Newspaper Page Text
Black Fcx Farming. There la in Prince Edward liland a new development which la attracting great attention in the shape of rait ing of fur bearing animals. It haa been proved that the climate of the province ia particularly suitable for the breeding of black fozea, and a number of farmers have embarked In the industry with the most profitable results. The fur of the black fox, owing to lta rarity, has become ex ceedingly valuable, and the commis sioner of . agriculture for Prince Ed ward island states that a pair of live foxes were sold recently for £6,000 and another pair for over £4,000. The pribe of this spring's pups was over £2,000 a pair and £1,600 a pair, while a cash deposit varying from 10 to 25 per cent Is being paid for fox cubs that are due to be born In the spring of 1913. Black fox farming, as It is called, does not entail any con siderable expense, the ranches con sisting usually of an acre of ground with a steel wire enclosure about fifty feet square for two pairs, containing little houseB for the animals. •pell Against Evil Eya. Southern India Is a land of omens and superstitions. These are rem nants of the religion of the lost Dr» vidian races, engrafted upon the Hin duism of their conquerors. Edgar Thurston, in a book on the subject Just published In England, gives an exhaustive account of the strange be liefs of these various races, where hu man sacrifice, though forbidden by law, persists. The author cites among other charms against the evil eye Impres sions of the hand In red paint, which may be seen on the walls of mosques laid other Mohammedan buildings and at Kadur on the houses of Brahmins, à photograph of one of which, ♦«'«•tn by Mr. Thurston, Is reproduced. NOTICE. Black Canyon Irrigation Warrant Call on December 20, 1912. I will pay all warrants to an including 523. ERNEST BOONE, d20-27 Treasurer NOTICE OF ESTRAY I have picked up and hold at my place, 4 miles south of Fair Grounds, one steer, red and white spots. 3 veara old. Owner may have same by pay ing expenses, otherwise will sell animal January 10. 1913. d6-j4-pd GRANT R. LEE. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that at the January 1913 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, I shall ap ply for authority to appoint two de puties in my office. A. O. CHRISTOPHER, dl3-J10 Assessor-elect. OVER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Patents Trade Marks Designs — Copyrights Ac. Anyone sendtag a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably pntentnble. Communica tions strictly confident ial. HANDBOOK on Patent« •ont free. Oldest apencjr for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive tpeeial notice, without c harg e. In the Scientific American. A handsomely lllnntrnted weekly. Lanmt cir culation of any sciemlUc Journal. Terms. S3 a lîH, r . ! .Î2ï r *1. Sold brail newsdealer«. "ülSS'ÄSÄSSSilrt Fire (i) Protection The City Council thought the danger great enough to spend $10,000.00 for a lire« lighting apparatus. The City Council de pends on the telephones lor their lire alarm system. Have you tire protection? One lire call Irom your telephone may save you enough to pay lor that telephone lor ten years. Insure your house and lamlly by In stalling a telephone at once. The local manager will be glad quote you rates. to The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co Jones Furniture Company . The House of Quality Furniture and Undertaking Uiiderta ing a Specialty. Calla Answered Promptly Day or Night The Jones Furniture Co. 606 Main St NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Probate Court of the County of Canyon, State of Idaho, In the Matter of the Estate of Margaret A. Judd, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned Administrator of the estate of Margaret A. Judd, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Aministrator at the office et R B. Scatterday, in Caldwell, Idaho, the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the business of said estate in the County of Canyon. State of Idaho. Dated December 31, 1912. NATHAN S. DILS, Administrator of the estate of Mar garet A. Judd, deceased. j3-24 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Serial No. 01258.) Reclamation, Department of the Interior, United States Lnads office, Boise, Idaho, December 26, 1912. Notice is hereby given that James J. Neary, of Greenleaf, Idaho, who, on Septemo'er 28, 1908, made homestead entry No. 01258, for SWJ4 NEJ4 and SE54 NWJ4, section 17, township 4 north, range 4 west, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Isaac R. Beal, U. S. Commis sioner, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 4th day of February, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Ralph Hinshaw, Hiram L. Littell, Frank M. Dines, and Charles S. Law, all of Greenleaf, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, j3-j31 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Serial No. 04539.) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise s Idaho, November 13, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Walter M. Ode, of Caldwell, Idaho, who, on August IS, 1907, made homestead Entry No. 10176, Serial No. 04539, for NEJ4 SWJ4, Section 10, town ship 4 north, range 4 west, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to'make final five year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above des cribed before Isaac R. Beal, U. S. Commissioner at Caldwell, Idaho, op the 10th day of February, 1913. Claimant names as witneses: Anders P. Alexanderson, Joseph *E. Beck, William N. York, and James J. Buffington, all of Caldwell, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, j3-f7 ' Register HIGH CASH PRICES FOR Hides, Fars,« Pelts Mink $8.00; Red Fox $8.00; Pairie Wolf $5.00; Raccoon $4.00; Black Skunk $5.00; Narrow Stripe Skunk $3; Weasel $1.10; Muskrat No. 1 Large Winter 65c; The above prices are for large and prime, medium, small and No. 2 in proportion. All other furs equally high. Dry Cow Hides 18 to 22c Horse Hides No. 1 large $3.85; me dium and small in proportion. SHIP TO US. QUICK RETURNS. Trappers'5 Supplies at Lowest Prices Price List and Catalog FREE H. W. HIDE & FUR CO. Established 1890. MINNEAPOLIS, • MINN. Dec. 20-27-J3 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Serial No. 04079.) Reclamation, Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, December 9, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Wesley J. Walls, of Caldwell, Idaho. R. D. No. 4, who, on August 25, 1906, made homestead entry No. 9416, Serial No. 04079, for S l /i NWj/, section 24, township 3 north, range 4 west, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Isaac R. Beal, U. S. Commissioner, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 6th day of February, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Earl Faris, of Caldwell, Idaho; Amy I. Faris, of Caldwell, Idaho, R. D. No. 4; Sanford M. Hurtt, of Caldwell, Idaho, R. D. No. 4; James W. Gragg, of Caldwell, Idaho, R. D. No. 4. WILtlAM BALDERSTON, d27-j31 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Serial No. 06501.) Reclamation, Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, - Boise, Idaho, November 22, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Hensen H. Cross, of Caldwell, Idaho, who, on July 13, 1909, made homestead entry No. 06301, for Nh'/i SW)4, section 25, township 4 north, range 5 west, Boise Meridian, has tiled notice of in tention to make final three year proof, to estaulish claim to the land above described, before Isaac R. Beal, U..S. Commissioner, at Caldwell, l^ho, on the 21st day of January. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: John J. Wilson, Melvin H. Ford, T. A. Ford, William Ford, all of Greenleaf, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, d!3-j 17 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Serial No. 04573.) Reclamation, Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, November 29, 1912 Notice is hereby given that Thomas H. Griffiths, of Greenleaf, Idaho, who, on September 9, 1907, made home stead entry No. 10233, Serial No. 04573 for Wj/£ NEJ4, section 31, township 4 north, range 4 west, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Isaac R. Beal, U. S. Commissioner, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 17th day of January, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: John B. Ramsey, 01$ E. Larson, Lou H. Bums, and Andy H. Ander son, all of Greenleaf, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, dl3 *i 10 Register. SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Canyon. James A. Adams, Plaintiff, vs. Kath rine Adams, Defendant. The State of Idaho sends greetings to the above named defendant. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff, in the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District State of Idaho, in and for the County of Canyon and to answer the com of Canyon and to answer the com plaint ■filed therein (a copy of which is hereto attached) within twent days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this sum mons, if served within this district; or if served out of this district, with in forty days. The said action is brought to dissolve the bonds of mat rimony between the plaintiff and the defendant, on the ground of desertion. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as febove required, the said plaintiff will take judgment igainst you as prayed for in his complaint, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. Given under my hand and seal of the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, >n and for the Countv of Canyon, this 18th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve. GEO. W. STOVEL, „ „ Clerk. By FRED MITCHELL, Deputy Clerk. Bowen and Ricbeling, Attorneys for .plaintiff, residing at Payette, Idaho. d20»j3 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Serial No. 03813.) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, December 4, 1912. Notice is hereby given that James A. Pegram, of Homcdale,' Idaho, who, on February 19, 1906, made home stead entry No. 8893, Serial No. 03813, for lot 2 and SWJ4 NEJ4» section 5, township 3 north, range 5 west, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make Final Five Year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Isaac R. Beal, U. S. Commissioner, at Cald\yell, Idaho, on the 31st day of January, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: William Benham, William D. Fletcher, Arthur Irwin, and Roy Myler, all of Homedale, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, d27-j24 Register. NOTICE. Notice is herby given that at the meeting of the Soard of County Com missioners of Canvon county, Idaiho. to be held January 13. 1913. I shall apply for authority to appoint two deputy sheriffs. FRANK M. BRESHEARS, . _ _ Sheriff-elect, of Canyon County, Idaho. n29-d27 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Serial No. 04599.) Republication, Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, November 16, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Bessie M. Huffman, formerly Bessie M. Sac kett, of Boise, Idaho, widow of Carence C. Sackett, deceased, who, on October 7, 1907, made homestead ^ t / y x?l<V 0284 - Serial Xo - 04599 for i>yi NE^, Section 21, township 5 north, rage 3 west, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make hnal five year proof, to establish claim to the land nl'ove described, before Isaac R B f e ^» U. S. Commissioner, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 21st dav of January, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: r { am " ?/ Bark er, of Boise, Idaho; John D. Harritt. of Caldwell, Idaho; r lorence Harritt, of Caldwell, lui ho! Enoch H. Wickersham, of Caldwell, Idaho. ' i?n M7 W1LL!A M BALDF.RST >\, d20 "J 17 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Serial No. 0708.) Reclamation. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, December 9, 1912. Notice is hereby given that James W. Gragg, of Caldwell, Idaho, R. D £»o. 4, who, on August 13, 1906, made n?™ eSt , ead S ntry No - 9384 > Serial No. S f °r SEJ4 SW/4. section 13; NE/4 NWj^, section 24, township 3 north range 4 west, Boise Meridian, has hied notice of intention to make hnal five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Isaac R. Beal, U. S. Commissioner, at Caldwell. Idaho, on the 6th day of February, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Wesley J. Walls, Sanford M. Hurtt, Edward E. Perry, and Weaver Hurtt, all of Caldwell, Idaho. .„WILLIAM BALDERSTON, d27 "J 31 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Serial No. 04761.) Reclamation, Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, November 11, 1912 r> unr s 18 h " eby K'ven that Seburn D. Williams, of Greenleaf, Idaho, who, on February 13, 1908, made hörne nd 10S1S> . serial No. 04761, for SWJ< NW}*, NWtf SWX, section 21, township 4 north, range 4 west Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Isaac R. rfu Commissioner, at Caldwell i9?3 °' on the 7th day of J anuar y. Claimant names as witnesses: Isaac J. B^als, SFlas R. Moon, Caleb J. Antrim, and Thomas C. Perisho, all of Greenleaf, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, n29 "J 3 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Serial No. 01158.) Reclamation, Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, December 4, 1912 Notice is hereby given that Ralph Hinshaw, of Greenleaf, Idaho, who on September 17, 1908, made home stead entry No. 01158, for Eyi SE%, Section 17, township 4 north, range 4 WPCt Rnica XIow.'/i:.. I r t 3 • w , e ® t * B°j s e Meridian, has filed notice °* '"„^nt'on to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Isaac R. Beal, U. S. Commissioner, at Caldwell, i9?3 on the 4th day of Februar y> Claimant names as witnesses : Thomas C. Perisho, Curtis True blood, James J. Neary, and Hiram L. Littell, all of Greenleaf, Idaho JO, „WILLIAM BALDERSTON, d27 "J 31 Register. d6-j3 NOTICE. r j 1 ? ^. e iP' s ' r ' c ' Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Canyon. In the matter of the petition of the Board of Directors of the Pioneer Irrigation District for the examina tion, approval and confirmation of the proceedings for the authorization of • e . e * ecu tion of a certain contract with the United States of America. Notice is hereby given that the pe tition of the Board of Directors of the Pioneer Irrigation District has been filed, and that the hearing of said petition has been set for the 6th day of January, 1913, at ten o'clock a. m., of said day, at the Court House, in the court room of tbis court, at Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho, and that the prayer of said petition is that the proceedings for the authoiization of the execution of a certain contract with the United States of America, and the Payette-Boise Water Users _ Association, a corporation, wherein the United States agrees to sell, and said District