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com CANYON CORRESPONDENTS FRANKLIN Franklin was shocked to hear of the suden death of Elder S. F. Brower of Fairview, who is well and favorably known here. Elder Brower was tak en suddenly ill on Sunday, May 4. and on Thursday was operated on in the Nampa Wospital where lie succeumbcd to death one day later from appendi citis. Funeral services were held at the Boise Valley church on Sunday. May 11, and were largely attended Intrement was in the Fairview cerne tery. The sympathy of the communi ty goes out to the family in their re cent sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haagensen were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. Olsen's of Lone Tree. John Prescott called at Mr. Brown ing's Friday. Ralph Allen of Fairview called at the Browning home Thursday. Mr. Moore called at the Haagensen und McClenahan homes Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Browning were Cald well business visitors Saturday. Bert Kinney was calling at John llolton's Friday. Mr. Moore and Ray McClenahan hauled several loads of grain to Nam pa the last of the week. Lyda Thompson of Midway spent Sunday evening at the Miller home. Mrs. Chas. Grim and Helen were calling in Star Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hutsell and Bayless of Fairview ^were Sunday visitors at Mr. Shupe's* and Mr. Turner's and family and Kniest Turney and family and Tom DeCorsey's. Maud Allen spent Sunday after church with Mona Fowle and Julia Allen with Gladys Whiffin. Elvin DuLaney an/d Karle Allen spent Sunday at the government dam. Mrs. Mary Grim visited her mother, Mrs. Marks, in Nampa Fri day. Mrs. Parke writes from Portland that they are enjoying tlhemselves and that Mr. Prakes health has greatly improved. Lucile Browning was a caller a.t the Kinney home Saturday. Mr. Dickens of Caldwell, spepnt several days of last week at his ranch. Mrs. Calloway of Lone Tree called at Mr. Haagensen's Wednesday. Nellie, Cliford and Elizabeth Browning were callers at Mr. McClen ahan's Friday evening. Jan Simt is moving into his fine, new bungalow tihiis week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Schmitt and sons were visiting at Mrs. Sdimitt's pa rents in Naimpa on Friday. Chas. Grim has been putting in con crete headgates on his tranch this week. Mr. Terry of Nampa, will paint Will Schmitt's housç in a few days. Frank Browning called at Mr. Fitz ners' in the Fairview district, Friday. Ben Haagensen was a Nampa bus iness visitor Thursday. Mrs. Kinney spent Friday evening at the Browning home in Fairview. Mrs. dna and Miss Mary McClen aihan were shopping in Nampa Sat urday. John Nofzinger and family have re turned from Modesto, Cal., and are contemplating buying and locating Ella Jacobs of eer Flat, is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. O V. Jacobs. Earle Allen, F.arle Raney and Oden lV ler caIIet! at Mr - Jacobs Monday Mrs. Haagensen called at Messrs. hhupe, Jacobs and Chas. Grim's Mon day. Herbert Jacobs is taking treatments tor rheumatism i n Nampa. • J a 5 rles Evans i visiting with relatives in Nampa. îl dl Vî„ Sh r PC s P ent Monday evening with Ella Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weymouth spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Clarence Faris at Lake Lowell. Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Clemens were "Hing on friends here Monday Mr. Moore marketed a load of hogs in Nampa Monday. Walter Aton of Parma spent the week end at E. A. Grims. Lucile Browning attended a play given in Star Thursday evening. Mrs. Browning, Elizabeth and Clif Get theWell-Known Round Package Against m Afaiatt S Substitutes ••• Imitations HORLICKS MALTED MILK Made In the largest, best equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant In the world We do not make "milkproduct# im Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. But a. Original-Genuine H S R > ,CK ' S MALTED MILK from pure, full-cream milk and t he extract of select malted ira n •»perform, .olîÈe £ w * tcn Be#t food-drink for all ages. M*ASK FOR HORUCK'S Usad all over the Globe °^CnneiA ^QdaJSunfai:. SB tß* AND KL«*!» On ..»