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SALT LAKER BUYS IDAHO RANCH Will Locate in Canyon County Near Parma—Idaho Land Look« Good to Traction Magnate Campbell. "Ralph S. Campbell, for 11 years the general manager of Salt Lake's street railway system, and one of the best known and most popular traction men In the entire west, has severed his connection with the Utah Light & Railway company. Mr. Campbell's resignation as general manager of the road, tendered October 31, 1906 when Harrlman Interests secured control of the system, has been ac cepted by the new board of directors. The resignation takes efTect at once. The new board of directors until to day refused to accept Mr. Campbell's resignation, saying that he would be retained as general manager of the company, a traction expert from New York coming to take charge of a por tion of the operating department Yesterday Mr. Campbell completed the purchase of the P. H. Lannan farm in Payette valley, one of the richest farms in Idaho, and at once insisted upon an acceptance of his resignation from the head of the op erating department of the street rail way."—Salt Lake Herald. The Lannon ranch is located near Parma and consists of 1000 acres of land. It is one of the largest and finest In Canyon County. Tom Ward Suicides. Thomas Ward, a well known resi dent and saloon man at Star, com mitted suicide Wednesday, via the strychnine route. He had been drinking heavily of late, and this to gether with business reverses and trouble with his son, lead to the act. He deliberately took the fatal dose and announced to his son, Newton, that "It's all day, boy." All medical aid was futile in reviving htm and he died in a short time.—Nampa Record. Designates Day for Thanksgiving. Governor Gooding Wednesday is sued the Thanksgiving proclamation as follows: "In accordance with the proclama tion of the president of the United States and of time honored custom, I, Frank R. Gooding, governor of the State of Idaho, do hereby designate Thursday, the 29th day of November, 1906, as a day of public thanksgiving and praise, and especially recommend that upon that day all people of the State abstain in so far as possible from their usual occupations and re pair unto their respective places of worship, give thanks to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for blessings showered upon us during the past year, and giving thanks for our own good fortune we should not forget those who are in poverty or distress, and should contribute to their relief. "P. R. GOODING, "Governor of Idaho." P. I. D. PROCEEDINGS. Office of the Pioneer Irrigation Dis trict, Oct. 3d, 1906, 10 a. m. On this day and hour the Board of Directors met in pursuance of adjournment. Present the full Board and Hedges, Secretary. A correction of the assessment roll of the District having been completed which assessment roll shows the value of the assessable property of the District to be $214,130.57, and the Board having before it a state ment of the estimated expenditures for the cart» operation, mauagemeut and improvement for the flscal year beginning July first, 1906, and end ing June thirtieth, 1907, and it ap pearing that the same amounts to the •um of $34.020.00 including $16, 600.00 to be expended In enlarging Phyllis Canal, and not including $1, 200 to cover extra expenses on towns of Caldwell and Nampa, which state ment is now on file In this office, it la hereby ordered that there be and hereby is levied and assessed at the rate of sixteen per centum against each and every dollar of the said $214,130.57, the assessed valuation of the District for Baid maintenance purposes, which assessment is to be listed and carried out and entered in the proper book by the Secretary and delivered to the Treasurer for collec tion. It further appearing that the amount of interest accruing on the bonds of the District for the ensuing year Is $14,850.00 and the same shall be due before the time for levying another assessment by the District, It Is hereby ordered that there be and is hereby levied at the rate of seven per centum against each and every dollar of the said $214,130.57, the assessed valuation ef the district, for the purpose of paying said inter est. which assessment is to be listed carried out, and entered in the proper book by the Secretary and delivered to the Treasurer for collection. It further appearing that the war ranta In the redemption list of the district amount to the sum of $214. 