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LETTE» OF INSTRUCTION ; To the holders o! the dry !^od on the N'jrth S;de Payette-Boise prônée., and to the public: It u oDcec-essary to inform ycra *:th reference to the conditions ex during the last four to sever years on our side of this project, but merely z-k you to consider whether fish to continue conditions or not yoa as they have been for anther period of five years or more. If not, you have an opportunity for a change. The convention of five delegates from each district met in convention at Caldwell, Idaho, on August 12th, 1ÎK». Thoroughly investigated and considered every proposition known to them, with the means at hand, both pro and con, finally arriving at a unanimous conclusion that the best and most feasible proposition before our people, and the best means at hand for protecting the rights of the, people, as well as to obtain water on our lands within a reasonable time, is to organize an Irrigation District. Forthwith, a committee consisting of the chairman and secretary of the convention and one representative selected by the delegates from each of the ten districts, was selected with full power and instructed to organize an irrigation district embracing the North Side Payette-Boise lands. In accordance, therewith, said com mittee immediately after adjournment of the convention, organized, selected a treasurer, ordered said treasurer to give bonds, also placed the chairman and secretary under bonds, selected two bonded depositories for the safe guarding of any necessary funds to be collected and disbursed by Bald com mittee in perfecting an Irrigation dis trict. For organization purposes the dis trict will be called the Black Canyon Irrigation District. The plan will be to take over, if pogsible, and to follow as nearly as it may be found feasible, the surveys and plans of the United States Reclamation Service. A chief engineer and coun sel have been employed to direct the work of organization and prepare plans so that actual construction may begin at the earliest possible moment on whatever plan may be found most feasible. As to whether we construct the works ourselves or contract with some outside firm, is a matter to be decided after the completing our organization. Water filings in the names of the members of the old executive commit tee have been made for the purpose of both irrigation and power for our use in making this organization. We are now ready to proceed with the organization work, and #111 have men In the field collecting necessary data at once. Engineering crews will be ready to start in the fields as soon as competent men can be equipped. In order to get the services of the necessary engineers and receive nec essary rights and otherwise defray the nocessary expenses, it is of course necessary to have funds; therefor« your committee by due authority ha* levied an assessment of ten cents p«r acre on all land to come within the ; boundaries of this project. The com mittee are not on any salary bat vol unteer their services, therefore, they request each entryman to assist them in the collection of this levy. The quicker the funds are available the sooner we will be in a position to contract for water upon the lands. Please consider, as it is worth ten cents an acre to you to have this or ganization completed at once. Miss imogene Madden, of Caldwell, Idaho, has been appointed fiscal agent for the committee. Please pay your assess ments to her or to authorized deputies who may call upon you. Be sure to obtain a receipt for the amount you pay, also be prepared to give at the same time a complete description of your land. If you are a homesteader bring your receiver's receipt; all in formation thereon Is necessary and will assist in accomplishing the de sired end without the least possible deiay. WALTER R. CUPP, Chairman. H. a. GRaEF , Secretary. Burk's Big "Uncle Tom's Cabin Co." the largest organization of its kind in America will exhibit at Caldwell August 30, two performances. On this occasion the famous old play will be presented in as new and elaborte a form as modern thought and stage in vention will permit, and doubtless the big Pavilllon theatre will be filled to its utmost capacity during their per formances here. The prinicpal char acters in this grand old play will be interpreted by a very competent cast of lady and gentlement artists that have been selected especially for their ability to give a correct interpretation of Uncle Tom, Topsy, Orphelia, Marks, Legree, Eliza, St. Claire and Little Eva, the balance of the cast are ex ceptionally good, a contingent of vau deville artists consisting of Jubilee Singers, Buck and Wing Dancers, Wire Walkers, Hoop Rollers, etc., are Introduced throughout the play mak ing it the strongest production of this popular drama ever presented to the public. A pack of Siberian Blood Hounds, Horses, Ponies, Donkeys and an unusually gorgeous tarnsformation scene are also among the many fea tures of the grand suectacular pro duction. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Bids will be received at the office of T. H. Soule, architect, for the con struction complete according to plans and specifications of a dwelling house on the Idaho Auxiliary Experiment Station Farm, near Caldwell, Idaho. Bids will be opened at the office of T. H. Soule at 2 p. m., August 31, 1909. ELIAS NELSON, 14-15 Supt. of Station SURVEYING AROUND RESER VOIR. F. W. Hanna, project engineer, ctaled to a representative of the Leader-Herald that the sane y now in progress aroand the reservoir is for ^ p-jj-pr^ge of finding if it wiii be Reaper to get more storage for water , , or raise the water surface of the res ervoir five or six feet—not more—or build reservoirs in the mountains, cannot be determined for some _ . years, as extensive surveying must be done in the mountains. y 'ne question of a storage supply of solving the reservoir problem. In the meantime anyone improving their own lands bordering on the res ervoir will be fuliy recompensed for their expense and work in case the water surface of the reservoir is raised.— Kampa Leader-Herald. WOMAN'S LOGIC. "My opponent's argument," said Senator Dolliver in a recent campaign "has about as much logic—Did you ever hear about the young woman in Ft. Dodge? One spring morning she sat on the piazza of her pretty little home sewing a button on her hus band's coat. The husband himself ap peared and she said fretfully, "If s a perfect shame the way the tailor sewed this button on. This is the fifth time I've had to sew it on again for you.—Everybody's Magazine. COMDfe SOOS! y 'ne question of a storage supply of irrigate lards lying above " a e - Uj ^ „ . the reservoir should be a factor in Bark'* Big Uitlr Tom' s Cabin Co_ Under a Mammoth Canvas. One of the many events of the sea son will be the coming of Burk's Big "Uncle Tom's Cabin Co." which will exhibit at Caldwell August 30, f *o shows. A modern feature of this organiza tion, is a monster street parade like a circus, consisting of more men. women children, horses, ponies, donkeys and doge, chariots, Tabaleaux-wagons. floats, bands of music, etc., than any other similar exhibition on the road This magnificent free street parade will be Eeen daily on the principal streets and thoroughfares of our city during the day of their exhibition here and it is worth coming many miles to PROCEEDINGS OF CITV COUNCIL A«g—t 4, 1&0&. Council met in reg •_ar «ceexki, pursuant to adjourn ■M. No quorum being present, ooodci ] adjourned until Monday, Au gart 16, 1909, at 8 p. m. August 16, 1909. Council met in regular session pursuant to adjourn ment with President of the Council Clark, presiding, and Councilmen Far rar, Gartin and Gipson, present; C. J. Shorb, clerk. A motion was made by Farrar that G. W. Hodson be appointed tempor ary sanitary inspector, and that his compensation be fixed at the rate of $75.00 per month. The roll being called on the motion the vote resulted: Ayes—Clark, Farrar, Gartin, Gipson —4. Nays—0. Absent— Devers, Paynter—2. So the motion prevailed. B. F. Templeton presented written protest against the council receiving and accepting bids for the laying of sidewalk for the reason, 1st. That the grade stakes had just been set; 2nd. That the city was dilatory in connecting completed sidewalks by crosswalks, was read. Messrs Calkins & Lesley presented bid for the laying of sidewalks as fol bid for the laying of sidewalks as lows: To the honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Caldwell: These bids are for the construction of cement sidewalks on the blocks and lots as follows: BLOCK 42. Lot 24—20 yards fill— 33 lin. ft. walk at $1.20 per lin. ft $ 39.60 Lot 33 to 14 inclusive—each 15 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft. walk at $1.05 per lin. ft Lot 13 front and side, 93.6 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at $1.05 per