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Horses. 1 Saddle horse, J. Ed Miller, Cy, first, $5. Filly, 2 years, H. Villeneuve, Mid way, first, $4; second, $2. Stallion, 1 yr., H. Villeneuve, Midway, j first, $4. ! Mare, C. W. Whiffln, Caldwell, first. Shetland, matched team, C. W. Whif fln, Caldwell, firBt. Foal, 1909, A. W. Moore, Middleton, first, $3. Stallion, 4 yr., Don B„ M. Jacobson, Payette, first. Shetland mare, 1 yr., Harold and Ted dy Jester, Caldwell, first. Stallion, 1 yr., Harold and Teddy Jes ter, Caldwell, second. Shetland team in harness, Harold and Teddy Jester, Caldwell, second. Stallion, 1 yr., D. Reeser, Nampa R. 2, second, $2. Foal, 1909, D. Reeser, Nampa, R. 2, second, $1.50. Foal 1909, mule, C. G. Myers, Cald well, second, $1.00. Jack, 3 yrs., C. F. Ziegler, Caldwell, second, $4.00. Foal, 1909, Dan Cashman, Caldwell, first, $2.00. Mare and two or more colts, H. W Dornian, Caldwell, first, $7.50. Foal, 1909, J. G. Gartin, Caldwell, first, $3.00. Gelding, 3 yrs., J. G. Gartin, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Pair geldings, J. G. Gartin, Caldwell, first, $7.50. Pair geldings, J. G. Gartin, Caldwell, second, $4.00. Pair mules, J. G. Gartin, Caldwell, first, $7.50. Pair mules, Geo. Rode, Caldwell, sec oud, $4.00. Gelding, 3 yrs., J. F. Rowland, Nam pa, second, $2.00. Stallion, best, P. D. Hadsall, Middle ton, first. Stallion, best, P. D. Hadsall, Middle ton, first. Stallion, best, P. D. Hadsall, Middle ton, first. Mare, 3 yrs. Wm. Monk, Middleton, second, $4.00. Mare, 3 yrs., S. S. Judd, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Filly, 2 yrs., J. S. Green, Caldwell, first, $4.00. Filly, 2 yrs., James Cheney, Caldwell, second, $2.00. Foal, 1909, James Chaney, Caldwell, first, $3.00. Filly, 1 yr., S. S. Judd, Caldwell, sec ond, $1.50. General purpose team, S. S. Judd, Caldwell, first. Gelding, 1 yr., C. F. Saey, Caldwell, second. Foal, 1909, C. F. Saey, Caldwell, sec ond, $1.50. Draft mare, full blood registered, John Omalla, Parma, second. Draft colt, registered, John Omalla, Parma, second. Mare, 3 yrs., Adam Blackstock, En terprise, first. Jack, best, Marlon Ryan, Caldwell first. Mare, 3 yrs., Chas. Howard, Caldwell second, $3.00. Team, matched, registered, Chas Howard, Caldwell, first. Stallion, Dan Ruby, Caldwell, first. Stallion, Dan Ruby, Caldwell, first. Stallion, reglsteied, Dan Ruby, Cald well, second, $3.00. Shetland mare and 2 colts, Dan Rub\, Caldwell, first. Gelding, 1 yr., T. O. Elledge, Caldwell first, $3.00. Filly, 1 yr., T. O. Elledge, Caldwell first, $3.00. Gelding, best 1 yr., T. O. Elledge Caldwell, first, $3.00. Gelding, 3 yrs., Leland Hannah, Cald well, first. Mare, 3 yrs., A. Butterbaugh, Caldwell, second, $3.00. General purpose team, A. Butter baugh, Caldwell, second. Gelding, 3 yrs., J. F. Rowland, Nampa, first, $4.00. Best stallion, D. D. Campbell, Cald well, first. Stallion, D. D. Campbell, Caldwell, first. Stallion, 3 yrs., Oliver Alberson, Cald well, second, $4.00. Stallion, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, second, $4 .00. Stallion, Hannah & Sons, Caldw^l, second, $7.50. Best Stallion, Oliver Alberson, Cald well, second, $7.50. Best stallion, W. H. Williamson. Ku na, second, $5.00. Draft, registered, W. H. Williamson, Kuna, second, $4 .00. Single driver mare, W. H. William son, Kuna, first, $5.00. Filly, 2 yrs., W. H. Williamson, J^una, first. Stallion, 2 yrs. or up, W. H. William son, Kuna, second, $4 .00. Mare, 3 yrs., W. H. Williamson, first, Stallion, 3 get, W. H. Williamson, Ku na, first. IS YOUR NAME INCLUDED? 1 Stalloin, 1 yr., M. Morten, Caldwell, first. Foal, 1909, registered, J. M. Sargent, Nampa, first. Mare, driver, Edgar Dilley, Roswell, j second, $2.50. ! Team, matched, H. Villeneuve, Cald well, second, $5.00. Stallion, any breed, A. A. Faris, Cald well, second, $7.50. Stallion, Shetland, J. K. Westcott, Caldwell, first. Mare, 2 yrs., J. K. Westcott, Caldwell, first. Mare, 2 yrs., J. K. Westcott, Caldwell, second. Single driver, J. K. Westcott, Cald well, first. Cattle. Bull, 2 yrs., W. S. Brown, Greenleaf, first, $6.00. Bull, sweepstake, W. S .Brown, Green leaf, first. Bull, 1 yr., J. N. Largent, Nampa, sec ond, $2.50. Bull calf, under 1 yr., J. N. Largent, Nampa, second, $1.50. Heifer, 2 yrs., J. N. Largent, Nampa, second, $2.50. Heifer, 2 yrs., J. N. Largent, Nampa, first, $5.00. Herd, 1 bull, 4 cows, J. N. Largent, Nampa, second, $10.00. Bull, 3 yrs., E. W. Chapman, Notus, first, $6.00. Dual purpose cow, L. H. Paine, Cald well, second, $5.00. Heifer calf, Dr. J. B. Wright, second, $1.50. Steer. Jacob Achelenberger, Middleton, second, $2.50. Steer, Jacob Achelenberger, Middleton, first, $5 00 Bull, 3 yrs., W. E. Boulton, Caldwell, second, $2.50. Bujl calf, W. E. Boulton, Caldwell, first. $4.00. Cow, 3 yrs., W. E Boulton, Caldwell, first, $6.00. Cow, 3 yrs., W. E. Boulton, Caldwell, second, $2.50. Heifer, 1 yr., W. E. Boulton, Caldwell, first, $4.00. Helfer, 1 yr., W. E. Boulton, Caldwell, first. Heifer calf, W. E. Boulton, Caldwell, first, $3.00. Herd, bull and females, W. E. Boul ton, first, $20.00. Best cow, W. E. Boulton, Caldwell, first. Bull 2 yrs., Adam Blackstock, Enter prise, first, $6.00. Bull calf, Adam Blackstock, Enter prise, first, $4.00. Cow, 3 yrs., Adam Blackstock, Enter prise, first, $6.00. Cow, 3 yrs., Adam Blackstock, Enter second, $2.50. Heifer, 2 yrs., Adam Blackstock, En terprise, first, $5.00. Heifer, 1 yr., Adam Blackstock, En terprise, first, $4.00. Herd, bull and females, Adam Black stock, Enterprise, first, $20.00. Best cow, Adam Blackstock, Enter prise, first. Heifer, 1 yr., W. A. Hall, Caldwell, second, $2.50. Bull, 1 yr., W. E. Hancock, Caldwell. first, $5.00. Bull, 3 yrs., Hannah & Sons, Cald well, first, $6.00. Bull calf, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $4.00. Bull calf, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, second, $2.50. z Cow, 3 yrs., Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $6.00. Cow, 3 yrs., Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, second, $2.50. Heifer, 2 yrs., Hannah & Sons, Cald well, first, $5.00. Heifer, 2 yrs., Hannah & Sons, Cald second, $2.50. Heifer, 1 yr., Hannah & Sons, Caldwell