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KNCWJ.EIKJE '•»wIÄDOK love School teacher#' op port unity for good Influence. <X>R0DKLYN ^ BER^aclçJ) -f \-V— BIBLE-STUPY* ON •— WOES. ANCIENT AND MODERN. Arno« 6:1-8—June 22. ■Seek good. nut rvil. thai yt man live."~ A won h| It Ik safe tu say that everybody itt xeekliijf good. uutl not evil. Kvery lmily Is neekiug pleasure, and not iuls«ry Uappiuess. uud tot woe. Thé» difficulty 1m that out. Judgments are more or less perverted. Some have greater wisdom than oth ers: but there Is none perfect, "none righteous, no, not one." All come short of the glorious standard which Ood has set. The difficulty is that we were ill born in slu, and are all misshapen. Not only our l>odles are lni|>erfect, tut our brains are unbalanced—some one way, some another. CooMquently young men and maidenB. looking forth from Child hood upon th* prob lems of life, have various conceptions of happiness, and make various reso lutions and endeav ors respecting the filling of their cup with blessings — long life, riches, honor, etc. The teachers of our schools have a most wonderful opportunity tor Inflv" enclng the course of humanity. We rejoice that they are striving nobly for the fulfilment of gracious, benevo lent ideals, and are using their oppor tunities for blessing their pupils. Y et evidently many of them have but a alight appreciation of their privileges. Some, of course, like the remainder of the world, are selfish, and think of their work from the business stand point—so much work, so much pay. The first and chief responsibility for children resta upon their parents, the majority of whom, no doubt, to some extent recognise that responsibility in Qod's sight and mau's. But they labor under the difficulties of their own igno rance. They know not the proper course to take for themselves. Their lives have been a succession of blun ders, and they presume that their chil dren must blunder similarly. Not see ing the principles underlying life's ex periences, they are unable to guide their children intelligently. Here teachers find their opportunity. But how little any one seems able to ac complish. and bo]W discouraged philan thropists become! On the whole, however, a broad view of Mie past fifty years shows progress in many directions. Our cities are cleaner—both physically and morally— at least so far as outward appearances are concerned. No longer does vice flaunt Itself in the face of society. The battle against intoxication and the so ' cial evil is making progress In that It has made former conditions impossible. In some states the progress has been more than in others. Nsw Issuss New—New Temptation«. Our lesson tells of a time In the his tory of Israel when many of the na tion's wisest and most brilliant people had settled down to ease and luxury— ■elf-gratification. They considered that they had won in the battle of life, and would now enjoy the fruits of their diligence. The Lord through the Pw phet upbraided them, declaring He was not pleased with such a course. He told them that woes would result The mission of Amos was to call at tention to the fact that aggressive self ishness bad accumulated great riches, that the wealthy were living in luxury, and that these conditions fostered pride and moral laxity amongst theiwealthy; while the poor were being filled with ava rice, losing respect tot- Ood, rett glon, truth and mercy. Society was •n the edge of a volcano, and Ood de clared that an «Option warnet band. Preeent Dey «Mtfltiene «Kreepen*. Our lesson to net inappropriate to our times. NÜwNIlstandtogitke prog ress made. uoMHtfeMnnd|ng-4he philan thropic sentlmenteof many« inside and outside Christin» denominations, nev >• '' erthe1eee> there Is danger. First of eH. let us consid er