lin. ft. ; 163.80 Lot 12 front and side, 46 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 82c per lin. ft Lots 11 and 12, each 324 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft walk at 69 %c per lin. ft BLOCK 43. Lot 24, 62.4 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 90c per lin. ft 140.40 Lots 32 to 14 inclusive each 5.2 yds. fill 189.00 Lot 13 front, 7 yds. fill— 33 lin. ft. walk at 75e per lin. ft Lot 12, front and side, 62.4 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 90c per lin. ft Lots 11 to 2 inclusive, each, 8 yds. fill— 25 lin ft. walk at 84c per lin ft Lot 1, front and side, 56 yds. fill— 156 lin ft. walk at 87c per lin. ft BLOCK 44. Lot 24 front and side, 11 yds fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 65 1-3c per lin. ft Lots 23 to 14 inclusive, each, 52 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft. walk at 75 2-8c per lin ft 189.10 262.50 127.92 34.86 24.75 140.40 210.00 135.72 101.92 117.52 117-52 Lot 13, front and fide, 32 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 75 l-3c per lin ft. Lot 12, front and side, 32 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 75 l-3c per lin- ft Lots 11. 10, 9, 5.6 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft. walk at 77c per lin. ft 57.75 1-2 of Lot 8, 2Ä yds. fill— i 12 lin ft. walk at 77c per lin- ft 9.62 Lots 5, 4. 3. each, 6 yds fill— 25 lin. ft. walk at 78c per lin. ft 58.50 Lot 1. front and side. 10 yds fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 65c per lin. ft. 10L40 BLOCK 33. Lots 18. 17, 16, each, 2 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft. walk at 66c per lin. ft. 49.50 Lot 13, side. 20 yds. fill— 123 lin. ft. walk at 72e per lin. ft 8S.56 BLOCK 32. Lot 24, front and side, 30 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 74 1 4c per lin. ft 116.22 Lot 23, 4 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft. walk at 72c per lin. ft 18.00 Lots 18 to 14. inclusive, each 2 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft. walk at 66c per lin. ft 82.5C Lot 13, front, 3 yds. fill— 33 lin. ft walk at 87 1-3 per lin ft 22.11 Lot 12, front, 12 vds. fill— 33 lin. ft. walk at 87 l-3c pe' lin. ft 2S.«2 Lots 11 to 2, inclusive, each, 14 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft walk at $1.02 per lin. ft 255.0) Lot 1, front and side, 32 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 75 l-3c per lin. ft 117.F2 BLOCK 31. Lot 24, front and side— 156 fin. ft. walk at 60c per lin. ft 93.00 Lots 23 and 22, each— 25 lin. ft. walk at 60« per lin. ft SO 00 Lots 21 to 14. inclusive, each 2 yds. 511— 25 lin. ft. walk at 66c per lin. ft 132.0«» Lots 13, front and side, 10 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 65c per lin ft 101.40 Lot 12, front and side— 156 lin. ft. walk at 60c per lin. ft 93 60 Lots 11. 10, 9, 8, 7, each 2 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft walk at 66c per lin. ft. 82.50 Lots 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, each 8 yds. fill— 25 lin. ft walk at 84c per lin. ft 105.00 Lot 1, front and side, 20 yds. fill— 156 lin. ft. walk at 69%c per lin. ft . 108.42 Court House Block, east side 13.2 yds. fill— 262 lin. ft. walk at 64c per lin. ft... 167.68 North side, 53 yds. fill— 362 lin. ft. walk at 71c per lin. ft 257.02 West side, 28 yds. fill— 262 lin. ft. walk at 68c per lin. ft 178.16 BLOCK 64. Lot 13, 6 yds fill— 128 lin ft. walk at 63%c per lin. ft Extra fill 81.28 15.00 Extra fill Lot 12, 123 lin. ft. walk at 60c per lin. ft BLOCK 5. Lot 12. 101 yds. fill— 120 lin ft. of 11 Vz ft. walk at$2.01 per lin. ft 132 lin ft. of 6 in. euro at 35c per lin. ft 76.28 73.80 46.20 $ 287.40 Lot 13, 112 vds. fill— 120 lin. ft. of 11% ft. walk at $2.08 per lin. ft 249.60 132 lin. ft. of 6 in. curb at 35c per lin. ft 46.20 295.80 BLOCK 11. Lot 1, 56 yds. fill— 119J4 lin. ft walk at $1.73 per lin ft 123 lin. ft. of 6 in. curb at 35c per lin. ft 206.73 46.20 Lot 13, 79 yds. fill— 123 lin. ft. of 11% ft. walk at $1.86 per lin 135 lin. ft of 6 in. curb at 35c per lin ft $252.93 47.25 «276.03 Iyot 24, To finish out 12 feet walk at 45c per lin. ft. BLOCK 34. TM 24, 33»4 vds. fill— 128 lin. ft. walk at 79*40 per lin. ft 101. These bids are submitted on the basi s of 60c per lin. ft. for 5-foot walk, 75c per yd. for fill and 35c per lin ft. for curb. Yours respectfully, CAI.KINfi & LESLEY. A motion was made by Farrar that so much of the bid as referred to the