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D fSKSMAL AND SOCIAL The MUSIC CO. for sheet music. 11. 13. Van Mouse», the liveryman, was a Boise visitor Monday. Attorney Kenward of Payette was a Caldwell visitor Monday. Mrs. Chas, Fairman of Far so was In Ca'dwell and Boise Monday. Claud Maxey transacted business at Boise Monday afternoon. Will Wright of Salem, Ore., was a business visitor in Caldwell Monday Attorney B. W. Henry of Nampa transacted business in Caldwell Mon day. Have you seen tho Bargains at tli>< NRW M1LUNERY STORK. Mrs. N. E. Harris. Mrs. Gilbert Shelby and son went to Weiser Saturday for a short visit with Mrs. Shelby's parents. Alderman I. N. Paynter was at Council several days this week look, inj; after stock interests. Miss Stella Crites returned to her home at Weiser Monday after se . vr ai days' visit with Caldwell friends. Messrs. C. P. Bacon, T. W. R. Nel son and Glen Nelson of Boise were business visitors in Caldwell Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Walsh are th» proud parents of a nine pound son Tho young fellow arrived Sunday night. Mrs. E. It. Place left Monday af ternoon for Seattle where she will spend tho summer visiting her pat enta. Judge Ed L. Bryan and Court Re porter Gilbert Shelby left Tuesday for Weiser where they will hold a term of court. Attorney P. Munroe Smock was in Caldwell Tuesday making arrange ments for the big Fourth of July celebration to be held at New Ply mouth. We pay the farmer the highest market price for his produce, and sell him groceries as cheap as good groceries can bo , sold. ACKLEYS MARKET. A marriage license was Issued Tuesday to Austin D. Harris of Ru bert and Miss Teresa Breshears of St. Anthony. Miss Breshears is a sister of Sheriff Frank Breshears and for merly lived at Middleton. Mrs. A. A. Paul and daughter Miss Grace, left Caldwell for the east Tuesday afternoon. They will go to Chicago, thence by boat to Batavia, New York, where they will spend the summer visiting relatives. Mrs. C. E. Mason was tho guest Monday night of Mrs. W. S. Hawkes, having stopped off on her way from tho Endeavor convention at Weiser. Mrs. Mason is president of the Wo man's Missionary society of the Con gregational church of Idaho, and her husband is pastor of the Congrega tional church at Mountainhome. J. 0. Baum, delegate from the Presbyterian church of this city to tho Endeavor convention at Weiser returned Monday evening, and is en thusiastic about the meeting. In the election of officers, Caldwell was highly honored as shown by the fol lowing list: president, J. O. Baum, Caldwell; first vice president, W. P. Havenor, Pocatello; second vice pres ident, Jas. E. Chinne, Weiser; secre tary, Miss Lois Fisk, Parma; treas urer, Mr. Ray Hateh, Boise; junior superintendent, Mrs. J. Q. Hook. J W New froraXover to Cover WEBSTEBiS NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY J UST ISSUED. Eib Chief, Dr. W.T.Harrb,former U. S. Com. of Education. The Webster Tradition Developed by Modern Scientific Lexicography Key to Lit erature of Seven Centuries. General (■formation Practically Doubled. * 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. 400,000 Words and Phrases. GET THE BEST in Scholarship, Conven ience, Authority, Utility. I /< specimen Pag« MERRIAM SPRINGFIELD MASS The Caldwell barber shops will not open Monday, July 4th. John T. Sebree left for Jordan Val ley Wednesday afternoon. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. Gipson of Cambridge last week. Chas. Sheut? of Payette was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank Crow ther, Friday of last week. .1. 11. Lander and family and Mrs. Smalley left Sunday for tho upper Owyhee for a week or ten days' out ing. Mr. ant 1 Mrs. T. K. Little and daughter, Miss Anabel, were Sunday guests oi Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Red way. Mr... 1-rank Howard and Mrs. Ross if Roswell were shopping visitors in Caldwell Saturday, having come up in an automobile. Henry and Fred Badley returned to their home near Sweet Saturday after spending several days with Mr and Mrs. O. V. Badley. We have just received another large shipment of those famous FREE SEWING MACHINES at the Caldwell Music Co. O. V. Allen, a well known Boise merchant, has announced himself candidate for tho Republican nomi nation for State Treasurer. A. B. Mutch and family arrived in Caldwell from the coast Friday of last week. They have »decided to make their future home here. Tho Rev. A. B. Minaker of Port land has accepted the pastorate of li Baptist church of Caldwell. Ho itered upon his duties Sunday. Mrs. M. E. Jones left for Weiser Saturday afternoon for a short visit with friends. Mrs. Jones is the mother of Mrs. L. A. Goldsmith. Mrs, F. M. Cole and mother, Mrs Smylie, and sister, Miss Grace Smylie, left Monday for Chicago, where Miss Smylie will receive medi al treatment for ear trouble. S. W. Dee has returned from Meadows where he took Mrs. Dee and the children to spend the sum mer. He'says it is great up there, the fish are really vicious. Andrew Little, the Emmett sheep king, was in Caldwell Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mr. Little sold his wool clip of over half a mil lion pounds. He received 17 cents. Earl Phetteplace and Miss