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NOTICE OF CONTEST. niuartment of the Interior. United L l , L«nd Office, Boise, Idaho, March *911. To ' vy Parlt °' Caldwell, Idaho, You 'are hereby notified that David L. k who gives By ram, Idaho, aa Ills st-office address, did on February 8, il file In this office his duly corrob j application to contest and se r . iiit* cancellation of your homestead ,,,, No 09338, serial No. 0Ï338, made ne 14, ' 1910, for NE* NWÎ4. NW% vu section 14, township 5 north, nee 3 west, Boise Meridian, and as r und for his contest he alleges that 'a-,1 Ivy Park has never at any time '.llslied his bona fide residence upon land since making said entry, but i u.. ,< whnllv q hannnnoil culrl at )u and has wholly abandoned said n,i ill) to the time of filing this con st affidavit. And further the said Ivy ark has not asked for and been ranted a leave of absence from said You are therefore, further notified ■at the said allegations will be taken V this office as having been confessed V you and your said entry will be can elled thereunder without your further iïtit to be heard therein, either before I office or on appeal. If you fall to In this office within twenty days Vter the FOURTH publication of this otice as shown below, your answer, nder oath, specifically meeting and re nnndlnc to these allegations of con est or if you fall within that time to lie'in this office due proof that you ave served a copy of your answer on lie said contestant either In person or y registered mall. If this service is lade by the delivery of a copy of your nswer to the contestant in person, roof uf such service must be either lie said contestant's written acknowl dsi.ient of his receipt of the copy, howlns the date of its receipt, or the ffidavit of the person by whom the de lvery was made stating when and h^re the copy was delivered; If made y registered mall, proof of such ser Ice must consist of the affidavit of the erson by whom the copy was mailed tatlns when and the post office at hlcli it was mailed, and this affidavit lust be accompanied by the postmas er's receipt for the letter. ïou should state In your answer the anie of the post office to which you esire future notices to be sent you WM. BALDERSTON, Register. FRED V. TINKER, Receiver. Clifton & Hudson, Union Block, Boise, dalio, attorneys for contestant. ate of first publication March 10, 1911. at* uf second publication March 17, 1911 bat« of third publication March 24 1911; Date of fourth publication arch 11, 1911. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, Feb. 4, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Henry Ode, of Caldwell, Idaho, who, on Jany. 11, 1906, made homestead entry No. 8820, serial No. 01784, for NE* NWÜ section 10, township 4 north, range 4 west, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before U. S. Com mlssloner Isaac R. Beal, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the list day of March, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: William Olson, Logan York, John R. Beck, Herbert E. Mero, all of Caldwell, Idaho. WM. BALDERSTON, fl»-m24 Register. Notice. Office of the Pioneer Irrigation Dis trict, Canyon and Ada counties, Idaho, Caldwell, Idaho, February 14, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Warren Culver has made application to have the following described lands admitted within the bounds of the Pioneer Irri gation Dlstict, to-wit: The southeast one-fourth (SBJ4) of th* southeast one-fourth (SEVi ) of the northwest one-fourth (NWJ4) of sec tion thirty (30) Twp. four (4) N. R. three (3) W. B. M., containing ten (10) acres, as shown by the plat books of this office; and Tuesday, March 7, 1911, is the day set for the hearing of ■aid petition. Anyone having objections to the ad mission of eald land« within the boun daries of said district must file their objections in writing wth the secretary on or before March 7, 1911. J. JESTER, JR., Secretary. fl7-24 -mll-3 NOTICE OF PROPOSED TRANSFER N.tlr* .f l'r.,ufd Cfcaage of Place of Diversion of Water Right. Notice Is hereby given that J. D. Rowland, of Caldwell, Idaho. R. F. D. No. 2, has applied to the State En gineer of the state of Idaho for a certi ficate authorizing him to change the l>!ace of diversion of a certain water right to forty Inches