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Whereupon the Board adjourne! until Wednesday July 17, 1907, a 10 o'clock A. M. Afest: W. H. PLATT. O. V. BADLEY, Chairman. Clerk. Caldwell, T daho, July 17, 1907 Ninth day of the July Term: Th ,'oard met pursuant to adjournment rreser', W. H. Piatt, Chairman, D P. Dodd, 8. P. Chnney, and C. V Badlov, Clerk, when the followln . proceedings were had, to-wlt: In tho matter of the petition o W. N. Rhoads, et al, praying for the formntlon of a new school dlstrlc to 1, comprised of the following sec thins: Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, 31 and 32 in what Is now unorganlze district, and of Sections 21, 28, 3 nnd the west half of Sections 22, 2 and 34 of school district No. G 2, a of the above described sections beln In Twp. A N. R. 4 W. B. M. I the above matter It appearing l O *■'» Boar.1 that said petition Is signed b more than two thirds of those per sons who are heads of families of sal Bchool district No. 52, and by th parents of more than ten children o school age who are residents of sal territory not Included In said schoo district No. 52; and the said forma tion of such school district havln been recommended by the Superln tendent of county rchool, and a neces Blty appearing therefor, and no ob Jectlon appearing thereto, ou motion It Is ordered that the above describe lands be, and the same are hereb constituted a school district t.nder the name and style of School Dlstrlc No. 44 of Canyon County, Idaho. In the matter of the petition of P. B. Moore, et al, praying for the es tablishment of a publish Mghway in road district No. 33, tho same Is laid over till the October, 1907, meeting, pending Investigation. In the matter of the petition of J R. McCollum, et al, Inhabitants o road district No. 35, praying for th establishment of a public highway 1 Canyon County 50 feet In width, hav ing its points of beginning, termina tlou, course and intermediate pol"* as follows: Commencing at the S W. corner of section 33 In Twp. 5 N R. 3 W. B. M., thence east on twp Une one half mile, thence south on half section line one mile, thence eas one half mile on section line, thenc due south on section line between sec tion s 9 and 10 Twp. 4 N. R. 3 W. B M. one mile and ending at the S. E corner oC section 9 Twp. 4 N. R. 3 B. M. It appearing to the Board that ball petitioners have compiled with th law, therefore, on motion, said pe tltion is granted, and Fred. McCon nell, T. W. Boone and M. R. Jenkin are appointed viewers, and are order ed to view said road and after hav ing taken and subscribed t»: uit> rat required by law to make and flic Ihel report at the October, 1907, merlin of this Board. In the matter of the petition o August Thommtn, et al, inhabitant of road district No. 5, pr yiiig fo the establishment of a pullc highway In Canyon County 50 feet in width having for its points of beginning termination, course and interme<llat points as follows: Commencing o the west side of the Payette river o the north line of section 27, Twp. 7 N R. 1 W. B. M.; thence west, fo th N. W. corner of Section 30 Twp. ■ N R. 1 W. Commencing at the N E corner of Sec. 27 Twp. 7 N. H V W. thence w«' to the corner of Sec. 2 Twp. U. 3 W.; commeudng a the V K. corner of Sec. 19 Twp. 7 N R. 2 W.; thence west to the east eld of Pay itte Hiver on south line of Se>" 16 Twp. V N R. 3 W. Comuienein at the N. il corner of Sec. 1' 'I wp. N. R. I W.: thence \rest to the Fuy ette River. near the N- W. corner o Sec. 1C Twp. 7 N. R. 3 W. Cniumenc ing on the west side of the i-.y.'lt River on the north line " 3 Twp. 7 N. lt. 1 W., near th« v E corner of »Rid section; thenct wes to the north side of the Payette '.Ivo on the south side of Bectlon 25 Twp 7 N. R. : J V'., near the S. W. corne of S. E, a tarrer of the S. W. guarte of Sbld se Hou. Commencing <-.t <h west side uf the Payette river on th south Hr.» of Sec. 32 Twp. 7 N. R. W.; thence w?st to the Payette Rive on the south line of Sbc. 31 Twp. 7 N R. 2 W. Commencing at the