Newspaper Page Text
Banks, J. R„ livery 35.00 Cosman, J. B., constable fees.... 20.05 Cluen, R. J., med. services 15.50 Craig, H., livery— „ 38.50 Cole, F. M., med. services 25.00 Doan & Hay, mdse ■■ 4.87 Driscoll, Tim, justice fees......— 10.65 First Nat. Bank Payette, in surance policy — 69.00 Orimmett Auto Co., livery hire.. 12.00 01a8s & Prudhomme, supplies.. 160.00 Que, J. W., med. services... 10.00 9q ïn 29.50 Laieh Wm iivorv -» r!!?„ h ' »,7 21 - 00 1 Holy Rosary Hospital, hospital fees. Dis. $60.50 Jensen, Andrew & Co, supplies Jones Fur. Co., mdse Loder, W. F., med. serv. Dis. »7.50 .. Lang, A. H., services as cor Miller, H. J., sten. fees Miller, H. J., sten. fees Monroe Finley, insurance policy Maxey & Schnabel, mdse Murphy, John, election con stable .. Moise-Kllnkner Co., numbering machine Mt. States Tel. Co., tel. serv ice .. .. 130.50 7.00 3-00 I 69.00 1 i .80 3.00 _ 5.00 19 35 ' Norton, Mrs. Kate, expenses...... im « i Nampa Leader-Herald, printing 71.15 Nampa Leader-Herald, printing 42.60 Nampa Leader-Herald, printing 318.76 Poole, Tom, mdse 3.25 Pearson, T. C., expense 325.20 Piatt & Peckham Co.. burying paupers I! 45.00 Piatt, W. H.. expenses 88.66 Syms-York Co., supplies 38.00 Sturgeon, R. E., bailiff fee. 21.00 Shaw, R. L, Justice fees. Dis. $1.00 8.00 Skinner, Ed., printing 43.76 Shimp, W. R., Judge Little Wil low Irr. Dist 4.00 Wllkerson, W. R., insurance policy 138.00 Watkins, J. W„ deficiency Ill 81 1 In the matter of the application of the directors of the Canyon County " M tÄtÄbÄT application voted that the | commissioners after due consideration of said application voted that the amount of »2.000.00 be awarded the Canyon Countv Fair ««oociation an<* ■ hereby au Canyon Countv Fair - I ttfe ^erk of the board^ iT herebv tu thorized to issue war?ant2 on the cur-1 rent expense fund in the sum of I »2,000.00 in favor of said Ca?von County Fair assoclaUon for the year I 1912, " ' assoclaUon for the year j Whereupon the board took a reces B until Oct. 17. 1912, at 10 a. m. Approved: W. H. PLATT, Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. Chairman uiairman. I Fourth Da j of the October Term. Caldwell, Idaho, Oct. 17, 1912. The board of county commissioners met this day pursuant to a recess taken on Oct. 16, 1912. All members of the board being present, the fol lowing proceedings were had, to-wlt: The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the çurrent expense fund for the follow ^ nint M. ' jur " Ce ^ » 19.20 Bank 15-00 Bank, First Nat, Caldwell, R«nir i«. 4 — ö;- — 12 - 30 mers ' M8nd - accnt „ 6.00 Commercial, 110.40 Emmett, 4.50 Payette, Bank, Caldwell assnd. accnt Bank, First Nat assnd. accnt Bank, First Nat. assnd. accnt Bank of Emmett, assnd. accnt Bank, Payette Nat, assnd. accnt Bank, First Nat. Ontario! assnd. aocnt. Bank, Fruitland State, assnd. «n 32.00 4.25 24.46 6.80 accnt. 167.70 went ^ Nat ' aMnd * TH?,n«b — 24.60 Blunck, Mrs. L. A, assnd. accnt. „ 81.50 Baies, C. C.. Jur. cert— 15.90 Breshears, Frank. Jur. cert 15.30 Bate«, Lawrence, Jur. cert 2.00 7 60 Cutberth Maude V., wit cert.™ 1L60 Chaney, James R., Jur. cert 19.80 Farley, W. W., Jur. cert. 2.00 Fulton, Chas., Jur. cert 27.00 Grete, Fred. Jur. cert... 12.30 Gilbert, Frank, Jur. cert 21.30 HÄWÄ ^ K ^<* 8 ' j E p ' J" r - cert 12.00 Sri E n r nd ; ac ^ 2.00 Burstett, Christ, wit oert Bartles, Laura J.,.wit cert Campbell, Joe, wit cert... Kellog, Geo. O. A., wit. cert lO^S Kingery, Chas., Jur. cert. "" — 1 tungery. unas., Jur. cert 10.25 I*mon Or^ge wit cert 4.26 — • .... *.20 I Lytle, C. L, Jur. cert 3 .50 4.25 < n. Lemon, Wm., wit. cert Lauderbaugh, Caroline, wit cert Murray, W. A, wit cert Palmer, J. M., Jur. cert Park, C. L., Jur. cert Peterson, A., wit cert. Ü Rlggs, Boise, wit cert Reese, S. J., wit. cert Sanford, A O., Jur. cert Stephens, W. R., Jur, Smith, Martin, wit ( Smith, Andrew, wit cert Tlsh, J., Jur. cert Vaugh, Mrs. Emma, wit. cert Vaughn, D. F., wit cert White, R. M., Jur. cert Yockey, N. P., wit cert 4.25 7.60 2.00 10.80 7.60 2.60 2.25 cert 9.00 '• cert 24.30 cert 7.50 . cert 7 RA I nHÜ 23-40 2.00 2.00 7.80 2.00 CÄ ü- e "^ü , °, tlng Co '...Prtnttog." 