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STOCK REDUCING SALE The cold, damp, disagreeable weather of the past two weeks has had a tendency to retard the sale of sum mer or warm weather merchandise. It is our determination to dispose of this seasonable goods regardless or the weather, by advertising at this time,— A Stock Reducing Sale Beginning Monday, June 15th Consisting of Summer Wash Goods, Wash Silks, Kimona Goods, Ginghams, Percales, Towelings, Etc. Hosiery and Summer Under wear, House Dresses, Street Dresses, Silk Dresses, Wash Skirts, Coats and Suits, Summer Oxfords and Parasols. This sale will mean a big saving to you.— Remember the Date. Summer Kimona Crepes in Tokio and SerpentinelO materials, the yd iww Oriental Pongee Silk S3 inches wide; 100 yards CQ. in this lot, the vd Jul* Summer Wash Silks in assortted colors; 27 and ORp ;{(> inches wide, the yard Striped Summer Crepes assorted colors and stripes,C_ 1200 yards, sale price the yd JI» Plain White Lawns extra values during this sale 0. the vard "b Big White Victoria Bed Spreads —large size <M 00 with cut corners, sale price «|)liüJ Summer Bath Towels —made of fine bleached Turkish towling. Sale price Unbleached Linen Toweling —for summer kitchens, the yard Bleached and Colored Table Damask— 56 inches wide, the yard Ladies' Black Mercerized Gauze Hose —for summer wear, all sizes, the pair 12c 7c 49c 19c Summer House Dresses —assorted sizes and patterns of percale and gingham • Long Summer Kimonas —of new crepes and lawns, all sizes, at $1.98 and Ladies' S umm er Gowns —of musline, crepes, and flowered ratine, sale price Ladies' Summer Waists —a varied essortment of QDp styles and materials at will» Jap Silk Waists —Plain and fancy, newest styles, your choice for 69c 98c 89c $2.75 The Geo. A. Anderson Company CALDWELL, IDAHO Items of Interest From Surrounding T et ritory ********* V******+** * * * ROSWELL. * * ********+♦++***+♦ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard and Christine Jacobson were Caldwell visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rice have received word that their son, Fred, of Brew ster, Washington, was married on June 3rd, at Spokane. Miss Pearl Hall spent some time in Caldwell this week, enjoying the commencement exercises at the Col lege of Idaho. Arthur Rice spent Sunday in Cald well visiting with Will Hawkes. Misses Vinnie and Olive McCor mick arrived home last Wednesday from their year's work at the state normal at Lewiston. The ice cream social, planned by the Baptist Ladies' league for last Friday night was postponed on ac count of the very cool weather. Winefred Wohleschlegel and Will Sieber arrived home from their Wash ington trip last Friday. They have been working in a lumber camp. Rev. Mr. Minaker of New Plymouth preached in the Baptist church Sun day instead of J. E. Kannair, who was expected to preach. As the base ball teams of Roswell and Big Bend failed to meet on Tues day evening, they got together on Saturday evening and fought it out to the tune of 12 to 4 in favor of Ros well. On account the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. John Steel, Miss Mae Nichol and Mr. Harry Steel o. Omaha, were sent for and arrived here Sunday night. Rev. E. P. Lawrence and Rev. Bruce L. Giffen will spend their vaca tion at a summer school at Pullman, Washington. There will be expert talks given on country church life and also subjects of agricultural pursuits. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Fretwell from Arrow Rock are spending a couple of weeks visiting with the Henry Maw family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dow and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Anderson of Fargo also spent Snuday with their home folks. Mr. J. H. Trout was taken to Hot I.ake. Oregon. Sunday for treatment. He has not shown any improvement whatever tor some time. Chilren's Day exercises will be held at the Presbyterian church next Sun day at 11:30 a. m. There will be no Sunday school and the exercises will take place of the preaching services as Mr. Lawrence will not be here. Arthur Rice will give a talk on China the next Sunday, June 21st. and Mr. Moore of Big Bend, will speak the next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Cleaver of Caldwell were Sunday visitors at the G. I- McCormick home. The Sunshine Circle met with Anna Parson Saturday afternoon. Stewart Ross and Kinsey Robin son were it home the latter part of last week, as they were through with their examinations. Kinsey graduat ed from the Academic Department this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sloan, who have been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kelley for a few weeks, moved into their own house last week. Mr. and Mrs. G L. McCormick and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wohschlegel were supper guests at the ÎHenry Maw home Saturday night. Miss Eunice Rockwood is spending a few days with hé* sister. Mrs. Hery Stark, at Lake Lowell. The Woman's Bible Cl*»» heW a meeting with Mrs. E. T. Rice Wed nesday afternoon. Miss Bertha Wilson of Fruitland was a week