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NEWELL AFRAID OF LOSING OIS JOO (Continued from First page.) ments of the case, that this conference »a* called to enlist Perkins in the I iutncUUartiUd scheme to do" Bal linger, it was also held to help Piu chot in h:-. eüort to get Newell to jo;n ia the light. But iu these particu .~.c cu^lerence was a iaiiure, tor ù»o «.«jo ai ter wards, Pinchot, in a letter Washington, iniormed Jir. Perkins tuai uo LUtl xa.led complet in nis return mi.wiL.-n to \tasn*U£ton namely, iu his ellort to get Ne weil co-operation. Change is .Marked. But mark the change that came over Newell, according to the tesu luony of Perkins! Newell pasacu tiiruUjjh Chicago going West on July 2o, is^. Un that date he said i-drjuus: "I will no; do anything aga.iiai Bailinger. So long as i a woittiii 0 for him I will take no action agaiusi him." On October 29 alter auenued the Irrigation Con greas, aud huard much of Pinchot ! campaign a^aïust the Secretary, New ell again passed through Cnicago, and stopped off to see Perkins. He then brought up the question of the "Inack-tent ' lectures, of which a sen sauon was sought to be made at the invessigation, and made it plain Perkins that he intended to p ace on Bailinger the responsibility tor those lectures which had aroused some Perkins told Newell he could not shift the responsibility on the Secre tary, for he himself had been par tially responsible for them. Newell then replied: "I want to make Ball.nger the goat. It was a very d.fferent Newell re turning from the West; not the same loyal subordinate who had gone to thd Spokano congress with a deter mination to raise no hand against the Secretary. He left Washington tree from all entaglements with Pinchot; he returned a rank anti-Ballinger.te, anxious to make his superior the "goat." 1'erkins Marked for Removal. The connection of Perkins with this conspiracy is interesting. When Per kins was called to West Mentor it was believed he would join in the fight on the Secretary, in order to retain Newell. He did work in behalf of Newell, but refused to go further. Soon afterwards, two of Perkins' ene mies, one an uneducated cowpuncher without office training or exper.ence, were sent to Investigate Perkins' office a - aicago, which handles $7,000 worth of business daily, and these men, both of them enemies to Per kins, joined in u report his removal. A. P. Davis, chief en gineer of the Keclamation Service, .»rot? a letter recommending Per k.n^' removal, but Newell held this up, and wrote Perkins, advis ng him to resign, pretending that if he did not the black tent scandal would be aired and bring about his dismissal. Perkins knew there was nothing wrong about the black-tent lectures; he knew the report against him had been made by two of his persona! en emus, and he knew that the efforts to get him out of the service were in tended as punishment for his refusal to jo.n ia the anti-Bailinger conspir acy. So he refused to res gn, came to Washlng:on and explained the situ ation to Secretary Bailinger, secured a fair ar.d impartial Investigation, was cleared of a!l charges and w as allowed to continue in charge of the Ch.cago office. Pinchot Policy Illustrated. All of which merely illustrates one of the means by which Pinchot sought to punish those who refused to do h s bidding. One of the very men sent by Newell and Davis to investigate Perkins, before beginning his inves QUICK lisch AND QUICK SERVICE h • ve made our establishment the most popular in town. WHOLESOME AND DAINTY DISHES served in the most ap proved manner without a minutes delay. We know what's good to eat and are building our reputation upon that knowledge Have lunch with u< today. Only popular prices charged. SARATOGA CAFE. tigation, declared: "We must get rid