440.35 j The following road overseers' re-1 ports were approved: Anderson, C. L., district No. 44. Black, Bert, district No. 21. Callsen, August, district No. 56. Davison, W. F., district No. 33. Findley, Wm., district No. 64. Hickok, E, C., district No. 13 Hoagland. A. L., district No. 34. Ireton, Thomas, district No. 3. Moulton, Clayton, district No. 63. Rees, N. E.. district No. 57. Riddle, J. E., district No. 19 Roberts. R. J., district No. 27 White, Ira, district No. 40. The following Justices' reports were approved: Bates, M. A.. Parma. Driscoll. Tim, Payette. Hart, John H., Nampa. Logan, W. J., Emmett. McVey, W. S.. Caldwell. Stokesberry, Emmett. R. L. Shaw, Payette. Robert H. Weed, Parma. Whereupon the board took a recess until Oct 18, 1912, at 10 a. m. Approved: W. H. PLATT, ,.. Chairman. Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL. Clerk. m I Fifth Day of the October Term. Caldwell, Idaho, Oct. 18, 1912. The board of county commissioners me t this day pursuant to a recess taken on Oct. 17. All members of the uoard being present, the following I proceedings were had, to-wlt: I The following bills were allowed I an d warrants ordered drawn on the road fund for the following amounts: Anderson, H. C., labor » 6.00 Anderson, C. L., labor 152.00 ..... - „ - . . . „„ Brinkley L. H. labor * ™ ab " 24.00 ïn I «ont tor înhnï ifii'nn Beut er. Ed., labor lieutler, Wm„ labor 62.00 dallard, Bert labor.. ...... 34.00 1 durdge, Charles L„ labor 13.75 Bird, Albert, labor 36.50 ßiack, Bert, labor 41.25 8.00 , .. , . , . 7-05 cal Isen, August, labor —— 2.00 «Jashman, Daniel, labor 8.00 (Jronk, J. H., labor 5.65 oook, Leroy labor........ 6.00 Charters, Williams, labor 32.00 Doan & Hay, mdse 6.25 7.00 2.00 Clements, John, labor I oaldwell Fwd. Co., mdse 1 Davenport, G. W.. labor ' 1)11,101111 ^ Carter, mdse « i uavia w n lahnr mnnir. oSncân & Carter reDalrä ï"2o UlmC an & Carter' ïeoa re 285 oonaldson W D labor 8 ou » f?" , r i ! ™ oiedricksen' Antone 6 ' mdse' 15 00 uurham Bros labor î£ ?o oavison G H llbor 35.40 jav on W f" llbor 78 oo oalcZn A W labor 5 60 l^m^U 4s!oo ÄrwtfiÄzzzz ÄÄÄIIZ: r'rost, Montle, labor Graves, R. G., labor ùilmore, N. C., labor 1 W T' Hawkins n  labor 0 ' 22* 10.50 5.00 4.00 14.00 22.00 60.00 70 99.25 ÏÏrr »Ä | Hansen .Henry, 'iabor 15*00 } SëaKland V ÏT' abor îfi on Hanf én H^r^'libo? ir ^1 ® es' f ß labor ™ ™'or> ■ - - - - - lal)or 13.00 I nuiuiea, j. iü ., iaDor 13.001 Heath ' Ed - labor " 20.00 rflckok - K C " labor 73 76 I ** ess ' £•» ^ a ^ or 64.00 I ireton ' Thos " labor 3.75 I lda ;J™ p >,£ ° ra î D i. Co -' mdBe I j or dan, Claud, labor.'.'. .Z Knox^c"^ ^ahi? b ° r S' £ S" |T" 5.00 32.00 I 17.90 7.26 17~Ä~Y' "V, TV 26.50 I j^dwig Henry, labor.. 4.00 Long, Harry A., labor... ....... 67.301 Long, Harry A., labor — 63.85 Moulton, Clayton T., labor 67.00 Maxey & Schnabel, mdse... 1.50 I 16.501 16.00 I 20.00 I 2.50 J 9.001 7.00 I 9.60 I Myers, Geo. H., labor... IMesler, L., labor... —, Moreland, Archie, labor Matthews, N. E., labor .«orrow, W. W., labor Morrow, H. H., labor Mutch, Stewart, labor Myers, Vera, labor 10.00 Myers, A. E., labor 49.00 Moore, F., labor 4.10 McGuire, Emmett. labor 4.00 Nelson David, labor 6.00 n} 8611 ' ^ orman ' } abor 4-00 Olsen, Norman, labor 2.00 0yl ® ar & Pabringer, mdse 4.85 IPauJsön, Theodore, labor 7.50 Phinney, D. C., labor 16.00 Payne, Milt, labor 32.00 Pickard, Hugh, labor 2.26 Peterson Theo labor... 26.40 Paine, Wiley, labor t 7.25 î\ î ^° n, T A V - abor — 100 Qülek, J. D., labor 6.00 Rynearson, Joseph, labor 2.00 o ^ an ii ? r :' - 12.00 Rowland, Ray, labor 8.00 Randolph, Arthur, labor 34.00 Rodgers, Fred, labor 4.00 Rowan, a B., repairs 21.001 Roberts, R. J., labor 68.00 mchir'ds' f'i ab ? r h 48 00 Richards, A A., labor 6.00 Rupp, A. F., labor 65.60 Smith, Chas., labor 44.00 Smith, John, labor 82 00 Shlller, R„ labor 40.00 Smith, Samuel, labor... " 8 OO SEiÄ-nzr-" â| Thornack D A labor r no Taylor, A. H., l'abor„_Z.';r.:Z 28.00 Takenchi, G. S„ labor.... 6 00 Tarlton, Chester, labor.... 6 00 Tucker, Will, labor ~ 4 40 Tchudy, A., labor. i?7r Tompson, John, labor * " ' 18 00 ;. ä Williamson, Bert MTÜbOTZZ 42^0 Wing, Martin, labor., 8.00 Williamson, Herb, labor " - - - White. Ira, labor. 