Edna Culver of New Plymouth and Thom as; Moupin of Ola and Miss Laura Levey of Sweet were granted mar riage license Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Tucker have moved to town from Notus. Mr. Tucker informs us that he has rented his Notus place and that he will make his home in the future in Cald well. The Sixth Annual Parma-Roswell picnic will bo held at Anderson's Grove near Parma on Thursday, July 21. This Is the usual place'of holding this picnic and insures lots of shade and a pleasant place for a reunion of Canyon County people. Hon. B. E. Hyatt, candidate for the Republican nomination for Sec retary of State, was in Caldwell Tuesday viewing the situation. Mr. Hyatt feels confident that he will land the nomination which is equiva lent to the election. Joe Estud llo of Jordan Valley and Miss Helena Wessala of Seattle, Wash., were married at Portland last Wednesday, June 15th, 1910. They are residing at Caldwell. The Ex press extends congratulations.—Jor dan Valley Express. E. K. Corbett leaves this week for 1 Jordan Valley. Ho will be gone about ten days. Immediately upon his return he will enter actively upon bis campaign for the Republican nomination for sheriff of Canyon county. v Miss Pearl Brumbaugh and Mr. Claude Sage of Boise were married in Caldwell Tuesday at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. L. H. Cody. The Rev. B. W. Rice was the offici ating clergyman. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Leon Golden of Boise. The groom is a Boise con tractor. The happy couple left for I Boise the same afternoon. They will make their home in that city. The Brotherhood of the Presby terian church met Monday evening. The meeting was well attended and interest manifested was splendid. 1 he Ladies' Aid society of the church I furnished lunch which was thorough j y enjoyed by all. This followed a feast for the mind. Judge Ailshie of 'loige. gave a talk on applied re ligion. Dr. Chalfant of Boise talked on work among tho boys. These were able addresses and well re ceived. The Brotherhood will not meet again until fall opens. l»r. Walter Kingsbury, Osteopath. Ind. phone 201, Union Block. Misses Edyth Beyes and Theodosia Busch left Friday morning for Coun cil where they will take c short out ing. Messrs. Lewis, T. and A Ascuenga and A. Letimandl of Jordan Valley were in Caldwell Saturday transact ing business. Mrs. J. J. Walling and Mrs. Ella Wilterding returned to their homes at Nampa Saturday morning after a day's visit with Miss Amy Madden. Mrs. H. A. Griffiths and Miss Martha E. Gilgan returned Wednse day morning from Council where they spent some time in the mountains. Relatives here have received word from M. K. Madden who is in the mountains near Alpha for his health, that he is slowly regaining strength. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Oakes and Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Badley were at Meridian Friday last attending the 3 9th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Badley. The little two-year old child of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Smith died Thürs, day of last week after a long sick ness. The funeral was held from tho home on Deer Flat. Mrs. L. A. Goldsmith arid children left Saturday afternoon for Twin Falls, where Mr. Goldsmith has some large irrigation contracts. They will remain with Mr. Goldsmith all sum mer. Dr. and Mrs. A. F . Isham cele brated their silver wedding anniver sary Tuesday, having been married in Caldwell 25 years ago June 28th. Their many friends wish them many happy returns of the day. Mrs. E. S. Reeves of Caldwell was called to Middleton Friday by the serious sickness of Mrs. J. M. Reeves, who has spinal menengitis. It was found necessary to take Mrs. Reeves to a Böise hospital. Miss Bessie Harris of San Jose, Cal., is here as a guest at the home of Mrs. H. K. Hartley, and especially to visit her brother, Curtis Herring ton. Miss Harris is a teacher in the San Jose public schools. Mr. S. S. Judd who had his hand amputated at the local hospital last week, is getting along as well as could be expected. A felon grew on the arm and developments became so serious that amputation become nec essary. Tho Brown Lateral company of Payette filed articles of Incorporation recently. The new company has a capital stock of $10,000 with five di rectors. M. F. Albert, M. E. Wood, H. Cram, Sr., L. W. Spaulding and P. H. Brown. Joe Estudilla has returned from Jordan Valley where he went to make arrangements for taking charge of the Caldwell-Jordan Val ley stage line. He takes charge July 1st. Mr. J. A. Wroten has had the contract for several years past. Mrs. Jap Duncan and Miss Pearl Williams arrived in Caldwell Tues day afternoon on their return from Corvallis and Portland. They will visit friends in Boise and Caldwell for several days before returning.