 1-4 n e l-Klmps. *50.00).3« 4 s lw 1000 ne 1-4 u w 1-4 (Imps. $i5 .00).30 4 s lw 10 co n Wl-4 a w 1-4 (I nips. $25.00) 36 4 8 lw 10 00 [8choo! house on n 1-2 n w t-4 valued at *800.00] se 1-4 n w I 4 ( illl|'» *50.00)..36 4 8 2 w 10 00 ne 1 -48 w 1-4 (linps. $so.oo). .36 4 s 2 w 10 on n w 1-4 n e 1-4 16 6 s le 10 00 8Wl-4uel-4 16 6s Se 10 00 n e 1-4 n wl-4 16 6 s Se 10. 00 n w 1-4 n w 1-4 (Imps. $100.00)16 7 s e 10.00 ne 1-4 ne 1-4 36 7 s sw 1000 n w 1-4 n e 1-4 36 7» Sw 10.00 Terms of sale are as follows: On all ianils ■elllng for twenty-live dollars au acre or less, one-tenth of the purchase pilee and first year's Interest on deferred payments cash on day of sala, the balance hi eighteen annual Installments at 6 per cent Interest ; on all lands selllnn for more than twenlv-flve dollars an acre, two tenths of the purchase priée and flrst year's In terest on deferred payments cash on day of Sale, the balance In sixteen annual Installments at six i«-r nent Interest. No lands will he sold for less than the appraised value. Kor further Information address the State Itoard of Laud Commissioners, llolse. Idaho. •By order of the State Board of l^tnd Commis sioners Dated Sept. 21, 1«06. M. I. CIKJKCH, Register. îsfef® yA& - f Run Easy Wring;» ers.... With enclosed gearing, special high-grade rubber rolls, every one warranted Let us show you the Waverly Washer—best machine made. BOYES HARDWARE CO Steunenberg Block, West Main Street MHSKaiiBW YOU Men and Women Boys and Qirls Will all want a new outfit forthe Fair. Come in and let us show you our goods and how you can "save money". You don't have to BUY, just come and LOOK. We can lit out the whole family, from baby to grandpa. Make our store headquarters during the Fair. The Fair Store Fourth door below Saratoga Hotel—Main St CALDWELL, .... IDAHO RESOLVED tha t Vis s ing well consists IN DRE£S7{VG VRCMTME SKIN O'JT. YOU WAY LOOK PtLLRIGtfT OUTSIDE, BUT YOU KNOW HO^nuCH btJTER YOU FEEL IN NI CE UYÖER V£AR>. HALF TH£ con PORTA WD PLEASURE is iff UH/ir/5 / vexttg your SKIN. BUSTER BRoVtf. £ 71' i dont wear ANY) UNDER. V weftk.) m&. :\v fx-' A* -7~~ 0« pr-:.v KC*P No <1 t »pyh>gmt litt, by the butrt« CMWNCo. CMlCACO. WE HAVE FOR YOU «SOME DELIGHTFUL UNDER WEAR THAT YOU WILL ENJOY PUTTING ON WHEN YOU COME OUT OF THE BATH. NICE OUTER GARMENT S PLEA-5E OTHERS, BUT DELICIOUS UNDER GARMENT S PLEATE ONE'.S «SELF. WE HAVE FoR YOU LADIES' UNION «SUITS FOR 50C To $2.50 EACH CHILD' S AND MI«S«SE,5' UNION «SUIT-5 FOR 40C To $ J.50 EACH LADIES' TWO-PIECE GARMENTS FOR 25C To $1.50. GENT'«S TWO-PIECE GARMENT «S FOR 50C To $2.50. WE HAVE A LARGE LINE OF UNDER-GARMENT S WE WOULD BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU COME TO OUR «STORE AND LOOK AT OUR LINE OF APPAREL FOR THE INNER WOMAN. WE HAVE AL^O A LARGE (LINE OF INNER GARMENTF FOR CHILDREN AND FOR MEN. RESPECTFULLY, T. K. LITTLE, CALDWELL, IDAHO, 2d-Hand Store Merritt (Sb Maxey, Props. Will buy your goods right ami sell right. Repair your Furni ture, Stove», Bicycle« unci «very old ihing. Cuine and aeu us. MERRITT (§b MAXEY