63 SO White. R. M.. Iabor..„„:::ZZZ 30.06 w il lie, K. M. labor on aa Wells, Edd labor 2 on Wheeler. R.', labor"" 0 00 w-i.- t.. . . 4 on 4 00 • Yates, John, labor Zimmerman, Wm., labor.!.. Zimmerman, Ora, labor....!".."!!!" The following bridge bîîïs were m-■ lowed and warrants ordered drawn on the bridge fund for the following amounts : Adams Lumber Co lumber te Amesbury H labor moo Allen, C à i'abôr 2 o on RA I r»i 1_ . . 9.00 Black . Bert. labor.. Betts, Jacob, labor. 62.00 28.00 Binford Lbr. Co lumber so™ Coughanour, W A mdse 7« II Cover. C. C. labor !'on Davison IT H l »w 4 00 j Davison,' W f" l'abC? 12 00 Doan & Hay mdse Dledrlchsen, John iäbö'r 4H0 Eubanks, Tom labor }, j! Fisk, W. E. mdse 2 fi? Flint H r mZ"" Gray,' D. W.. labor 70'ftn Garlôck Mai lahnr Hanratty, Pat, labor 77 00 Hickok F r iah«, 77.00 Hicks Hdw. Co. labor 4 65 Hansen. Henry labor « 00 Hoagland, A L labor icon Harding. L„ mdse _!.7." 1 W Ireton, Thos., labor * kr 7* L Justus. J. c., labor !oo Knox. D. D., labor «no L Krehbiel, John G„ labor 6 00 McNish, J., mdse -- fti « 00 | m ui\ is il , j.. mase ci a at I Mallett, H. W„ labor. ? nn Mundle, L. L„ mdse 3 75 Ovlear £ Patirin^/ »-JS Oylear & Fahringer renaira Roberts. R. J. labor . P 4 m Riddle, J. E.. labor 14 00 Ro8well Park Fruit Co mdse 51 «0 Rees. N. E.. labor .. « on ? Roberts. Clark L., labor 9 00 Stevens. G. O., labor ----- . Small. E. M.. mdse j'sk 1Î Stone Lbr. Co., mdse 187 80 Tyler, Charles, labor moo I a Thompson, H. O., labor ™ 8.00 I White, Ira, labor Weaver, 1 avid, labor 4.00 Womack, Isaac, mdse 14.00 Whereupon the board took a recess until Oct. 23, 1912. Approved: W. H. PLATT, Chairman. Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. Caldwell, Idaho, Oct. 23, 1912. The board of county commissioners met this day pursuant to a recess taken on Oct. 18, 1912. All members of tbe boar d being present the follow kg proceedings were had, to-wit: j n the matter of the petition of John N. Ellerman, et al., praying for the establishment of a herd district, on motion the same Is denied. In the matter of the petition of C. a . Strong, et a!., Inhabitants of school district No. 11, praying that the fol lowing described property The SH of Sec. 15, SE% and W% 0 f Sec. 16, all of section 17, 20-21-22, and the west % of section 23, all In Twp. 7 N. R. 4 W„ be added to said district No. 11. On motion the petition is granted. in the matter of the petition of J. H, „ * , , - --- - -— — P ^ e ® c °"' et al " ^habitants of road dis . .°Jl' praying for the appoint m of Tholna8 Eubank as road over seer of 8a,d district. 0n mot,on the P etlt,on 1» granted an , d Thoma " Eubank 18 hereby ap polnt ed road overseer of said district. In the matter of the 1,011,1 ,n 016 SUm 0f ,* 10 ' 000 of the Bank ° f Nampa, \Zl % ® Same 18 ° rdered CaD " i56:SSL^Sct up 2°4 n i t 9 h i e 2 board t00k a rece8B Approved :' W.H.PLATT, Chairman. Attest: GEO. W STOVEL. Clerk. 28.00 " ln S proceedings were had, towit : Caldwell, Idaho, Oct. 24, 1912. The board of county commissioners taken on Oct. 23. 1912. All members of the board being present the follow» „ In the matter of the resignation of Ç. Bull, as county physician, on m0 , t,0 î L the 8am <> 1» accepted. * n 1 the matter of the application of Dr- Cole and Dr. Johnson for the ap po . lntment aB count y Physician, a vote being taken resulted as follows D. P. Dodd and J. E. Kerrick voting for Dr. Cole and W. H. Piatt voting for Dr. Johnson. On motion Dr. Cole was appointed county physician. In the matter of the application of J. E. Weeks, et al., inhabitants of school districts No. 33, 34 and 61 to form a rural high school district 'for the purpose of maintaining a rural high school, on motion the same is denied. In the matter of the resignation of H. Halloway as road overseer of road district No. 42, on motion the same is accepted. same accepted. I In the matter of the petition of J. H „ Holloway, et al., inhabitants of road district No. 42, praying for the aD pointment of Charles Zeisler as road overseer of said district on moUon Charles Zeisler Is hereby appointed road