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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Youu « informed U8 Mou . M that Mr Oscar Pedi« 0 of Lon g fflODt, Colorado, had h„„ K ht 40 «ore. of land northwest of Caldwell, aud mBl5e future borne . u tbls Mr - ^ oiiuk expects a greut i#»oy mure peolpe from Lougmout. J !, atb ?!'-n Dreyer " f Na P n,a wa8 fllldwel) Thursday for a few bourB At the recent »Ute medical exaui i«ation, Dr. J, P. Miller, was «rant ed a liceuse to practice medicine. C. Id. Nichols of Falk - » Store transacted business iu Caldwell Mon day. Miss A It a Fitch, who lias been em ployed in Clerk Hadley's ottice, baa resigned her position aud returned to her home at Payette. Messrs Charles Hogers and Neil Mclsaacs of Silver City were in Cald well the fore part of the week. Mr. Rogers hns about decided to locate permanently at Caldwell. Dr. Poindexter of Butte Mont., was the guest of Mr. 1?. V. Sebree, a j few days this week A week ago la>'t. night Mrs. Anna Omis died at her home near Caldwell, 'life cause of death was pneumonia. The W. C T. U. will meet Friday, Nov. 1st ht the home of Mrs. A. F. Hart. Hereafter, the meetings will be held the first Fri lay of each month. Boise high school went down in de feat on Saturday before the husky lads from the College of Idaho. The game was played at Riverside park and though our boys won, it was by no means a walk-over. This was the first defeat for the Capital city boyn. The line-up was as follows: Boise: B.'gnart, C. Arney, Cen ter; Devaney, R. G; 'l'eeter; L. G; Gillenwater, R. T; Watts, L. T; Korts, R. E; Murphy, L. 11; Steiu, Capt., Ouarter; Quirk, R. H; Lehew, L. H ; Pierce, F. B. Caldwell: Robeitson, Centet ; Walker, R. G; Lent, L. G; Haltman, R T; Newmau, L. T; Maloaev, Capt., R. E; 1. Vassar.-L E; Gow en, Quarter; E. Vassar, R. H; Cupp, L. H; McCormiek, Y. B. At the aunual meeting of the Idaho Press Association, held at Boise on Thursday, Mr. A. E. Uipson, of tbe Rural, was unanimously elected vice president of the association. Tbe officers elected were: Charles A. Hackney of Meadows, president; A. E. Gipsou of Caldwell vice-president; Thomas Nelson of Cambridge, secre tary, aud C. O. Broxon of Boise, treasurer. The offer of W. B Boydston of Lardo of a tract of ground on the Payette Lakes for- the use of the as socialist! was discussed. v Two offers were made, one of live acres back some distance from the river aud another of en • bli ok afford Remember if jam bât» **J PLUMBING or TINNING to do come and figure with me. E. E. Harthrong WO UK UllAUANTKKD PROMPT DELIVERY ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL TOY STEH mm Telephone—We'll,Do the Rest t HELL IN» «El) INDEPENDENT 116 DOAXT & HAT CO. LIMITED GROCERIES AND HARDWARE Low Prices all the Time to Everybody Notice of Anuunl Meeting of the stockholders of the Patch Co operative Canal Company (Ltd.), at Caldwell on Monday, October 7th, at 1 o'clock P. M., 1907, for the pur pose of electing Directors for the en- i suing year, and attending to such > other business as may properly come ! before the meeting. J. S. NAPTON, Sec. Hotel range a bargain. H. Edward's second-hand store. There will be a business meeting of the Forward Club, Tuesday, Nov. 5, at the Commercial Club rooms. All members requested to be present. Miss Dement has accepted a posi tion as teacher at Emmett. W. A. Way of Colmqbus. Neb., who has au interest in the Easter Mine of Pearl, was a recent viistor in this city. S. T. JACKSON T. V V .TÎ { Jackson & Walters ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 01fl°e Kooms 2 anvl 3 Ktfleston Block • Independent Phone No. 138 CALDWELL IDAHO THOMAS H. SOULE ARCHITECT & SUPERINTENDENT LITTLE BLOCK CALDWELL, %• IDAHO warrant call Oct. 26—Current expense war rants 1173 to 1183 inclusive. Jan uary and April issue. C. W. GEISLKR, Treas. iug an excellent view of the lake and located on a bluff of the river just at the bend. It was the unanimous choice of the association to accept the block. Upon motion of F. G. Burroughs of the Cnldwell News, a committee coh sisting of President Hackney, M. D. Polk and t. S Harding of the Weis er Sigual, was appointed tfith full power to act in the matter of incor porating and devising a plan whereby the offer of Mr. Boydstou may he ac cepted. New Oliver Typewriter for sale at factory price. Easy terms, tf O. V. Badley. We have an old builllng for sale. Parties buying must take it down 16-17 CENTRAL LUMBER CO. A L SHOULD BE THE PARAMOUNT CONSIDERATION I I ®i ÛSJÊs tJ \m $ H <0 À Copyright 1907 by Friend Brothers Clothing Company. Milwaukee. WHEN a man pre pares to mak e his purchases of a Winter Suit or Overco at, his perception of quality tuay be dimmed by a pr ice which looks attractive to him and a garment that has all the appearanc e of worth. Clothes quality must be on the inside as well as outside. It is as much the things that CANNO T be seen as those that CAN that count for quality. Avoid the unknown in favor of the known and you are on the safe side. A dollar or two may be money saved if you get the right articl e. We can save you money by selling you a FR I END BROS. Overcoat, because t he real value is there—perfect fit—dependa ble materials, and sincere workmanship. We submit these points for your consideration, and our wide assortment for your inspection. L FROM $12.50 to $25.00 Caldwell : Clothing : Company J. ID. KELLEHER, Manager CALDWELL HOSPITAL DU. FRANK A. SLOAN OSTEOPATH Graduate of Still College Des Moines, Iowa. Rooms 9 and 11 Egleston Block Ind. Phone 168 Bell 140 Red MERANDA THE TAILOR Is here and ready for busi ness. Located up stairs UNION BLK. (RANK J. SMIM R. B. SCA1URDAY Smith & Scatterday LAWYERS » General Law Practice LITTLE BLK. OALDWELL OSTEO PAT H S FKANK P. V IM ITH ANNA M, SMITH GRADUATES AME1UCAN SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHY KIRKSY I LI.E, MISSOURI UNDER THE FOUNDER OF THF. SCI ENl'E. DR. A. G. STILL ' Otficv Citldwell Bunking & Trust Co. Hid* H. G EDWARDS SUCCESSOR to Maxie & Son, pays cash for second-hand goods. Caldwell Banking ®> Trust Co. -,v sä • •• ». Ii* -, »»S NI THE HOME FOR. SAVINGS FCONOMY IS WEALTH Any Amount Will Start ^our Account 1 or as Much More as You Wish BEGIN TODAY WITH US POOKET BANK WE WILL LOAN YOU ONE • TO HELP YOU SAVE iu m û make money work We à» ^stcö?5£ ^*CLL lO*