layinsr of sidewalks before lots 12 and 13, block 64. lot 1, block 34, lots 1, 13 and 24 block 11, lot« 12 and 13, block 5, lots 1 to 24, inclusive, block 32, be accented, and that the remain der of the bid be taken up at the next meeting. The roll beine called on the motion, the vote resulted: Ayes—4 Nays—0. Absent— Devers, Paynter— So the motion prevailed. Petition of T. A. Walters, et al.. praying that a cement walk be laid on the south side of Arthur street between 9th and 20th avenue, was read, and on motion of Farrar, the same was granted from 13th to 20th avenue. Voted, on motion of Gartin, that council adjourn until Monday, Aug. 23, 1909, at 8 p. m. a i "JL'i = 'if; .. . ». Qu Ltrfebï ï-r • • jfl » m MLlid CM u J l * I iLL U-fc prorisivLi of ! - - -- 1 _ '».J-.» Detvccü t—c - i eimiM PrvdsMtWa. I, J. Ii. irowen. Mayor of Lne City of CÄ*a»eü, a« t in acc.rdance — I _ crdii-Ä.n i_e No. i (»a&»ed &y tne May^r and Council of tnc City of Ca-dwfc.i at * rcfe-.-r ~eeun* ne^a un tx.e 1}tin da> ■ji J~.j, i»v>. ana approve-i by tne J jz u.e i*tn day of Juiy, 1». i. a -]»>■ occUul, tu ne neid on tne Stn ■Bj .caWriHBMH of & a. xn. ana * p. m-, l^r tne p^ip^fè c sat fubaûtu^s tu tne qua-.liec c.tvura ana lax-yayers of tne City oi C«i--~c~ U-e question of wnemer or Ma> - j T «s. ..a Councii sna^ . - I U.C -Si d—VA IJ ieiUc, in tne name of. iLi vi. i_e crtrdit, of tne City of Ca^d — „—s »— u uttuijr >ears, fcTut uuty 1 el it u.e opuos ot - • 1 fur tne purpose of grading and w*tn Jäituiitmc pavement, tnat pjzu-jn of iüt streets and ai^eys of tne C*'o uf Caidweii, and caiied street aii a..c) intersecuons, to cur ia. iiae grading, {»aving and ^ruposed tu ne m<iae at tne ex i^c.-*e ul tne property owneri anutting . pruvided by Spcciaj ur No. z, a<rv*aring tne intention Lfte ê H VHI ■A the City of CaidweU to grade, pavt euro tcrtaia stretLs and alleys,j ai.a No. 1SÙ, creating i^ocai i iiftpr - » ehitnt District So. i, to wtiicn i rtiereftce is ftereby made. Tr.e said election Shall be i.eld as àf^icsaio. in the respective wards ol •-he Cny of Caidweii, County of Can yon. axd stale ol Idano, and the de scription of tne wards and polling p.«<.es, and names of U-e registrars, arc as loiioas: The first ward comprises all tnat p<.it of Caidweii lying east and norm of the main track of tne Oregon Snort Liiic ranr^ad, polling piace. Pacific Hotel, Registrar, JAary Smith. Tne second ward comprises all that pan of Caldwell lying soutn and west of the ihain traclt of the Oregon Snort Ljne railroad, and east and south of Avenue; polling piace, corner Aru-ur street and -Ninth Avenue. Reg istrar, Mrs. C.ara PowelL The t-ird ward comprises all that pari of Ca.dwei. lying west and south of the n-ain track of the oregon Short i-ine rai.road, and soutn and west ol n.i...^a.. Avenue; polling piace. tne City Ha..: Registrar, Ullian Potter. Registrations may be made between the hours of a a. m. and i p. m. and Ï to S p. m. on each Saturday, commenc ing with the 31st day of July, ltdi, and ending witn tne 4th day of September, J-j, and on any other days wltbin said lime when tne registrars may be founu at their piaces of registration. e manner of holding and conduct ing said election shall be the same as other and general elections according to the provisions of the election laws of the slate of Idaho. As to other and further details and information as to the purpose for hicn said bond issue is required, references is hereby made to Ordin ances Noa. 130 and 112, hereinbefore referred to, and, also, to Special Or dinance No. Z, declaring the intention of ihe City of Caldwell to grade, pave and curb the streets and alleys and parts of certain streets and alleys and providing that the expense of the said improvement at the cross streets and intersections shall be paved and grad ed at tne expense of tne City of Cald weih Uiven under my hand this £2nd day of July. 1 »0». J. B. GO WEN, Mayor. Notice tor FnUiication. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at Boise, Jdano, Ui> 1 if, I ju'j. Notice is herety given tnat iLttU;-w Goiden, uf Caidweii, 1dm >, wn >, •» i May â, 1!*G4, made Hj oc.