S. E corner of the S. W. quarter of th N. E. quarter of Sec. 1 Twp. C N. R 2 W.; theme west through ilie cen ter of Sec. i 2, 3, 4, and to near the center oi Sec. 5 where said lln would inter; "tit the Payette il Ivor Commencing at the N. W. corner o Sec. 11 T. - N . R 3 w . thenc south to viw mrceptlon ot the nort bank of tin i'uyette River. Com • inenclng at the N. W. corner ot Sec J4 Twp. 7 N. K. 3 W.; thence gout to the Payette Hiver near tho N. W corner oi Sec. 26 Twp. 7 N. R. * W Commencing at the N. W. corner o Bee. 16, thence :outh 2 mil io th S. W. corner of Seq. 24 Twp. V 1 H. 2 W. Commencing at the N. W core sr ot Sec 19 Twp. 7 N. R. W. thence south to the S. W. corner o Pec. 30 Twp 7 N. R. 2 W.; Commene Ing at the N W. corner of Sec 2 ? k VP c ' ® thence south t the S. W. -orner ot Sec. 32 Twp 7 N It. 2 W. Commencing at the N W corner of Sec 2 8 Twp. 7 N. R 2 W îîû n M e 4 0 " ,n to th0 w - cor ner o •>' Sec. 4 Twp. 6 N il. ZW (commencing at the N. W -'5,® S w H'arter of F e tW £• n • ' w : then ™ s«"» to tne S. W. corner of the N W qrarter of S<rc 3 Twp. 6 N N 2 W • commencing et the N. W. corner of Section ?(. T. 7 N " 2 W • I!!®"*? ™ uü ' tv the s - W. corner o » . m ' Quarter Sec. 2 Twp. 6 N ■ 2 Commencing at the N W corner of Sec *5 Tw;>. 7 N R 2 W • thence south ;o the S. W. corner o the N. W. quarter. Sec. 1 Twp. 6 N - w - Commencing at the N. W corner of Sec. 30 Twp. 7 N. R 1 W thence Booth to the S. W. corner 0 the N. W. quoit — 0 * the N. W. qmlrt •r of Sec. 6 Twp. « N. R. 1 W. Com li ,i • ' f' ^ corner of Sec 2'.: 7 N. R.. 1 W. ; thence south to PrtV iMver nenr the S W. corne ol 1 V. quarter of S. W. quartej Sec. * wp. 6 N, ". 1 W. Comment ' 3 N. W. :-r.rner of Sec. 28, then. ' vuth to the S. W. corner o N. W. piavter Sec. 33 Twp. 7 N. H. i W. Beginning S. E. corner N. E quarter N. E. quarter Sec. 1 Twp. N. R. 2 W.; thence west quarter mil thence south to S. E. corner S. W quaretr N. E. quarter Sec. 1 Twp. fi N R. 2 W. It. appearing to the Board that sal petitioners have complied with th law, the same Is granted; and Win Noot, John Dally and C. P. Bilder back are tppolnted viewers and are ordered to view said road after hav ing taken and subscribed to tho oat required by law, and to make an file their report before the October 1907 meeting of this Board. Whereupon the Board adjourne until Thursday, July 18, 1907, at 1 o'clock A. M. Attest: W. H. PLATT, O. V. BADLEY, Chairman. Clerk. Caldwell, Idaho, July 18, 1907 Tenth day of the July Term: Th Board of County Commissioners me In regular session as a Board o Equlllzatlon pursuant to adjournmen from July 8, 1907; and proceeded t still farther examine the assessmen roll of the Assessor. Whereupon th Board adjourned as such Board o Equalization until July 19, 1907, a 10 o'clock A. M. President. W. II Piatt, Chairman, D. P. Dodd, S. P Chaney and O. V. Badley, Clerk, whe the following proceeding were had, to wit: In the matter of the account rend ered by the clerk and recorder of Ad county Itemizing the expenditures in curred by that county for Canyo County in the Haywood murder tria now being tried in Ada County on change of venue, amounting to th sum of $17,856.27, itemized and re ferred to as on file in this office; th same was approved by the Board an the Clerk ordered to issue Canyo County current expense warrants i favor of the Clerk and Recorder o Ada County to cover such amount. In the matter of the application o F. A. Hagelln, Probate Judge, asking for a leave of absence from the Coun ty from July 25th. to August 25th. tho same is hereby granted. Whereupon the Board adjourne until Friday July 19, 1907, at 1 o'clock A. M. Caldwell, Idaho, July 19, 1907 Eleventh day of the July Term-. Th Board of County Commissioners me this day In regular session as a boar of Equalization, pursuant to adjourn ment from July 18, 1907, and pro ceeded to further examine the as sessment roll of Canyon County Present, W. H. Piatt, Chairman, D P. Dodd, S. F. Chaney and O. V. Bad ley, clerk, when the