110.67, It is hereby ordered that there be and is hereby levied and as «cssedat the rate of 2 per centum against each and every dollar of said 9S14.130.S7, the assessed valuation of til« District for the Warrant Re ilTTr""i Fund purposes, which as sessment Is to be listed, carried out and entered in the proper book by the Secretary, and delivered to the Treasurer for collection. It further appearing that in addi tion to the foregoing estimated ex penditures the sum of $1200 will be required to be -expended in the distribution of the water to the prop erty within the limits of the City of Caldwell and Nampa located within the boundaries of the said District It is hereby ordered that there be and hereby is levied and assessed, against all property within the limits of the cities of Caldwell and Nampa, lo cated within the boundaries of the Pioneer Irrigation District, and using water during the season 1906, a toll in the sum of Fifteen Dollars against each full block and owned and wat ered by an individual, a toll In the sum of Ten Dollars against each half block owned and watered by an lndl vidual, a toll in the sum of Five Dol lars against each quarter block owned and watered by an Individual, a toll in the sum of One and One Half Dol lars against each and every lot having a frontage of fifty feet, a toll In the sum of One Dollar against each lot having a frontage of twenty-five feet, excepting Blocks No. 2, 38 and 39 of Washington Heights, Addition to Caldwell the water toll which will be levied and assessed at the rate of Five Dollars per lot. The above toll being in addition to the said assessment of sixteen per centum for the Maintenance Fund and the said seven per centum for the Bond Fund and said two per centum for the Redemption Fund, for the purpose of defraying the ex tra expenses of distributing the water to the property within the said limits of the said cities located In the Dis trict. It is further ordered that a chat ge of $1.70 per acre be assessed against all land outside the boundaries of this District using from the canals of this District during the season of 1906. It is further ordered that the China Garden located within the limits of the City of Caldwell and outside tho boundaries of this district be and they are hereby assessed In the sum of $30.00 for the use of water during the season of 1906. In the matter of the purchase of the dredge located at Idaho City, Messrs. Greenslet and Hedges are di rected to make further examination and measurements of same at their earliest opportunity and report to this Board Tuesday, October 9th, at ten a. m. Upon motion the Board hereupon adjourned until ten a. m, Tuesday, Oct. 9th, to consider the matter of the purchase of dredge for enlarging hillside section of the Phyllis canal. Attest: H. M. HEDGES, Secretary. Office of the Pioneer Irrigation District. Oc.t 9th, 1906, 10 a. m. On this day and hour the Board met In pursuance of adjournment. Present liu ft; 11 Board and MIbs Anna Parks, Secretary pro tem. The report of Messrs. Greenslet not being ready the meeting was ad journed until Tuesday, Oct. 11th. Attest: ANNA PARKS, Secretary pro tem. Office of the Pioneer Irrigation Dis trict, Oct. 11th, 1906, 10 a. m. On this day and hour the Board met in pursuance of adjournment. Present I he full Board and Hedges, Secretary. After hearing of Hedges report on condition and adaptability of dredge, it was ordered that Mr. Greenslet go to Idaho City and arrange necessary preliminaries before commencing dis mantling of dredge, and that the full Board meet on the dredge at Idaho City Monday, Oct 15th to decide definitely as .to its purchose. Hereupon the Board adjourned un til Monday, Oct. 15th, to meet at Idaho City. Attest: H. M. HEDGES. Secretary. Idaho