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THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF CANYON COUNTY, IDAHO Caldwell, Idaho. Sept. 9, 1912. The board of county commissioners met tills day pursuant to a recess taken on August 5, 1912. All members of the board being present, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: Whereas, The Harris TruBt ft Sav ings Co. have failed to live up or per form their Agreement of purchase of $47,620 Canyon county bonds, and Whereas, The board considers am ple time has elapsed for the fulfillment of the contract by that firm, the bid submitted by that company is now hereby rejected and the clerk ordered to return the certified check to the Harris Trust ft Savings Co. with in formation that the board now consid ers the matter closed and disposed of. Whereas, The board has considered and received bids of various bond houses for the purchase of the 147,620 Canyon county bonds, and. Whereas, The board hereby rejects any and all bids hitherto submitted and awards and sells the bonds to Keeler Brothers of Denver, Colo., as the best bid and tender submitted and accepts same as for the best interests of the county. It is hereby Resolved, That the proposition of Keeler brothers be and is hereby ac cepted this 9th day of SeDtember, A D. 1912 as per contract entered into for the purchase and delivery of the bonds aforementioned. The clerk is hereby ordered and instructed to return any and all checks in his possession to the re spective bidders for the bonds. Annual tax levy for Canyon county, Idaho, for the year 1912, as fixed by the board of county commissioners: Stale. General 0046 Public buildings 0005 Gen. Int. ft sinking 00125 .... .00625 Total County. Current expense 00625 Road _ .002 Bridge .0016 School .. .005 Total .. — .01475 00625 01475 Total for state ...» Total for county Grand total for state and county 021000 Amount raised by above levy, S262 - 487.40. Whereupon the board took a recess until Sept, 10th, 1912. Approved: W. H. PLATT, L Chairman Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. Ealdwell, Idaho, Sept. 10, 1912. ne board of county commissioners metti this day pursuant to a recess tak«fa on Sept. 9. All members of the boardybelng present, whereupon the board Hook a recess until Sept. 11, Approved: W. H. PLATT, Chairman. Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. Caldwell, Idaho, Sept. 11, 1912. The board of county commissioners met this day pursuant to a recess taken on Sept. 10, 1912. All members of the board being present, whereupon Jh^board took a recess until Sept. 12, Approved: w. H. PLATT, ,.. Chairman. Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. Caldwell, Idaho, Sept. 12, 1912. The board of county commissioners met this day pursuant to a recess taken on Sept. 11, 1912. All members of the board being present, where upon the board took a recess until Sept 13, 1912. Approved: W. H. PLATT, Chair ma n. Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. Caldwell, Idaho, Sept 13, 1912. The board of county commissioners met this day pursuant to a recess taken on Sept 12, 1912. AH members of the board being present the follow ing proceedings were had: In the matter of the application of V. T. Craig for a refund of $62.20, the amount paid to redeem tax Bale No. 84 for 1910 sale, as said sale was a double assessment. On motion the same is granted and the clerk is or dered to draw a warrant on the cur rent expense fund in favor of V. T Craig for $62.20. In the matter of the application of Andrew C. Smith for the cancellation of tax sale certificate No. 160 for the year 1910 as far as the same affects the W% of NEK of NEK Sec. 13, Twp. 5 *k. 2 w - 11 »PPwlng to the board that receipt No. 4848 for year 1909, covers the property In question. On motion the same is ordered can celled. In the matter of the application of L. C. Moore for the cancellation of tax sale certificate No. 396 for 1911 sale, on account of aame being a dou ble assessment. On motion tne same is granted and the said aale is ordered cancelled. In the matter of the application of **• t0 F Ä refund of $11.06 h£.rrf «L» .