agrees to buy. reservoir capacity to the amount of Five Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($560,000) in the Arrowrock Reservoir, and the United States of America agrees to expend in constructing' a drainage system in said District the sum of Three Hundred Fifty thou sand Dollars ($350,000), and the Unit ed States of America and the Payette Boise Water Users' Association agree to release such lands within said District as have been subscribed under stock subscription and contract with said Association be examined, approv ed and confirmed by this court. Any person interested in the subject matter of said petition may, on or before the time fixed for the hearing thereof, demur to or answer said pet ition. Given under my hand and the seal of the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for County of Canyon, this 5th day of December, 1912. (SEAL) GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk of the District Court. By FRED MITCHELL. Deputy. Business Directory **************** * * * fHOS. H. SOULE * * * * Architect and Superintendent + * * * » * «•***«*♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦ * DR. W. G. QIGRAY * * Little Block, Caldwell, Idaho * * ♦ * ♦ * Dentist * * * * Office Hours 8:30 to 12—1 to 5 * * Egleston Block, Rooms 4 and 5 * * Caldwell, Idaho. ♦ * * **************** WEAVER ft CARPENTER Dentists 201.2-3-4-5 Yates Bldg. Boise, Idaho. **************** JUDSON A. ELSTON Attorney-at-Law * Commercial Blk., Caldwell, Idaho * * * ♦Frank J. Smith. R. B. Scatterday * * « * SMITH ft SCATTERDAY * * Lawyers . * * * * General Law Practice * * Little Block Caldwell, Idaho * * * *****★***«**«««« * ♦ * S. T. Jackson T. A. Walters * * JA&KSON ft WALTERS' * * Attorneys-at-Law * * Office: Rooms 6 to 8, Egleston ♦ * Block. <<i + Caldwell, Idaho. ♦ * * •ft*******«****«*« * * « OSTEOPATH * * ♦ * Dr. P. P. Smith— ♦ * —Kirks ville Graduate * * ♦ * 15, 16, 17 Commercial Bank Bldg. + * Caldwell * * * «•(fil««*««-»««-««-»«-» * * * , * * Doctors Johnson ft Johnaoa + * Physicians and Surgeons * * ♦ * * * Office: 3 and 4, Masonic Block ♦ * ♦ * * * ♦ * Dr. E. B. Jackson * * * « HUMANE VETERINARIAN ♦ * * * * * 916 Arthur Street * * Phone 104. Caldwell Idaho * CURTIS HAYDON Attorney-at-Law General Law Practice Office 15 Union Block Caldwell. Idaho. * * * * * * * « * **************** Î * H. E. WALLACE * * * * Attorney-at-Law * * * * U. S. Land Office and Estate * * Matters Given Special Attention * Caldwell, Idaho. * **♦♦♦*♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦«« t * * Dr. Dora A. Weymouth * * Osteopathic Physician * Phone 186 * Office and residence * 117 south 10th avenue. * * Office hours 10 a. m., to 5 p. m. * * other hours by appointment * * MILLER & ATCHISON Suoceaeore to Independent Meat Ce. % » DEALERS IN FRESH ill CORED IE1TS Give os a Trial-Order PIONEER TENT AND AWNING COMPANY »IAIN ST. Z * BOISE, - IDAHO « •■■wmmhM •I C— w M Your Dealer Beat Cany euUsewHtelerCalalea ********♦«♦♦♦♦ ji « * DR. L. D. BLONDELL * Dentist •k * Office hours, 9 to 12, 1:30 to 5 * Other hours by appointment * Commercial Bank Building. * ♦ * « * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ALFRED F. STONE Attorney-at-Law Office in Little Block Caldwell, Idaho. *♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦ « * GRIFFITHS ft ORIFPITHS * Attorneys-at-Law * Real Estate, stocks, bonds and * Securities Negotiated * Over Western National Bank * Caldwell, Idaho. * *************** * * John C. Rice J. M. Thompson * T. E. Buckner « RICE, THOMPSON « ft BUCKNER * Attorneys-at-Law * Office : Caldwell Banking ft Trust * Building. Caldwell, Idaho. * WALTER R. CUPP LAND ATTORNEY Formerly U. S. Commissioner Practice before the United States Land Office A specialty. Egleston Block, Caldwell, Idaho ************** JOHN T. MORRISON Attorney-at-Law 301-332 Sonna Bldg., Boise, Ida. *♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« ♦ * ISAAC R. BEAL * U. S. Laad Commissioner * * Commercial Bank Bldg. * Room 10 * ***♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦ * « DAVID D. HAROER * * Attorney-at-Law * * General Law Practice * Commercial Blk., Caldwell, Ida. *************** * * J. H. McLaughlin * VETERINARY SURGEON * * • Phone 420 y * . Caldwell, Idaho. * Hospital 3 miles northwest of * city. }«*««* * CANYON ABSTRACT AND * TRUST CO, LTD. * Capital lajflnoi ♦Established 1892, Incorporated 1901 * Abstract«, Loans, Insurance, * Bonds, General Trust Business * « Caldwell, Idaho. ***♦**♦♦♦♦«♦*«.* * COMPTONS CYCLERY * AND ELECTRIC SUPPLIES * Bicycles for sale and rent * Vacuum cleaning, saw filing, * awnings, messenger service, sew * ing machines for rent—needles. * Win aey we repair anything. * Eighth and Main Streets. * HOUSE WIRSING, FIXTURES *♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* * * MISS BERT RA BOULWARE * Pupil of W. S. B. Mathews * Instructor in Music * Including Piano, Harmony, * Memorising and Ear Training * 910 Main St **♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦*«««.*