following pro ceedings were had, to-wit: In the matter of the Assessment o the various banks ot the county, I appearing to tho Board that sal banks have not been assessed for th surplus represented X>y said banks therefore it is the sense of this Boar that said surplus should be assessed as other property In the County, an it is ordered that the Clerk of thi Board notify the various banks o Canyon County to appear before thl Board of Equalization at the Cour House, at Caldwell, Idaho, on Monday July 2'2, 1907, at 10 o'clock A. M. t show cause if any there be why sai surplus carried by Canyon County, banks should not be assessed. In the matter of the Assessment o the J. Förch Drug Co., of Nam pa it is ordered that the same J. Fore Drug Co. have It« assessment In creased to $4000.00. Whereupon the Board adjourne as such Board of Equalization unti Monday, July 22, 1907, at 10 o'cloc A. M. The Board met in regular session present W. H. Piatt, Chairman, D. P Dodd, S. F. Chaney and O. V. Bad ley. Clerk, when the following pro ceedings were had, to-wlt: In the matter of the viewers repor on the petition of J. R. Ramsey, e al, inhabitants of road district No 27, praying for the establishment o a public highway 50 feet in width In Canyon County, having its point of beginning, trminnatlon and inter medate ponts as follows: Commencng at or near the sectlo Une between sections 3 and 10 in Twp 3 N„ R. 5 W., B. M. where th Mussels Ferry road enters the Snak River at Mussels Ferry, runnin thence along section line between sec tions 3 and 10 to the N. E. corner o said section 10, thence north alon said section line, between sections and 3, and sections 34 and 35 to N E. corner of section 34; thence eas along the section lino between sal sections 36 and 35, and sections 2 and 26 in Twp. 4 N., R. 5 W.. B. M., sections 30, 31, 29 ,32, 28, 33 and 34 to the S. E. corner of section 27 In Twp. 4 N., R. 4 W. Thence onequar ter of a mile north N. E. corner of th S. W. quar of the S. E. quarter of section 2 7; thence east one half mile to the N E. corner of S W quarter of S E quarter of Sec. 27; thonco ono half mile to N E corner S E quarter of S W. quarter of Section 2C Township 4 N., R. 4 W., B M , Intersecting with the presen county road, all of which appear b reference to the two maps hereto at teched and made a part hereof. Thl petition having been previously pre sented to the Board and found de fectlve and having been corrected t prescribe to law, and It appearing t the Board from said viewers report that said road as petitioned for wll be of great public benefit, therefore on motion, the said petition is grant ed, and it Is further ordered that th Clerk of this Board draw a warran In favor of J. W. Smith, road over seer of district No. 27 for the sum o $40.00 and Is ordered to tender sal amount in coin to C. D. Carter a damages for said right of way. In the matter of the petition of Ira Miller, èt al, inhabitants of road dis tricts Nos. 15 and 2 4 praying for the establishment of a public high way in Canyon County 50 feet in width, having for its points of begin ning, termination, course and Inter mediate points as follows: Begin nine at the quarteilpost on the south ern boundary of section 22 In Twp 4 N., R. 2 W., B. M., thence runnin north on the half section line divldin section 22 a distance of one hal mile and ending at the quarter pos In the center of section 22. It appearing to the Board that sai petitioners have complied with the law. and on motion, said petition i granted; and Fred *f. McConnell, E I Weymouth and Geo. Franklin are hereby appointed viewers of said roa and are ordered to view said road after having taken and subscribed t the oath required by law and to mak and file their report before the Oct ober, 1907 meeting of this Board. In the matter of the petition o It. A. Orr, et al, inhabitants of roa district No. 8, praying for the estab llshment of a public highway in Clin yon County, the same is returned fo the reason that, tho description Is de fictive, not being accompanied wit a map. In the matter of the petition o Chas. H. Hanson, et al, inhabitant of road district No. 27, praying fo the establishment of a public high way in Canyon County 50 feet i width having its points of beglnnin and termination, course and inter eindlate points as follows: Com mencing at quarter of a mile sout of the intersection of sections 5, 4, Ô and 10 in Twp. 3 N., R. 4 W., o B. M.