overseer of road district No. 42 In the matter of the petition of E B. Seaton, et al., praying that certain lands now embraced within the boun dary lines of road district No. 42, be taken out to form a new road district on motion the same is denied In the matter of the petition of John i ~ . . The following officer's report is ap proved: I R. Mammon, et al., praying thaï school district No. 7 now embraced in rural high school district No. 1 be set apart and not be a part of rural high school district No. 1. on motion the same is | denied. A. O. Christopher, assessor and ex officio tax collector Whereupon the board took a recess until Oct. 25, 1912. Approved Attest: W. H. PLATT, Chairman. GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. » ^ of count y commissioners uken on Oct In & r ^ e8s nf th. vL?-.!' k members ard belng P re8ent , the fol n P r( >ceeding8 were had, to-wit: Board of County Commissioners Hono?ahlo°^l£° Unty ' Caldwe11 ' Idaho - H Ät^the terms of your ad bonds namely ° f ^ °' ,47,00 ° brldge BHdÄd,-! Bridge Bonds—Series A of Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggre \ . an amount a SK re " ?^°!,„i h , e „. P !; , „ nC ' Pa '. 8 _ utn ° f » 4 ? 000 . . *—" v, p w ' b «ui ui ftu .vuu compr d of 40 bonds numbered from f to , 40, both '»elusive, of the denom nntinti nf ti AAA *..« [nation of »1,000 each, dated July 1, D - 1912, bear 'ng Interest from thefr ? a ' e unt ^ P a 'd at a rate not exceed ing five (5) per centum per annum, navflhla OAml t ^ ., . T , se i ni ; annualI y January first ^° d ü ^ respectively, in each year, both principal thereof and in ^ her , eon . Ç^able a t the Na ? .^ ank of Co^ense, In the city ^ 8t , ate ? f New York ' u - a - hecomine due anil nnvnhla aarloll» becoming due and payable serially as follows: Nos. 1 to 4, inclusive, to become due „ 1 Ü? V? clu8,ve - to and V 922 ' , h Î? ».^elusive, to become due and J «'y 1- 1923. N ° 8 ' J* t0 Î 2 -' 'ncluVive. to become du ®, and P a yable July 1, 1924. h „»°1 13 t0 J, 6 ' , in , clu8lve . to become du « a °d Payable July 1, 1925. . to 20, Inclusive, to become due an d payable Julv 1, 1926. No8 ' - 21 to . 24, ^c'nslve. to become due and P ft y ab 'e July I, 1927. !° 8 ' a 5 t0 ki 8, lnclu "' ve . to become due and payable July 1, 1928. Lm °»'/ 9 t0 h 3 , 2 ' lnc luslvo, to become ^ and „ pa / ab i e July 1929 - s, .^3 •,?' 1 ' nc ' us ' v e. to become C ,:T !! ^V'," 30 ' j £ • ,nc ' U8ive . to become n ^ d p £ yable July x - Br J d Se Bo«ids—Series B„ of Canyon , an amount agKre * gating the principal sum of »5,000 ,—; * —wi f , of 10 bonds numbered con C !h 7 1 1 , to 10, 1)0111 'nclusive, the denomination of »500 each. '«e aenommation of »500 each. Ä ?"' y ?". 1912 ' bearing ^ . m th f. ,r date untU P a,d at a D exce c flve (5) per centum a nn»m payable semi-annually Hvowf'î' V and Ju,y flr8t - respec , ln eacb year, both principal the thereon P a y a ble «î» ^ k of Commerce, in k" 7 a , ad 8 i ate of New York - ü. S. follows" 8 and PV^Ie serially ra of If of ord eral by No. 1 to become due ard payable July 1, 1922. No. 2 to become due and payable July 1, 1923. No. 3 to become due and payable July 1, 1924. No. 4 to become due and payable July 1, 1925. No. 5 to become due and payable July 1, 1926. No. 6 to become due and payable July 1, 1927. No. 7 to become due and payable July 1, 1928. No. 8 to become due and payable July 1, 1929. No. 9 to become due and payable July 1, 1930. . No. 10 to become due and payable July 1. 1931. Bridge Bonds—Series C., of Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggre gating the principal sum of »2,000, comprised of 20 bonds numbered con secutively from 1 to 20, both inclusive, of the denomination of »100 each, dated July 1, A D. 1912, bearing in terest from their date until paid at a rate not exceeding five (5) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually January first and July first, respec lively, in each year, both principal thereof and interest thereon payable at the National Bank of Commerce, in the city and state of New York. U. S. A., and becoming due and payable serially as follows: Nos. 1 and 2, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1922. - Nos. 3 and 4, inclusive, to become due and payable July J., 1923. Nos. 6 and 6, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1924. Nos. 7 and 8, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1. 