of water of the waters of the Boise river, In Canyon county, state of Idaho, which watei right was decreed to said J. D. Rowland In the case In which Farmers Co-oper ative Ditch Co., was plaintiff and Rlver al'le Irrigation District, Limited, and Others were defendants, by Judge Osorge H. Stewart, Judge In the dis trict court of the Seventh judicial dis trict of the state of Idaho, In and for Canyon county, made and entered on the 18th day of January, 1906, and numbered 24 of said Boise river decrees, for use upon the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section II, in township 4 north of range 4 west, from the Boise Meridian, In Canyon county, »täte of Idaho, from the former place uf diversion, at a point near the center of the south half of the southwest quarter of section seven, twp. 4 north, range 1 west, B. M., through what I» known as the Centre Point Ditch, t<> "A point on said river on the south bauk thereof near the southeast corner of section II, twp. 4 north, range 4 west, Boise Meridian," through Bureka Ditch Company's No. I canal, and de scribed as right No. II of said Bolsr tlver Decree, to be used upon the same land And that, on the 11th day of Marcl 191 1. at 1:10 p. in. at Caldwell, Idaho b'fiire H. 8. Williams, the water com missioner of this division, or his au thorised deputy, the opportunity will he si veil to all persons to appear and pre "ent for consideration any objection or reason why said application ahould not ><• granted and said certificate author l'«lng said change slmultl not be Issued. Not lee le Creditors In the probate court of the county of "'snyon, stale of Idaho, in the matter "f the estate of nay D. Raynor, de "jeed. Notice to creditors. Notice Is hereby given by the under signed administratrix fifth# «.slate of «*y D. Itoynor, deceased, to the credit or* of, and alt persons having claims against, the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers »Ithin ten months after the first pub lication uf this notice, to the said Mary I ov ®''. St the law office of J. A. Elston in Caldwell, Idaho, the same being designated as the place for the transac tion of the business of said estate In the county of Canyon, state of Idaho. MARY COVER, Administratrix of the estate of Ray t>. Hayaor, deceased Date« March «th. l»lf. ml0 -a7 Not lev Of the hnnn of ■■ Attm. l.iW.S'W court of the Seventh Judi cial District, of the state of Idaho In and for the county of Canyon. , P - Plaintiff, vs. James C. IÄ >pklns, Defendant. St t, te .. of , ldah °. County of Canyon, ss. Notice is hereby given that the 10th day of February A. D„ 1911, attachment Issued in the above-entitled action agulnst the property of the aforesaid defendant, James C. Hopkins, for the ? Seven Hundred Forty-four and 29-100 ($744.29) dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from October 31, 1910, together with the costs of this action. Witness my hand and the seal of said district court affixed this 10th day of L 1 ,.!.«.,., a . ,, . . j February A. D., 1911. (SEAL) QEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk of the District Court. By FRED MITCHELL, Deputy. Flnley Monroe, atorney for plaintiff residing at Kmmett Idaho. fl7-ml NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise, February 6, 1911. Notice is hereby «lven that John S. Bennett, of Caldwell. Idaho, who. on December 30, 1906, made homestead en try No. 8786, serial No. 03767, for N% SE%, section t, township S N„ range 3 W. B. M., has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before U. S. Commissioner Isaac R. Beal, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 7th day of April, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: David Fullerton, Jack Harris, Milton L. March, and Herman P. Clark, all of Caldwell, Idaho. WM. BALDERSTON, Register. Idaho coal withdrawal, list No. 1. F 24-M24 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, . Boise, Idaho, February (, 1111 Notice is hereby given that Walter J. Hitchcock, of Caldwell, Idaho, who, on April 2, 1908, made homestead entry No. 9005, Serial No. 01861, for NW*, section 20, township 5 N., range 3 W. B. M., has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before U. S. Commissioner Isaac R. Beal, at Cald well, Idaho, on the 6th day of April, 1111. Claimant names as witnesses: William H. Ode, of Notus, Idaho; Joseph Beckert, and Frank Hardy, of Caldwell, Idaho; and William E. Fish er, of Eagle, Tdaho. WM. BALDERSTON, Register. Coal Withdrawal, Idaho list No. 1. Feb 24-M24 Netice. Notice of meeting of members of Canyon Arle No. 1190, Fraternal Order of Eagles to vote on the question of selling corporate real property, Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of a resolution passed by Can yon Aerie No. 1290 of Fraternal Order of Eagles on the 11th day of February, 1911, a special meeting of said lodge is hereby called to meet at the lodge room of said lodge in the city of Caldwell, county of Canyon, state of Idaho, at the hour of eight-thirty o'clock p. m., on the 6th day of March, 1911, for the purpose of voting upon the proposition as to whether or not the trustees shall be empowered to sell and convey Lot Nine (9) of block 0, of the original townslte of the city of Caldwell, county of Canyon, state of Idaho, for such a sum as shall be fixed by said meeting. By order of the lodge. J. L. DAVIS, Secretary. J. O. ANDREWS, Vice president and acting president Dated February 11th, 1911. Alias lUiSMS,. In the district court of the Seventh Judicial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon. Ille Kelsey, Plaintiff, vs. Joe Kelsey, defendant, alias summons. The State of Idaho sends gretlng to the above named defendant: Tou are hereby required to appear In an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff, in the district court of the Seventh Judicial district of the state of Idaho, In and for the county of Canyon, and to answer the complaint filed therein within twenty days (exclusive of th* day of service) after the service on you of this sum mons, If served within the district within which the action Is brought, and within forty days if served elsewhere. Said action is brought to recover a di vorce on the grounds of non-support and cruel and Inhuman treatment, and to dissolve the bonds of matrimony ex isting between the plaintiff and the de fendant and to obtain th* custody of the child, Elta. The complaint has been filed against you In this action, and a copy of which is attached to the summons. And you are hereby notified, that If you fall to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the district court of the Seventh Judi cial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon, this 14th day of February, In the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and eleven. QEO W. STOVEL, (SEAL) Clerk. J. A Elston, attorney for plaintiff, residing at Caldwell, Idaho. Natte». In the probate court In and for the county of Canyon, state of Idaho. In the matter of the estate of Margaret E. McRobble. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Thursday, the 9th day of March, 1911, at ten o'clock a. m., of said day. and the court room of said court, at the court house in the city of Caldwell, county of Can yon. state of Idaho, have been appoint ed as the time and place for Proving the will of said Margaret E. McRobble, deceased, and for the hearing the appli cation of James A. McRobble for the Issusnce to him of letters testamentary thereon. _ . .. , . Witness my hand and the seal of said court, this llth day of ^ruary l»U. (SEAL) » w Cl«k NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. United Slates Land Office. Bots«. Idsho, reb. ». 1111. Notice Is hereby «l*en that Job" Thompson, of Caldwell. Idaho, who. on March it. 1101. made homestead entry No. 01771. for bEt4 BEH sec. * s n <J the NE* NE*. section I, township » N.. range 1 W. h. M.. has nied notice of Intent Ion to make Bnal commutation proof, to establish, "lalm to the land above described, before U. 8. Commis sioner Isaac R. Beal. at Caldwell. Idaho, on the 1st day of Aorll, 1111. Claimant names as witnesses. Herman P. Clark. David Fullerton. WM. BALDERSTON. Register, ('nal Withdrawal. Idaho list No. 1. Jack Harris, and William B. Doollttle, all of Caldwell. Idaho. F For Tea Day« Omly. T#n acres good Fruit Land !