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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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SlOO IN GOLD TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE TO THE LODGE, CHURCH, CLUB, ORGANIZATION OR INDIVIDUAL, for saving Cash Checks from Merchants Advertising on This Page SlOO Behind Our Cases of Jewelry stands our guarantee of quality and reliability. You can buy here in perfect confidence that under no circumstances will there be any misrepresentation A. E. Laughlin Optometrist & Jeweler MAGIC THEATRE — MAGIC THEATRE MAGIC THEATRE £ > I The House of Best Pictures g Licensed Service Selected Programs 5c - ADMISSION - 10c MAGIC THEATRE - MAGIC THEATRE MAGIC THEATRE Idaho Implement & Grain Company Caldwell, Idaho Dependable Farm Tools for every purpose—Complete line of Henney and Moon Broi. Buggies. Headquarters for THRESHERMEN'S SUPPLIES, REPAIRS, BELTING, OILS, ETC For the benefit of the large number of shoppers who use The Tribune as a medium in which to find exceptional purchasing opportunities, this paper offers the following inducement to its friends to carefully read the ad vertisements of the progressive stores on this page: A grand prize of $75.00 in gold will be given to the individual or any form of organization or institution turning in the greatest amount of money shown on the cash checks or receipts and monthly bills secured at any of the stores in the Bargain Feature. To the candidate securing the sec ond largest amount, $15.00 in gold. To the third. $10.00 in gold. Explanation To secure votes in the Tribune Bar gain Voting Feature, make your pur chases at the stores advertising in The Bargain Feature, and call for a cash check or receipt for every purchase. Five votes will be given for every 5 cents shown on the cash check, re ceipt, or monthly bill. AH votes will be deposited in the voting box at his office. Sales checks must represent cash purchases or cash paid on credit pur chases. All cash checks, monthly bills and deposit slips must be turned into this office within ten days of the pur chase date. Every contestant entering the con test is entitled to one nominating cou pon good for 1000 votes. The only exception to the contestants entering The Bargain Feature are those em ployed at this office or the stores ad vertising on this page, or purchasers. At the theatres advertising in The Bargain Feature call for a cash check when you buy your ticket. The Bargain Voting Feature ap pears every week for 20 weeks. NEW FALL GOODS ARE HERE Society Brand Clothes See Our First Showing KAHN CLOTHING CO. DR. W. F. MORAY DENTIST Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Equip ment — Absolutely Painless Cavity Preparation By the ues of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen I can prepare the most sensitive tooth and fill it right with out any pain to the patient whatever. The person who has been dread ing for months to go to the dentist on account of pain need not fear any longer. Under the inttuence ot Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen the patient re mains conscious all the time and feels no pain. That is the reason I can work upon the most sensitive dentine without pain or shock to the patient. Lady Assistant Over Baker & Harris Miller s Clothes Shop Is the Place to Get Good Work I 10 South Kimball Ave Caldwell BUNGALOW THEATRE PROGRAM Wednesday, Aug. 6—One Night Only Coming ednesday, August 6th—one night only SATAN n In fiive reels Une of the greatest state right features ever booked in Caldwell One price to all—10 cents. Coo£ With Electricity WE CARRY A VERY COMP LETE LINE OF ELECTRIC AP PLIANCES FOR THE HOUSEH OLD—ELECT RANGES, HOT PLATES, TOASTERS, WATER HEATERS, IRONS, ETC PAY US A VISIT AND LET US EXPLAIN TO YOU THE MARKED ECONOMY IN THE USE OF EL ÉCTRICITY OVER COAL. Beaver River Power Co. PHONE 79 New and Complete Shipment of everything useful for the kitchen on our 5c 10c 15c, 25c BARGAIN COUNTER WINDOW SHADES 25 14-QT. KETTLES 25 CALDWELL RACKET STORE—C. L. AUSTIN The Snodgrass Picture Shop ■OOM 12, EGLESTON BLOCK Our Specialties—Portraits, Children's Pictures, Groups, View Work Expert Kodak Finishing Pneu Form BEANS Straw Hat»s The Pneumatic Dress Form With Pneu Form and a properly fitted waist lining the most elaborate gown or skirt may be completed with out a try-on. Pneu Form takes in the largest part of teh hips and the adjustable rod gives skirt length. Made to be pinned to. The air chamber is made of scientifically air proofed cloth—non-elastic—will there fore last many years in any climate. One Pneu Form will reproduce any number of figures provided it is or dered in a size a little larger than the largest person. When not in use the small box base holds it all. Weight ten pounds. We would like an oppor tunity to demonstrate this most economical labor saving dressmaking de vice. You will never know the delicious taste of Canned String Beans until you have used Mrs. 'Prices Canning Compound WE ARE AGENTS THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Greenlund DRUG STORE YOUR DRUGGISTS We give Cash Checks on Contest. Sailor Shapes, Rough and Smooth, cool and comfortable featherweight straws for hot weather ONE DOLLAR for the $2 grade. Full assortment, sizes in all styles ALEXANDER Saratoga :: Hotel DINING ROOM Breakfast a la Carte Luncheon 12 to 2 p. m. Dinner 6 to 8 p. m. Sunday Dinner Table de Hote, 50c 6 to 8 p. m. ED. D. POTTER, Prop. HELP the cause you are moat inter ested in by getting your Cigars, Candy. Rexall Needs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Kodaks, Cameras and Sup plies, Stationery, Victor Vic trolas and Records, from the Botfcin - Harmon Drug Co., Ltd. THE REXALL STORE We Furnish Cash Creeks on the $100.00 Contest $iei(al 'Cafe TABLE AND COUNTER SERVICE BEST IN THE CITY Choicest food and good cooking our specialty. Give ui a trial and you will be more than satisfied. We make a speciatly of 25-cent meals ^reenwaii MANAGES THE COLONIAL Ice Cream delivered to any part ot the city Special prices to Schools, Lodges and Churches CALDWELL PAINT I WALL PAPER CO. Everything in the Paint Une Picture Framing, Painting and Kalsomlntng 120 Kimball Avenue, Caldwell, Idaho The New Bakery Known as the City {Bakery will open the middle of next week WM. MOMBERG & SON New Maîtresses Just From the Factory I have just received from the mak er, a shipment of new high-grade wool, combination and felt mattresses. The felt mattress is made of purest white cotton felt, made in lawers, has Imperial roll edge and there is not its equal o nthe market at the same price. It is absolutely guaranteed. The combination mattresses. 50 pounds to each mattress of clean cot ton and fibre. This fibre will not crumble, the mattresses will not pack and get thin in spots. A mighty good mattress for a little money. It's five to ten pounds heavier than most com bination mattresses. Others ask $6.50 to $15.00 for mat tresses like these new ones, my price is $4.50 to $10.50. H. G. Morgan The Leading 2d Hand Store MORGAN'S BARGAIN HOUSE 807 Arthur Street Specialties for Your 'Picnic Lunch The Pure Food Store Nomination Coupon—Good for 1000 Votes JIM c m s "Ä™»" S 100.00 For Address (This ooupon is good for nomination only and must be used five day» from date) July 25, 1913.