1925. Nos. 9 and 10, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1926. Nos. 11 and 12, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1. 1927. Nos. 13 and 14, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1928. Nos. 15 and 16, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1929. Nos. 17 and 18, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1930. Nos. 19 and 20. inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1931. We tender for said bonds the sum of 'orty-seven thousand one hundred fifty Ave dollars (»47,156). Respectfully submitted, KEELER BROTHERS. State of Idaho, ) )ss. tounty of Canyon,) Accepted by the undersigned for and on behalf of Canyon county, Idaho. W. H. PLATT, Chairman, J. E. KERRICK, member, D. P. DODD, Member, GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk, Board of County Commissioners (Seal.) of of be is Eighth Day of the October Term. Caldwell, Idaho, October 26th, 1912. At a meeting of the board of county commissioners of Canyon County, Idaho, lawfully called and duly held (pursuant to that certain resolution and order of September 30th, 1912, of said board, and recess taken), at its office in the court house, in the city of Caldwell, Idaho, in said county, on Friday, to-wlt: The 25th day of October, A D. 1912, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. at which there were present: Chairman, W. H. Piatt. Commission er D. P. Dodd, Commissioner J. E. Kerrick, board of county commission ers, Geo. W. Stovel, clerk of the dis- 1 trict court of said county, and as such ex-officio clerk of said board of coun ty commissioners; the following I among other things, was had and done' I namely: - The minutes of the previous meeting of the board were read and approved I Commissioner J. E. Kerrick intro-1 duced the following resolution and order and moved its adoption, to-wit: "Whereas, Pursuant to law and that certain resolution of said board made on the 22nd day of June, A D 1911 a special election was called and ôr dered to be held in the several voting preclncts in and for Canyon county Idaho, on Saturday, to-wlt: the 6th I day of August, A D. 1911 between I the hours of 9 o'clock a. in, and o'clock p. m„ for the purpose of tak-1 Ing the vote of the qualified electors of said county upon the questions of bonding said county in the amounts and for the following purposes re spectlvely, to-wit: »16,795 tor the erection and con structlon of a bridge in and for said county across the Payette river near Fruitland, Idaho, known as the Fruit '.and-Payette river bridge I »15,875 for the erecUon and con structlon of a bridge in and for said county across the Payette river near New Plymouth, Idaho, known as the Mew Plymouth-Payette river bridge; and I »15,950 for the erection and con-1 structlon of a bridge in and for said county across the Payette river near Letha, Idaho, known as the Letha Payette river bridge. And whereas, In further pursuance „ of the resolution aforesaid, the clerk I of this board did cause separate print-1 ed notices of the intention to hold said election to vote upon the ques-1 C tlons of the Issuance of bonds for the erection and construction of the , Fruitland-Payette river bridge, the w the New Plymouth-Payette river bridge and the Letha-Payette river I îf bridge, respectively, in and for said te county. to be posted in the two most conspicuous places in each of the sev-1 era precincts of said county, which notices posted in said precincts did I name the places of holding said elec tlon therein, and did also cause print-1 a ed notices of the Intention to hold said I election to vote upon said bridge-bond I propositions to be published ln "The 2Î Emmett Index." a weekly newspaper printed and published ln said county and of general circulation therein, in P l8 o, ue8 lhereof °f Ju, y 13. July 20, k° July 27 and August 3. A. D. 1911. as ra # 2^, e H y a PP®ars from those certain I *v« affidavits of posting and publication I . now on file and of record in the office M I been of said board; and Whereas it appears from the re-l b , e8 turns of said election, as made by the I ? Judges and clerks conducting the same b ® If «fi 1 ° f th , e 8everal ™ting precincts Uli of said county, now on file and of rec-12 ord in the office of said board that the deliv judges and clerks, respectively duly â B appointed to act in each of the sev eral voting precincts of said county by order of this board made at lü Ll hne 22. 