*k 11 •DP** 1,1 '»« to the board that there was an over charge. On motion the same la granted, and the clerk Is ordered to draw a war rant on the currant expenae fund in favor of H. R. Cleaver for $11,06. In the matter of the application of Francis Moore for the cancellation of tax sale certificate No. 43 for year 1909, on account of same being a double assessment It appearing to the board that receipt No. 3141 for year 1908 covert the property In ques tion. On motion the same Is ordered cancelled and the clerk Is ordered to draw a warrant on the current ex J und in fBvor of Tracy Hlgby for $7.86. n In , th ® m * tt,r of the application of Ç*"ie W. Dresser for a refund of $1.80 on account of 1911 taxes it ap pearing to the board that an over . ,e . has been made, on motion the A ordered to draw a warrant S? J? a _. cul ™t expense fund In favor » fjk W - Dr*»««" for $1.80. in the matter of the application of A. O. Christopher for the cancellation of tax sale No. 42 for the year 1910 on account of same being a double as sessment, it appearing that receipt V« oc» ; mi A y. «ci-oipi No. 963 for 1910 coverB the property In question, on motion the same is hereby ordered cancelled and the clerk ordered to draw a warrant on the current expense fund in favor of A. F. Isham for $35.75. In the matter of the application of Geo. W. Wortell tor the cancellation of tax sale certificate No. 309 for year 1911, on account of same being a I double assessment, on motion the I same is ordered cancelled I In the matter of the application of William E. Rerig for a refund on 1910 taxes, on motion the same is denied In the matter of the application of A Lauer for the cancellation of tax sale certificate No. 307 for year 1908, on account of same being a double assessment, it appearing from the records that said Bale was assign ed to one G. A. Rydberg, and a deed issued to him for same, it also ap pearing that said G. A. Rydberg has given a quit claim deed to said Lauer on motion the clerk is ordered to draw a warrant on the current exDense fund in favor of G. A. Rydbery for $26.82. I It appearing that on May 31, 1912 certificate No. 193 for year 1909 was ordered cancelled by this board, it also appearing from the records that I said sâle had been assigned to one G. A Rydberg, who has since said date returned said certificate, on mo tion the clerk Is ordered to draw a warrant on the current expense- fund favor of G. A Rydberg for $33.28. In the matter of the application of Martin O. Luther for the cancellation tax sale No. 85 for year 1910 and tax sale 6152 for year 1911, on ac count of said sales being erroneous it appearing from the records that certificate No. 85 for 1910 was Dur- 1 chased by J. A Jackson.,it is ordered that the clerk draw a warrant on the current expense fund in favor of J A Jackson for $12.71 and cancell the same of record. Tax sale No 152 for year 1911, being sold to Canyon coun ty, the same is ordered cancelled In the matter of the application of Mrs. Sarah Van Doozer for a refund on 1910 taxes on motion the same is I denied. I In the matter of the application of A. B. Moss for the cancellation of taxes for years 1895. 1896, 1897 and 1899, on motion the same is denied. In the matter of the application of B. R. Fitch fot the cancellation of tax sale No. 78 for year 1910, on account of same being a double assessment, on I motion the same is ordered cancelled I and the clerk is ordered to draw a I warrant on the current expense fund I in favor of A. F. Isham for $1.58. in the matter ot the application of L. G. Huntley for refund of 1911 taxes on motion the same Is denied. In the matter of the application of Vlncpnt Domogalla for the cancella tlon of tax sale No. 127 for year 1908,1 on aocouut of same being a double as sessmeut, it appearing from the rec ords that said sale has been assisgned to Peter Neth and a deed issued thereon, it also appearing that Peter Neth has given a quit claim deed to said Vincent Domogalla, on motion the clerk is ordered to draw a warrant on the current expense fund ln favor of Peter Neth for $12.36. I Whereupon the board took a recess until Sept. 14, 1912. Approved: W. H. PLATT, | Chairman. Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. Caldwell, Idaho, Sept. 14, 1912, The board of county commissioners met this day pursuant to a recess I taken on Sept. 13, all members of the hnArd hoin or nraoant I uuten on sept, la, ail members of the X board being present the following proceedings were had, to-wit: I In the matter of the- bond of the L Fruit Growers Bank of Payette in the sum of $5,000.00 as depository of county funds, on motion the same is approved. \ I The following bills were allowed ^ and warrants ordered drawn on the current expense fund for the follow ing amounts: I £ J. P. Reed, professional serv ices. Dis. $64.00 American Nat. bank, assnd. I accnt $178 75 I merlcan Nat. Bank. assnd! K American Nat. Bank, assnd. accnt 243.00 Bird, A, constable fees 3.00 Boyd, O, G., constable fees 6.00 Bidwell, H. R., constable fees 6.00 T. J. Brown, printing:::.:::.:: 129i5 I Boise Book ft SU. Co., supplies 4 50 Bates Mfg. Co., supplies 62 Chlldrens'Home Find. So., aid 266.851 Case, W. D., rent for primary election 5 00 Caldwell Ice ft Coi 'd Storage! ' coal o 20 ! Caldwell Printing Co'.'.^ prinïïng': 21L00 Cosman, J. B. constable fees 9 00 " - . .... • I 8 00 Cooper, John, constable foes Carleton, Mabel Grace, office expenses Crowther, Frank, judge of elec tion !.. ! DeMasten, Geo., livery Dewey, J. C., constable fees Frank, Geo., rent for election.. Flsk, W. B„ adjusting taxes Griffith. J, L., clerk primary election Hargrave, J. D., election con stable Hartley, A. E„ judge of Little Willow election Howd. A. J., work on election booths Hargrave ft Meaamore, rent for election Hull'a Cyclery, repairs Hayes, E. K„ adjusting taxes ... Hermlston, Mrs. Olive, board for Nora Anderson, delin quent „ . Hartkopf, S. D., repairing bal lot boxes Idaho Stamp Works, supplies..: Johnson, C. A, clerk of elec tion Jensen, A. C. ft Co.. supplies.... Krelder, W. W., election con stable Mclntyre, Violet C., clerk of election .. Mclntyre, B. D., clerk ot elec tion .. MoCullough, E. W., livery Mero, H. E., election constable.. ai iK I I à nn I as B 00 k'aa 6,00 . M ... "•"" I 4 00 ... i'cft I ?'nn 4.W 6.00 _ „ I 5 ba '•"O " XX I , I "■001 . 4.oo ... 1 Î XX n * 1 D S.OO I SUPPLEMENT—CALDWELL TRIBUNE Madden, P., adjusting taxes 6.00 Nampa Dept. Store, mdse 3.41 Peterson, Theo., election con _ 8tabl © 6.00 Patison, M. A., work on election booths rj 50 Pioneer Imp. Co., rent for eiec _ tion 5.50 Payette Auto Co., livery 6.00 Pearce, J. A., constable fees 6^0 J. coiistaoie rees 6.00 Parma Herald, printing. .. 23 10 Rockwood, A. J. adjusting taxes c 00 Richards & Haga, professional services 150.00 I Stegner, E. A., rent for election 5.00 Smith, G. L., election constable 3.00 Shimp, Sophia N., registrar (Little Willow) 5.75 I Transu e, Lee, judge of election 4.00 I VanEn gelin, Henry, clerk of I election g 00 mdse.... 3.25 Whittle, L. A., clerk of election.. 8.00 We8tern ♦ Nat Bank ' a88l S ned W m™ OUI1 p "ti> v 168 00 wninrf' ^j ri a8S ° d - accnt 17.50 illJî' ' electlon con J 'S, "s 3.00 3r!?i< ' ' judge of election.. 4.00 w,11,a ™ 8 > ' w > rent for v electi ° n ■■ •; 7.00 r 0 "?®« o DS Co '' dra y a 6 e - 9-4° n^ nh». constable fees 14.00 Î " constable fees 71.45 51 w a • « !" 58 45 ^ X? ' A ' 3UStlce fees 10.15 ahni S °n ?' Y'' nonstable fees.. 7.25 3baw - R- L., justice fees 20.30 DeweV^ ^ ^ 32,05 dis $10 25 Reed,' J. ' p.""''Dror"'se^"'dU $64 00 ' Wh 'ereupön the bo^d tMk a recess until Sept 30 1912 Approved • W H PLATT PLATT, Attest • Chairman. GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. Thirtieth Day of July Term. Caldwell, Idaho, Sept 30th, 1912. At a meeting of the board of a mee ting of the board of Thirtieth Day of July Term. Caldwell, Idaho, Sept 30th, 1912. At a meeting of the board of county a mee ting of the board of count] Ç9™ mls f ioners of Canyon county, 1 ! ' lawfu Hy called and duly held }? t u h r8 ?S?