—there forming a junction wit • the Frouian Ferry and Pipe OUlc trail, thence in a northerly directlo along the section line about one an "tie quarter miles to the interbectio of sections 3, and 4 in Twp. 3 N. R. 4 W. of B. M., and sections 3 and 34 in Twp. 4 N., R. 4 W. of 11 M., thence in an easterly directlo along the township line about on and one half miles to the interesec tion of lots 2and 3 in Sec. 2, Twp. 3 N„ It. 4 W. of B. M„ and S. E quarter and S. W. quarter Sec. 3 Twp. 4 N., R. 4 W. of B. M., thenc forming a junction with a road re cently established, thence in a north erly direction about one and one hal miles along the quarter section line ending at the intersection of the quarters of section 2 6 in Twp. 4 N. R. 4 W. of B. M., connecting ther with an established road. It appearing to the Board tha there are no non-consenting land own ers and that all the owners over whose lands the road will pass hav given their consent, and that the opening, of said road would be o great public benefit, the prayer of th petitioners is hereby granted, and th road overseer of said district No. 2 is hereby ordered to open said roa and put same In condition for travel In the mtter of the petition ot Ira Miller, et al, inhabitants of roa district Nos. 15 and 24, praying fo the establishment of a public high way in Canyon County 50 feet width, having for its points of begin' ning and termination, Course and intermediate points as follows: Be ginning at the quarter post on the southern boundary of section 2 7 1 Twp. 4 N., R. 2 W. of B. M„ thenc running north on the half section lln dividing section 27 a distance of on mile and ending at the quarter pos on the north boundary of section 2? It appearing to the Board that ther are no non-consenting land owner and tjiat all the owners over whos lands the road will pass have give thoir consent, and t\at the opening of said road would be' a great publl benefit, the prayer of the petitioner is hereby granted and the road de clarod to be a public highway, and the road overseer of said district Nos. 15 and 24 are hereby ordered t open said road and to put same la condition for travel. In the matter of the petition o Jno. F. Petnberton, et al, inhabitant of road district No. 27, praying fo the establishment of a public highwa in Canyon County 50 feet in width having for its points of beginning and tremlnation, course and interme diato points as follows: Commencln at the N. W. corner of Sec. 1 Twp 3 N., R. 4 W. of B. M., thence sout two miles between sections 1 and 2 and 11 and 12 to the S. W. come of Sec. 12 in said Twp. and Range Thence west half mile between sec tions 11 and 14, said Twp. and Rang to the S. W. corner of the S. E quarter of Sec. 11, said Twp. an Range to a point where said line wll intercept the Fromans Ferry road It appearing to the Board that ther are no non-consenting owners, an that all the owners over whose land the road will run have given thei consent, and the opening of said roa would be of great public benefit, th prayer of said petitioners Is hereb granted and It Is hereby declare that said road be a public highway, and the road overseer of said dis trict No. 2 7 is ordered to open sai road and to put same in condition fo travel. In the matter of the petition o F. C. Myers, et al, . inhabitarffs o road district No. 27, praying for th establishment of a public highway i Canyon County 50 feet in width, hav Ing for Its points of beginning and termination, course and intermediat points as follows: Commencing a the Intersection of sections 10, 11, 1 and 15 In Twp. 3 N„ R. 4 W. of B M., thence north