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n PERSONAL AND SOCIAL A today. The Big Sale at the Famous starts Everything on sale at the Famous I Watch the Back page of this pa per next week. Loom Ends 3% cts. per yard at the Outlet sale today. Store Saturday July 13th. Manufacturer's Outlet Sale at the | Famous Saturday, July 13th. Loom End—Loom Ends Ends—at the Famous today. W. H. Williamson and family will leave Sunday for Bear Valley. Your friends are all going to the outlet sale at the Famous. Are you? Loom I manufacturer's I Shirt waists at prices at the sale today at the Fa-1 mous. If bargains is what you are look-1 ing for don't miss the Outlet sale al the Famous today. W. A. Sanple of Idaho City is In | town. Mr. Sample is the prosecuting attorney for Boise county. No matter what you have on hand, I drop everything and come to the out li^Bt sale today at the Famous. Sheriff Thorp has now but three I prisoners in the county jail. Two from [ Nampa and one from Emmett. Martin Jensen and family left Wed- 1 neday for the Payette Lakes, where I they will remain for a month. Mat. Cook and family left Thursday for the mountains where they will | stay until cooler weather prevails. Dr. Ed. E. Maxey was in the city Tuesday but arrived too late to take I part In the meeting of the Medical Society. Dr H B Knight of Tacoma is in the city. Dr. Knight has accepted a professorship in the Idaho. College of Frank Gilbert one of the old set- I tiers of this valley was in town 1 ues- 1 day just to see the parade and not | for the show. Mrs. J. F. MacLane left Sunday no I the receipt of a telegram from Pas-1 sadena, California, that her mother I was seriously ill at hep-home in that] fbity. Dick Plowman, of Nampa, has at 1 E. E. Dutton has arranged to fur- I great expense, imported two canar ies from the Samona Islands and has them on exhibition in his place at Nampa. nish the town of Nampa, with Cald well ice. The Caldwell plant will now be run is six tons in 24 hours. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Robert to its full capacity which | Orr, a son. This important event happened Wednesday morning at the family residence on Succor Creek. Dr. Young of this city was In at-1 S. D. Morler returned Sunday from a trip to Twin Falls where he went for the purpose of installing a five ton refrigerator amonia plant. Mr Morler had a very enjoyable trip and Is of the opinion that Twin Falls is the coming city of the state. Campbell & Garten are having cement walks laid on the 7th Street side of their livery barn. This im provement is not being made In an «(JIUYCIIICUt lO "««• D ■ ttclpatlon of the city bridge bonds carrying, but for the general improve-1 ment of the popular livery barn A rancher from New Plymouth wat in town Tuesday with a load of cher ries that would have made a Call fornian turn green with onvy. The| f-ult was larger than damson plums they were thick mealed, with a small seed and very sweet. There was 110 difficulty iu dlsposlug of tho lot Ell Nelson the superintendent of the Experiment Station has orders to go to Minidoka for the purpose of superintending the Installation of a station at that point. During Mr. Nelson's absence Mr. John Krall of Boise will have charge at this sta-1 tlon. Mr. Kraïl is highly recom-1 mended as an experienced Irrigator. I Rev. Jake Mussell of Homedale. waB In the city Wednesday super-1 intending the building of a wheel for the purpose of raising water for lrrl gatlon. The machine Is of Mr. Mus sell's Invention and Is said to be one of the best and moat economical In use. The Tribune will have an extended description of the machine In the near future. Ham Kautzman does not only fit spectacles but is taking a great in terest in advertising the. good qual ities of Idaho among his friends In the east. Yesterday he sent an ex hibit of Lambert cherries to Coon Rapids, Iowa, to let the people there see what Idaho soil will produce In the fruit line. He is arranging to send other fruits, grain, etc., to other towns In the Hawkeye state. He Isn 't a real estate agent either. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Herr enter- 1 tained the Baptist society at their home Wednesday night. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid So c ' e ty had a meeting W ednesday at the residence of H. R. Clever. S. D. Hartkopf replaced the roof on the Pioneer office building that was destroyed by the recent fire. J. A. James was in from his farm at Five Mile Tuesday. He said that I £j le y ^ad experienced a great hail storm Monday of this week. Crops | suffered great damage. John Drennan returned Thursday I from a trip across Snake river, where he is now interested in a band of sheep, having purchased the band owned by John Williams. Miss Imogene Madden opened a summer school In the Lincoln school building Monday. Miss Madden Is I one 0 f the popular teachers In the school. The branches Caldwell taught are those necessary for pu P'l® to pass the 8th grade examina The electric light fixtures for the | court house have arrived and are be Ing put in place. They are entirely different in design from other in the state having all been made from I Bpecia , a e8 ig