^ 10 /fcess taken September ' at the offlce of Baid hoard in 1116 court h° use » la the city of Ç a ldwell, ln Canyon county, Idaho, on Monday, the 30th day of September, ' D * A 9 ^ 2 ' at , the hour o£ 7 o'clock p " m \ ^ g the 30tb da y of the July rS. r V' at * hlch there wer e present: n hi i r T! 1J n E Commissioner I 1 . Commissioner J. E. Ker I rlc ^' board of county commissioners. Geo * w ; Stovel, clerk of the district Sf county and ex-offlcio p , *; e s8 were had and done, cle rk of said board; the following na n y: , , ~ ^ L Commissioner D. P. Dodd intro duced and moved the adopvJon of the I following resolution and order: I "A resolution and order providing I for the publication of a notice by the I board of county commissioners of Its intention to issue, negotiate and sell $47,000 bridge bonds of Canyon county, Idaho, and inviting bidders therefor; the repeal of all resolutions attd orders or parts thereof in con ttic t herewith; and the levying, in ad dltion to all other taxes, in the year 1912 > 01 a special tax on all of the taxable property in the county suf hclent to raise the sum of $620. Whereas, At that special election lawfully called and duly held pur suant to due notice, in Canyon county Idaho, on the 5th day of August, A d! 1911, the board of county commls sioners of said county, were duly I authorized and empowered to Issue negotiate and sell the bridge bonds of said county, ln the amounts and for | the following purposes, to-wit: I "«mm «m- wo «evuuu ana construction of a bridge, ln and for I CanVOn COUntV. Idaho. Afimflfl tho $15,795 bonds for the erection and construction of a bridge, in and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Pay ette river near Fruitland, Idaho, known as the Frultland-Payette river bridge. $15,875 bonds for the erection and X v " " uiuige, in ana ior coun ty. Idaho, across the I river near New Plymouth, L a ?: ltn , own , a ? the New Plymouth /,t o Kft rl ï er . br,d «® *15,950 bonds for the erection and construction of a bridge, in and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Pay ^ to tfl ^Y th ® ear Ida ^ 0 ' kn0wn J•f Letha-Payette river bridge, . ^®r.® aa ' sald county has £ a /! d A ,5 . upon the sale of $47, «1 ««»to »» puutisnea in conformity with that certain order of K hls boai î d made on the 9th day of 620 bonds for the bridge purposes aforesaid under the terms of the ad vertised notice of sale as published ln August A D. 1911; and Whereas, ln order to provide the sum of $47,620 with which to erect and construct said bridgea in and for ?? u , nty i U 18 by tws board deemed and U ,B hereby declared necessary "V? L to . . i88ue - negotiate and 147,000 bridge bonds of said county; and to raise the remainder, y e ,evy> ,n the current year U912), of a direct ad valorem tax u|Km a " the taxable property of said ! n . addtu on to all ot.her taxes, ° ï nt t0 P roduc * the sum of $620; now, therefore, ln conslderatlou ot the premises. lla «»solved and ordered by the board ot county commissioners of Canyon county, ln the state of Idaho. as follows: F4pi,t - for the purpose of rais lDR aU but * 620 of the funds required t0T the erection and construction of the following: A bridge at a cost of $16,795, In and for Canyon county, Idaho, acroas the Payette river near Fruitland, Idaho, known as the Frultland-Payette river bridge; A bridge at a cost of $16,875, ln and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Payette river near New Plymouth, Idaho, known as the New Plymouth Payette river bridge; and A brid *e at a cost of $15,950, ln and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Payette river near Letha, Idaho, known as the Letha-Payette river bridge. There shall be and there are hereby Peered and directed to be Issued, ne gotlated and sold, the bridge bonds of said county to an amount aggregating the principal sum ot $47,000, com prised aa follows: Bridge bonds—series A, of Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggre gating the principal sum of $40,00.0, comprised of 40 bonds numbered from 1 to 40, both Inclusive, of the denoml n *tlon of $1,000 each, d*ed July 1. A. D - bearing Interest from their date until paid at a rata not exoeeding 6.00 3.41 50 10 00 00 00 five (5) per centum per annum, pay able semi-annually January first and July first, respectively, in each year, both principal thereof and interest thereon payable at the National Bank Of Commerce, in the city and state of New