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POULTRY WANTED! HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID ANY DAY IN THE WEEK FOR. ALL KINDS OF POULTRY Ü Drennan & Baker CALDWELL, IDAHO V. D. Hannuh visited Boise Thurs day. Miss Cora B. Bean visited Boise Thursday. Young pigs for sale. Inquire at Tribune office. 1. J. E. Tourtellotte of Boise was in Çaldwell Monday. w H, W. Dorman visited Pearl sever al days this week. Miss Housil of Boise is visiting in Caldwell this week. f Mrs. W. C. Maxey is recovering f rom her recent sickness. aKr Eagles are urged to attend the {"^"ÄieeUng, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bedford is building a couple of cottages In West Caldwell. Jake Horn, editor of the Boise Re ^u^ican, was in Caldwell Sunday and pnday. J , um * Miss Mable Dement returned from »dt «Boise Thursday, after a pleasant vis 4A»im ttuac .wit'with friends. Mrs. R. V. Sebree returned to Cald Ü» vivell this week after an extended visit mSliu&t Dillon, Montana. i£u a1 Mrs. Ben Darrah of Shoshone is j2j"jyisltlng her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patton, this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ford will leave In a short time for Texas, where they «g^xpect to spend the winter. Elijah Frost and Charley Hartley ■»">"* to Portland Thursday. They will enter a business college in that jjty, ; Aprons, ice cream, cake and coffee will be sold at the College Assembly ball, December 5th, by the Presby terian ladies. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Petty and son, frank, will arrive in Caldwell In a lay or two. They will probably re locate in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Keyser have jmoved into rooms in the Baptist parsonage. Mrs. Keyser will be at some to her friends on Thursdays. Eagles, Attention! Be sure and »me out Tuesday evening. Import ant business is to be transacted. All Eagles are urged to be present. Mrs. John Bruce and Miss Qert rude Goodyear of Poison Creek were in Caldwell a few days this week. They wiJl visit Boise before return ing home. Col. Charles Irwin, a well known resident of oBlse, died Thursday In ibali city. Col. Irwin had a wide jbircle of friends who will be grieved ào learn of his death. î A very interesting altercation is yoing on between the Boise States man and the Capital News. Our un derstanding is that the Capital News jclaims that the Statesman was a big jger liar two years ago than the C<tp Ïtal News is now. The Statesman ( Jainis that it was just the same two years ago as it is now, and as the ICapital News is the bigger now, it ^a bigger today than the Statesman <was two years ago. People general ly think the two are and always iiave been sixes. the wholesome i CRESCENT r > " Eàâ -Phosphate ■AKINQ POWDER The Cresent Mark guarantees its rity. Insist upon Cresent Biand , Tea, Spices and Extracts. Our Motto: PURITY AND QUALITY Crescent Mfg. Co. When THE TRIBUNE wants to hark back a few generations, we al ways consult Mr. W. E. Mosby. Mr, Mosby was one of the early settlers. He helped lay the foundations oi Squaw Butte, and was here when Tom Johnson was In his infancy. On Mr. Mosby's word we place ab solute faith, and he states that never In the history of these parts, have we experienced such a cold snap In November. The winter the Boise river canon was cut the weather got a little cantankerous toward the lat-1 ter part of December, but not bad as to seriously interfere with the work. But the fall—that fall—was a beauty in any clime. The City Council, at Its meeting Wednesday evening, passed an ordi nance regulating the saloons. This ordinance provides that a person making application for a license must pay one year in advancme, and file with the clerk the written consent of the resident owners of the property In which the saloon is situated. A proviso, however, was attached mak ing It inapplicable to saloons now do ing business. The idea seems to be to give the present saloons a monop ly on the liquor traffic. This is very statesmanlike effort. The Coun cil thinks that ten saloons won't be able to dish out as much hilarity as five; and that the present saloon men are entitled to complete control. FOOT BALL GAME. The College of Idaho and Ontario High-School Foot-Ball teams will meet In their final game for the sea son Thanksgiving day. The teams played two tie games last season and have met once this year, Ontario win ning by a trick play in the last min ute of the game. The teams are ev enly matched in weight and will put up a good hard contest on Thanks giving day. The game will be play ed at Ontario, and will start at 12 noon so that any who desire can go down from here on the pony and come back on No. 6 In the evening in time for Thanksgiving Dinner at home. Special rates will prevail and it is hoped that a good crowd of rooters will go down to encourage the boys In their last game. Follow ing is the line-up and weights of the different playérs. Ontario H. 8. College of Ida. L. E. R. McGlvern, 140.... 