first, $4.00. Herd, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $20.00. Dull, Hannah & Sons, first. Bull, 2 yrs., Chas. Wells, Caldwell, first, $6.00. Heifer, 2 yrs., Chas. Wells, Caldwell, second, $2.50. Herd, Chas. Wells, Caldwell, second, $10.00. Dual purpose cow, Chas. Wells, first, $10.00. Sheep. Best billy, Elton Groves, Caldwell, second, $2.00. Best billy, H. W. Stewart, Caldwell, first, $4.00. Best doe, H. W. Stewart, Caldwell, first, $4.00. BeBt billy and doe, H. W. Stewart, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Best display grade sheep, Dorman & Crow, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Buck and 3 ewes, Renk Bros., Boise, first. Display m'dill« wool, Renk Bros, first. Middle wools, buck, Dlckerson Bros. Parma, second, $2.00. Best ewe, Dlckerson Bros., Parma, second, $2.00. 1 Bros., Parma, Best ewe, Dlckerson first, $4.00. 1 buck. 3 ewes, Dlckerson Bros., Par ma, first, $5.00. Display middle wools, Dlckerson Bros., Parma, first, $10.00. Fat ewes, Dickerson Bros., Parma, first, $5.00. Buck, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Buck, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Ewe, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $4.00. Ewe, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell sec ond, $2.00. Buck and ewe, Hannah & Sons, Cald well, first, $5.00. Buck and ewe, Hannah & Sons, Cald well, second, $2.00. Display fine wools, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $10.00. Buck, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $4.00. Best ewe, H. W. Sutton & Co., Boise, second. Buck and ewes, H. W. Sutton & Co., Boise, second. Display middle wools, H. W. Sutton & Co., Boise, second. Best bucks, Renk Bros., Boise, first. Best bucks, Renk Bros., Boise, second Best ewe, Renk Bros., Boise, first. Swine. Best boar, 2 yrs., Blatchley & Rogers, Caldwell, second, $2.50. Best boar pig, 6 mos., Blatchley Rogers, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Best sow, 2 yrs., Blatchley & Rogers, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Best boar, Blatchley & Rogers, Cald well, second, $2.50. Best sow, Blatchley & Rogers, Cald well, first, $5.00. Aged herd, Blatchley & Rogers, Cald well, first, $10.00. Sow and 5 pigs, J. M. Sargent, Nam pa, first, $6.00. Boar, 2 yrs. Hannah & Son, Cald well, first, $5.00. Sow, 1 yr., Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Sow and litter, Hannah & Sons, Cald well, second, $3.00. Best boar, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first, $5.00. Best sow, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, second, $2.50. Best boar, sweepstakes, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first. Best sow, sweepstakes, Hannah & Sons, Caldwell, first. Dairy. Butter, Mrs. W. H. Smead, Caldwell, second, $1.50. Creamery, Hazlewood Co., Caldwell; first. Display, Hazlewood Co, Caldwell; first, $5.00. Cheese, Caldwell Creamery, Caldwell, first. Cheese, homemade, Mrs. Ben Paine, Roswell, second, $1.50. Cheese, homemade, Mrs. W. Paine, Roswell, first, $3.00. Cheese, W. L. Hinchcllff, second. Butter, Mrs. A. Street, Caldwell, first, $3.00. The Famous Speclala.