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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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EASIEST RUNNING AND MOST PERFECT PUMP MADE Bean Hand and Power Spray Pumps You Pay No more for It than the Ordinary Kind. The Proof-250 Satisfied Customers in Boise Valley ^ WÊÊEÊ wwpi' w w WWWWW fc Save 50 Pr Ct on Farm : Garden Seeds by buying in bulk. Large stock Choice Western Grown Farm, Field and Garden Seeds in Bulk. Right Prices, Largest Stock in Idaho Farm Implements, Vehicles, Seeds. Caldwell Forwarding Co. 821-823 MAIN STREET MVCH PAVEMENT LAID. WILL BE About $200,000 to Be Spent Here This Year for New Streets Engineers are now busily engaged in mapping out the new sewer system for this eity, and as soon as the plans are adopted, in about a month, the council will again be ready to consid er street paving. The mayor and council had a hard time getting the paving ball rolling here two years ago, but now that the property holders know how fine the bitulithic improvement is. they are taking the initiative, and instead of some of them fighting the street pav ing, they are clamoring for it. A comparison of Second, Third and Fourth streets with the muddy cross streets which are not paved, a con trast which the citizens cannot helj but see exemplified every day, ex plains the change of heart. Another boost for the cause of paving was the council's choice of the paving mater ial, bitulithic. ThiS has given fine satisfaction, and two year's use in the city has already demonstrated that it is durable, cheap in the long run. not as slippery as most hard-surfaced pavements and is of pleasing appear ance. It is estimated that between $175,000 and $200.000 will be expended by the Dalles property owners for street pav ing this year. Washington Street land owners are eager to pave, a« are those on Alvord. in the residential district, and the indications are that most all the streets below the bluff which cross Second, Third and Fourth will be hard-surfaced this year It is prob able that before another year has passed The Dalles will be able to boast of nothing but hard surfaced streets in the business section, wit' • large percentage of residence« abut ting on streets of pavement—The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE NEW POSTMASTER TAKES CHARGE J?*®..** 0 " 1 "*f unles charge of the] Caldwell postoffice a- postmaster on Saturday. April 1. His commission arrived Tuesday. Mr. Horn succeeds Mrs. Sophia Davis, who has been the postmaster for 12 years. The pres ent clerks will all be retained. Typewriter*. New and second hand, bought, sold and exchanged. F. Kimbrough, La yering Block. NOTICE TO WATER USERS Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, March 20, 1911. Dear Sir: Application for rental water from the Payette-Boise system for the irri gation season of 1911 will be received after March 20, 1911. The cost of the water has been fixed at 75 cents per acre foot for flood water and $1.25 per acre foot for stored water. Payment must be made in cash in advance of the delivery of the water. Commercial paper will be collected and applied to payments for water. The procedure in making applica tion for water is as follows: As soon as it is reasonably certain that water can be delivered to any particular tract of land request should be made for the revised water rental form of agreement. These forms can be obtained at the office of the Payette-Boise Water Users' As sociation at Caldwell, Xampa-XIerid ian Irrigation District's office, Xam pa, U. S- Reclamation Service offices at Boise and Meridian, and from the water masters of the various divis ions. The application blank should be signed and forwarded to the Payette Boise \\ ater Users' Association a Caldwell. The s cretary of the as sociation will execute the certificate that the water user is a member of the association with all assessments paid to date and will return the ap plication to the water user. If the water user is not a member of the as sociation with all dues paid, no ap plication will be received or water de li \ ered. Atter the certificate embodied in the application has been properly execut ed by the secretary of the association, ater user will send or present the application in per>on to the office of the reclamation service, Boise, Ida ho, together with payment for the amount of water for which applica tion is made. It it is possible to deliver water to the applicant, instructions will be given to the water user to deliver water to the land described in the ap plication. If it is found to be im possible to deliver water to the appli cant, the cash or commercial paper transmitted will be refunded. Small cards, on which the water user may request water from time to time as needed, will be provided by the water master or ditch rider and should be deposited on the tap box or handed to the rider. After one certificate for any appli cant for rental water for use during 1911, has been signed by the secretary of the water users' association, addi tional applications for water will be received from that applicant without certification by the secretary until an other assessment is made by the as sociation. F. W. HANNA, Project Engineer. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS IN THE PIONEER IRRIGATION DISTRICT. The officers oi the Pioneer Irriga tion District desire to call the atten tion of those land owners within said district who have signed contracts with the Payette-Boise Water User's Association, to the changed condi tions now existing from those exist ing at the time said contracts were signed. At that time it was estimated that the government water would be de livered to the lands for about $25.00 per acre; but conditions have changed with regard to the amount of water available for the lands of the district, which does away, to some extent, with the necessity for the additional water supply provided for by these con tracts. Under present conditions, from the best information that the of ficers of the district can obtain, in stead of the cost of the government water being $25 00, it will probably be double that amount per acre. Petitions are now being circulated for the purpose of having the lands within the district released from the contracts made with the Payette Boise Water Users Association. All those desiring to sign said petition will find same at the office of the board of directors of the Pioneer Ir rigation district, or with any of the directors. Any further information desired in reference to this matter can be ob tained from the secretary of the board, at the office of the district. Caldwell, Idaho. J J. Blanc has returned from Enid. Okla, where he has been all winter He is feeling fine again, having al most comp'etely recovered from the attack of typhoid fever which he suf fered last fall. v Mrs. Grant Ward la recovering from a serious illness. If you want to do business with the Tribune family you must use its ad vertising columns. The family now consists of 1,600 members. The Stark Year Book for 1911 Volume II B IG GER, better, handsomer and even more practical than Volume I which came out a year ago. Fruit growers will find it to be indis pensable m their orchard work-it will be sent to any one on is totallvSl, r ^ ntS t0 COVer mailin £ cost - The Stark Ye * r Book practica? anders nrnrrif-Tl I aver jj£ c nurseryman's catalog. It is as beautiful as il h Volume II contims 31 full 6 *? lven }\ value of a horticultural text book, senting 165 varieties i ,h P a 2 e .'" ustrat,on8 of fruit and flowers in natural colors, repre XSy Pk I n Tane rnrr,nt ermg ^ P ' e> S* h t u 3pple ' t ' u ' nce ' P ear - P each - a P ri "* and rosc?. ^'nf^M l'r(^Hpv^^à ^ ^ ^ ? SP ^ K;r^ ^■ blackberry, mulberry, dewberry, clematis mation on all suhiert- ? ^ e j cn P tl01 } 8 a "d records of varieties and to infor for an orchard nr mind cn ■ to . fruit growing such as planting and caring an orthard . Pining, spraying, cultivation, cover crops, etc., etc. to have The it S i7tL" ï one B hoi I8 v'î' '"'.horticultural hand-book you cannot afford not gestions and r nr cif#- a ' \ • w to most often for helpful, reliable sug your - ° rch ï d r rk - Tke edition bring «r, limitâ > r copy immediately—before the supply is exhausted. 25S Discount to Mail Order Buyers-Free Freight on $10 Orders-Free Boung and Packing—Safe Arrival Guar anteed—Complete Satisfaction Assured Tboae are five money-in-your-pocket reason» why ^; h °'^ | r ' h °" ld Surk Tree. th.. .pnng On 'bete ltberal term, you can now purchase Stark «T^kônfu C r n .° h '* h Y - ,h * n " re demanded lor « ock of leu merit or inferior quality. And Stark Tree» hive, record behind them-for' 86 year» thev P'" 1 '™ ? nd Won 'rienda in every section ol the country where tree» are planted. Stark Delicious 111 A' * gt X~"" applt im tilth, <u*rU."-Luth,r bur bank Have ye« planted this wonderful apple? Or ft... you planted it only in a »mall way? In either cal! m-keabig order lor it this spring-., an oVeh^d owner you owe .t to yourself ,o do Surk d L licious is the greatest profitproducer ever knownin Ik,■ variety that you s&ould plant most largely w„ k - a number of other specially good things in all classil of fruit. You will find it not only interesting bu valuable. Sent free on request. To Western Orcharaists Our itoek ii complété, the varieties the beat of the best, the asaortment as yet unbroken. We can fill your order, large or email, with the kind of stock you want, of the varieties you waat and get it I« you when you want it. he aucceaa ol your orchard d^ .da upon tha Judgment you ■a« In selecting virietlea. V' / not maka doubly aura hy planting Stark Trees and Sta.l special varietiea -Delicious, King David, Black Ben, Staymaa Wineaap, Jonathan, New town. Rome Beauty, Spitaenburg. etc.? Our Mock of these and ail other western varietiea la complete; also la peach, pear, cherry, plum, grape, a mall fruits, ate. And remember that every tree leaving our eatablishment la backed by the Stark reputation—the aaleat ol all guarantees. Every Stark Tree you buy. you will And to be aa perte» ! al ea can be grown-the kind of trees that will aurely pleaae you and make you a highly profitable orchard. Uon t put off lending your order. Mail It la at once Planting time la almoat here and the demand Is uauaaally heavy. You will pro6( bjr early ordcrii|. Wheiher ur not you are ready to plaça your order, aend lor he Stark Year Book lor 1911, (poatage 10 cents) end Tha Wonderful Apple Stark Dclicioua" (aast free). You will find much In theae two booka to iatareat you; they will help y«u to a Detter understanding ol what treea should be and why Stark (23) 01 «nu ir«* . _ ree# ar# * v «rythio4 lr««t can b«. Jor 1911 < poatage^O* cents "he w' TVJT °' Th ' Su,k Y **r Book * " 11 " lo Tour best interests that you doVo" PPl " 8< " ,k (••■* Stark Bro's Nurseries & Orchards Co. Louisiana, Missouri Rev. T. J. Golightly has been Invited to deliver the baccalaureate address before the 1911 graduating class of the High school and has accepted the honor. EGGS FOR HATCHING Single Comb Brown Leghorns, I for $1.00 and $5.00 for 100; half pri after June 1. George Barkold, Call well, Idaho. Ind Phone 1345. m31-i