«■»' ^*•"0 on milk maw** cSggfenir a»* * ford were shopping in Nampa Mon day. Lloyd Crocket, a recent arrrival from Missouri, is visiting at the Browning home. Clyde Browning came down from Boise Sunday and spent the day with home folks. The following 8th grade commence ment program will be rendered at the church on Friday evening, May 23. Program starts at 8:30 sharp: Invocation Rev. D. A. Clemens Chorus "Leaving the Nest" Salutatory Anna Mary Browning Doll Song \ . Six Little Girls Oration—"We Mount the Ladder by Which We Climb," Edna Alberta Bingham. Chorus "Parting Song Piano Solo Mrs. T. E. Tolleth Solo—Valedictory. Christy D. Fowler. Song—When Visitors Come to Our School," Two Girls. Valedictory Maud E. Allen Address T. A. Walters Choir Freedom's Banner Farewell Song By the Graduates Presentation of Diplomas—Miss Z. Fay Fowler. Mrs. F. E. Tolleth, accompanist. Everybody is invited to attend these exercises. The class is composed of four girls. Their colors are pink and white; class flower pink carnation: class motto: "We Mount the Ladder by which we climb." On Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the school house there will be an exhibition of tlhe work done by school during the term, including the work of the domestic science and manual train ing class. All patrons and friends of the school are cordially invited to attend this exhibit. Helen Grim *as a guest of Edna S hupe at Sunday dinner. Julia Allen and Gladys Whiffin were calling in Middleton Sunday. Mrs. Madden called on Mrs. Shupe Friday. The new school board was organiz ed Thursday evening. Those present were Messrs. Slhlipe, Browning and Whiffin. The missionary meeting was held at the Clemens home last Wednesday and was a most enjoyable affair. The topic for the missionary class was: "India." A large picnic dinner was enjoyed by the eighteen ladies present. Those present were: Mes dames J. H. McClenahan, Mary Grim Wm. Shupe, Miller, Will Schmitt, Smit, Gilbert, Stailey, Turner, Richr ardson, Anderson and Lizzie Grim of Frankhn: and Mrs Clark Travis of Deer Flat; Mrs. Jos. Mesler of Cald well. Ben Haagensen was at Mr. Stover's in the Lone Tree district, tlhle first of the week, placing a new farm scale. »iu T SSet t °f Deer fat» 's visitiing at the Jacobs home. Veda Fowler visited friends in Boise from Friday evening until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Powers of Caldwell Mr en Tollet , h's ayS ° f Mrs. Ben Haagensen visited at her r- a ij ntS ;, ~ r ' and Mrs - Diekens in Caldwell Tuesday. Oden Turner spent Saturday night at Tom DeCorsey's. May Powell of Caldwell, was the guest of Edna Bingham on Sunday and on Monday she visited the school. Mr. and Mrs Robert Bowns and Monday 1 " shoppin * in Nampi Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allen and twin sons, Ernest and Ervin, spent Saturday W ght wtfth relatives in Nampa. Mrs. Tolleth and two daughters spent the week end with relatives in Meridian. A large number from here attended the funeral of Mr. Brower on Sundav morning. Bert Kinney called at Mr. Haaeen sen s Tuesday. PEACEFUL VALLEY Deputy Assessor Langdon was go ing the rounds in the valley the past week. Mr CaHoway has a crew of men es tablished at R. \V. Kelley's, repairing a break in the k>w line. Miss Bernice Smith of Lone Star, and her aunt, Miss Smith of Quincy, 111., were visiting Dr. Montgomery's from Thlursday until Saturday. Nearly everyone in the Valley is ir rigating and it keeps our ditch riders on the jump looking after the many things in connection therewith. Clark Roberts and his sister. Miss Orlie were guests at fhe Hoskins home in Sunny Slope Sunday and while there attended church and Sun day school. Mr. McCluskey of Xampa, autoed tfhrough the valley last week in the interests of a woven wire fence com pany. Mr. Langdon received a very pain ful surprise on making his rounds in Lower Deer Flat and calling at the home of Mr. Bush to find him dead. Mr. and Mrs. Hodginson and family of Kuna were in the Valley visiting Mr. Hodginson's sister, Mrs. Kingston and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Stilwell were guests at the J. F Mclntyre home Sunday. T. L. Clark and Harry Armstrong and their families took a trip to Warm Springs Sunday. The Pleasant Ridge base ball boys played with the Pleasant Ridge team Sunday the score was 25 to 8 in favor of P. V. PLEASANT RIDGE BREEZES Joe Wlhittig has rented Mr. Mea dor's clover land on the edge of Deer Flat. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wagoner at tended church in Caldwelll Sunday. H. F. Brandenberg, the paiper hang er and sign painter of this community, is busy hanging some paper for Chas. Howard. The local W C. T. U. was enter tained by Mrs. Shelp last Wednesday afternoon. Six members and two vis itors were present. The sailor's bags on which the ladies have been working ? omni ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AN^taWe Preparation Gr As the Stomach mr lut Promotes DigestionJdwrfii ness andRest-Contains neikr Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Jk+ttfouikSMnEumm fimptia Smd jESma* , \ MJkUk- I Mr* Stet mull For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Apofeet Remedy for Consflp tton > Sour Stomach.Dtantott Wonnsfonvulsionsfeverisfc ness and Loss OF SLEEP. I Fac Simile Si gnatar« o f NEW YOHK. hiaranteMl under ine Exact Copy of Wrapper. in Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Wl MNTMI. .OMPANY, ■■»TOM «TV. Excursions East via. Union Pacific System Very low round trip fares to Denver, Kan sas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Chicago, Min neapolis and many other points. DATES OF SALE: May 7, 8,10,17, 24, 31; June 3, 7,13,14 21 28 ; July 2, 5, 10, 19, 23, 31; August 1, 9, lo' 11, 16, 22, 28; September 10, 11. LIMIT: October 31st, 1913. See any, OREGON SHORT LINE agent For further details Jhe U nion pacific System Reaches Omaha and points East "THE DIRECT WAY" for some time were completed at this meeting. Select readings and music filled a social ihour and refreshments consisting of cake and lemonade were served. Mothers' Day was observed at the church Sunday. Rev. Mr. Vernon, wearing the white carnation, paid tribute to mothers, choosing his text these words, "Render therefore to all their dues. Miss Engils Cover sang as a solo, "My Mother's Prav" and Rev. Vernon and daughter sang with ex pression that touching song "Meet Mother in the Skies." Besides the usual congregation we noted Mrs. W. A. George and sister, Mrs. Jack Cash man, Mrs. Dan Cashman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price. That smiling face belonging to Ira Tish has been missed at church for some time. We suppose tlhiere is some attraction in Caldwell Sunday after noon. A. A. Easn of Nampa purchased same cattle at the Moss ranch last week. Last Thursday night a small party of young folks met at the home of C. T. Howard. Games and refreshments filled the evening until a late hour Mr. and Mrs. H. Vail and little child returned to their home in Dixie the first of the week. NOTICE. A State Land Sale will be held at Homedalc, Owyhee County, Idafaio, May 31, 1913, at 11:00 o'clock a. m., at which sale about 3,000 acres of state land under the Gem irrigation district will be offered for sale. Lists of this land may be obtained by writing Geo. A. Day, State Land Commissioner, Boise, Idaho. ml6-23 The Western National Bank CtW OABDHECB. IDAHO Capital $50,000.00 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY KIVK PKK CENT PAU» ON TIMK UK Will be pleased to welcome you n our bank or answer your inquiries by mail. J. T. Morrison, Prct. Edward Hedden, V. Pre«. L S. Dille, Caahier. J. L. Roddy, A. Cashier Only a few more day until Decoration Day, May 30. If you expect to have work erected by that time don't put off placing your order. Do so now and give us time to erect any Memor ial work you wish done in a first class manner. *SP" ! L Gordon & Adams 814 ALBANY 8T. CALDWELL, IDAHO. Money to Loan on improved farms and city property, at a reasonable rate of interest. All applica tions are given immediate attention and loans closed promptly. P. Am WILEY Tel. 422 w CALDWELL, IDAHO Piatt - Peckham Furniture & Undertaking Undertaking a Specialty CALLS 4NSWEBED BAT M NIGHT. AMBULANCE IN C8NNECTMN UMl-IATE UNDERTAKING MILLER & ATCHISON Successors to Independent Meat 0«. DEALERS IN U m CURED UMTS Give ns a Trial Order Jones Furniture Company The H oum of Quality Furniture and Undertaking Underta ing a Specialty. • Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night The Jones Furniture Co. 606 Main St