165, McCormick. L. T. R. Weaver, 150 150 Magee L. G. R. Johnson, 155 150 Rtiark. Crane, 160 150 Groome. R. G. L. Williams, 155 150 Beatty. R. T. L. Lacky, C. Capt. 165....155 Winne, R. E. L. Looney, 145 148 Givens Rockwell, 135 128 Bird or 135 Krider. L H R Smith, 155 150 Cox, Capt. Lacky, H. 150 140 Cupp. Clement, 155 150 Vassar JF""' MIDDLEIONI TEMS. Special to The Tribune. A. S. Bixby lias been in Weiser the past week. A. L. Murphy and H. C. Flint are Caldwell visitors today. Mrs. M. E. Rutledge returned Tues day from a month's visit in Long Valley. Carpenters are at work on Rut ledge's store and it will he completed for the December opening. J. E. Rutledge Is down frotn Long Valley and reports several inches of snow in the Valley. F. L. Armstrong, who represents th«i Idaho Mutual Insurance Co. was in town for a few hours today. J. S. C. Clark, manager of the In dependent Telephone Comaoy, tel! from a load ot hay Tuesday, and was down from Boise for a few days visit . . . at the Plowhead home. Mrs. J. T. Wilson, who was thrown , . , . . froni a wagon and severely injured soma time ago is Improving, but can ,.„t.i,„ »mout crutches. severely Injured. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Plowhead are not yat walk TO WHOM IT MAV CONCERN On and after Jan. 1st, 1907, eight hours will constitute a day's work for carpenters of the United Brother hood af Carpenters and Joiners of I America. 2Ù-29 E. H. FRENCH, Sec. Warrant Call. I will pay Canyon County Warrants I I at my office in the First National Bank, Caldwell, Idaho, on and after | Nov. 26, 1906, as follows: Current Expense Warrants up to I [ and Including No. 302, issue July 19, | 1906. Road Warrants up to and lnclud [ ing No. 758, Issue July 22, 1905. R. A. COWDEN, Treasurer of Canyon County. ] Filey Davis and Olive Hill of I Sweet, Idaho, were united in marriage at the M. E. parson- j I age, Nov. 20, 1906. NO 82». Report of the Condition of The Western National Bank, at Caldwell, to I 'he State of Idaho, at the close of bullae*«, I November 12, 1906. bksourcbs l*oaos and discounts f overdrafts, secured aud unsecured. U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation.... ''remlums on U. 8. Bond* (tanking house, furniture, fixture*.. Due front National Bank* (not re serve agent*) Due from State Bank* and Baaker*. Noten of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickel* and cent* Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie fli.3% Si Legal tender notes... 5.07« 00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasur er (5 per cent of circulation) 78.052 11 I 836 82 30,000 00 1,231 25 25,000 00 6.093 86 26.145 «1 18,141 55 8.841 «8 4,500 00 I 36 80 16,472 55 1,500 00 Total * 211,88113 liabilities xationai^^nk Not^ 30,00000 Capital stock paid In Undivided profits, lei taxes paid.. less expense* and .» 50,000 00] 401 84 Due to other National Banks 1,807 78 Due to State Banks and Rankers.... 8,054 46 Individual deposits subject to cbeck. 98,090 36 Demand certificate* of depoelt 23,994 89 Total * 211,851 IS S. D. SlmpioD. Cashier of the above named bank, do|solemnly swear that the above I statement Is true to the best of my knowledge | and belief, S. D. SIMFSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me thli l6tb | ■lav of November, 1908. John F. MacLane, . Notary »"ubllc | Correct Attest: D. P. Campbell, w. r wllkbrson, j. C. Nichols, Director*. Report of the Financial Condition of The State Bank of Mlddletoo located at Middle ton, State of Idaho, at the close of buslnei* on I the 12th day of November, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 8 Banking house, furniture and fix ture* 2,010 29 Duefrom banks 9.583 43 Cash on hand 1,622 4ft Current expenses 337 00 | Total LIABILITIES. d. D. Camprcll, S. s. F oot«, r Director*. Capital stork paid lu « 10,000 00 Deposits 3 ,663' 17 Total » 13, St at * or Idaho, i. Coumtt or Can von, f I, J. L. Ocheltree, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the fore itolna statement Is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. J. L. UOHKI/TREF, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1Mb day of November. 