two miles along the section lines through sections 10 11, 2 and 3 of-sald Twp. and Range; ending at the Intersection of section 2 and 3 Twp. 3 N., R. 4 W. of B. M., and sections 34 and 35, In Twp 4 N.. R. 4 W. of B. M. It appearln to the Board that there are no non consenting land owners and that al the owners over whose lands the road will pass have given their consent and that the opening of said road would be of great public benefit, th prayer of the petitioners Is hereb granted and the road Is hereby de clared to be a publie highway, and opening of said road would be the road overseer of said district No 27 1 ordered to open said road an to put same in condition for travel In the matter of the petition o the Caldwell Banking and Trust Co by Jno. C. Rice, President, et al, in habitants of road district No. 27, fo the establishment of a public high way in Canyon County 50 feet in width, having for points of be ginning and termination, course an intermedate ponts afollows: Com mencing at. the section corner com mon to sections 11, 12, 13, and 1 In Twp. 3 N., R. 4 W. of B. M. running east along the section lln between Bei-tlon* 12 and 13 to the Twp. line, one mile east of point o beginning, then making such chang of direction as may be necessary, run to the section corner common to sec tions 7 and 18 on the Twp. line between Range 3 and Range 4, bot W. of B. M., thence east one mile o . the line between sections 7 an 18 in Twp. 3 N„ R. 3 W. of B. M. and ending at the section corner com mon to sections 7, 8, 17 and 18 in Twp. 3 N„ R. 3 W. of B. M. It appearing to the Board that liiere are no non-consenting land own ers and that all the owners ove whose lands the road will pass hav given their consent, and that tho ope ing of said road will be of great pub lie benefit, the prayer of the petition ers Is hereby granted and the sai road is hereby declared to be a pub lic highway, and the road overseer o the said district No. 27 is hereby or dered to open said road and to pu saine in condition for travel. In the matter of the petition II. E. McElroy, et al, inhabitants o road (Ustrlct No. 2 4, praying Cor the establishment of a public highwa in Canyon County 50 feet lu width having for its points of beginning an termnation, course and intermediat points as follows: Commencing a the south line of Sec. 36, Twp. 4 N. R. 2 W. of B. M., in Canyon County Idaho, where the same is lntersecte by the quarter section line of sai section running north and south; and thence running north on the sectlo line between the east half and th west half of said section to the nort line of said section, and thence con tinuing north on the same lln through the S. half of the S. half o Sec. 25 in said Twp. to the road run ning east and west through said sec tion 2 5, said road extending 2 5 fee on each side of the line above Indi cated. It appearing to the Boar that the petitioners have complie with the law, said petition with re port of viewers attached Is hereb granted; and the Clerk of this Boar is hereby instructed to issue warrant In the sum of $70.00 and $8.00 i favor of J. J. Bennett, who is to tender in coin to R. Lam, $70.00; an to R. M. Evans, $8.00 as damages for i!ght of way. In the matter of tire petition o C. E. Crooke, et al, inhabitants o road district No. 27, praying for th establishment of a public highwa in Canyon County 50 feet In width having for Its points of beginnng an termination, course and intermediat points as follows: Commencing a the intersection of sections 3, 4, an 10, in Twp. 3 N., R. 4 W. of B. M. connecting ther with the Froman I'erry and Pipe Gulch road; thence 'n aa easterly direction four miles along the section lines t a junction with the road extendln north from the lower dam of the Deer Flat reservoir; ending at the inter section of sections 5, 6, 7, aud 8 i Twp. 3 N„ R. 3 W. of B. M. It ap pearing to the Board that there ar no non-consenting owners of land an that all the owners of the lands ove which the said road would pass hav given their