the danger of the rich. The wealth of today - -iKWir- reaches to a cer tain datent to the very humbleet, and scatters bleea Ingn. But the bulk ef the worId's • > wealth la In the P—H* M hiim haude of the few. £ïTUîi/ïîL."" - Th * Inordinately rloh lrc iD danger of Injuring themeelvee. Some cannot devise meeus by which to con enme even their incomes, Luxnriee of •rery kind are tasted in hope of find ing happiness. Not succeeding, they ■ttii pursue it. Wealth brings increas ed opportunity for sin In Its varions nnns, Including debauching, The Influence, upon the Tbe letter, seeking pleasure, »sgine erroneously that the rich and indolent are fludlng It, while tlug themeelvee seek In vain, Thee the foot, surrounded by the wnnderfsl Weeslngs of our day. are oftsn mleer •We. because their minde %i« dlecon tented. They deetns happlnees. and MUeve that they can obtain It only throngb weeltb. The result Is that IMr hearts ar# Oiling with anger, mal Ice, and jee lousy of the rich. Both rich and poor need to.leern tin great lesson that pleasure lies, not In self-indulgence, hut In eelf-sacrlflce— in service of ntherx. (tod's to both classe« |„, "Heek righleoil •eek meekneee. 1 -zephanlab 2A - ' » Serial No. 042S7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Reclamation. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at Boise, Idaho, May 15,1913. Notice*,is hereby given that Delbert J. Soper, ot Creenleaf, Idaho, who, on Btbruar 19, 1907, made H omettra Entry Né. 97«6, Na 04287, lor NB J* NWjj and Lot 1, Section 19, Town ship 4 North, R?jige 4 West, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention make Five- Year Proof, to estab-, 1Mb'claim to the land above described, before Alfred F. Stone, United States Commissioner, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 15th, day of Juljv 1913. Claimant names as wttnesses : William H. Jordan, of Greenleaf, Idaho; Nets Madsen, of Qreenieaf, ldahOf«£larlc fc. Allen, ol-Geecnleaf, Idatof >amea G. Mnyhugh, of Green ieaf/-Maho. - WU,MAM*ÄAU>EBSTON, JO-jyH .'it -Jtcgister NOTICE 1 Fd&^UBLICATION' Reclamation. Department of the Interior, United State* Land Office at Boise, Idaho, May 15,1913. Notice is hereby given that Aubrey B. Cooper, of Caldwell, Idaho, who, on November 12, 1909, made Home stead Entry, No. U7713, tor SE# SW >4, Section 3, Township 3 North; Range 4 West. Boisa Meridian, has filed notice of intention ta»; make Three Year Proof, to. establish claim to the land above described, before Alfrea,ij , Kto—, United -Commission er, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 15th day of July. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Nathan E. Rees, of Caldwell, Idaho; Cyrus ». Crooke, of Caldwell, Idaho; John .Dr Clark, oi< Caldwell, Idaho; Dean ■He Might, of -Caldwell, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, KHyll > - Register ■ - Berial No. 08011 NOTICE FOR» PUBLICATION Reclamation. Department of the Interior, United State Land Office at Bois«, Idaho April 2V, 1913: Notice is'hergby given that Oscar V. Alason, of CaldweM, .idaho, who, on Oecember 17« 19U9, made Homestead fcntry No. UHOil, for Lots 2 and J, Section 2, Township 2 North,'Range 4 West, Boiee Meridian, has tiled no tice o-i intention to m^ke Final x hree * ear Proof, to establish- claim to the land above described, before Alfred F. Stone, United States Commission er, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 2äth day of June, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Wilbur M. N orris, of Caldwell, Ida ho; Henly K. Price, of Caldwell, Ida ho; tdgar iarwater, of Caldwell, Ida no; Andrew McCtuskey, of Caldwell, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, xrol6-j20 Register. S*rial No. 0845 ' NOTICÏ FOR PUBLICATION Reclamation. Department