of Perkins; we do not want him inj this office any longer." It has been no secret of late that Director Newell and Secretary Ballin- ( ger long have been working at cross purposes. The Secretary himself con. fessed to lack of confidence in New e!! - s ab i] it> - all d f e lt that Newell was ; not loyal. Newell has shown by h s opposition to some of Balling;r's bills before Congress that he is not in har mony, and the fact is well recognized that the Reclamation Service is today more or less demoralized because of this lack of harmony. Secretary Bai linger wants a new director; Presi dent Taft upholds Bailinger; there fore, in the interest of harmony and in the Interest of development work under the Reclamation Service, the early elim nation of Newell is essen tia, and indeed necessary, if Bailinger is to remain. i .... . .. . v . The probabi ities are that Newell will go just as soon as can be found. a successor LOCAL GOSSIP. Stcunenberg, the shoe maker, at ihn ». The Saratoga always has a good room for you. 2 t. A marriage license was issued Fri day to Harry M. Brainard and Dora D. Dement, both of Caldwell. Messrs. Clayton Knox and G. H. Powell of Emmett were business vis itors in Caldwell Friday. E. P. Junor and son, Bruce, came iu from the sheep camp Saturday and remained in the city several days. Miss Lucile Gillette won the dia mond ring in the Nampa Leader Herald popularity contest. Sheriff Breshears returned Tuesday from Portland where he went to re ceive Jason Lee who escaped from the Canyon county ja 1 some time go and was captured at Medfora, Oregon. Its some satisfaction to know that Ezra Meeker has been sent after the enient mixer as stated in the States man. Ezra is a little slow but he us ually gets there in the course of time M ss Mae Franklin has returned to Caldwell from the east. During the past year she has been doing post graduate work at the Columbia Uni versity, New York City. Miss Frank lin will return to New York this fall to complete her course. Ed LeBranch was taken down with the typhoid fever Tuesday, His daugh ter has just recovered from a severe attack. Miss Haz?l Harrington was the hos. less of her Sunday school class Tues day at a picnic on Sebree's island on the Boise river near town. F. J. Girard was down frof Quar tersburg this week visiting his broth er. W. L. G rard. H. McGinnis and daughter of Dix on, Illinois, are in this section visiting Mr. McGinnis' sister, Mrs. Waiter Older, who 'Ives near town. He will likely locate permanently here. H. S. Walsh of Cllftcn, Ariz na, was iu Caldwell several days this week locking over the country with a view of locating here permanently. Among the many people in Cald well the past week looking over the country with a view of settling here permanently, was Mr. Robert Nelson cf Reedley, Colorado. Mr was greatly Impressed with this part oi the state and will undoubtedly locate. Messrs. Arthur, R. O McDowell and tho Misses McDowell and J. A. Pegram of Homedaie were \elscn - eisen and Weslv in Caldwell Tuesday en route to Em thev were called by the brothe'-in-law a v< Drotûe. m law, a Mr. Wilson and C. M. Sutton of Rockviüe were in Caldwel Monday and Tues day of -h s week. These gentlemen m*?tt wher death of Ko w 1er. Charles E. Epper'.y made final proof on his homestead before U. S. Commissioner Stovel Tuesday. His place is the S\Y 1-4 NW 1-4, N 1.2 S\Y 1-4 and lot 3 section 35, T. 5 N.. R 3 W., B. M. Messrs. J. R. and J. E. Keith of he coua'y. Messrs. Keith Brothers re shefpmen and we presume Mr. utton is another. Mrs. A. Keenig of Los Angeles ar rived in Caldwell Monday for a three weeks' visit Keening Gowen. with relatives, sister of Mrs. Mrs. J B. W. R. Cartright of Emmett is among the many Emmett people here this week attending court. A. I. Myers of the A. L. Murphy Co., has returned to this city from Boise, where he has been looking af. ter the interests of the company dur ing the absence of Mr. Murphy. j OPENING OF 12 .CHK) ACRES C.l_RE\ ACT LAND. der Crane Creek Project. Reduced. rates via Oregon Short Line. Tickets: on sale June 11, 12 and 13, limited, to June IS. See agents for rates an-i further part culars. At Weiser, Idaho. June 14th, un NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". U S Land Office at Boise, Idaho May 3. 