-u-iii EitUy No. 73^4, Öeriai No. Ollâ^, Tor SLI 1 *. section 7, tuwnsnip 4 N., range 4 W., uoiae Meriuian, tas fiied notice of in> lention Ij make finai live ye-%r proof, blatiish claim to tne land abov ï de scribed, tefore George Stovci, a U. S. Cuiumissiuner at CaldweU, llato, • u me -itn day of August, lS»ud. Claimant names as witaedses: Ciark li. Alien, of Green Leaf, Idaho; Warren A. O'Brien, of Caldwell, Idabo; Waiiace N. York, of Caldwell Idaho; Bita Alien, of Caidweii, ldano. WM. BALtDEKSTON, Kegister. Jy. 24.A21. Jy. 24.A21. (lee of Sale uf Heal Estate at Pri nt« Sale. Under authority of an order of sale granted by the probate court of Can yon county, state of Idaho, dated Aug ust 3rd. 1!»ij9. 1 will sell, at private sale, the following described real estate: An undivided S-16 interest in and to the Sü of SE?4 of section 26, and the X14 of .NKii of section 25, township N. R. 3 W. B. iL in Canyon county. Idaho. The sale will be made on or after ...e 23rd day of August, 1909, and bids wi'l be received at the office of Messrs. Itice, Thompson & Buckner, Caldwell, Idaho. Terms of sale will be cash, ten per cent to accompany bid, and the balance upon confirmation of the sale by the court. _ CLARA POWELL, Guardian of the estate of Ethel Powell, Ada Powell, Newton Powell, May Powell, Clara Powell, Goldie Pow ell. Thomas Powell and Sylvia Powell. minors. A7-21 • .Notice of Sale of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale. Under authority of an order of sale granted by the probate court of Can yon county, state of Idaho, dated Aug ust 3rd, 1909, 1 will sell at private sale the following described real estate: Ail that portion of the NEU of SWV4 of section 26, township 4 N. R. 3 W. M.. lying south and west of the right of way of the Oregon Short Line rail road, the S \l. of SEU section 26. Nix of NEU section 35, township 4 - " —J. B. M. and SWU of SW14 sec tion 15, township 4 N. R 4 W . B. M Canyon county, Idaho. The sale will be made on or after the 23rd day of August, 1909, and bids will be received at the office of Messrs. Rice, Thompson & Buckner, Caldwell, Idaho. Terms of sale will be cash, per cent to accompany bid, and balance upon confirmation of sale the court. , , Dated this 3rd day of August, A. CLARA POWELL, Administratrix of the estate of Perry N. Powell, deceased. A7-21 Notice of Examination, Examinations for first, second third grade county certificates, mary and life certificates, also gram mar grade certificates will be held the court house in Caldwell, August 26, 27, 28, beginning at 9 o'clock. The following will be the ordêr i Thursday; civics, reading, spelling and physiology, Friday; arithmetic, geo graphy, state constitution, school law and grammar, Saturday; general hUs tory, algebra, theory and practice and rhetoric, for primary certificates, Sat urday; all subjects, for state certlft cates, Thursday; geology and botany, Friday; physics and literature, Satur day; zoology, for state diploma, Thürs day; geeometry and psychology^ Fri day; political economy and history of education, Saturday; chemistry for gracimar grade certificates, Thursday; history aD j psysiology, Friday; arlth metic, spelling and civic«, Saturday; grammar, geography and reading. Eighth grade examinations will also be held at Nempa, I'ayette and Em mett. MAHEI. GRACE CAHLETON, Supt. of Canyon Co. Schools. SotlR •( TtUu Ic tt.e district court ot tue beventh * I J U die Let.* dillllCt Of t*-tr State of 104tho, ! in *z.d for the couLtjr of Canyon. 1 Ade.ia J. Jones, p^inuft, vs. Robert à. Jones, Lxrfcnàanu Notice of taking deposition. To Robert S. Jones, defendant: You »ill {».case uaice nonce tuat the depositions of lira. H. ßu.son, T. K. i^rtrcn and H. J. and, witnesses on ^c:.a^f oi tne piamuxf in U.e above en ui.trd action, to oe used on tne triai i iLcreof, will te taiten ai follow»: il.'t. K- aütson. of New York City, «ru. De taken ircf^re Josepn C. Stet - , - ,, , , ***• 1» to IS» \S i*.iam street. New lork CitJ T. of Chicago, Illinois, uc 1 Ci-aries P. ■Mo .u .r jp, a notary ; ac - -'- Ls otilce at 1-u E <ta. i-ando.p. • 1 iUcci, room Jveaaie buiiaiug. CXii ,*go, liiiccis. ti. J. Coi>eiai.d. of Toronto. Canada, „etor= KaLcy. ol Jiilis. Kane)-. i-ucas, Üa-.j» & C--.iiui.ouii, a. notary i/uLr.i«. authorized to u*c sue ft depo î'Û 014 ** Äl al Toronto, Can . i i ûi en depositions wiii Le taken on tne -itn day uf August, iirùî», between tne no^rs of a. m. 4 p. m-, of tnat day, A nd if Qui completed on tnat day. tne Lakmg ti.ereof wiii te cotinueü from any au day successively, tnereafter and u\er öunoays, at tne same piace until compacted. iy*led tnis lain day of Juiy, làu». öjdilH cc SCATTEK.DA Y, Attorney fur Plaintiff, residing ai Ca^aweii, ldano. juiy 17-A-7 >ulic« of Sale oi City Bunds. Notice is ncreoy gl» en oy u.e Mayor and City Cuuncii ul tne City uf Cai.i * ell, ldano, tnat tne said alayor ana Cv>u:.