City, Ida., Oct. 16th. 8 a. m. 1906. On thlB day and hour the Di rectors met In pursuance of adjourn ment, on Board dredge at Idaho City. Present all the Board, and Hedges, Secretary. After careful and detailed examina tion of machine It was resolved that whereas It Is the opinion of the Board of Directors that it Is advisable to purchase a dredge for enlarging the hillside section of the Phyllis cana. That this dregde owned by the Bos ton and Idaho Gold Dredging Co. 1s for sale for $1700.00 and Is adapted tt> the work In hand, and Is very cheap at the above price. It la there fore hereby ordered that this dredge machinery he purchased at that price gad that the Superintendent be In fracted to purchase the necessary ^material and to go ahead installing machine as soon as possible. It is further ordered that Mr. Greenslet take charge of dismantling and settling up this machine and that he receive his per diem and expenses while so engaged Carried unani mously. The Board hereupon adjourned un til Oct. 17th, 1906, at Caldewll. Attest: H. M. HEDGES, Secretary. Office of the Pioneer Irrigation Dis trict, Oct. 17th, 1906. On this date the Board met in pursuance to ad journment. Present Dlls and Calkins and Miss Anna Parks, Secretary, pro tem. The claim of Rupert Winters for $1700.00 was presented, read, ap proved and upon motion a warrant was ordered drawn. The Board hereupon adjourned sine die. Attest: ANNA PARKS, Secretary pro tem. Commissioners' Proceedings. Caldwell, Idaho, November 1, 1906. The Board of County Commissioners of Canyon County, met at 10 o'clock a. m. pursuant to adjournment from October 17th, 1906. Present Com missioners F. E. FIsk, Chairman, D. P. Dodd and J. F. T. Bayse, and John A. Tucker, Clerk, when the fol lowing proceedings were had: On motion the petition of Tim Driscoll et al praying for the ap pointment of J. B. Cosman as Con stable of 8outh Payette Precinct, is granted and said J. B. Cosman is hereby appointed Constable of said South Payette Precinct and ordered to file bond as required by law. On motion the following bill was read and passed upon and a warrant ordered drawn on the Court House Fund as follows: First National Bank of Caldwell, assigned account of A. S. White way, $3509.00 On motion the following bill was read and passed upon and a warrant ordered drawn on the Payette Bridge Fund as follows: C. G. Sheeley, contractor on con struction, $9930.00 In the matter of the viewers' re port on the petition of H. B. Pence et al it appearing to the board from said viewers' report that the rood sought to be abandoned is of greater public benefit than the road prayed for, therefore, on motion said view ers report accepted and said petition denied. On motion the Board adjourned until November 21st, 1906, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Approved, Attest: F. E. FISK, JOHN A. TUCKER, Chairman. Clerk. NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice Is hereby given, that on Tuesday, December Eleventh (11th), 1906, an election will be held In the Pioneer Irrigation District, for the purpoeeof electing one director. Such director must be a qualified elector and a resident of Division No. 3 of the Pioneer Irrigation District. At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Pioneer Ir rigation District, on Nov. 6th, 1906, the following officers of such election were duly appointed. JUDGES OF ELECTION: For di vision No. 1, Robert Mllllken, Chai. Verheyen and J. . Wächter. For Di vision No. 2, John Fuss, Chas. Mot calf and Wm. T. Calloway. For Di vision No. 3, Edgar Meek, Wm. A. George and Mary E. Phillips. REGISTARS: For Division No. 1, A. L. Gowen. For Division No. 2, Mrs. Zllpha Miller. For Division No. 1, H. M. Hedges. PLACES OF REGISTRATION: For Division No. 1, at the residence of A. L. Gowen of Nampa. For Division No. 2 at the residence of Mrs. Zllpha Miller in East Caldwell. For Division No. 3 at the office of the,Pioneer Irriga tion District in West Caldwell. TIME OF REGISTRATION: The law provides that the registrars must be at the placee of registration to re ceive applications for registration, from 