of the Interior, United State* Land Office at Boise, Idaho, June 4, 1913. Notice is hecby given that Bruce M. Wilson, of Caldwell, Idaho, who. am August 27, 1SMW^«» m Homestead Entry No. 0dt5, for WJi SW*, Sec tion 5, ■ Township 3 -North, Range 3 ' West, Boise M e w d i aak tmt filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Preoft to^ eelabiish claim to the land above described before Alfred F. Stone, United States Commissioner, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the 25th day ot July, 1913. ■ . ; Claimant names -a» witnesses: Fted O. Burris, oi Caldwell, Ida ho ; Charles W. Skelton, ot Caldwell, Ida ho; H, R. Spencer, of Caldwell, Ida ho; John W.'Ghevalley, of- Caldwell, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, |jU-jyl8 - Register, NOtICB^OR N pbtuCATION Reclamation. < r Department of the Interior, iSyicd fitat<p;I<an4 Office at Boise, -Idahos May 24 ,1913. N omes is hereby given ttar Oliver M. Mnndhaov of <kldweu, Idnho, who, on October 23, 1907, made Homestead Entry No. 10311, Serial No. 01944, for Lou 1 and 2, Section t, Township fi North, Rnttfe 4 West; Boiso Meridian has filed notice of intention to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, befort Alfred F. «tonet United 6tatos Commissioner, at Csldwell. Idaho, on the 22nd dey of July, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: ii Cfceele* Bolton of' Caldwell, Idaho; Edward Mapes of. Caldwell Idaho; George W. Morrison, of CaJdwelL Idaho; Charles L. Saum, of Caldwell, idâho. WILLIAM BALOÄRSTONm, - jlJ-jy 18 "R«glster. • "« terinl No. 04155 . MOT1CE F OR: PUB LICATION Reclamation. Republication i Befe eiin en United S t ef the-Interior, States Lsnd Office at Boise, Idaho, June 7, 1913. Notice is hereby gijlw that James P of Caldwell, Idaho, who, o Ontober 19, 1906, made Homestead Entry Nto. 954fi Serial No. 04155, for £W* of NW*i Section «, and SK* of NE*«-- Section 4, Township 3 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meri dian, has filed notice of intention to Final Five Year Proof, to estab lish clsim to the land above described; before Alfred F. Stone, U. S. Com missioner, st Cak^well, Idaho, on the Mth day of July, 1913. CUimant nnmer s^ wMnesse« : , Dean RHight, of Ca^dwejildabo; Cyrus B Crodke, of Cnldwell, Idaho; David F. Dotson, of Caldwell, Idaho; John H. Dotson, of Caldwell, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, jU-Jylt Register. Serial No. 0515 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Reclamation. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at Boise, Idaho, May 7, 1913. Notice is hereby given that William E.£)erig of Caldwell, Ida., who, on Au gust 3, 1908, made Homestead Entry NO. 0515, for Lots 2, 3, and 4, Section Mi-Township 3 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make Final Five Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Alfred F. Stone, United States Commissioner, at Cald well, Idaho, on the 8th day of July, 1913. Claimant «âmes as witnesses: Edward £. Perry, of Caldwell, Ida ho; Earl Fads, of Caldwell, Idaho; James L. Magee. of Caldwell, Idaho; Francis Harns, of Caldwell, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDER3TON, n*30-jy4 ' « Register •Mal Mo. 01507 .MOTICBFOS PUBLICATION 'Reclamation. ^Department of the Interior, United Sûtes Land Oftice at ■■■ Boise, Idaho, May 7, 1913. Notice vis hereby given that Wil liam ,R. Connera, of Oreenleai, Idaho, who, on October 19, WUt>, made Homestead Entry No. 9547, Serial No. U15U7, for SE* SW*, Section £», and NE* NW* Sec. 32, T. 4 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five ïeâr Proof, f* establish claim to the land above described, betöre Al* fred F. Stone, United * States Commissioner, at Caldwell, Idaho, on the tith day of July, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Lou H. Burns, of Grecnlcaf, Idaho; Thomas H. Griffith, of Oreenleat, Idaho; Ole &. Larson» of Orcenleaf, Idaho; Rasmus Christianson, of Grecnleaf, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDERSTON, m30-jy4 Register NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE <. SALB ON FORBCLOtURE OF - MORTQAQE Westen <Nntiosal Bank of Caldwell, a ooeoation. Plaintiff. vs. James Munro and Eetelle C. Munro, -his wife, and Canyon Abstract & ' Trust, Company, n corporation, ■-Refendants. Under nnd by . virtue of and order of sale and decree of foreclosure, issued out of Ac District Court of the Seventh Judicial District, State of Idaho, ia and for the County of Can yon, on the 31at day of May, 1913, in she above entitled action, wherein Western National Bank of Caldwell, a corporation, the above named plaintiff obtained a decree against James Mun ro nnd Estelle C Munro and Canyon Abstract and Trust Company, a cor poration, defendants, on the 23rd day of May, 1913k which said decree was, on the 2Sth day of May, 1913, record ed in Judgment Bool: Four of said Court, at page 453, 1 am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated in the County of Canyon, State o< Idaho, and bound ed and described as follows, to-wit: The east half of the Northeast quar ter of Section Twenty-nine 129) Township Four (4J North, Range Two (.2) West of the Boise Meridian, together with all ditches and laterals used in the irrigation thereof, and the water rights conntcu i therewith. Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of June, IV13, at Ü o'clock, p. m„ of that day, in front of the Court House Door in the City of Caldwell, Idaho, County of Canyon, 1 will in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure, sell the above described property, or so much thereof an may be necessary to satisfy the -plaintiff's decree I with< interest thereon and costs to the highest bid der for cash, lawful money of the United States. Dated June 2nd, A. D., 1913. F. M. BRESHEARS, Sheriff. By A. G. STREET, 4t -j6-27 Deputy. Serial No. 0N7I NOTICE BOB PUBLICATION Reclamation. Department of th* Interior, United State* Lund Office at B omc, Idaho, May 12,1913. Notice is hereby given that Charles F. Smith, of Caldwell, Idaho, who, on April 2, 1910, made Homestead Bntry No 00676, for 8* SB*, Section U, Township 3 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, has notice of inten tion 4o make Three-year proof, to es tablish claim to th* land above de scribed, befor* Alfred F. Stone, Unit ed States Commissioner at Csldwell, Idaho on *hn 11th dny of July, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: |u *edwar* G> Nelson, of Caldwell, Ida ho« Charles . Vogt, of Caldwell, Ida no; Fred M. Hoadley, of Caldwell, Idaho; Ernest Vasold, of Caldwell, Idaho. WILLIAM BALDfiRSTOg, m30-jy4 Register * * * PROFESSIONAL CARDS * * ♦ * * * * * MISS BERTRA BOULWARE * * Instructor in Music * * * * Including Piano, Harmony, + ♦ Memorizing and Ear Training. + « 910 Main St. * « * r rilE RW Aft SURGEON « * * * « « of « « « * «t.**«*«*#**«**«*** ■ - Phone 420 y Caldwell, Idaho. * Hospital 3 miles northwest * city. THOS. H SOULE Architect and Superintendent Little Block, Caldwell. Idaho « « * * * ♦ * * ♦ J. M. Thompson T. E. Buckner * * THOMPSON & BUCKNER * Attorneys-at-Law * Office: Commercial Bank * Building. Caldwell, Idaho. •Ft«*****«******«* * ♦ *R. B. Scatterday O. M. Van Duyn* ♦ ♦ * SCATTERDAY & VAN DUYN ♦ * Lawyers + * « * General Law Practice. # * Little Block - Caldwell, Idaho. * * ♦ *************** * * * S. T. Jackson T. A. Walters * * ♦ * JACKSON & WALTERS * * Attorneys-at-Law + * Office: Rooms 6 to 8, Egleston * * Block. * * Caldwell, Idaho. * * * CURTIS HAYDON Attorney-at-Law General Law Pratice