consent, and that the open Ing of said road would be of grea public benefit, the petition is hereby granted and the said road is hereli declared to bo a public highway, tha the road overseer of said district i hereby ordered to open said road an to put the same in condition for travel. Whereupon the Board adjourne until Saturday July 20, 1907. Attest: w. H. PLATT O. V. BADLEY, Chairman Clerk. Caldwell, Idaho July 20, 1907 The board of County Commission ers met pursuant to adjournment Present, W. H. Platt, D. P. Dodd an S. F. Chaney and O. V. Badley, Clerk when the following proceedings wer hàd, to-wlt: In the matter of the viewers re port on the petition of B. F. Morrow et al, praying for the establishmen of a public highway in Canyon Count 50 feet in width, the said report I accepted and the said petition is granted and the road overseer of dis trict No. 27 is hereby ordered to ope said road and to put same in conditio for travel. In the matter of the petition of Jo Colley, et al, praying for the estab llshment of a public highway 60 fee In width; said road to run north an south on the half section of section 13 and 24, crossing the Payette Rive at Its Intersection with said sectlo line and connecting with the presen County road on the section line divid ing sections 12 and 13 on the nort and connecting on the south Ith th present County road running east an west on the half section line in sec tion 24, all In Twp. 6 N., R. 5 w. o B. M. It appearing to the Board that there are no non-consenting lan ownjrs and that all the owners ove whobo lands the road will pass hav given their consent, and that the sai road would be of great public bene fit, the prayer of the petitioners |p hereby granted and the road is here by declared to be a public highway In the matter of the petition o B. S. Weymouth, et al. Inhabitant of road district No. 19, praying fo the establishment of a public highwa and the viewers report attacheij t said petition. It appearing to th Board that there are no non-consent Ing land owners and that the owner over whose lands the road will pas have given their consent, and that th great public benefit, the prayer o the petitioner is hereby granted an the road overseer of the said district No. 19, is hereby ordered to ope said road to put same in conditio for travel. In the matter of the petition o Geo. P. Tish, et al, inhabitants o road district No. 20, praying for tin vacating of a public highway de scribed as follows: Commencing a the S. W. corner of the S. E. quarte of the N. W. quarter of the N. W quarter of Sec. 22 Twp. 4 N., R. 4 W of B. M., running west about 70 rods It appearing to the Board that ther are no non consenting land ownor and that the owners over whose land the said road runs have given tliel consent, the prayer of the petitioner is hereby granted and the said roa ts hereby declared to be vacated. In the matter of the petition o T. J. Foley, et al, praying for the es tablishment. of a public highway i Canyon County. It appearing to th Board that there are no non-consent ing land owners and that the owner over whose lands the said road wil pass have given their consent; ar that the opening of said road will b of great public benefit, the praye of the petitioners is hereby grante declared to be a public highway. In the matter of the viewers repor on the petition Chas. E. Haynes, al, inhabitants of road district No. 8 praying for the establishment of public highway, the same is laid ove until the October, 1907, meeting o this Board. in the matter of the viewers repor on the petition of L. Wächter, et al inhabitants of road district No. 9, praying for the establishment of a public highway, the same is laid ove until the October, 1907, meeting o this Board. In the matter of the application o M. H. Browning, for licence to oper ate a ferry on Snake River, said terry to be known as the Nampa Fer ry, the same is hereby denied for th reason that the application is no in accordance to law. In the matter of the petition o Frank Crone, et