York, U. S. A., and becoming due and payable serially as follows: Nos. 1 to 4, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1922. Nos. 5 to 8, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1923. Nos. 9 to 12, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1924. Nos. 13 to 16, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1925. Nos. 17 to 20, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1926. Nos. 21 to 24, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1927. Nos. 25 to 28, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1928. Nos. 29 to 32, inclusive to become due and payable July 1, 1929. Nos. 33 to 36, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1930. Nos. 37 to 40, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1931. Bridge bonds—series B, of Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggre gating the principal sum of $5,000, comprised of 10 bonds numbered con secutively from 1 to 10, both inclusive, of the denomination of $500 dach dated July 1, A. D. 1912, bearing In terest from their date until paid at a rate not exceeding five (5) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually January first and July first, respec tively, in each year, both principal thereof and interest thereon payable at the National Bank of Commerce, ln the city and state of New York, U. S. A., and becoming due and payable serially as follows: No. 1 to become due and payable July 1, 1922. No. 2 to become due and payable July 1, 1923. No. 3 to become due and payable July 1, 1924. No. 4 to become due and payable July 1, 1925. No. 5 to become due and payable Tuly 1, 192ft No. 6 to become due and payable July 1, 1927. No. 7 to become due and payable July 1, 1928. No. 8 to become due and payable July 1, 1929. No. 9 to become due and payable July 1. 1930. No. 10 to become due and payable Tuly 1, 1931. Bridge bonds—series C. of Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggre gating the principal sum of $2,000, comprised of 20 bonds, numbered consecutively from 1 to 20, both in clusive, of the denomination of $100 each, dated July 1, A D. 1912, bear ing interest from their date until paid at a rate not exceeding five (5) per centum per annum, payable semi annually January first and July first respectively, in each year, both prin cipal thereof and interest thereon payable at the National Bank of Com merce, in the city and state of New fork, U. S. A., and becoming due and payable serially as follows: Nos. 1 and 2, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1. 1922. Nos. 3 and 4, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1923. Nos. 5 and 6, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1924. Nos. 7 and 8, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1925. Nos. 9 and 10, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1926. Nos. 11 and 12, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1927. Nos. 13 and 14, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1928. Nos. 15 and 16, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1929. " Nos. 17 and 18, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1930. Nos. 19 and 20, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1931. Second. That notice is hereby au thorized, ordered and directed to be given and published as hereinafter provided, that the board of county commissioners of Canyon county, Idaho, intends to issue, negotiate and sell the bridge bonds of said county hereinabove mentioned and invites bidders therefor: (1) Said notice shall be In sub stantially the following form, to-wit: Notice of Intention to Issue i $40,000 Bridge Bonds—Series A, 6,000 Bridge Bonds—Series B, 2,000 Bridge Bonds—Series C, Of Canyon County, In the State of Idaho, And Inviting Bids Therefor. STATE OF IDAHO ) )aa. County uf Canyon. ) Pursuant to that certain resolution and order duly adopted by the board of county commissioners of Canyon county, Idaho, at a meeting thereof lawfully called and duly held, on Monday, to-wit: the 30th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1912 (being the 30th day of July term) authorising and directing the issuance and advertise ment of