1910. j Notice is hereby given thai Ernest Bedford of Caldwell Idaho, who, on - November 22, 1904, made desert land entry No. 2157, serial No. 01949, for SE 1-4. NE 1-4, Sec:.oa 2S. Township 3 N. Range 4 W, Boise Me ridian, has fi'ed notice cf intent on to make- final Proof, to establish claim t0 j ani j above» described, before C. S. Commissicner Geo. W. Stovel, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 6th day of July. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: James R. Ballingsley, Jacob J. Ballingsley. Char'es E. Tsber, Walter Bedford, all of Caldwell, Idaho. BALDERSTON, Register. J 3—Jy 1. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL. Portland, Ore., Juns 6-11, 1910. Reduced rates via Oregon Shor' Line. See agents for selling dates rates, etc. ttrtst ESTIMATE OF THE CITV COUNCIL FOR FISCAL YEAR rçro-igu. F^lIo*-i-g :s the estimate prepares try the City Counc:' of the City of Caldwell. ld*ho. of the probable amount of money necessary for a;: purposes to be r-.:«ed by taxation in the 5-ii Ci y during the fiscal, year beginning he first Tuesdi* ir May. iotc *. incîui: "ti principal du per. the pre dine rent of the ?nt:-e revenu« bonded del t : : an 3 classifying branches of ex be with a state of the Citv for Fnnd Road Fund Cemetery Fund W. \V. Sinking Fund Librarr Fund r or.i 3-d ï-terest Fund .... «prink:--« Fond Water Work« Fu- i Tav -e Po-3 5-k -c F--1 . Ku-'-a* Ro-i 5-rrg F-.-r.-l Pwli i | - Sm l «l A imimat .. Sewer—Special Assessment «I0.D00.00 oo 1.500.00 1.500.00 500.00 ?. TOO OD I.500.05 1.50a cn 1.5^ 00 500.00 Î64 .S130.C Ch'n. FLMFR X. CLARK, M. ' PFVERS R FARRAK. Committee. SOt'ROFS OF REVENTE OF THE Cm OF CALDWFT.L, IDAHO. FOR THt FISCAL VF AR BEGINNING MAY 4. 19 c. AND ENDING MAY i 1910. Water Rentals S Meters Water Tsps Water F:nes Interest on Warrants Dimeren ce in Freight Old pipe Old wood pipe Freight rebate Cemetery Lots Sexton's Fees Cemetery Fermits Dog Fine Hog Licenses fho t ne Gallery License 5.1776" I.IJÇ.OO 5-50 if-03 4- ! 9 5.00 168 85 •74 38500 2T1-00 5-cw ?how Licenses ^ Merry co-round licenses 7$.cn Auto Permits 70.00 F r o*n County Licenses 6^4 Fines on™ Costs Impounded Stock T?xes—General Taxes—General Delinquent Taxes—Special. Sidewalk Taxes—Soecial. Sprinkling ... Taxes—Special, .»uisance Taxes—Special. Roid Poll Taxes—>pecial. Sidewalk, del'qnt 2*77\ Tr x es— Spec ill. Snri^kling. del'qnt... 112.14 Taxe- —Special. Nuisance, del'qnt.. * 6? >■<**■"> 79 55 j ?2.00 1 Î7. 55^-42 j 95*19 ! 4.$43-6l 1.46 ?.«3 5-*S 8? Ga Int Fn^ : ne—Rent —Sale Bridge cvs from Cou ity H"wkeV]TnT Peddit« ; LicenW ' ! ! ! ! 50.00 Condemned Material Fxtension to Sidewalks Paving Assessment Transferred from General to School Funl • transferred f^orn Warrant Redemp* •■on to W. W. Sinking Fund Works Sinking F\ind War 30.0c 1,500.0c 4 50 I Water Interest Old Lumber Rent City Hall Interest on deposits ,«T Z* Ro%d Pol! Tax I Transferred from Sidewalk to Gen- I era! Fund 4 .473 50 I Transferred Nuisance to Road Fun i e : g.VI Transferred Warrant Redemption to ' Jinkmg and Paving Funds and Genera! and Road Funds 2.331.58 J 6«3j8.jS NO J ,CE OF SALE «F CITY BOXDS. Notice is hereby g ven by th; Mavot snd Citv Council of the City of Cald well. Idaho, that tho said Mayor an<l Council intend to issue, negotiate anl sell the