1906. Allen L. Murphy, Notary Public. Correct Attest: NOTIOE OF ATTAOHMCNT. In the District Court of the Seventh Jndi" rial District of the State of Idaho, in and for Canyon County. Tuttle Mercantlle'Tompany, Plaintiff, E. D. Hashimoto. Defendant. Notice is hereby given. That a writ of attachment was issued out of the above entitled Court on the 19th day of Novem ber, 1906. In an action wherein the Tuttle Mercantile Company, Limited, is Plaintiff and K. D. Hashimoto is defendant, attach - in« the property of said defendant to re cover the sum of $4012.98 and costs of suit. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto »et rtiv band and affixed the teal of said Court this 2ist day of November. 1900. JOHN A. TUCKER. Clerk, Van Duyn <fc Plowhead. Attorney* for Plaintiff. 27-29 I Patch Co-operative Ditch Co., Ltd. Caldwell, Idaho, Nov. IS, 190Ö. Notice is hereby given, tbat at a meeting of the directors of the Patch Co-operative I Ditch Company, Ltd., held on the IStb ; day of November. 1906, an assessment of twenty-five cents per share was levied on the outstanding capital stock of the Cor poration. payable on December 24, 1806, to L. 8. Napton. Secretary. Hotnedale, ldabo. Auy stock upon which this as sessment remains unpaid on the 24tb da; of December. 1906, will be delinquent ay advertised for sale st public suctloo, and unless pavnient is nisde before, will be sold on the lath day of January. 1907. to pay the delinquent assessment together WHO costs of advertising and expense* of sale. J 8. NAPTON, Bee.. 27-31 Hotuedale. Idaho NOTIOC FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land OfHee at Boise, ldabo, Oct. 18,1906. Notice is hereby *iven tbst tbe following named settler bas filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of bis .claim, snd tbst said proof will be made before Walter R. Cupp. U. 8. Commissioner at Caldwell, Idaho, on December 4. 1906, viz. : Commodore Cary of Caldwell. ldabo, Hd. No. 6728. for tbe n 1-2 sw 1-4 of Section S2. Township 4 n. Range 3 w, B. M. He names the following witnesses to I prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Fred O. Burris of Caldwell, Idaho: Thomas Mc CoUutD nf Csldwell Idaho; William A. Warner of Caldwell, ldabo; Mark Seeley I of Caldwell, Idaho | j,.,, habby J. by its. Bsgisur eHHS. A. GREEN JEWELER Fine Watch Repairing We have placed Mr. F. H. Bowen, late head watchmaker for Denver's largest Jewelry Store, in charge of our work. We are looking for your Watch Work AND WANT TT Our Xmas Stock is now open for your inspection and we believe we can please you. :: :: H FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR HER XMA8 Watch Chains Locket Neck Chains Bracelet Diamond Pin Diamond Ring Lace Pins, Etc. Brush & Comb Set Hand Mirrors Bonnet Brashes Nail Files Cnticle Knife Darners and many other articles too numerous to name. FOR HIS XMAS Watch Pocket Comb Chain Military Set Charm Bag Tag Cuff Links Cigar Clip Fobs Watch Box Signet Ring Scarf Pin, etc. DIAMONDS eHHS. Ä. GREEN Specials! AT thpm from Golden Rule Store No doubt this cold and bracing weather makes you think of a nice FUR "Please do not forget that we have $1 and up to fine Miuk and Mar tin in all the latest styles. You can save money by buy ing here. Also a Ladies' Knit Wool Shawl and Scarf from 25c to $1.50 EACH All colors and white. y' " Children's Underwear — new and complete—all si «es. 50 Dosen Towels—to see the prices is to buy. Our Rugs have now arrived. Any costumer having $25 in ticket# can have same. The Golden Me Store SUPREME r KM af VsaL Tr»a.-M.rfc. Inw GARLAND STEEL RANGES oiictS All parts exposed to the fire are durable and combines all desirable features known in modern Steel Range construc tion. EVERY ONE GUARANTEED BOYES HARDWARE CO. Steunenberg Block, West Main Street Drennan & Baker j\ Keep Constantly on Hand (L Baled Hay, Oats, Corn, Wheat, ^ Barley, Rye, Chopped Feed (I and all Kinds of Hill Feed >? We handle all kinds of farm Seeds and will jj buy your poultry at the highest market price. [L Bring it in any day of the week