«-Li intend lu issue, HCgOtMU Ana sei lne ncguuaue cuupun Du nos ul tx&iu city tu tne amuunl uf fiv,uuu.uv, fur tne purpuse uf 1 un am g me oul*lanai..& ..aiiani lndenieaneas uf said illy. £>aia cuiids are lu Oe issued in Uenuminaliuna ■jl ti.VLU.w tain, and wiii near interest u,i lne rale ui iitre per ceni per annual, said interest lu ne paid un lne lirai aa>a jl January and Ju^y uf eacn year, al Ué olllce \JÎ tne City Treasurer of tne Ciiy uf Caidweii, ur i..e Cnaae NaUunai x^ana of New lors City, stale ut .Neu îurk, al lté option of tne nolder uf lté interest coupons. Tne principal of saiü uunas ia lu ne paid al ine olllce uf me City Treasurer al Caidweü, iOanu. öa.a non as snaai t>e payanie twenty years ir^m dale, reaeemanie in meir numeri cal urder, al tne option of me city al anytime alter tne expiration ul ten > ears iroin aate. Botn principal and in tcreal uf Said bunds Wiii Oe payable in iaalui money of me Unitea blales. Tne bias lor tne purchase ul said bunds must be Scaaeu and addressed tu me Mayor and Cuuncii uf Caiaweii, ldano, and filed witn u.e city cierk. £>ius will be received tiii 1- o'ciock, nuon, of Monaay, September o, lav*. c>aid bids \\i±i be opened by tne Mayor and Cuuncii of said city on r>epiemoer », lava, al s o'clock p. m. at tne city naii, Caiawell, ldano. &aid bonds wi.i nut be suld lor less face and ac crued interest at time of delivery, and no bid will be considered wnicn spev.1 lies a Signer rale of interest man five per cent per annum, l^acti nid must n accompanied ny a certified cneck to the diLuUüi ol live per cent of me a.i.ouni ntd. payable to tne City of Caldwell, ldano. £>aid bids may be iur me wno.e amount of tbe bonds to be issued or lur a portion thereof at the option of the bidder and the city reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to make allotments of the bonds mat shall be deemed for the best Interests of u.e city. Tne issue of bonds herein speci lied is authorized by me i*us ol t. state of Idaho and the ordinances and resolutions of said city. By order of the May or and City Council of the City of Caldwell, Idaho. Dated at Caldwell, ldano, July 20, 100». J. B. GO WEN, Mayor. Attest: C. J. SHORB, Clerk of the City of Caldwell, Idaho. Jy24-A21. Serial No. 06796. Xotice fur Publication. United Stales Lma Office, lioise. Idaho, Juiy a, lyoa. Notice is hereby given that the Northern Pacific Rail way Company whose po8toffice address is St. Paul, Minnesota, has this 9tn day of Juiy iau9, fiied in this office ils application to select under Uie provisions uf li act of congress, approved Juiy 1, Iba*, Uu Stat. »a7, 620>. the SWi», section ä, township 1 N n range 4 W., Boise Meridian. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tne lands described, or desiring to oojeel oecause of tne mineral char acter of the land, or for any utner rea son, to tne disposal to tne applicant, should file meir affidavits of protest in tnis office r on ur before the 2&th day of August, 19u9. WM. BAL.DÜKSTUN, Regster. iù. K. Garrett, agent for appileant. Jy U-A-Z&. .NUTICE Füll F L il Jul CATION. Department of tne interior, Unitea stales Land ulhce, Boise, ldanu, June ^S, lvut. Notice Is nereoy given mat J McCoiium, guardian ul lne persun and estate of James H. McCoilum, an in competent person, uf Caldwell, idano wnu, on Maren lb, lifVJ, made home stead entry No. fcälö, Serial No. o^Sbl lor N SWfc, section 4, townsmp 4 N range ö VV., Boise Meridian, nas med notice uf inlentiun lu malte nnal live year pruol to eslabiisu claim lo me land above described, Oelure Georg« W. Sluvei, U. S. commissioner, at Caid well, Idaho, on the 2btn day ot August, lkuy. Claimant names as witnesses: James M. Shaver, George VV. Dement, Jesse SL Messier, Cnaries K. Peppard, all uf Caldwell, ldano. WM. BADD^KSTON, Kegister J26-July il. .Notice of Special Ein'tlol Notice is hereby given u spec ial election will tie iielU at tne City ot Caiii^eii, County ot Canyon, diate ot iOaiio, on tne Stil üay ot September, iaua. in accordance with the yroviaioui of ordinance No. passed by salii Council and approved by the Mayor of the City ol Caidweii on ti.e lain day of j uiy, laua, at which eiection tnere will be submitted to the qualified voters ol the said City of Caldwell, who are tax payers, ti.e question of whether or not the Mayor and Council shall be author ized to issue, in the name of, and on the credit, of the City of Caldwell, five per cent interest bearing coupon bonds in the sum of »^6.0»3.T8, payable in twenty years, but may be paid in ten years at the option of the city, for the purpose of gradins and paving, with liitullthic pavement, that potrion * the streets and alleys in the City Caldwell and called street and alley intersections, to correspond witli like grading, paving and curbing proposed to be made at the expense of the prop erty owners abutting the same, as pro vided by special ordinance No. ï, de daring the intention of the City o Caldwell to grade, pave and curb cer tain streets and aiieys, and Ordinance No. 130, creating Local Improvement District No. 1; to which reference hereby made. That at said election none but qualified electors who are tax-payers, and regl tered according to luw. will be entitle to vote. The pollH shall be open from o'clock in the forenoon to 7 o r In evening of said day. The lux places and registrars for th« res pectlve wards are as follows First ward: Polling place. Pacific Hotel; Registrar. Mary Smith. Second ward: Polling place. Corner of Arthur street and Ninth Avenue; Registrar, Mrs. Clara Powell. Third ward: Polling place, City Hall; Registrar, Lillian Potter. By order of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Caldwell, Idaho. C. J. SHOHlt. City Clerk. Dated July 22nd, 1»09. N»TlfH KOK PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United States Land Offlce, Boise. Idaho, June 28. ISO». Notice Is hereby glv,n that Jame* T. " ~ Id' Gardiner, of Caldwell. Idaho, who, on August 1. 11)04. made homestead entry No. 7636, 8. N. 0707, for N Vi NW14 SKS4 nw % ; ne % SW^, section 1«, town ship 2 north, range 4 west. Boise Meri dian, has hied notice of IntenUon to make final five-year proof, to establish ciaim to the land above described, be fore register and receiver, at Boise. Idaho, on the list day of August. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Ernest Vasoid. William Hitson. Jons F. Green, James Gregg, all of Caldwell. Idaho. Jy 3-JL WM- BALDERSTON, Register Alias summom*. In the district court of the Seventh Judicial aistricl of me stale of ldar.o, .L ana for me county of Canyon. Alexander Umpnrey, Piainuff, vs. iienry i~ ±±orna.nan and me unknown ..eirs and unknown devisees of Arp*e j Hornaman, deceased, wife of iienry L. tiornaman, l^elendants. A^ias uxnmuns. xut state of ldano sends greetings to tne above named defendants, Henry L» durnaman, ana tne unknown neirs ana anuwa des*, isees of Arpie May xiornaman, deceased, wife of iienry L. . _ na »nan. lou are hereby required to appear in _ lion orvugnt against you ny me uuve named piainuil, in lne disirn.1 urt ol tne öewentn judicial district me state ol ldano, in and fur m« _u*t> oi Canyon, and to answer me n~p^aint tued merein within twenty aaye ^exclusive of the day ol service; alter tx.e service un you ul mis sum mons, if served wiUiin tnis district, u.erwise witmn forty da>s. lne said action is nrougnt to qu.el titie tu tne northwest quarter ol me uineasi quarter tN. YV. ^»-S. ul section twenty-two \.zz) in tu^u i.ip lour v.4norm, of range two v-j, cat uf tne Boise Meridian, Canyon county, stale ul ldanu, against >ou, and eacn ul you, ana lu determine a*.y d aii adverse ciaims claimed by yuu, and each of yuu, lor tne purpose ol en joining yuu, and eacn ul yuu, iroiu aiming any estate ur interest in saia property, ur any part tnereul, ur lu possession tnereuf, and nave me arnes ol Henry .L. Harneuiau and iienry 1— Harnaman, wnuse names ap pear in tne aosiracl of UUe lu said >>ruperiy, declared une and me San^e laon, all ul wnicn mure luiiy appears rum lne said cuinpiamt no m un Hie rein, a Hue Copy ul wnicn 1» nere to attacned, served nerewitn, and uy tnis reierence rnade a pari nereuf. Ana you are hereoy noUiied, mat il lai. to appear and answer me said mpiainl, a* above required, lne aaid a^.lill win appiy to ti.e court lur tne .let deinanueU in Uie cuuipiainl. ■Lriven under my nand me aeai ul U.e tricl cuurt ot me detenu. Juuiud. aistricl of the stale of ldanu, in and jV u.e county ul Can y un. 'Inis 12m day uf Jusj A. U. 19va. VJ. V. Ciera. \v. W tiir »1N. l>eputy. .kson sc Walters, itiorneys for Uli, residing al Ca. iweii, Idaho. 1 »-A-^l. ceaij Boise, Serial No. Ù6&1Â. >olin lur Public*!»®". United States laad Otic«, Idaho, July z0. ISu». Notice is Lereby given tiiat ti.e Nortiifcrn Pacific Railway Co m [mi. y . whose postolfice address is ÜU Paul, Minnesota, lias this iuth day ot Juiy, li)«», filed in this office its application to select under the provisions of the act of congress, approved July 1, 1S>5 30 Stat. ïàî, 620). Lots 1, 2. I. and 4. section ÏÛ, township 3 N., R. 4 W., B. il. Any anl all persons claiming adver sely the lands described, or desiring to object because of the mineral charac ter of the land, or for any other rea son, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest In this office, on or before the 9th day of September. 1909. WM. BALDERSTON*. Register. E. Garrett, agent for applicant. Jy31-Sept4. \otlce of Time and Place Appointe« Proving Wili, F4e. In the probate court of the count# of Canyon, state of Idaho, In th« mat ter of the estate of N. B. Sebree. <!♦ ceased. Notice of time appointed log proving Will, Etc. Pursuant to an order of said probate court made on the 12th day of August, 1909. notice is hereby given that Mon day, the 30th day of August, A~ D. 1901, o'clock p. m., of said day at the court room of said court, at the court house in the city of Caldwell, county of Canyon, has been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said X. B. Sebree, deceased, and for hearing the application of Alice E. Sebree for the issuance to her of letters of ad Ltion with the will annexed, at any person interested may appear and contest the same. Dated August 12, 1909. F. A. HAGEL1N, Clerk. Aug 14-St. 4. Xotice to Creditors. In the probate court of the county of Canyon, state of Idaho, in the matter of the estate of James L. Yost, deceased. Notice to creditors. Notice is hereby given by the under signed executor of the last will of James L. Yost, deceased, to the credit ors of, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first pub lication of this notice, to the said exe cutor, at the law office of Tom Cahalan, 06 and 207 Sonna block, Boise, Idaho, the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the business of said estate in the county of Ada, state of Idaho. Dated August 12, 1909. okric cole, Executor of the last will of Jaines L. Yost, deceased. A4-S4. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, A. M. Schrecongost, the admin istrator with the will annexed of the state of Earbestine Thomas, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons hav ing claims against said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouch ers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, to said ad ministrator with the will annexted. at the offices of Kice, Thompson and Buckner, Caldwell, Idaho, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. Dated August 12th, 1909. A. M. SCHRECONGOST. Administrator with the will annexed. Rice, Thompson and Buckner, attor neys for estate. A14-S4. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the InU-rior, United States Lrftnd Office. Boise, Idaho, August 14, 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Myrtle 1. Foley, contestant, against homestead « ntry. No. 75i#7, made September 9, 1904, for S ki NEU, N Vi SEW. section 2, township ;> north, range 5 west, Boise Meridian, by Thomas J. Foley, contes tée, in which it is it 1 U'gi'd that suid Thomas J Foley, on the 7th day of February, 19UU. abandoned the said homestead entry No. 7697, and ever sin« »' that date has failed to reside up on the same and has neglected to cul tivate any part thereof; that said Thomas J. Foley has, for more than six month* last past, abandoned and dcsfi'ted this affiunt, who is the wife of the said Thomas J. Foley, and also their three minor children, and that the said Thomas J. Foley, for more than six months last past, has failed to support hi* said wife and minor child ren; that this affiant has continued to reside upon said land and has cultiva ted it a* far as her ability and means would admit; all of which Is more fully M't forth In the affiant's affidavit of contest on file In this office. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond, and offer evidence touching Haid allegation at 10 o'clock a. in., on October 4, 1909, before the register and receiver at the United Stales land office in Boise, Idaho. The said contestant having. In a proper affidavit, filed August 14, 1909, • t f rth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this -tlce can not be made. It is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due ami proper publication. WM. BALD KliS TON, Register. FRED V. TINKER, Receiver. A21-S18.