ai, praying for th change of boundary of school dis trict No. 39. the same is laid over un til the April, 1908, meeting of thi Board. In the matter of the application o the Boise Valley Railway Co. for th use of county roads In Cauyon Coun ty, State of Idaho, for the construc tion and operation of an electric rail way, tlie same is denied. In the matter of the petition Ira Hamilton, et al, praying for th change of the boundary of schoo district No. 17, the same is laid ove until the April, 190S, meeting of thi Board. On motion, the Liquor Dealer bond of Handley & Lowe was ap proved and licence ordered issued a follows: Handley & Lowe, Emrnett, Idaho Class No. 28, from July 1, 1907 t lune 30, 1908. lu the matter of the peliiion of D. C. Chase, et ai, praying for the ap pointment of George F. Thayer as Justice of the Peace in the North I'ayette Precinct, the same Is hereby approved and the clerk of this board is Instructed to notify said George F. Thayer that, ho Is duly appointed as such Justice of the Peace, and that he furnish bond as required by the law. In the matter of the petition of Harry S. Worthman, et al, praying for the appointment of P. IOdvalson as road supervisor of road district No. 5, the same is hereby approved and the said P. Edvalson is hereby duly appointed as such ro;id super vor, and the clerk of this Board is Instructed to notify said P. Edvalson to furnish bond as required by law. In the matter of tho erection of Independent School District No. 8, Canyon County, Idaho. The canvass of the school election held at Parma, Idaho, May 25, 1907, to determine whether said district created into an Independent School District; the entire vote cast, at said election being 24. of which number 24 being cast in favor of said measure and no votes against There being a ma jority of all the votes cast in favor of said measure. It Is therefore ordered that said indepen dent district be created and designat ed Independent School Distirct No. 8, at Parma, Canyon County, Idaho, and- that the boundaries shall be the same as already defined for School District No. 8, by the records of Canyon County, to-wit: Commencing at the NE corner of the NW qr, Sec. 34, T 6 N, R 5 W of B M; thence due west one mile and a half; thence due south one mile; thence due west to the north bank of the north channel of the Boise River; thence along said river In a south easterly direction to the point where the said river intersects the dividing line between the west one half of the east one half of section 22, T 5 N, R 5 W of B M; thence due north to place of beginning. The following persons are appoint ed the directors of said district for the term herein stated: D. O. Castator and P. E. Anderson; term to last until the next school election. F. E. Fisk nnd J. E. Kerrlck; term to last until one year after the next school election. W. B. Mitchell and IT. C. Baldrldge term to last, until two years after the next school election. Whereupon the hoard ndjourned until Monday, July 22, 1907 at 10 o'clock A. M. Attest: W. H. PLATT, O. V. BADLEY, Chairman. Clerk. Caldwell, Idaho, July 22, 1907. Thirteenth day of July term: The Board of County Commissioners of Canyon County. State of Idaho, met tills day as a Board of Equalization pursuant to adjournment from July 19, 1907, to equalize tho assessment roll of said county for the assess ment« of 1907, Present W. H. Piatt, of chairman, D. P. Dodd, S. F. Chaney, and O. V. Badley Clerk. In the matter of the increase of the assessment of the various banks of Canyon county; this being the day and hour previous ly set for the hear ing of said banks to show cause if any why said surplus should not be assessed, there appeared before this Board the following persons repre senting their respective banks; pur suant to notice heretofore given: E. K. Hayes, First National Bank of Emmett. G. D. Snell, First National Bank of Caldwell. A. B. Moss, First National Bank of Payette. Jno. Bloomfield, The State Bank of Nampa. A. P. Scritchfield, The Payette Na