Ils fo , the building. The I [ Caldwell Electric Supply Co. has the I contract. # Walter Froman returned Wednes day from the Twin Falls country where he has been with a surveying 1 crew. He has taken a position with I the S. F., 1. & M. R. R. and will start | on the survey next Manday. Arthur Street, one of the promi nent and substantial citizens of Pay ette, was In Caldwell Saturday trans acting business. I j ra Kautzman who has been a res ment of Caldwell for two months, and job compositor at the Caxton Print e rs, left on No. 6 Tuesday afternoon f °'" Sioux City, Iowa, In answer to a wire to take a position in the com mercial printing house of the whole sale grocery house of Tolerton, War I £ q 0 ^jr. Kautzman was a fine 1 |j ur jt 0 ne player and will be much | nl | sse( j jjy t jje band boys. The owners of the Golden Gate addition to Caldwell have been mak j ng some improvements In the way of I ditching. The Improvement will be benefit, to the road leading from town to the Wheeler place and should hive been done long before this. 1 The many friends'* of Mrs. Ruth Plowhead will be glad to learn that although she is still confined to her bed, she is thought to have passed the critical period and is gradually I j mprov j n g ]t '3 sometimes expensive to have | a good credit at a bank, as Flnley McKenzie came near finding out one day this week. It appears that some I one who evidently knew Mr. McKen | zje , s flnancial standing at the First I Mational Bank of this city, for one Qf the banks at Ogden wired the pi| rB t National here to send Flnley 1 McKenzie $175, but before they could j comply, the cashier happened to see | McKenzie on the street and he | asked him if he had been to Ogden, he replied that he had not. The wire was sent but Instructions were given to fully Identify the payee. Nothing has been heard from the party since the tele gram was sent. gram was sent. Mr. and Mrs. George H. West of Greeley, Colorado are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glpson. Mr. West Is ,, ne of the men who followed the ad ^ , rrlgatlonlit8 of the ,n vice of the great editor of the New York Tribune, when he said, "go west, young man, go west." He came to Colorado In 1871 and Is one of ter mountain country. Mr. and Mrs West are on a trip to the coast and will remain In Caldwell for a few days before continuing their Journey Notice to ("red it ors. In the Probate Court of Canyon County, State of Idaho In the matter of the estate of Rosa M. Barnes .deceased: Notice is hereby given by the un .jerslgned, John D. Barnes, admlnls m | n i 8 t ra tor of the estate of Rosa M u arne8j deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them with necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to said administrator at I tho office of Rice & Thompson | Caldwell, Idaho, the same being the | place for the transaction of the bust ness of said estate In the County Canyon, State of Idhao. JOHN D. BARNES, Administrator RICE & THOMPSON, Attorenys for Administrator I Datpd 3 ~'~ 1 I Notiee to tYeditom. I | n the Probate Court of Canyon County, State of Idaho. I In the matter of the estate of Ber nardus Steunenberg, deceased: I Notice la hereby given by the un dersigned, The Caldwell Banking & Trust Company, Limited, executor of the estate of Bernardus Steunenberg, deceased, to the creditors of. and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within 10 months after the first publication of this no tice to said executor at the banking house of said executor In Caldwell, Idaho, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate In the county of Canyon, Idaho. THE CALDWELL BANKING & TRUST CO., LTD., By John C. Rice, President. RICE & THOMPSON, Attorneys for Executor. Dated July 12, 1907. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS OF CANYON COUNTY, IDAHO. Notice is hereby given that the County of Canyon, State of Ida(io, by and through the Board of County Commissioners of said county will on Monday, the 5th day of August, 1907, at 2 o'clock p. m., on said day at the Court House of said county, In t"he "office" of*"the" Clerkof District I Court and ex-offlcio Auditor and Re corder, of said county, the same be-1 ing the place of business of said Board of County Commissioners, sell bonds of said county to the amount | of $4 4,000. The sale of which said bonds was duly authorized hy a vote of the qualified electors of said coun ty on the 29th day of December, 1906 In pursuance of an act of thej^" legislature of the state of Idaho, en-1 titled: An act providing for the I issuance of negotiable coupon bonds. for the funding and refunding of I county indebtedness: amended chap-1 ter six, title 13, revised statutes of Idaho." Approved February 7, 1899 Said sale having been directed by the board of County Commissioners of the said county on the 21st day of November, 1906. Said bonds shall be payable In lawful money of the United States of America, as follows: At the expiration of Ten years from the date of the issue of said bonds, ten per cent of the whole of said Is sue, and ten per cent annually there after until the said bonds are paid, but It shall be optional with said county to redeem all or