9 o'clock A. M. until 9 o'clock P. M. on each of three Saturdays next preceding the date of election. POLLING PLACES: For Division No. 1 at the residence of A. L. Gowen In Nampa, for Division No. 2 at the Caldwell Commercial Clubhouse In East Caldwell, for Division No. 3 at the office of the Pioneer Irrigation District In West Caldwell. DIVISION BOUNDARIES: Di vision No. 1 Is that part of the Plon eeer Irrigation District lying east of the west line of Sections 20, 29 and 32 T. 4 N. R. 2 W. and Sections 5, 8, 17, and 20 T. 3 N. R. 2 W. Division No. 2 lies between Divi sions No. 1 and 3. Division NO. 3 is that part of the Pioneer Irrigation District lying north and west of the following des cribed line. Beginning at the Inter section of the boundary Une of the Pioneer Irrigation District and the South Une of Section 38 T. 4 N. R 8 W . tbence east to' ibs southeast cor ner of Section 3* : X._4 -J*. R. 3 W„ tbence north a ions Section Une to Its intersection with the center of the track of the O. S. L. Ry., thence liortheasterly along said center Une to the North boundary of the dis trict. Attest, H. M. HEDGES, Secretary. L LEAVE LAUNDRY BUNDLES ADAM'S THE NEW8 AGENT. ...Caldwell Steam Laundry.., MARTIN BROS. Props. W.A.ST0NE JNO.F.MacLANE WM.C.COMPTON Stone, MacLane Ä Compton Attorneys-at-law ISTEUNENBERU BLOCK ! Caldwell - - . Idaho I G Leave your orders with H. B. A vkn, or L. B. Manning Transfer Company we do the rest Announcement We have re-opened the old Butt9 blacksmith shop on Main street. Call and get our prices. WINCHESTER & MULLIGAN Caldwell - - Idaho. MallE The "Stay Satisfactory'Raavge The Monarch Range took the Grand Prize at> Portland World's Fair. Compare it> with other Ranges on the market. We guar antee this Range in every respect. e. 1+ ffiJH gra / \ k ile Co. DR. RISING'S YETERIMARY HOSPITAL (Braach of Boise) Bring your stock on Saturdays for Exam ination. Operations and Dental Work. Oftice Campbell's Stables. r. w. ribikg . D.Y.S., D.Y.D. 2d-Hand Store Merritt (8b Maxey, Props. Will buy your goods right and sell right. Kepair your Furni ture, 8toves, Bicycles aud every old thing. Come and see us. MERRITT <& MAXEY THOMAS H. SOULE ARCHITECT & SUPERINTENDENT LITTLE BLOCK CALDWELL, IDAHO IBA K E R Y i Î for Home-Made Bread, Cakes and Pies, go to THE White Standard Bakery FRED HOFFMAN Mgr. I NEXT WEEK'S SPECIALS THE FAIR STORE the place to save money Beginning Monday, November 13th, we will place on Special Sale our entire stock of Ladies' and Misses' Walking and Dress Skirts at prices not to be duplicated elsewhere. We propose to cut the price on all skirts TWENTY per cent. We claim now to be cheaper than any house in town, so now is your chance. A big stock to pick from, large assortment of colors and sizes, and prices ranging from $1 25up to £10. Dur skirts are bought from one of the largest specialty houses in New York City and represent the latest designs in both'cut and color. COME EARLY AND GET FIRST PICK. FOURTH DOOR WEST OF SARATOGA HOTEL, MAIN STREET Aven <& Leiser, Props &S2S2S!&S£m28SZSm2S&Smm2S£2S2S2&S£m2SZ&SZ&SS2SlSi\ 1 "\I7"ïr UT A MT TUP QWAT T A r<r «/~*TT *KT r rt~l . of the wage-earner and householder, as well as the larger patronage of business firms and corporations. We are grateful to see the steady growth of the small depositor and are glad to help and encourage all who earnestly desire to better their financial condition. : : : : WE OFFER ABSOLUTE SAFETY FOR EVERY DOLLAR DEPOSITED —the safety that is grounded In conservative management. bonded officers, ample capital, fire anil burglorv insurance, and a policy which admits of NO SPE' IM/ATlO .V with a single penny of the bank's funds. QIVC US A TRIAL. The Western National Bank OALDWELL, IDAHO CAPITAL STOQK PAID IN - - $ 50,000.00 STOCKHOLDERS' LIABILITY - 50,000.00 V $100,000.00 WE WILL PAY YOU INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS 0. 0. CAMPBELL. President J, I. MORRISON. Vice President S. D. SIMPSON, Cashier J. K. RODDY, Asst. Cash. W£ MAU HU CHAM* r <M MIMIK TOM HIM. HOHS. MSUUftU MM.ICICS AW 01 Ht* Y Al LASH PAK*I M OUI fMI A NO «Û*6UK-M00f VAU. IS