■ city limits. FWe acres Is two year old trees. Two acres In straw berries. Three aeres in alfalfa. Small house and stable. Prlee M»0 per acre, »»00 eash. balance good terms. T. M NICOL, The Laad Ma*. NOTICE or THE ISSUANCES OP AN ATTACHMENT. In the District Court of the Seventh Ju dicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the Co«ntT of Canyon. F. M. Cole, plaintiff, vs. Mary Alb erts, defendant. State of Idaho, County of Canyon, ss. Notice is hereby given that on the 21st day of February A D. 1911 attach ment was issued in the above-entitled action against the property of the aforesaid defendant, Mary Koberts, for the sum of Three Hundred Seventy-one <|37l.oo) dollars, with' interest thereon at the rate of — per cent per annum fron» ——-, together with the costs of this action, one hundred dol lars attorney's fees. Witness my hand and the seal of said District Court, affixed this 21st day of February A. D. 1911. GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk of the District Court. (Seal) By FRED MITCHELL«, Deputy. Jackson & Walters, Attorneys for plaintiff. Residing at Caldwell, Idaho. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF CAN YON COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO. In the Matter of the Estate of George S. Branard, Deceased. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Wed nesday, the 15 th day of March, 1911, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, in the court-room of said court, at the court house in the City of Cald well, County of Canyon and State of Idaho, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said George S. Branard, de ceased, and for hearing the applica tion ot John C. Rice and J. M. Thompson for the issuance to John C. Rice and J. M. Thompson of let ters testamentary tnereon. Witness my hand and the seal of said court, this 23rd day of Febru ary, A. D. 1'911 B. W HENRY, (Seal) Clerk. AUAS SUMMONS. In the district court of the seventh ju dlclal district, ot the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon. Mable Claire Oliver, plaii-i.ft'. vs. Pearl Ross Oliver, defendant. The stata of Idaho sends greetings: To Pearl Ross Oliver, the above named defendant: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the district court of the seventh judicial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon, and to answer the complaint filed therein against you. within twenty days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, if served within the district within which this action is brought, and within forty days If serv ed elsewhere. Said action is brought to obtain a decree of this court dissolv ing tile bonds of matrimony now exist ing between yourself and plaintiff, and for such other relief as to the court may seem Just and equitable, upon the grounds of desertion and non-support, all of which more fully appears lu plaintiff's complaint on ille herein, to which reference is hereby made. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in this action. Qiven under my hand and the seal of the district court of the seventh Ju dicial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon, this 25th day of January, 1911. QEO. W. STOVEL, (SEAL) Clerk. By Fred. Mitchell, Deputy. JACKSON & WALTERS, Attorneys for plaintiff. Residing at Caldwell, Idaho. F3-M10 SUMMONS. In the district court of the seventh Ju dicial district of the state of Idaho in and for the county of Canyon. Cora E. Bach, plaintiff, vs. Leo W. Bach, defendant. The state of Idaho sends greetings to the above named defendant: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the district court of the seventh Judicial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon, and to answer the complaint Hied therein within twenty days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this sum mons, if served within the district within which the action is brought, and within forty days If served elsewhere. Said action is brought to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant on the grounds of willful desertion of plain tiff by defendant and willful neglect to provide for plaintiff the common necessities ot life, he having the ability to do so. Also, to secure a decree of this court awarding to this plaintiff the custody of Beryl Franklin Bach, the minor child of said parties. All of which more fully appears in plaintiff's complaint on file herein, to which ref erence is hereby made. And you are hereby notilled, That if you -fall to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint. Qlven under my hand and the seal of the district court ot the seventh Ju