sale of the negotiable bridge bunds wf said county to an amount ag gregating the principal sum of $47,000, namely : Bridge bonds—series A, ot Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggre gating the principal sum ot $40,000, comprised ot 40 bonds numbered from 1 to 40, both Inclusive, ot the denomi nation ot $1,000 each, dated July 1, A. D. 1912, bearing Interest from their date until paid at a rate not exceed ing five (5) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually January first and July first, respectively, in each year, both principal thereof and in terest thereon payable at the Na tional Bank ot Commerce, ln the city and state of New York, U. S. A., and becoming du? and payable serially as follows: Nos. 1 to 4, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1922. Nos. 6 to 8, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1923. Nos. 9 to 12, inclusive, to become due payable July 1, 1924. Nos. 13 to 16, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1. 1926. Noa. 17 to 20, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1926. Nos. 21 to 24, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1927. Nos. 25 to 28, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1928. Nos. 29 to 32, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1929. Nos. 33 to 36, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1. 1930. Nob . 37 to 40, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1931. Bridge honds—Series B, ot Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggre gating the principal sum of $6,040, and of a comprised of 10 bonds numbered con secutively from 1 to 10, both inclu sive, of the denomination of $500 each dated July 1, A. D. 1912, bearing in terest from their date until paid at a rate not exceeding five (5) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually January first and July first, respec tively, in each year, both principal thereof and interest thereon payable at the National Bank of Commerce, in the city and state of New York, U. S. A., and becoming due and payable serially as follows: No. 1 to become due and payable July 1, 1922. No. 2 to become due and payable July 1, 1923. No. 3 to become due and payable July 1, 1924. No. 4 to become due and payable July 1, 1925. No. 5 to become due and payable July 1, 1926. No. 6 to become due and payable July 1, 1927. No. 7 to become due and payable July 1, 1928. No. 8 to become due and payable July 1, 1929. No. 9 to become due and payable July 1, 1930. No. 10 to become due and payable July 1, 1931. y«*»uie Bridge bonds—series C, of Canyon county, Idaho, to an amount aggre gating the principal sum of $2,000, comprised of 20 bonds numbered con secutively from 1 to 20, both inclusive, of the denomination of $100 each dated July 1, A. D. 1912, bearing in terest from their date until paid at a rate not exceeding five (5) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually January first and July first, respec tively, in each year, both principal thereof and interest thereon, payable at the National Bank of Commerce, In the city and state of New York, Ü. S. A., and becoming due and payable serially ag follows • Nos. 1 and 2, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1922. Nos. 3 and 4, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1923. Nos. 5 and 6, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1924. Nos .7 and 8, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1925. Nos. 9 and 10, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1926. Nob . 11 and 12, Inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1927. Nos. 13 and 14, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1928. Nos. 15 and 16, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1929. Nos. 17 and 18, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1930. Nos. 19 and 20, inclusive, to become due and payable July 1, 1931. Said bonds are being issued and sold for the purpose of raising the sum of $47,000 required in addition to that special tax levy heretofore made in the year 1912 tor the purpose by the board of county commissioners of said county sufficient to produce the sum of $620—for