ne?ot able coupon bonis of the said City to t' ze amou t of $ 0 00) for the purpos? cf funding the out standing warrant indebtedness of said City. Said bonds are to be issued in denominations of $1,000.00 each and bear interest at a rate not to ex ceed 8 x per cen * P er annum, said in terest tQ be paid Qn {he ^ ^ o{ January and July of each vear at 'fa office of the Ci'y Treasurer* cf she Citv of Caldwell, Idaho, or at the Chis National Bank of New York City, State of New York, at the option oi tho holder of the interest coupons The principal of said bonds is 'o" b paid at the office of the Ci'y Treasur er at Caldwell, Idaho. Said bonds shall b* payable twenty years from date, redeemable n their numerical order, at the ontion of the ci-y at an y t! ™e after the explra'ion of ten 7_ c ?. rs __ f . ro 1 1 da ! e : D'incipa' and i*£io The bids for the purchase of said bond-! must be sealed and adir<«sed to the Mayor and Coun; 1 of Ca'd weii. Idaho, and filed wi*h th? Ci*v Clerk. Bids will bi received until 12 o'clock, noon. Monday. July 11 Said b ds will b- op-n -d by th= Mayor and Council of said City on July 11, 1910, at S o'clock p. m. a'l th« City Hall, Ca'dwe'I, Idaho. Said bonds will not be sold for less than faco and accrued in'^r'-s d t.'.' T " r y and no bid will be considered; wh ch S'.eciflp« a higher rate of In. at time of ">r *>¥t that sii per cent per annum ! Each bid must be acccomnani^d bv s> c«>rtifiw} che'-k on some bank in th"' City of Caldwell, Id*hn. , 0 amount of five per c^n* of 'h° amour bid payable to the City of Ca'dwe'I. j Idaho. Pa'd bids mav b» for th-> whole amount of the bonds issued j Joe Wi All Kinds oi Ilia mson Shoes lor Men. j - E. Z. Walker Prlcc $3.00 Otlitr K. Z. Walkers for $3.25, $3.50 and $3.75. Price 92.00 Others for f-2.50 and $2.75. The better the the more it cost. leather, and the more work put in a shoe : Joe Williamson Nobody From Getting ALE $1« Barred a Good Fit at XANDER'S SPECIAL SUIT SALE —MEN'S— YOUNG MEN'S New Styles, New Patterns aililEi to the line each day. Yesterday's express brought Hve more new and distinct styles SHOWN TODAYFOR FIRST TIME Pretty Brown Cassimers and Blue Serges, well worth $15.00 and $17.50 the suit These represent a tew oi the best values ot our recent large purchases, and go in the Special Sale at— $11 .5« $10 & $11.50 Father and Son, SUm and Stout, Short and Large-a lit lor ev erybody at the big sale. Alexander imagos La c%ïvâe. ONE PRICE CLOTHIER CALDWELL, IDAHO. Œ 6 allotments of the bonds that 5ilal! be deemed for the bast interests or for a portion thereof, at the option of the b dder and the ci'y reserves the right to reject any or a'l bids and to Of the State of Idaho and the ordl nances and resolutions of said c ty By order of the Mayor and Citv Council of tho City of Caldwell' Idaho. Dated at Caldwe'I, Idaho, June 1 1910. J. B. Attest : C. J SHORB clerk of the City of Caldwell J 3, 10, 17, 25—July 1. Idaho. EXCTRSIOXS TO SALT LAKE CITV. June 2nd. to 5th. inclutivp. V a Oregon Short Line for Conven tions Young Men's and Young Ladies' Mu ' ual Improvement Associations S«« agents for further particulars TREAT YOUR BABIES TO A SHO FLY ROCKER . mal 1 Red Chain or a Wheel Barrow for the B -vs. ""H t these in a way that coiti ;>oti ion cms no ice Caldwell Racket Store PORTLAXn ROSE festival Portland, Ore., J u „, |0I0 Reduced rates via Ore K on Short l ine. See agents for selling dates rates etc. !>r Wnlr. . , t Kln^biiry. Osteopath Ind phon.. 201. Union niock FXCl'RSIONS TO SALT l-*KK CITY Juno 2nd. to IMh. «nclu><lve V a Oregon Short Line for Convsn tlons Young Men's and Young ! .'die* Mutual lmpro»"ment AssoclatiO 1 " So agr-nts for further particular»^ Feet hurt? Try Rets'I " v ' der for tired and sweaty feet. Kiiarmteed at Botkln -Harmon ru Co.. Ltd.