1911, meeting, qualified and acted as Judges and clerks of election| In their respective precincts and con duced the aforesaid election therein and, within three days thereafter, made return of said election to this board, as and in the manner provided by law; and Whereas, , Said board of county commissioners, the auditor acting as clerk, did heretofore and on, to-wit: August 9, 1911, act aa a board of can vassers of election of the said elec tion by proceeding publicly, at their office, to open the returns and can vass the votes of said election; and said returns were then and there duly canvassed by said board of canvassers in the same manner as the returns for élection of county and precinct of ficers are canvassed, and the result of the vote upon each of the bridge bond propositions submitted at said election was officially declared by the county board of canvassers by record ing the total vote cast in each precinct for and against each of the proposed issues of bonds, in a book provided for recording the results of the gen eral election, and by making a com plete copy of such record (duly certi fied to by them) and depositing the same with the auditor of said county; and Whereas, Said canvass and the aforesaid book for recording the re sults of elections Bhows: 1. That the total number of ballots oast at said election by the duly qual ified electors of said county upon the question of issuing »16,796 bonds for the erection and construction of bridge in and for said eounty across the Payette river near Fruitland, Idaho, known as the Frultland-Pay ette river bridge, was 3,419, of which 2,897 ballots were "Bonds, Yes," and 522 ballots were "Bonds, No;" and that a majority o£ 2,376, which ex ceeded two-thirds, of all of the bal lots cast was In the affirmative and "Bonds, Yes." 2. That the total number of ballots cast at said election by the duly Qual ified electors of said county upon the question of issuing »16,876 bonds for the erection and construction of a bridge in and for said county across the Payette river near New Plymouth, Idaho, known as the New Plymouth Payette river bridge, was 3,460, of which 3,087 ballots were "Bonds, Yes," and 373 ballots were "Bonds, No;" and that a majority of 2,714, which ex ceeded two thirds of all of the ballots cast was in the affirmative and "Bonds, Yes." That the total number of ballots cpsr at said election by the duly qual •Sea electors of said county upon the question of issuing »l^./iSO bonds for t^e fe'cct'on and construction of a bridge in and for said county across ihe Payette river nmr Letha. Idaho, Known ss the Lctkr-Payette river o.irtgt. v.-as 3,388, of vhieh 2,867 bal lots were "Bonds; Yes," and 621 bal lots were "Bonds, No;" and thai a majority of 2,346, which exceeded two thirds, of all of the ballots cast was m the affirmative and "Bonds, Yes." And whereas. It has been deter mined and is hereby declared that the notices of said election for the pur pose of submitting the questions re spectively, of the erection and con struction of said bridges by the lssu an ce of bonds, were posted and pub lished as and in the manner and for the time required by section 1968, re vised codes of Idaho, as amended by an act passed at the 10th session of i.