any part of said bonds at any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of the said issue, and each bond shall recite upon Its face the said op tion. Each bond must be redeemed In the order It Is numbered, and shall bear Interest at the rate of not to ex ceed 6 per cent, payable semi-annual ly on the first day of January and the first day of July of each year. The principle and interest shall be payable at the office of the County Treasurer of Canyon County, Idaho, the Chase National Bank at the city of New York. Said bonds are to provide funds for the rectlon of a bridge al Middle ton over the Boise river to cost $26,000, and a bridge over the Boise river at Notus to cost $18,000. Said bonds shall be as nearly as practica ble of the following denominations, to-wlt: Fourty-four of $1000 each. Said bonds shall be numbered consecu tively and shall bear date of Issue. Said bonds shall be signed by the chairman of the board of County Commissioners, shall be attested by the Clerk of said board, and bear the seal of said board, and shall be countersigned by the County Treas urer of said county and shall be ne gotlable In form, each bond shall state upon Its face the amount for which It Is Issued, the date of Its Is sue, time and place of payment, rate of Interest, and must also recite that] It Is Issued In conformity with the provisions of said act hereln-before described, and said act must be printed upon the back of each bond There shall be attached to each bond when negotiated semi-annual Inter est coupons, covering the Interest expressed In the bond from the date of the Issue until paid, and the coupons attached to each bond, shall be sign ed by the County Treasurer of said county. Each coupon must bear number corresponding with the num ber of the bond to which it Is at tached, and must state upon Its face the amount for which the same Is Issued, the date of Issue and the date and place of payment thereof. Seal ed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of said county, at their said office and place of business In the Court House of said county, for the purchase of said bonds until the day and hour above mentioned, namely, up to 2 o'clock P. M., Monday, the 5th day of Au gust, 1907. The said board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make such allotment as may be for the benefit of the couaty. No bid will be received or considered for less than par value and accrued in terest. Said bonds are offered In sums less than the whole amount to be Issued or total amount at the op tion of the bidder. All bids for bonds must be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of 2 per cent of the amount bid, such check to be drawn in favor of O. V. Badley, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Canyon County, Idaho, and to have no conditions endorsed thereon except as set forth In this notice. Said bids will be opened by the Board of County Commissioners of said County at the time and place mentioned, and in the presence of all persons wishing to attend. Bids should be for rate per cent per an num. Parties bidding on these bonds are requested to have the legality of the same passed upon by their coun sel before submitting their bids, and particularly before the day and hour set for the opening of said bids. Board of County Commissioners For Canyon County, Idaho O. V. BADLEY. Clerk of Board. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ONt CENT A W0«D PER ISSUE—NO AD VERTISMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN I Oe Oats Wanted. We will pay $1.15 and furnisb sacks, at our camp. Come and get the sacks before you thresh. Hubbakd & Carlson. Independent phone. FOR SALE—160 rods of 26-inch hog fence. Idaho Electric Co. For Sale—Gasoline engine, 2 1-2 horse power, 50 gallon tank, 15 gal lon tank, automatic sparker, also battery. Inquire at Tribune office. Wanted—To trade good fCG.OO saddle and bridle for light Democrat wagon, suitable for one horse. B. LOUDERBACK. Found. Found at Caldwell Fair Grounds, I la(lles ' wa,ch - 0w «er can have the same by paying for this ad. and describing it. Mrs. Annie Bradley. . , D , , . | Phon * Line 54 " s Parma ' ldaho " Special Excursion East. To St. Paul, Chicago, St. Louis, 880ur ' river and Intermediate points at greatly reduced rates. I Tickets on sale at O. S. L. ticket R. FARRAR. offlces July 18th and 2 5th. See agent I tor particulars A Beautiful Hand and Arm ■■ Sässw//. looks still more beautiful when adorned with some of our splendid Jewelry. Gem rings in— DIAMOND» PEARLS RUBIES EMERALDS AMETHYSTS) and a bejeweled gold bracelet will adorn a lady's arm to the best ad vantage. We bave here a profusion of solid gold jewelry that will please the most fastidious— RINGS EARDROPS BANGLES WATCHES CHAINS CHARMES BROOCHES PENDANSS CLOCKS BRONZE and Gold and Silverware in great variety of design. Come it> and inspect our stock anb be convinced. cuu«uu Jeweler and Optician CALDWELL - IDAHO <Spi cvcob. sua ts: July 13, Dear Friend: We are putting up lots of fruit at our house. Are you putting up any fruit at your house? If you do, and need some nice, fresh Fruit you oan get it at ''Redway & Co' s Big Quality Store'' P. S . You can get all kinds of fruit at their store. THE Caldwell tan LAUNDRY Is still doing business everyday in the week. We want only thiriy six hours to turn out your launHry, and it is fresh and clean at that. :: .: Rates on Family Washing Do Rough Dry for 25c a dozen ...Caldwell Steam Laundry... MARTIN BROS. Props. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Departm» nt of the Interior. Land Office at Boise, Idaho. Jime fx, 1907. Notice is hereby g iven that Eddie H. Kreuch of Caldwell. Idaho, has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 5956 made August 13. I9O2. for N'<j NK(4 of Sec. 19, and I-ots Ü and 7 of Section IX. Township 3 N., Range 4 \V„ the ! B M . ami that seul proof will be made before the Rtgister it Receiver, at Boise, Idaho on August Hi, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. the laud, viz: John McDowell of Homedale, Idaho. Rimer Wright, Norah Wright, Benjamin F. Clay all of Caldwell, Idano. ADDISON T. SMITH 7-11 Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Land Office at Boise, Idaho. M ay 20, 1907 Notice is hereby given that Peter J. Collop of Caldwell, "Idaho ha- tiled notice of his intentions to make tinal Five year proof in sup|>ort of his claim, viz: Homes tead Eutry No. 8512 made July 25, 1905. for Lot 1 of Sec 5. C 3 N. R. 3 W and the SE^ of the S. £. ■ uï grction 32. T 4 N.. IÏ W., H , M., and that said proof will he maue be fore ttie Register it Reeeiever, at Boise, Ida on August«, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: John W, Chevally, William Bardsley. W. P Laws. E. E. Gibbons, all ol Calbwell, Idaho. - ADDISON T SMITH 0-10 Register Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Of fice at Boise, Idaho, June 3. 1907 Notice is hereby given that Wil liam W. Bartow, of Enterprise, Ida ho, has filed notice of his Intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 9023, made April 5, 1906, for the NW quarter, Section 28, Township 1 N., Range 3 W., B. M., and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Boise, Idaho, on July 12, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land.vls: Othello T. Shirley, of Enterprise, Idaho; Tim Shirley, of Enterprise, Idaho; Gus Yank, of Enterprise, Ida ho; J. J. Jorus, of Enterprise, Idaho. ADDISON T. SMITH. Register. In the Probate Court of the County of Canyon, State of Idaho: In the matter of the estate of Rees H. Davis, deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be made. Jonn L. Davis, the administrator of the estate of Rees H. Davis, de ceased, having filed his petition here in praying for an order of sale of a portion of the real estate of said de cedent, for the jurposes therein set forth. It Is therefore ordered by the Judge of said Court, that all persons Interested In the estate of said de ceased appear before the said Pro bate Court on Friday, the 12th day of July, A. D., 1907 at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of the said day, at the Court Room of said Probate Court, at the Court house, in Caldwell, County of Canyon, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said John L. Davis, adminis trator, to sell so much of the real estate of the said deceased, Rees H. Davis, as shall be necessary. And that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for not less than four successive weeks In the Caldwell Tribune, a newspa per pullshed In said Canyon County, Idaho, and that said publication be completed at least five days prior to suld 12th day of July A. D., 1907. F. A. HAOELIN, Judge of Probate. Dated June 4, 1907. 4t Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Of fice at Boise, Idaho, April 19, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Walter R. Cupp, U. S. Commissioner, at Cald well, Idaho, on July 15, 1907, viz: Lallah Bedford, of Caldwell, Idaho, Hd. No. 8977, for the SE quarter of Sec. 19, T. 3 N., R. 4 W., B. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Maud Wright, of Caldwell, Idaho; Jacob Billlngsley, of Caldwell, Ida ho; Ernest Bedford, of Caldwell, Idaho; Hector Lewis, of Caldwell, Idaho. ADDISON T. SMITH. Register. Notice to Creditors. In the Probate Court of Canyon County, Idaho. In the matter of the Estate of Caleb K. Koswell, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administrator of the Estate of Caleb K. Koswell, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said William B. Jones at the office of Frank J. Smith in Caldwell, Idaho, County of Canyon, State of Idaho. Dated June 13, 1907. WILIAM B. JONES, Administrator of the Estate of Ca leb K. Roswell, deceased. PRANK J. SMITH. Attorney for Administrator. Jrne 15-Jy IS. i Jua# is.jy is. Notice to Creditors. In the Probate Court of Canyon County, Idaho. In the matter of the Estate of Vic toria Roswell, deceased: Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned administrator of the Estate of Victoria Roswell, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said William B. Jones at the office of Frank J. Smith In Caldwell, Idaho, County of Canyon, State of Idaho. Dated June 13, 1907. WILIAM B. JONE#, Administrator of the Estate of Vic toria Roswell, deceased. FRANK J. SMITH, Attorney for Administrator.