dicial district ot the state of Idaho, In and for the county of Canyon this 10th day of January In the year of our Lord, on* thousand nine hundred and eleven. QEO. W. STOVEL, (SEAL) Clerk. By Fred Mitchell, Deputy Clerk. Rice, Thompson & Buckner Attorneys for plaintiff, Residing at Caldwell, Idaho. Feb. 3-Mch 10 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office st Boise, Idaho, Jan. IK, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Edward K. l'erry. of Caldwell, Idaho, who, on June 9, 1904. made homestead entry No. 7422, serial No. 0410, for lots 1 and 4, section 19, and lot 1, section 10, township 1 N. range I W., Bols* Me ridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final live-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore U. B. Commissioner Geo. W. Stove), at Caldwell, Idaho, on the llth day of March. 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph C Hagerman, Charles F. Saey, Amy Farls, Lucy Belle Carr, all of Caldwell, Idaho. WM. BALDERSTON, flt-ml4 Re giste r. Not lee to Creditors. In the probate court of Canyon coun ty. state of Idaho. In the mater of the estate of Margaret E. McRobble, de ceased. Notice Is hereby given by the under signed, James A. McRobble, executor of the estate of Margaret E. McRobble. deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons hiving claims against, said de ceased, to exhibit them, with the neces sary vouchers, within ten (10) months after the first publication of this notice, to said executor, at the office of Rice, Thompson & Hucknor. Caldwell. Idaho, the same being the place for the trans action of the business of said estate In the county of Canyon, Idaho. Dated March 9. 1911. JAMES A. McROBBIE. Executor. Rice, Thompson A Buckner, attorneys tor executor. marl0-apr7 ALIAS SUMMONS In the District Sourt of t!ic Seventh Judicial District of the State of Ida ho. in and for the County of Can yon. E. H. Kurts, Plaintiff, vs. Lee L Kurts, Defendant The State of Idaho sends greeting t the above named defendant. You are hereby required to appear in an açùon brought against by tlu above AMU plaintiff in the District Court^Etiie Seventh Judicial District, State ^Bfdaho, in and for the County of Cai^bn and to answer the com plaint timl herein (a sopy of which i hereto attached) within twenty days (exclusive of the day of service) at ter the service on you of this sum tnons, if served within this district; or if served out of this district within forty days. The said action is brought to obtain a judgment of this court: On the first cause of action, on a cer tain promisory note dated Mar. 21, 1906, for the sum of $165.70, bearing twelve per cent interest, made and ex ecuted by Lee L. Kurts to plaintiff, on which note there is now due $142.70, with interest thereon at the rate of 12 per cent per annum from Mar. 21, 1906, together with $100 at torneys' fees and the proportionate costs of this action. On the second cause of action, for the sum of $204.43, on account of labor and'materials fur nished to defendant by Otis Kurts, at defendant's request, between Novem ber 10, 1906, and December 1, 1910, said account having been assigned to this plaintiff; and for the proportion ate costs of this action. • All of which more fully apears by plaintiff's complaint on file herein, a copy of which is attached hereto, served herewith and made a part of this summons by reference thçreto. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said olaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the District Court of the Seventh Ju dicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for Canyon County, this 14th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and elev en. Smith & Scatterday. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residing at Caldwell, Idaho. GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk, Bv Fred Mitchell, Deputy Clerk (District Court Seal). Notice. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Greenleaf Friend* Church, a corporation, held at th« church belonging to said corporation on the twenty-fifth day of March, 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of de termining whether or nut the said cor poration shall execute a mortgage upon the property of the said corporation hereinafter described, for such amount and upon such terms as may be deter mined by the vote of the members present at such meeting. The property to be effected is de scribed as follows: Southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of sec tion twenty-one; township four north of range four west of Boise Meridian in Canyon county, Idaho, excepting there from two acres in the southeast corm r of Baid premises, particularly de scribed as follows: beginning at the southeast corner of the said southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section twenty-one, running thence north six teen rods, thence west twenty rods, thence south sixteen rode, thence east twenty rods to the place of beginning. Done by order of the trustees of said corporation this 24th day of February A. D. 1911. W. H. COOK, Pres. W. S. BROWN, Sec. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, Feb. 14, 1911. Notice is hereby given that John \V. Lindley, of Caldwell, Idaho, who, on Aug. 3, 1909, made homestead entry No. 06954, for SWV4, lots 3 and 4. sec tion 31, township 6 N., range 3 W. Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before U. S. Commissioner Isaac R. Beal, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 13th day of April, 1911. Claimant name as witnesses: R. G. Robinson, of Homedale, Idaho; David Fullerton, of Caldwell, Idaho; Jack Harris, of Caldwell, Idaho; A. B. Lamb, of Caldwell, Id&ko. WM. BALDERSTON, Register. m3-a7 NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, Feb. 10, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Charles McKinley, of Homedale, Idaho, who, on April 13, 1907, made desert land entry 2686, serial No. 02581, for NE V4 SW \ . section 24, township 4 N. range G W. Bois« Meridian, lia» filed notice of in tention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore LT. S. Commissioner Isaac K. Beal. at Caldwell, Idaho, on the llth day of April, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: William Howard, of Homedale, Idaho ; Chester E. Miller, of Homedale, Idaho. Hugh Lee, of Homedale, Idaho; Charles K. Illucher, of ttoawell, Idaho. WM. BALDERSTON, Register ui3>a? NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Dep art ment of the Interior, V. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, Feb. 14, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Carrie \\ Dresser, of Caldwell, Idaho, who. on Feb. 24, 1906. made homestead entry No. 8906, serial No. 03819, for N M, NE»,, section 15, township 3 N. range 4 W. Boise Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land abo\> described, before U. 8. Commissioner Isaac R. Beal, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 3rd day of April, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Alfred Shaefer, James W. Dotson. Frank Farrls, Wendell P. Laws, all of Caldwell, Idaho. WM. BALDERSTON, Register mS-31 XOTIl'K OK ISSl'ANl'K OK A.\ AT TACHMENT. Iii the dlatrlct cuurt of the Suwntli Judicial district of the statu of lduho In and for the county of Canyon. K. U Kurts, plaintiff, vs. Leo L. Kurts, dt fendant. State of Idaho, county of Canyon, fs Notice Is hereby given that on thv l»th day of January, A. D. lull, attach ment Issued In the above-entitled action against the property of the aforesaid defendant, l^ee 1.. Kurts, for the sum of three hundred forty-seven and 15-100 (1347.15) dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 12 per cent p<r annum from March 21st. 1S06, on $142.70 thert of, together with 1100.00 atorney' fees, together with the costs ot .111 action. Witness my hand and thu seal ot suld District Court, affixed this Ulli day il January, A. L>. lull. GEO. W. STOVKL. (SEAL) Clerk of District Court. By FKED MITCHELL Deputy. Smith & Scatterday, attorneys for plaintiff, residing at Caldwell, Idaho. Business Directory eeeeeeeeeeee CU.MI'TON'S CYCLERY. Bicycles for Sale and Rent. Vacuum cleaning, saw filing, awnings, messenger service, Sewing machines for rent— needles. Will say we repair anything. Eighth and Main Street. •••••••••••<»•#« ♦ ♦ ♦ Ind. Phot 204. Bell Phone 204 ♦ ♦ DR. W. G. GIGRAY ♦ Dentist. ♦ ' ♦ ♦ Office Ho to 12—1 to S ♦ ♦ Kgleston Bh. .is 4 and 5 ♦ ♦ Caldwell, Idaho ♦ ♦ « ••••••••••••©••S### • e •ET. Jackson T A Walters • • ,IA( k .il» A tVALTKKS, • • Attorneye-at-L» w. » • • • Office, Rooi * k ° and 3, Kgles- • • ton