«,. — 7 ., g slatur e of said state; that said 1 f ,e ™ on was duly held and conducted , o«o e . manner prescribed by section , of Bald revlsed codes; that each I ever y person voting at said elec I posscsse«! the qualifications pre scribed by said amended section 1968 an i d , 111 al L r , es Pects was at the time of I vo g a dul y Qualified elector of said °? u ?i ' « at e ball< rts cast at said eIectl0n * n each of the several voting P I e .u of 8al(1 county upon each res Pective bridge-bonding prop «»bmitted thereat, ware duly ^ f ^ udges "»d clerk con 8 t . e ec J ion 1x1 thelr respec H, ® V °, ^ s ,/ re 1 c, i? c "' who made re " 8a ' d m and in the I ? .u u 111,16 requlred I « « w ' board of county com 71° , 8aJd county; that as f*. elecUon returns were re ™.7/i d !? y " Î, h° ar d of county com wa8 on to " wlt = the » after said election, namely: , ug ?• the said board of county commissioners with the Î k ' to "!. acting as clerk, convened as board ? f canvassers of election and proceed ed publicly, at their office, to °f. en ? e and canvass the I v s 8a ' d elfctlon in the same ™ an ° er " 016 returns of elecUon of u ? and precinct officers are can va88ed ; and tb e result of said election ^ thereupon officially declared by ûfî, f. ou board of canvassers by recording the total vote cast upon !?, a w b f*® hrtdge-hond propositions , * ed »aid election In each P!, e P„ ^ fo J, and against each of said ,® bonding propositions in a book provided for recording the results of „ g , elleral elecUon, and by making a "ÎS. copy °' ,a * d record (duly b y them) apd depositing ®ame with the auditor of said C °n?u y ' and °n?u ' Y ^ reaB / Pursuant to the authority , and dlr ®ction contained and conferred w y 1 certain resolution of this »u* 1 made 011 th e 30th day of Sep îf ln t î >er ' D : 1912 - notice of the ln te . ntI . on of «aid board of county com Issue, negoUate and 1 5 47 « 000 bridge bonds of said ®°" nt y and Inviting bids therefor was published for 3 consecutive* cal endar ? eeks ln "The Leader-Herald." a * e ™'"^eekly newspaper printed publl shed and of general circulation 8ald county, in the issues thereof 2Î 9 ctober 4tb . 8th, llth, 16th, 18th ?^ d " and 25tb - 191 2. as more fully from Publisher's affidavit of P ub J' catl °? now on file and of record k° ° fflce t of tbe clerk of said wu f count y commissioners: and *v« j 1 * 6 ? 8, bridge bonds have . b y tb ' 8 board, pursuant to the I® 3 n0t,Ce of BaIe aforesaid, been duly awarded and sold, upon the _ , e8 î î ermB and upo^eTowesTrate ln Jerest at which said bonds can ® 80,d - and at a Price exceeding the 8a,d bond s together with n Interest thereon to date of deliv ® r y. Keeler Brothers, Financial B 8, w,tb offl ces in the dty of bidders 1?,°' Co, orado. the highest W r«. ?' 1 " d . ! ',, U appeara fr om the rec ^J f .'^ c ? unty that th ® »aid ^Ätar mÄed^taÄVTth all existing indebtedness of said county, is within every debt limit pre scribed by the constitution and laws of the state of Idaho; and Whereas. It is the duty of this board to issue said bonds as and in the manner provided by law for the purposes aforesaid; now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, Be it resolved and ordered by the board of county commissioners ■ of Canyon county, in the state of Idaho, as follows: 1. That It be and hereby Is certified recited and warranted, tl)at all condi tions, acts and things necessary and essential to the validity of the bonds hereinbefore and hereinafter men tioned and required by law to be done, have been fully done and performed! 2. That for the purpose of raising all but »620 of the funds required for the erection and construction of the following: A bridge at a cost of »16,796. in and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Payette river near Fruitland, Idaho, known as the Fruitland-Payette river bridge; A bridge at a cost of »16.876, ln and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Payette river near New Plymouth, Idaho, known as the New Plymouth Payette river bridge; and A bridge at a cost of »16,960, ln and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Payette river near Letha, Idaho, known as the Letha-Payette river bridge; as mentioned In the preamble hereof, there shall be and there are hereby ordered and directed to be Issued, the negotiable bridge bonds of said county to an amount aggregating the princi pal sum of »47,000, which shall be known as, designated and comprised as follows: Bridge bonds—series