tional Bank. S. D. Simpson, The Western Na tional Bank. Jno. C. Rice, Caldwell Banking and Trust Co. Walter Miller, The First National Bank of Nampa. J. C. Blackwell, The Parma State Bank, y The above persons being heard, on motion the Board ordered that the surplus of all banks of Canyon coun ty be added to the assessment roll of said county. In the matter of the increase in the assessment of the J. Fprch Drüg Co. of Nampa. This being the day and hour set for the hearing of J. Förch in the matter of increasing his firm's assessment, pursuant to notice here tofore given, the said J. Förch ap peared before this board, and after subscribing to the oath of witnesses, he protested against such increase in assessment. George H. Moore, Assessor for Canyon county, after being sworn, testified. Whereupon the Board took the matter under ad visement and after carefully consid ing the facts in the premises ordered that said assessment be increased to $4000.00, and that said amount be placed on the Assessment Roll for said J. Förch Drug Co., of Nampa, Idaho. Whereupon the Board adjourned as such Boârd of Equalization sine die for the term. Attest: w. II. PLATT O. V. BADLEY, "> Chairman Clerk. Caldwell, Idaho, July 23, 1907 Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, W. H. Piatt, Chair man, D. P. Dodd, S. F. Chaney and O. \ Badley, Clerk, when the follow ing proceedings were had, to-wlt: The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Current Expense fund for the vari ous amounts: O. M. Van Duyn, Copy of deposition in Haywood case J A. W. McNeil, Livery .... A. S. Whiteway, Work and material for court house A. S. Whiteway, Work and material, Disallowed, $61.75 Idaho Electric Co., Electri cal fixtures Mrs. Annie B. Freeman, Nursing patient, laid over until October meeting. In the matter of the petition of Frederick N. Perry, for license to operate a public ferry, the same is laid over for further investigation. In the matter of the petition of E. A. Carter for the refund of erron eous taxes in the years 1900 and 1901 the same Is denied. 43.80 5.75 45.00 450.00 In the matter of the petition of A. F. Silver praying for the rebate of erroneous taxes for the year 1906, the same is granted and the Clerk of this Board is instructed to draw a warrant in favor of the said A. F. Silver in the sum of $2.20. In the matter of the petition or W. H. Richards, praying for the re bate of erroneous taxes for the year 1906, the same Is hereby granted, and the Clerk of this Board is in structed to draw a warrant in the favor of the said W. H. Richards In the sum of $4.00. In the matter of the petition of C. Tuttle, praying for the rebate of erroneous taxes, the same Is hereby granted and the Clerk of this Board is instructed to draw a warrant in the favor of the said C. Tuttle in the sum of $9.00. In the matter of the petition of » o '. ok « ^. tro,Ip et al > Praying for the establishment of a herd district the same Is granted and October 22, If .?. £ et for hear,n K »nd the Clerk of this Board is instructed to notify he petitioners to appear before this IriTh J! elr 0<fice ln Caldwell, Idaho, on the said date, October 2 2 130« at 2 o'clock P. M. * matter of the Petition of t„i 1^'.! ' Ct a1, pra y' n K f °r tke es tablishment of a herd district the <ame is accepted and the Clerk of nnHH ' S ins,r,Ictp d »o notify the Sr k to ,» ar before this p. . n 01 ", J 1P , ar at ,helr '"«ce In • aidwell, Idaho, October 22, 1907 at 3 o'clock P. M. In the matter of the apportlon ment of the general road tax levy of the independent Road Districts, on motion the apportionment Is made as follows: Caldwell Nampa Payetto Emmett !!!!!'.'.' Parma ' *1 M . •••• 1 V . Ut) thereupon the Board adjourned until Monday August. 5, 1907, at 10 <> clock A. M. for the purpose of open ? K xT 8f l ö 1,5(1 for County bridges at Notus and Mlddleton, and for transaction of other business that may properly ccflhe before It A "n t: v W H " PLATT O. V. BADLEY, Chairman Clerk. 349.95 400.00 202.09 123.25 49.06