the erection and construction of the following bridges in and for said county at an aggregate cost of $47,620: A bridge, at a cost of $15,795 in and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Payette river near Fruitland. Idaho, known as the Fruitland-Payette river bridge; A bridge, at a cost of $15,875 in and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Payette river near New Plymouth, Idaho, known as the New Plymouth Payette river bridge; and A bridge, at a cost of $15,950 ln and for Canyon county, Idaho, across the Payette river near Letha, Idaho, known as the Letha-Payette river bridge. Public notice is hereby given, that sealed bids for the bonds aforesaid, ln whole or in part, will be received at the office of the undersigned board of county commissioners, in the court house, in the city of Caldwell, in Can yon county, Idaho, until Friday, to wit: the 25th day of October, A D. 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. Each bidder must name the price and rate of interest (not to exceed 5 per cent) at which he will purchase said bonds but no bids for less than par and accrued interest will be re ceived. Said bonds will be ready for deliv ery at the time of their sale, namely: the day, date and hour aforesaid; therefore, all tenders, bids or offers to purchase must be without condition or qualification and be accompanied by the cash (or Its equivalent) to the full amount ot said bid. By order of the board of county commissioners of Canyon county, Idaho, made at a lawful meeting thereof duly called and held at its of fice, in the court house, in the city of Caldwell, in Canyon county, Idaho, the 30th day of September, A D. 1912. (Commissioners' Seal.) W. H. PLATT, Chairman, D. P. DODD, Member. J. E. KERRICK, Member. Board of County Commissioners of Canyon County, Idaho. Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk, Board of County Commission ers. (2) Said notice shall be and the same Is hereby ordered published at least once in each week for three (3) consecutive calendar weeks in the "Leader-Herald," a semi-weekly news paper printed and published and ot general circulation ln said Canyon county. (3) The clerk of the district court and ex-officio clerk of this boar'*., is hereby authorised, ordered and di rected to cause said notice to be pub lished as hereinabove stated and to procure proof of such publication in the form of publishers' affidavits in duplicate, one of which he shall pre serve as a part of the files and rec ords of his office and the other of which he shall furnish to the pur chaser of said bonds. Third. That on Friday, to-wlt the 25th day of October, A. D. 1912, at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m., the board of county commissioners of said county, will meet at its offlce, In the court house, in the city of Caldwell, in Canyon county, Idaho, and shall proceed to open the bids, if any, re ceived for the bridge bonds afore said and take such action thereon as the facts warrant and as by law au thorized and provided. Fourth. That in order to raise the sum of $620 with which to pay that part of the cost of erecting and con structing said bridges as will not be derived from the sale of the bridge bonds provided for herein, there shall be and by this order there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property a in S. in said county, in addition to all other taxes, ln the year 1912, a direct an nual ad valorem tax sufficient to pro duce said sum of $620. Fifth. That such part of the resolu tion and order of said board of August 9, 1911, and all other resolu tions and orders or parts thereof heretofore passed and adopted by said board of county commissioners, in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby rescinded and annulled." The motion being duly seconded by Commissioner J. E. Kerrick, was put to vote with the following result: Chairman W. H Platt _A ye Commissioner J. E. Kerrick Aye Commissioner D. P. Dodd _'.Aye No one voted no. * And the chairman declared the mo tion carried and the foregoing resolu tion find order unanimously adopted. Whereupon the board took a recess until September 31, 1912, at 