A, of Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggregat ing the principal sum of »40,000, com prised of 40 bonds numbered from 1 to 40, both inclusive, of the denomina tion of »1,000 each, dated July 1 A. d. 1912, bearing Interest from their until paid at the rate of flve (6) per centum per annum, payable semi-an nually January first and July first, re spectively, in eacb year (said Install ments of Interest to date of maturity of principal evidenced by appropriate coupons attached to each bond) both principal thereof and interest thereon payable ln gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fine ness at the National Bank of Com merce, in the city and state of New York, U, S. A., and becoming due and payable serially as follows: Nos. 1 to 4, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1922. Nos. 6 to 8, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1923. Nos. 9 to 12, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1. 1924. Nos. 13 to 16, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1925. Nos. 17 to 20j inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1926. Nos. 21 to 24, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1927. Nos. 25 to 28, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1. 1928. Nos. 29 to 32, inclusive, to' becomC due and payable July 1, 1929. Nos. 33 to 36, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1930. Nos. 37 to 40, Inclusive, to become due and payable July l, 1931. Bridge bonds—series B, of Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggregat ing the principal sum of »5,000, com prised of 10 bonds numbered con secutively from 1 to 10, both inclusive, of the denomination of »600 »«"h dated July l, a. d. 1912, bearing in terest from their date until paid at the rate of flve (5) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually Janu ary first and July first, respectively, in each year (said Installments of In terest to date of maturity evidenced by appropriate coupons attached to each bond), both principal thereof and Interest thereon payable in gold coin of the United States of America of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness at the National Bank of Commerce, ln the city and state of New York, U. S. A., and be coming due and payable serially as follows: JulJr°'l, 1 l922. beCOme dU ® and payable - July 0 'l, 2 1923. beCOme dUe &nd Payable JuVy 1, 3 1924 beCOme due * nd P«ya>»le JuVy'l/me h 600 ™* due *** Payable JuVy°'l, 6 19 t 26. beCOn,e dU<# Md payabU Jul?'l. 6 i9 t 27. beCOme due and PVaMe JuVy°'l, 7 19 t 28. beCOme dU ® * nd pajrabIe JuVy°'l. 8 19 t 29. beCOme dUe aDd Payabl ® Ju?yVl9 t 30 beCOme dU ® Payable Jul?'l. 1 i93i. become due 11114 Payable a Bridge bonds—series C, of Canyon h? UD *fc ' Idaho - to an amount aggregat ing the principal sum of »2,000 com prised of 20 bonds numbered ~n nf^h i y fro ? 1 1 t0 20 ' ho" 1 Inclusive, of the denomination of »100 each dated July 1, A. d. 1912, Saring^?.' λÎI . m l heIr date until paid at ant 6 ? ve (5) Per centum per * pay 5 semi-annually Janu and July first, respectively, jn each year (said Installments of in terest to date of maturity of principal ® v ' d ®'J c ® d b y appropriate coupons at fh2rf d , t0 each bond), both principal thereof and interest thereon payabl* In gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness at the National Bank of Commerce, ln the city and state of New York, Ü. 8. A., and becoming due and payable serially follows: N ob. 1 and 2, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1922. Nos 3 and 4, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1#J8. Nos. 6 and 6, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1824. 7 and 8. Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1986. Nos. 9 and 10, Inclusive, to become due and payable July l. 192e. Nos, 11 and 12, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1927. Nos. 13 and 14, inclusive, to beoome due and payable July 1, 1928. Nos. 16 and 16, inclusive, to beoome due and payable July 1, 1929. Nos, 17 and 18. Inclusive, to become due and payable July l, 1980. Nos. 19 and 20, Inclusive, to due and payable July 1, 1981.