-— Jordan Valley Express. The case of B. R. Fitch vs. Nancy J. Zercher of Payette was tried in the probate court • Saturday. This suit was brought for the recovery of $425.00 commission on the sale of real estate. The jury brought in a verdict for the full amount. G. M. Taylor left Monday after noon for Wisconsin where he wil! spend the summer. Mr. Taylor is something of a booster and has hopes that he will be able to con vince a number of his Wisconsin friends of the advislbility of their coming to Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Estudillo arrived in Caldwell the fore part of the week. They were recently married in Cali fornia, and will make their home in Caldwell. At present they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Isaac Mr. Estudillo has been one of the substantial sheepmen of the Jordan Valley country for several years. The well known Central hotel of Jordan Valley will change hands on the 1st of July, Mr. Brooks having rented tho business from Mr. Wro ten. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks are ex perienced hotel people and are deter mined to make the Central hotel one of the best in the country. Mr. Wroten and family will spend the summer at their ranch and on a camping trip in the mountains, en joying a well earned rest after years of work in conducting stage lines and in tho hotel business. They expect to reside in Caldwell during the school season for the purpose of tak . . ing advantage of the excellent edu rational facilities of that dty. Jor-I dan Valley Exprès.. I Joe Williamson Our bungling Ad last week was the printer's fault. We were talking about our Oxford Sale, and every word that looked like "Oxford." the printer set it up "Oxford:', It is and th« the Ralston Ox blood Shoe we me selling for Ox blood Low Shoes for $2.50. Red All prices are Cross Low $3.50 and $4, Our Oxford Sale is still o Shoes $2.50. The regular everywhere. We have other shoes cheaper, and the prices on them is cut deep, too. Every Low Shoe in the house goes at these out prices. Now these are not old, out of style shoes. They are new up-to-date goods. The Men's Low Shoes are cut just as deep. We are selling the $5 ones for $4; and the $4 ones go at $8 Joe Williamson Fourth of July Decorations The case of David H. Bandy vs. King hill Irrigation & Power Co. was filed in the District Court Sat urday. This suit involves property valued at $23,000.00 in Elmore county. Following a long established cus tom of the College of Idaho, which offers a scholarship in tho academic department to the pupil of any regu lar school district in Canyon county passing the Eighth grade examina tion with the highest average, this prize was awarded Monday to Howard Swan of Midway, his average being 94 1-9 per cent. W. R. Davis, who owns a ranch just west of town, states that during the past few weeks, from six cherry trees, he harvested $63.25 worth of fruit, or over ten dollars per tree. As it is possible to grow 100 or more cherry trees to the acre, one can cal culate the amount of money it would be possible to make in the cherry business in the Emmett valley.—Em mett Examiner, ARENA VALLEY NEWS. (Too late for last iäsue.) Arthur Burton was on the alck list a few days. An exciting runaway occurred In Mr. Brumbach'8 hayfield, when An drew Asp's big team of horses ran away with a load of hay. The wagon and harness were broken up some what, but the driver and horses es caped serious Injury. Charles Burton has filed his dec laration of proving up on his home stead next month. Mr. Alex Bremner, of Astoria, proprietor of the Pacific Iron Works In that city, has filed on a 160 acre homestead In our vic'nity. He will come here next fall to reside and will be, together with his family, a wel come addition to our growing colony. Theodore Johnson, tho carpenter, has taken several contracts to build houses this summer and fall. Frank Jones will work with him. Charles Burton went to Boise last week and bought a race horse. Char ley can travel some now. Clara Lund, who Is staying with Mrs. Tato in Big Bend, was thrown from a horse she was riding, but escaped serious Injury. M1LLJNKKY OPENING. Every thing carried In connection with the M. E. Gilgan millinery stock to be closed out regardless of cost to make room for our heavy fall stock. Mrs. N. E. Harris. The second payment of the Pioneer Irrigation District taxes are now due and are payable at the office of the Treasurer, at the First National Bank of Caldwell Idaho (Signed)' O. D. Snell Jr Ex. officio tax collector. in your home should begin with a fresh and up-to-date pattern of Wall Paper in your rooms that will give youi home a cosy and comfortable appear ance. You can choose wall papers that will give your rooms an artistic and beauti ful effect and a air ot good taste and rich coloring combined by coming to Caldwell Paint & Wall Paper Company. Everything in the Paint Line. coffk »-LÇ.« C«pyrigkt 1907 kf Oatetalt Advertlaing C«., Ckf* JULY 1, 19 10, DEAR FRIEND: YOU CAN TELL GOOD COFFEE BY THE «SMELL. CHA.SE AND «SANBoRN'«S COFFEE «SMELL.S FINE. *IT MAKERS YOU FEEL GOOD WHEN Yol/ DRINK IT, PAPA <SAY«S. CHAJE AND -5AN BoRN',5 COFFEE CO.ST.S 25 CENT S A POUND. BAD COFFEE MAKE-5 YOU FEEL BAD ALL DAY. CHA.SE AND «SANBoURN'J COFFEE «SMELLS Jo GOOD THAT I BEG MAMA To LET ME DRINK IT. Yol'R FRIEND, JACOB. P. -5.--YoU CAN GET CHAISE AND «SAN BORN'J COFFEE AND everything to eat nice and frejh at BALLANTYN'S OCTOBER 4» 5, 6, 7, 8. See the üi g Preclncl Prjize -I J) Write lor a premium list now and show the world what Canyon County can do. You will get paid for your trouble this year H. D.Andrews, President J. B. Gowen, Secretary.