Office 15 Caldwell, Union Block. Idaho. ♦ *« + **«**««*«<*««« * * * H. E. WALLACE ♦ * Attorney-at-Law + * * * U. S. Land Office and Estate + * Matters Given Special Attention * + Caldwell, Idaho. * * « * * * DAVID D. HARGER * * Attorney-at-Law * * * * General Law Practice t + Commercial < Caldwell, * * Block. Idaho. * * * ft*«******«**«««-** ♦ ♦ * ALFRED F. STONE ♦ + * •* Attorney-at-Law * * + + Office in Little Block, + + Caldwell, Idaho. * * * * * * * * Real * GRIFFITHS & GRIFFITHS Aftorneys-at-Law Estate, stocks, bonds and + Securities.. Negotiated + * Over Western National Bank + * Caldwell, Idaho. * ♦ WALTER R. CUPP LAND ATTORNEY Formerly U. C. Commissioner Practice before the United States Land Office A Specialty. * Egleston Block, Caldwell, Idaho + * ♦ ♦ JUDSON A. ELSTON ♦ * ♦ + Attorney-at-Law + * ♦ + Commercial BIk., Caldwell, Idaho + + * «««««««««««««««■Ii-» « ♦ ♦ DR. W. G. GIGRAY ♦ + Dentist * * . ♦ * Office Hours: 8:30 to 12—1 to 5 ♦ * Egleston Block, Rooms 4 and 5 * * Caldwell, Idaho. * * ♦ DR. L. D. BLONDELL Dentist * Office hours, 9 to 12, 1:30 to S * * Other hours by appointment * h Commercial Bank Building * * * OSTEOPATH Or V * « * P. Smith— * —Kirksville Graduate # 16, 17 Commercial Bank Bldg. * Caldwell * « * * Dr. Dora A. Weymouth * * Osteopathic Physician * * Phone 186 ♦ * Office and residence— + * 117 South 10th Avenue * * Office hours 10 a. m„ to S p. m. + * Other hours by appointment * M * * " * Doctors Johnson & Johnson " * * Physicians and Surgeons « * Office: 3 and 4, Masonic B»~ « « 4i CANYON ABSTRACT t * TRUST CO.. LTD. « Capital 125,000.00 +Established 1892,' Incorporate* — * Abstracts, Loans, Insurau. * Bonds, General Trust Busi»— « Caldwell, Idaho. « ft**«*****«* 4^-h«» « COMPTON'S CYCLERY » * AND ELECTRIC SUPPLIES ♦ * Bicycles for sale and rent. * * Vacuum cleaning, saw filing, * * awnings, messenger service, sew- * * ing machines for rent—needles. * * will say we repair anything. * * HOUSE WIREING. FIXTURES ♦ * Eighth snd Msin Streets. + 4 C.J. WESC0TT 't* X fTuishii t T t ? y _ PHONE 40 RED 4 H6 MAIN STREET ❖ The Western National Bank f OAB rJUKTiC. IDAHO Capital $60,000.00 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY PIVE PER CENT PAID ON TIME DEPOSIT Will be pleased to welcome you n our bank or answer your inquiries by tnaä. J. T. Morrison, Pres. Edward Hedden, V. Pres. S. Dille, Cashier. 1 Roddy, A. Cashier Excursions East via. Union Pacific System Very low round trip fares to Denver, Kan sas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Chicago, Min neapolis and many other points. DATES OF SALE: May 7, 8,10,17, 24, 31; June 3, 7, 13,14, 21, 28; July 2, 5, 10,19, 23, 31; August 1, 9, 10, 11, 16, 22, 28; September 10, 11. LIMIT: October 31st, 1913. See any, OREGON SHORT LINE agent For further details The Il nlon pacific S ystem Reaches Omaha aifd points East "THE DIRECT WAY" Piatt - Peckham Furniture & Undertaking Undertaking a Specialty CALLS AHSWEREI DA» II NIGHT. AMBULANCE IN CONNECTION OKI-BATE UNDERTAKING MILLER & ATCHISON Successors to Independent Meat Ce. DEALERS IN y am m Give us a Trial Order Jones Furniture Company The House of Quality Furniture and Undertaking (Jnderta ing a Specialty. Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night. The Jones Furniture Co. 606 Main St NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at the Jnly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners I shall apply for au. thority to _ appoint one deputy and other special help in my office. WILL MONK, Treasurer and Ex-Officio Tax Col lector j6-jyll NOTICE. Notice is herby given that at the July meeting of Board of County Commissioners I shall apply for au thority to appoint one deputy ill my o.'fice. WILL MONK, Treasurer and ex-Officio Tax Col lector. ml6-j20