Block. Independent phone • • No. 133 Caldwell, Idaho. * • 8. X. D. FOLK BICH. • • l'iane Tuuer und Repairer • • Careful uud Prompt Attention. • • Caldwell, Idaho. • • • • •••••••••••a««» • ••••••••••••••a • DU. EI). Ii. M AXE Y • Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. • Rooms 201-203 New Mode • Building. • Boise, Idaho. • • ••••••••••••••• Judson A. Elston, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Commercial Blk. Caldwell. Ida. Both Phones. • • CURTIS H A Y I) ON • • General Law Practice. Office • 15 Union Block. Phone 1431, • Independent. • ••••••••••••••• • • DAVID Ü. 1IAK0ER, • Attorney-at-Law. • General Law Practice. • Commercial block. Caldwell. • Idaho. • •••••••••••••a aaeaoaeaaaaa P. A. Wiley, president. J. B. Gowen, v ce president. E. R. Place, vice president. F. C. Boyes, secretary-treasurer IDAHO MORTGAGE SE CURITIES COMPANY Capital Stock $200,000.00 Bonds, Mortgages, Investment. Caldwell, Idaho, aaaaaaaaaa** THE CHICAGO ELECTRI- • CAL DENTAL PARLORS « E. W. Valkner, D. D. S., Prop. • Room 8 Merino Bldg. • 10th and Main, Boise, Idaho • • aaaaaaaaeaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaeaa • T1IE ROY VI, CAFE « "A Place to Eat," * Next door to the Japs. • Our 25e Meals are worth the ® Money. • • ••••••••••••••a e WEAVER & CARPENTER * Dentists. • 201-2-3 -4 5 Yates Bl.lg. • Boise, Idaho * • • • • • ••••••• • E. F. kinibrough. • General Collector. • Publie Stenographer. • Room 10, Postotfiee Block. • aaaaaaaaaaaaaeaa ♦ ♦ McGEE & TUCKER ♦ Engineers. ♦ ♦ Estimates, Blue Prints jml ♦ Surveys ♦ ♦ Rooms 8 9. First National ♦ Bank Bldg., Caldwell Idaho. ♦ < ♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ aeaaaaaaaaaeaaaae • CLYDE C. til I. BE HT, D. C. • (Doctor of Chlropruetle) • Office hours: 10 to 12 n m. • 2 to 5 p. m. • lud. Phone No. 325 • Office: 117 S Ninth Avenue. • Caldwell, Idaho. • • • • l aeaaaaaaa« DR. R. C. BULL. Pliysielau and Surgeon. Rooms 1, 2, 3 Poctoffice block. Caldwell, IdaJio. Phones Bell 72; Ind. 862. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • DR. L. D. BLOXDEL. • Dentist. • Office Hours, 9 to 12, 1:38 to 5. • Other hours by appointment • Both Phones. • Thomas Block Caldwell, Ida. • • •eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ••eeeeeeeeeeeeee • GRIFFITHS & GRIFFITHS • Attor ieys-at-Law. • Keal Estate, stocks, bonds and • Securities Negotiated. • Over Westert Nat. Bank, • Caldwell, Idaho. • WALTER R. CDPF LAND ATTORNEY formerly U. 8. Commissioaar. Practice before the UuIUtd States Land Office a specialty. P. O. Block, Caldwell, Idaho. • •••••• • •••••• For Receiver U. 8. • Land O üi c P jise. Practice • in all matteiH re!, ting to * Public La'-dj. * ED W ARP E. GARRETT • Lund Attorney. • Boise City National Bank • Building. Boise. e »•eeeeeeeeeeeeee John C. Rice. J. M. Thompson. * T. E. Buckner. e RICK, THOMPSON & BUC&NEK • Attorneys-at-Law. e General law practice. OBce, • Caldwell Banking & Trust Bldg. Beil phone Ne. 28 B. • Caldwell, Idaho. • Frank J. Smith. R. B. Scatterday. • e SMITH k SCATTERDAY; e Lawyers. e e General Law Practice. • Little Block. Caldwell. Idahe. • eeeeeeeeeeeee e Til OS. H. SOULE • • irebitect and Superintendent e Little Block, Caldwell, Idahe. • SAMUEL E. BLAINE • Attorney-at-Law • Special attention given to * Public Land Lawa. • 165-6 Yataa tldg Boise, Ma. • ._ • eeeeeeeeeeeee JOHN T. MORRISON A1 1 one y -a t - La w 101-832 Sonn« 1'ldg., Boise, Ida. • • • • • • • • • AND CANYON ABSTRACT TRUST CO. LTD. Capital |*5,V«O.0O. Established 18S>2. llncerperated 199V. Abstracts, l.ouas, Insurance, Bonds, Geueral Trust Bailees*. Caldwell, Idaho. • ••••••••• • « • • • • ••••• ALFRED F. STONE • e Attorney-at-Law • e Office with Smith t Scatterday • Caldwell, Idahe • eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee • M. I. CHURCH • Attorney-at-Law • Office old I. O. O. P. Bleck. • adjoining Hawley, Puckett tc • Hawley. Phone 125. • • eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee Fraternal Order of Eagles • Canyon Aerie No. UM * Meets every Monday night at • Masonic Hall. Caldwell, Idaho. • Bert Saw tell, R. D. Brett, * Worthy Sec'y. Worthy Pres. • eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e ISAAC R. BEAL, • U. 8. Commissioner. • Commercial Bank Bldg. • Room 10. • e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee