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GREAT WINDÜP Of The Auction Purchase Sale at Arthur and Kimball Avenue THE FAIR STORE CALDWELL IDAHO Saturday night, October 7th. wtll end one of the greatest bargain-giving events in the history of this city. THE TIME IS LIMITED, the REMAINDER OF THE STOCK MUST BE MOVED TOMORROW Will Inaugurate the greatest Wind-Up Sale ever undertaken In the history oi the State oi Idaho. This is the only opportunity ever ottered the people oi Southern Idaho to lay in their supply oj seasonable and up-to-date merchandise at a lower price than ever beiore known. Your purchases during this sale will save you FROM 50c TO 75c ON THE DOLLAR! NOTHING RESERVED; IT'S THE MANUFACTURERS' LOSS AND YOUR GAIN SHOES 40 different styles to choos.e from in childrens' high grade shoes. Patent leather, box ca'f, gun metal, including all the latest toes and styles at prices that will make you cry for joy. $3.50 Men's Fine Shoes, Wind-up Price.. $2.19 $3.50 work shoes for mien, Wind-up Price... .$2.27 Men's $6 and $5 shoes, Wind-up Price $3.25 Lot 1, Children's Shoes, values up to $1.39, Auction Wind-up Price .75c Lot 2, Mises Shoes, values up to $2, Auction Wind up Price 97c Lot 3, Ladies' shoes, worth up to $2.50, Auction Wind-up Price $1.48 Lot 4, Ladies' Fine Shoes, value up to $5, Auction Wind-up Price ...$2.48 Lot 5, Men's Patent Leather, also Vici Kid, Gun Metal and Box Calf, Goodyear and English Welts, worth up to $3.50, all go at Auction Wind-up price $2.37 Lot 6, Men's Fine Dress Shoes, Box Calf, Gun Metal Paten Calf, Goodyear Welt; values up to $5 Auction Wind-up Price $2.98 15c Flannelette, per yard, Wind-up Price 9c 25c Sateen per yard, Wind-up Price 15c 35c Ties, Wind-up Price 13c 50c Ties, Wind-up Price 19c 25c Suspenders, Wind-up Price 12c 50c Suspenders Wind-up Price 27c 25c Ladies' Hose, wind-up price..... 14c 8c Ladies' Handkerchiefs Wind-up Price 2c 50c Ladies' Underwear, Wind-up Price 28c 18c Pillow Cases, Wind-up Price 9c 75c Sheets, Wind-up Price.. 42c One lot of Men's Dress Shirts, values up to $1.00, Wind-up Price 35c 25c Men's Wool Sox 17c Nickel plated Safety Pins, Auction Wind-up Price per paper _ 2c Pins, Auction Wind-up Price, per paper lc 10c Pearl Butons, Auction Wind-up Price 2c 15c Talcum Powder, Auction Wind-up Price per box ,4c A barre! of Hair Pins, Auction Wind-up Price....3c 5c package of Hair Pins, Auction Wind-up price A barrel of tacks, Auction Wind-up Price 3c 10c botle of ink, Auction Wind-up Price 3c Nos. 40, 60, 80, and 100 Ribbon, all colors, worth up to 35c, Auction Wind-up Price 15c 50c Hand Bags, Auction Wind-up Price 28c 12*c Dress Gingham, Auction Wind-up Price per yard 10c Standard Apron Check Gingham, Auction Wind-up price, per yard 7c AND HUNDREDS OF MILL ENDS CON SISTING OF DRESS GOODS, FLAN NELETTES, GINGHAMS. AND TABLE CLOTHS FRESH FROM THE EASTERN FACTORIES. ALL AT LESS THAN AC TUAL MANUFACTURERS' COST. ♦ ♦ ♦ ONE LOT LADIES' SHOES, VALUES ♦ ♦ UP TO $300, AUCTION WIND-UP PRICE ♦ ♦ YOUR CHOICE 79c ♦ ♦ ♦ Men's extra heavy fleece lined health Underwear, 75c kind, at 42c Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear, 65c kind, Auction Wind-up Price 39c Men's Heavy Duck Coats, values up to $2.25, Auction Wind-up Price 98c ♦ ♦ BOYS' OVERALLS. GOOD HEAVY ♦ ONES. AUCTION WIND-UP PRICE.. 9c One lot of fine Furs on sale at less than Manufac turers' cost. One lot of Men's Hats, values up to $2, 15 styles to choose from, Auction Wind-up Price 83c Boys' 75c Sweater Coats 48c Men's $3,00 Corduroy Pants, Auction Wind-up Price $1.69 Boys' 50c Caps, Auction Wind-up Price 23c Boys' and Men's 75c Caps, Auction Wind-up Price .• 45c .Men's 75c Overalls, Auction Wind-up Price 39c Men's heavy fleece lined Underwear, worth 75c Auction Wind-up Price 39c Men's Good heavy Sweater Coats, worth $1, Auction Wind-up Price 43c Misses' and Childrens' 15c Hose, Auction Wind up Price 8c Misses' and Childrens' 20c hose, Auction Wind up Price 12c A SHIPMENT OF LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRENS. COATS AND JACK ETS BOUGHT AT THIS GREAT PUR CHASE AT 25c ON THE DOLLAR. THEY ARE LAST YEARS' STYLES BUT THE PRICE WE HAVE PLACED ON THEM WILL SURELY AMAZE YOU. DON'T DELAY. BUT COME AT ONCE AND SAVE YUR DOLLARS COATS $1.75 UP TO $7.95. JACKETS 39c UP TO $4.50. FURNISHINGS Men's 35c Four-in-hand Ties, Auction Wind-up price Men's 50c Four-in-hand Ties, Auction Wind-up Price 59,. Men's Sox, Auction Wind-up Price ,5 C Men's Fancy Sox, values up to 50c Auction Wind up Priée Men's 50c Suspenders, Auction Wind-uu Price.. 29c 300 Men's Fine Hats, the genuine Paris block, the word's best makes, values up to $4.50, Your choice $2.48 Ledis' Belts, Auction Wind-up Price 5c 45c all wool Suiting, per yard Auction Wind up Price 28c Regular 75c all wool Batiste per yard, Auction Wind-up Price 43c Regular 50c Henrietta, per yard, Auction Wind up Price 75c Plain Suiting, Auction Wind-up Price 39c $1.50 Broadcloth, Auction Wind-up Price per yard 89 c 75c Mohair, Auction Wind-up Price per yard 43c Best Outing Flannel, Auction Wind-up Price per yard 9c All wool red Flannel, value 40c, Auction Wind up Price per yard 22c Outing, worth 10c, Auction Wind-up Price per yard 5c 12^4c Percale, Auction Wind-up Price 6c $1.25 Hand Bags, Auction Wind-up Price 48c Shinola Shoe Polish, Auction Wind-up Price 7c 25c Oil Cloth, standard grade, Auction Wind-up price, yer yard 15c Ladies' heavy Jersey ribbed Union Suits, regular 85c values, at -, 48c Ladies' fine heavy Jersey ribbed Underwear, all sizes, vest and pants, regular 75c values, at 49c Boys' 50c Romper Suits 35c RE-FUND PLAN GIVES YOU FREE PURCHASES One customer each day will be refunded the amount of his or her entire purchases of the preceeding day. Every day during this sale we will re^ fund in cash the amount of your entire purchases of the preceeding day provided you are entitled to the same. The plan is just this: Every customer at this sale will receive each day a coupon with a duplicate attached. Tear off the duplicate and deposit i^ in the ballot box at the entrance to the store. Each morning at 11 o'clock one customer of the preceeding day will receive a return in cash of the entire amount of his or her purchases made on^ the preceding day—it makes no difference whether your purchase is $1 or $100. All you will have to do is to present your coupon at the office on^ the same day. It will be GOOD FOR THAT DAY ONLY and will NOT BE HONORED on ANY SUBSEQUENT DATE SALES SLIPS^ MUST ACCOMPANY THIS COUPON. Make Your Headquarters at THE FAIR STORE dur ing the Fair. The greatest store tor the greatest bar gains in the great NORTHWEST Beginning tomorrow morning, this store will inaugurate final reductions to the end that the close of next Saturday night's business will show the goods bought at the Great New York Auction Sale entirely dispose of. Only six more days of this, THE SALE OF SALES. When the doors of the Fair Store swing shut I'uesday mora FREE ! FREE t FREE ! 500 KAISER WILHELM TRUMPETS given away free to the first 500 people entering the store ing, between 9.23 and 10.23 a. m. WEDNESDAY, CHILDREN'S DAY, 9 TO 10 A. M. 500 Trumpets given free to all school children between 9 and 10 » THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, 4 TO 5 P. M. we will give free each day 500 Trumpets. SATURDAY the last day of the Fair, we will Klve from 2 p. m. as long as they to every customer a Trumpet. Blow yourself for and at the Store Saturday, October 7th, at 10:00 P. M. it will mark the closing of one of the greatest bargain events of this cen. tury. Get in at the finish, or you'll regret that you have missed it. STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 10 P. M. DURING FAIR WEEK