—Butter, 2 tt>. roll, Mrs. L. E. Greenslet, Nampa, first. Jones Furniture Special.—Ranch but ter, Mrs. W. E. Boulton, Caldwell, first. Onions, C. Lake, Emmett, first. Apiary. Italian Bees, J. E. Miller, Caldwell; first, $1.00. Best display bees, J. E. Miller, Cald well, first, $5.00. Bees wax, J. E. Miller, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Honey vinegar, J. E. Miller, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Case comb honey, Ben Paine, Ros well, first, $1.00. Comb display, Ben Paine, Roswell, first, $5.00. Jar extracted honey, Ben Paine, Ros well, second, 50c. LÜ-gest display extracted, Ben Paine, Ross, first, $5.00. Italian bees and queen, Ben Paine, Roswell. second, 50c. Canyon queen and bees, Ben Paine, Roswell, first, $1.00, Display bees and queens, Ben Paine, Roswell, second, $2.50. Bees wax, Ben Paine. Roswell, sec ond, $1.00. Best jar extracted honey, Harvey Bean, New Plymouth, first, $1.00. Honey vinegar, Harvey Bean, New Plymouth, second, 50c. Best display comb honey, V. D. Han nah, Caldwell, Seconal, $2.50. Dry Land Department. Dry land potatoes, C. S. Faurot, Cald well, flrat, $1.00. Farm and aGrden, V* doz. egg plant, H. E. Whiffln, Mid dleton, first, $1.00. G. cherries, H. E. Whlnffl, Middleton, first, $1.00. Sage, J. D. Quick, Caldwell, first, $1. Cauliflower, J. D. Quick, Caldwell, first, $1.00. 1 Cucumbers, J. D. Quick, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Carrot display, F. M. Parish, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Turnip display (6), F. M. Parish, Caldwell, first. Garden huckleberries, F. M. Parish, second, 50c. Asparagus, L. M. Johnson, Notus, second, 50c. Squash display, L. M. Johnson, Notus, second, 50c. Cauliflower, E. J. Coggburn, Notus, second, 50c. G. cherries, E. J. Coggburn, Notus, second, 50c. Mangle Wurtzel, M. Olsen, Caldwell; first, $1.00. Tomatoes, N. J. Nelson, Caldwell, sec ond, 50c. White onions, D. D. Murry, Caldwell, second, 50c. Ruby peppers, D. D. Murry, Caldwell, second, 50c. Cucumbers, N. J. Nelson, Caldwell, second, 50c. Peppers, M. Cecchalm, Nampa, first, $1.00. Parsnips, Jno. Eaton, Nampa, second, 50c. Blue stem wheat, L. L. Young, Nam pa, first, $1.00. Pumpkins, J. J. Hashbrouck, Nampa, first, $1.00. N. Y. prize takers, W. H. Massman, Nampa, second, 50c. Ear Hackensack, F. M. Parish, Cald well, first, $1.00. Davis perfection cucumber, F. M. Parish, Caldwell, first, $1.00. *4 doz. Giant fall pumpkins, Jos. Baum, Caldwell, second, 50c. y. i doz. pie pumpkins, Jos. Baum, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Malt barley, W. H. Smead, Caldwell, second, 50c, 2 varieties yellow carrots, H. W. Stewart, Caldwell, second, 50c. Salsify, H. W. Stewart, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Vi bushel rye, A. J. Rockwood, Ros well, first. V* doz. yellow onions, W. G. Vogts, Nyssa, second, 50c. Garden lemon, Mark Seely, Caldwell, first, $1.00. 2 varieties watermelons, T. D. Pas ton, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Red clover, Earl Murray, Caldwell, second, 50c. Red top, Earl Murray, Caldwell, first $2.00.. Orchard grass, Earl Murray, Cald well, second, 50c. Parsnip, Metcalf Nichols, Nampa, first, $1.00. 1 doz. table beets, Metcalf Nichols Nampa, first, $1.00. Citron, Metcalf Nichols, Nampa, first Sunflower, E. L. Thurston, Nampa second, 50c. Burpee watermelon sweetheart, J. H Elston, Caldwell, second, 50c. Oats, L. L. Young, Nampa, first, $1.00 Hop display, R. G. McFarland, Cald well, second, $1.00. Musknielon, R. G. McFarland, Cald well, second, 50c. Cucumber pickles, D. D. Murray, Cald well, second, 50c. Large pumpkin, D. J. Maxwell, Nam pa, second, 50c. Sweepstakes, T. D. Paston, Caldwell first, $10.00. Salsify, Mrs. L. Rockwell, Caldwell second. Evergreen corn, Metcalf Nichols, Nampa, first, $1.00. Sunflower, Beryl Bach, Nampa, first, Defiance wheat, C. M. Bumgarner Nampa, second, 50c. Winter watermelons, D. J. Maxwell Nampa, second, $1.00. Barley, Geo. Duval, Nampa, first, $1 Timothy, Frank Hurtt, Caldwell first, $1.00. Asparagus, Frank Hurtt, Caldwell first, $1.00. Ochre display, John Baker, Caldwell second, 50c. Celery, Lloyd Northam, Caldwell, sec ond, 50c. Tobacco, C. Mason, first. Ochre, Harry De Clark, Emmett, first, $1.00. Kafllr corn, Harry De Clark, Emmett, first, 50c. Sweepstakes, J. C. Dewey, Emmett, second, $5.00. Squash, J. C. Dewey, Emmett, first, $1 Sorghum cane, J. C. Dewey, Emmett second, 50c. Egg plant, C. Colter, Emmett, second 50c. Watermelon, W. Calendar, Emmett, first, $2.00. Onion display, G. A. Barth, Roswell first, $1.00. Onion, yellow, G. A. Barth, Roswell, first, $1.00. Onion, white, G. A. Barth, Roswell first, $1.00. Popcorn, J. H. Trout, Roswell, first, $1.00. Tomatoes, Mrs. Carlisle, Roswell, first, $1.00. Ear corn, J. H. Trout, Roswell, aec ond, 50c. Red clover, J. Baker, Roswell, flrat, $1.00. Wheat, 3 sheafs, E. Dilley, second, 50c Oats, E. Parson, Roswell, first, $1.00. Corn display, J. H. Trout, Roswell; first, $3.00. 6 Canteloupes, A. Q. Street, Caldwell, second, $1.00. Red onion, Geo. Springer, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Tomatoes, W. E. Wood, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Garden lemon, W. E. Wood, Caldwell, second, 50c. Best potatoes, J. C. Goodwin, Middle ton, second, $1.00. Hubbard squash, C. Langteig, Middle ton, first, $1.00. Gigantic Gibralter onion, W. A. Wil liamson, Middleton, second, 50c. Cabbage ,largest, W. A. Williamson, Middleton, second, 50c. Alfalfa, H. B. Baker, Emmett, second, 50c. Celery, C. H. McCandless, Nampa, first, $1.00. Oats, % Ib., L. M. Burtch, Roswell, second, 50c. Largest cabbage, G. A. Barth, Roswell, first, $1.00. Corn, Karl Hartman, New Plymouth, second, 50c. Oats, John Mamoch, New Plymouth, second, 50c. Wheat, John Mamoch, New Plymouth, first, $1.00. Corn In ear, Karl Hartman, New Ply mouth, first, $1.00. Pop corn, Geo. Young, New Plymouth second, 60c. Potatoes, Geo. Young, New Plymouth, first, $1.00. Sugar beets, D. Neswander, New Ply mouth, first, $1.00. Hop display, Mrs. G. Street, Caldwell, first, $2.00. Huckleberry display, S. Lantelg, Mid dleton, first, $1.00. Alfalfa, L. M. Trumbull, Caldwell; first, $1.00. Sweet corn, V. D. Hannah, Caldwell, second, 50c. Wheat, winter, V. D. Hannah, Cald well, first, $1.00. Wheat .spring, V. D. Hannah, Cald well, second, 50c. Beans, collection, V. D. Hannah, Cald well, first, $1.00. Alfalfa seed, V. D. Hannah, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Timothy, V. D. Hannah, Caldwell; first, $1.00. Ky. bluegrass, V. D. Hannah, Cald well, first, $1.00. Broom corn, V. D. Hannah, Caldwell, first, $2.00. Broom corn, V. D. Hannah, Caldwell, second, $1.00. Col. grains and grasses, Commercial club, New Plymouth, first, $10.00. Clover, 1 bundle, J. Vanatta, New Ply mouth, first, $1.00. Clover, 1 bundle, Orville Sommerville, New Plymouth, second, 50c. Alfalfa, Mr. Felthouse, New Plymouth first, $1.00. Red clover, J. Vanatta, New Plymouth first, $1.00. Timothy, E. P. Day, New Plymouth, second, 50c. Millet, N. Fruit, New Plymouth, first, $1.00. Orchard grass, Geo. Blayden, New Plymouth, first, $1.00. Onions, red, C. Lake, Emmett, second, 50c. Seed potatoes, John Heath, Emmett, first, $2.00. Cantaloupe, G. A. Worden, Emmett, first, $1.00. Citron, 3, J. C. Dewey, Emmett, sec ond. H. of Gold squash, Ora Crltes, Em mett, first. Castor oil bean, Minnie Wright, Em mett, first. Peanuts, Ray Moden, Emmett, Becond. Sorghum cane, C. Lake, Emmett, first $1.00. Largest squash, G. W. Cowden, Cald well, second, 50c. Radish, F. M. Parish, Caldwell, first. Radish, F. M. Parish, Caldwell, second Castor bean, E. J. Coggburn, Caldwell second. Rutabaga, L. M. Johnson, Notus, first. Turnips, Jno. Eaton, Nampa, second. Cotton, Grace Slmth, Nampa, firBt. Farm and garden, Van W. McElwaln Nampa (child 10 yrs. of age,) first. Peanuts, W. S. Adams, Parma, first. Orchards. Alexander apples, H. H. Cummins, Caldwell, (entered for E. Sorenson, Council) first. Jeffrey apples, Mrs. T. O. Murray, Caldwell, first. Crab apples, Mrs. T. O. Murray, Cald well, second. Pears, Bartlett, Mrs. T. O. Murray, Caldwell, second. Quinces, Mrs. T. O. Murray, Caldwell first. Concord, W. G. Vogts, Nyssa, second. Catawba, W. G. Vogts, Nyssa, first. Delaware, W. G. Vogts, Nyssa, first. Jonathan, H. W. Dorman, Caldwell; first. Rome Beauty, H. W. Dorman, Cald well, second. Arkansas Black, W. O. Vogts, Nyssa, second. Falls Orange, H. W. Dorman, Cald well, first. Delaware Reds, H. W. Dorman, Cald' well, second. Baltimore Reds, H. W. Dorman, first. Red cheek pippin, H. W. Dorman, Caldwell, first. Kernolds choice, H. W. Dorman, first, Walbrldge, H. W. Dorman, first Apples, H. W. Dorman, Caldwell, first Plums and prunes, H. W. Dorman Caldwell, first. Sweepstakes, H. W. Dorman, Oald well, first. Raymond Plttenger, Raymond Plttenger, 5 plate apples, yellow Bellfi 0Wer r H. Rlnert, Caldwell, first and second 5 plates York Imperials, C. H. Rin er , Caldwell, second. 6 plates Shackleford, H. J. Stewart Caldwell, second. 1 box apples, H. J. Stewart, Caldwell 4 firsts, 3 seconds. 3 boxes apples, Rome Beauties, H J Stewart, Caldwell, firBt. 3 boxes apples, H. J. Stewart. Cald well, second. Delaware Red, W. A. Hall, Caldwell first. York Imp., W. A. Hall, Caldwell, first Jonathan, W. A. Hall, second. Genetin, W. A. Hall, Caldwell, first. Aiken Red, W. A. Hall, Caldwell first. Ben Davis, W. A. Hall, Caldwell, sec ond. Apples, W. A. Hall, Caldwell, second. Sweepstakes, W. A. Hall, Caldwell; second. Plate grapes, Carl Boehmer, Par ma second. Plums, C. Mason, Caldwell, first. Walnuts, C. Mason, Caldwell, first. 1 Apple, W. A. George, Caldwell, first. 1 box apples, W. A. George, Caldwell, first. 3 boxes apples, W. A. George, Cald well, first. Crab apples, W. A. George, Caldwell, first. 2 plates Shackleford, W. A. George, Calflwell, first. 2 Aiken Reds, W. A. George, Caldwell, first. Bartlett, W. A. George, Caldwell, first. 1 pear, W. A. George, Caldwell, sec ond. 1 plate grapes, Jacob Alchenberger, Middleton, first. 1 plate grapes, E. H. Lanktree, Mid dleton, second. 1 plate peara, N. B. Baker, Emmett; first. Concord grapes, Raymond Pittenger, Nampa, first. Smith cider, Raymond Plttenger, Nampa, first. Gold Russett, Nampa, first. Roman Stem, Nampa, first Baldwin, Raymond Pittenger, Nampa, first. Gano, Raymond Plttenger, Nampa, second. Plum display, C. E. Paine, Roswell, second. Apples, Hughes & Miller, Caldwell, 8 firsts one second. Prunes, HugheB & Miller, Caldwell, 5 firsts and 2 seconds. 10 plates apples, T. Z. Morse, Cald well, 4 firsts. 6 plates pears, T. Z. Morse, Caldwell, 3 firsts and 2 seconds. Rome Beauty, C. M. McBride, New Plymouth, second. Pears, Lous Wächter, New Plymouth, first. Prunes, Frank Cross, New Plymouth, second. Wealthy apple, Huges & Miller, Cald well 1 first. Missouri Pippin, Hughes & Miller, Caldwell, first. Plums, V. Gardner, Caldwell, second. Pears, Mrs. H. S. Hopper, Emmett, first.. Apples, Mrs. H .S. Hopper, Emmett, first. Grapes, Mrs. H. S. Hopper, Emmett, 2 firsts. Best display, Mrs. H. S. Hopper, Em mett, first. Pears, Mrs. C. Colter, Emmett, first. Greenings, G. A. Warden, Emmett, first. White Pearmaln, G. A. Warden, Em mett, sekbnd. Arkansas Black, G. A. Warden, Em mett, first. Pt. raspberries, H. E. Whiffln, Middle ton, first. Fine Arts. Marine, Mrs. Cora H. Bach, Caldwell, first, $1.00 Animal, Mrs. Cora H- Back, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Figures, Mrs. Cora H. Back, Caldwell, $1.00. Figures, Mrs. Cora H. Back, Caldwell, $1.00. Figures, Mrs. Cora H. Back, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Flowers, Mrs. Cora H. Back, Caldwell, second, 50c. Animal, Mrs. Cora H. Back, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Figures, Mrs. Cora H. Back, Caldwell, second, 50c. Flowers, Mrs. F. M. Greenfield, sec ond, 50c. Animals, Mr. J. M. Greenfield, second, 50c. Still Life, J. M. Greenfield, second, 60c. Landscape, Estella C. Munroe, first, $1.00. Kodak, Clare Sower, Caldwell, first, $1.00. Best single Kodak, Clare Sower, Cald well, first, $1.00. Figure, Grace Smith, Nampa, first, $1. Pen and Ink, Grace Smith, Nampa, first, $1.00. Still Life, Grace Smith, Nampa, sec ond, 60c. Pastel, Grace Smith, Nampa, seoond, 50c. Best single Kodak, Frank Roberts, Caldwell, second, 60c. Exhibit Kodak pictures, Frank Rob erts, Caldwell, second, 60c. (Continued on Page Seven.)