10 a. m. (Commissioners' Seal.) Approved: W. H. PLATT. Chairman, Board of County Commis sioners of Canyon County, Idaho Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL! Clerk, Board of County Commission ers of Canyon County, Idaho. Caldwell, Idaho, Sept. 31, 1912. The board of county commissioners met this day pursuant to a recess taken on Sept. 30, 1912. All members of the board being present. Whereupon the board adjourned for the term. Approved: W. H. PLATT, Chairman. Attest : GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. First Day of the October Term. Caldwell, Idaho, Oct. 14, 1912. The board of county commissioners of Canyon county, Idaho, met this day, pursuant to law. All members of the board being present the following proceedings were had, to-wit: The following officers' reports were approved : J. W. Watkins. sheriff. Mabel Grace Carleton, superintend ent of public instruction. B. W. Henry, probate judge. Oeo. W. Stovel, clerk, auditor and recorder. Joint report, auditor and treasurer. T. C. Pearson, superintendent of poor farm. The county auditor's report on sal aries paid out for the third quarter is hereby approved. The state examiner's report is here by approved. Whereupon the board took a recess until Oct. 15, 1912, at 10 a. m. Approved: W. H. PLATT, Chairman. Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL Clerk. Second Day of October Term. Caldwell, Idaho, Oct. 15, 1912. The board of county commissioners met this day pursuant to a recess taken on Oct. 14, 1912. All members of the board being present, the fol lowing proceedings were had, to-wit: The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the current expense fund for the follow ing amounts: Arnould Auto Co., livery hire $ 29.00 Abbott, E. D., med. services 18.00 American Nat. Bank, aaanfj accnt. _ 284.20 Boyes Hdw. Co., mdse 23.90 Beal, Isaac R, insurance policy 69.00 Burns, Frank, election con stable 3.oo Boyd, O. G., constable fees 23.20 Baker & Harris, mdse 63.05 Cupples Mctle Co., mdse 32.80 Cook, Ira C., milk 6.00 Caldwell Lbr. Co., lumber .. 19,45 Compton, H. H., repairs 46.75 Chenoweth, Theodosia, making transcripts 670 Carpenter. L. N. B., elecUon constable, etc. 10.10 Chillord, A, judge of primary election j.oo Canyon Abstract ft Trust Co., insurance policy 138.00 Caldwell Ice ft Cold Storage Co., ice 27.75 43.85 4.00 6.30 City of Caldwell, water Craig, H., livery Chapman, s. E., assessing....:.^ Chaney, J. R, election con stable .. 3.00 Carleton, Mabel Grace, offlce expenses .. 137.16 Chase, D. C., insurance policy 69.00 Canyon Abstract ft Trust Co., work on tax sale records 25.00 Coughanour, W. A, rent for election 5.00 Caxton Printers, supplies 111.60 Caxton Printers, supplies 140.30 Caxton Printers, supplies 850.70 Caxton Printers, supplies. 67.16 Driscoll, Tim, expenses 159.60 Dille, L. S., insurance policy 60.00 OeMasters, Geo, livory 8.50 DeMasters, Geo., livery 6.00 Dodd, D. P., expenses 78.00 DeMasters, Geo., livery 4.00 Duffes, Alèx, judge of primary election 8.00 Engel, P. E., livery 105.00 Elston, J. A., expenses 123.90 Flynn, John G., mdse 79.8O Fruitland Drug Co., mdse... 12.65 Fashion Livery, livery 11.50 Fashion Livery, livery 1.50 Golden Rule Store, mdse 11.80 Gordon, Wm„ livery.....: 4.00 Hickey, C. R, Insurance policy.. 69.00 Hart, John H„ justice fees 12.00 Hayden. Curtis, assnd. accnt 27.00 Ida. Imp. ft Gr. Co., lumber 25.00 Ida. Ry. Light & Power Co., light .. 28.56 Kerrick, J. E., expenses 80.00 Karcher, Geo. L, judge of pri mary election 8.00 Metcalf, Chas., judge of primary election 8.00 McN'eilly, W. G., judge of pri mary election 8.00 Whereupon the board took a recess until Oct. 16, 1912, at 10 a. m. Approved: W. H. PLATT, Chairman. Attest: GEO. W. STOVEL, Clerk. Third Day of the October Term. Caldwell. Idaho, Oct 16. 1912. The board of county commissioners met this day pursuant to a recss taken on Oct. 15, 1912. All members of the board being present, the follow ing proceedings were had, to-wlt: The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the current expense fund for the follow ing amounts: Bowman, R. E„ livery $ 23.00 Bucknum, C. D„ burying pau per „ 30.00