end visitor of Miss Gladys Taylor. Special—Men's or ladies' suits thoroughly cleaned and pressed $1.50. Frank Weaver, Tailor, Caldwell, Ida., Kimball Ave. The Bible Classes of the Roswell and Parma Presbyterian Sunday Schools competed in base ball on the Roswell diamond Tuesday evening. The Ladies' Missionary society met with Mrs. J. H. Lowell Tuesday afternoon. A quarette met with Miss Hall to practise for Children's Day last Mon lay evening. DEER FLAT. The young people of the Free Methodist Sunday school gave their Children's Day program Sunday evening to a large and appreciative audience. About three hundred peo ple were in attendance. The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. D. N'. Smith Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Sprague is expected to arrive from Illinois this week to take charge of the regular pastoral work of the Free Methodist church. Miss Eva Robinson of Caldwell was an over Sunday guest of Miss Ardath Scarth. Mrs. John Cooper who has been quite sick for the past two weeks is still under the doctor's care. The Huston Christian Endeavor with Miss Sinover as leader had their meeting after Sunday school last Sunday morning, instead of the even ing hour, so the members could at tend the program at the Free Method ist church in the evening. Miss Mable Dresser of Caldwell, was an over Sunday guest of Miss Helen Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCullough were Sunday dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Clay across the river. Miss Bess Harper returned home last week from Lewiston, where she graduated from the Lewiston State Kormal. Miss Harper will teach in the primary department of the Coun cil school next year. Miss Julia Clark visited friends in Caldwell several days last week. There was a meeting of the farm ers at the church annex in Huston Tuesday evening to discuss the dairy problems in this neighborhood. Miss Jennie Selby returned honu last week from Homedale, after a three month's absence. The Huston Sunday school will »five its Children's Day program for foreign missions next Sunday tven ing. The program deals mostly with the work and the workers of India Chian and Thibet. All are invited to attend. Services will be dismissed at the Free Methodist church next Sunday evening to enable the congregation to attend the Children's day program at Huston. The cold weather and frost of last week did very little damage to the crops in thi* neighborhood, but the continued rains will damage the hay crop. It is estimated that a little more than half of the hay in this lo cality was down which will all damag ed more or less by the recent rains. Very little staking has been done. Lester Harris went to Boise Satur day being called there by the circus. The Appleton church and the Chris tian church are each being greatly im proved in appearance by white paint. A new fraternal organization, the 'Court of Honor," has been organized here with more than 50 members. They will hold their lodge meetings in the school house for the present or until a more commodious lodge room can be arranged for. The Christian church is ready for the third coat this week if weather permits. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis are plan ning to leave about the 20th of this month for an extended visit at their old home in Wisconsin. Miss Blanche Martin of Midway, visited relatives here this week. Johnnie Dotson, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dotson, is reported quite sick with typhoid fever. Miss Ardath Scarth entertained at Sunday dinner the Misses Celia Flem mons, Wessie Sinover and Eva Robinson. Special—Men's or ladies' suits thoroughly cleaned and pressed $1.50 Frank Weaver, Tailor, Caldwell. Ida, Kimball Ave. Miss Hazel Orcut o" Caldwell, visit ed relatives here ove» Sunday. WILDER. Lucy and Helen Miller oi Caldwell were visiting at the Woodward home ta^t week. Ralph Anderson had a very narrow escape last Sunday. He was kicked in the head by a horse, swelling his ace badly, but not seriously. Mrs. Clark of Apple Valley and Mrs. Jacobson of Roswell spent Monday at the R. S. Brown home. Miss Dorothy Garlick is helping Mrs. Womack. Mr. Paine is intending to build several houses in Wilder for renting purposes. This will be quite an im provement to the town, as they will be needed quite badly. Miss Clark of Arena Valley and Mrs. Sampson, who each underwent an operation at Dr. Sampson's resi dence a week ago last Sunday are both doing nicely. Evelyn Garlick spent last week with Helen Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. William Osbourn are the proud parents of a new girl, who came to live with them Thurs day, June 4th. Miss Gertrude Wright, who has been working at Dr. Sampson's re turned to her home in Big Bend last week. Mrs. Temple's sister-in-law, Mrs. Brown, spent last week in Boise, re turning on the train Sunday. Miss Lilla Mitchell is caring for Mrs. John Steel of Roswell Park, who is very low. Little Arthur and Denum Patton are very sick. Dr. Miller of Cald%vell is attending them. George Clason and O. F. Wood autoed to Nyssa last week to trans act business there concerning the new creamery at Wilder. The Children's Day program will be held at 11:00 o'clock Sunday morn ing, June 14th, in the Methodist church. Everybody is welcomed to come and attend these services. In the evening will be held our second anniversary service. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weeks are the parents of a new baby boy, who came to stay with them several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peck were guests atthe Kreider home Sunday. Two jolly ball games were played in Wilder Saturday between Fargo and Wilder. Wilder was the victor if both games. Special—Men's or ladies' suits thoroughly cleaned and pressed $1.50. Frank Weaver, Tailor. Caldwell Ida Kimball Ave. Louie Hudson has improved his home by going over it with a coat of white paint. Mr. and Mrs. Joy Weeks are re joicing over the arrival of a new— red cistern pump. Esther Olsen and Mabel Glass took dinner with Miss Blanche Weeks on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hammond and children of Caldwell, were guests at the J. I. Weeks home Sunday, remain ing over night. Mrs. Malcom Allen of the Camp, and Mrs. Gene Allen of Fargo, left Monday for Portland, Maine, to be gone all summer. Miss Florence Conners of Fair Acres, visited at the Vernon home on Saturday. . Miss Vina Farley returned home Friday from Weiser, where she has been attending school the past year. Mrs. Sowers of the Camp, returned home Sunday after visiting with re latives at Lake Lowell. Mr. Sower's two lyoung brothers returned with her and will visit here for a while. Mrs. Anderson's two brothers of Middleton, are staying out here until after the haying season is over with. Helen Patton has been very sick with tonsilitis but is now much im proved. Everett Allen spent last week with his grandparents in Roswell. Mrs. Anderson has been on the sick list this week. + » * MARBLE FRONT. * * + ***********>**** Mrs. Atchison and sons, of Sunny Slope, spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. William Weik. Miss Esther Gregory left Monday evening for her home in New Port, Washington. Mr. Marton Barney attended the lecture on "White Slavery," at the Methodist church in Middleton last Saturday night, given by S. F. Phil lips. The Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church of Caldwell were out to Mrs. L. S. Dille's for an all day social meeting last Wednesday. Ralph Hammer attended the circus m Boise Saturday. Monroe Dille attended the funeral of Mr. Hulburt at Xampa on Satur ady afternoon. Miss Edith Wfcyne of Payette spent the week end with Misses Grace and Susie Vassar of Bunker Flat. Mr. Irwin Mason, of Midvalc, was a Bunker Flat visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell of the Dakotas are visiting with his parents and will probably locate in Marble Front. Mrs. Wayne of Boise was a visitor of Mrs. and Mrs. S. H. Vassar last week. Mrs. W. R. Bell is daughter of Parma. Ray Solomon was a Boise visitor Saturday. Mr. Jas. Baker is spending a good proportion of his time improving his farm. Charles Cook, of Silver City, visiting his parents. The Bales Bros, marketed a 400 pound hog in Caldwell last Thurs day. Thomas Pearson hauled a load of wheat from the Bales brothers ranch last week. Mr Fred Rutledge, the accused tur key thief, convinced Judge Henry of his innocence and the case was thrown out of court. If you do not think the Sunday school and church is well attended, just come and see. The McSuire girls were visitors at the W. C. Fugate ranch last week. Mr. C. E. Sackett of Edwardsburg, Idaho, was a guest at the C. C. Bale's ranch last Saturday and bought a registered Hereford bull. A very close and interesting game was played between Marble Front and Maple Grove Sunday afternoon visiting her Andrew Carnegie Believes mat every young man snouia save some thing each week from his income and de posit it to his credit in the Bank. Mr. Car negie backed his belief by deeds that ac complished something worth while. Your account ia invited 5 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Caldwell Commercial Bank CALDWELL. IDAHO on our diamond. The score was 14 to 15 in favor of Marble Front. Miss Ethel Bales returned Wednes day evening from Lewiston. Next Sunday afternoon a game will be played on our home grounds, be tween Marble Front and Deer Flat. Mr. Horace and Robert Milliner were Boise visitors Saturday, taking in the sights of the circus while up there. Mrs. Bray and family were picking cherries at the Walter Thomas ranch several days last week. Miss Ella King returned to her work in Caldwell Sunday, after sev eral weeks at home during her mother's illness. Walter Thomas had the misfor tune to lose a fine cow and calf one day last week. The Marble Front choir met with Mrs. Roy Jones last Tuesday even ing in preparation for Children's Day next Sunday. A few of the neighbors gave Mrs. McElwain quite a surprise last Sun day, it being her twenty-first wedding anniversary. A bountious dinner was prepared by the neighbors and ice cream and cake were served in the afternoon. The damp, chilly day did not keep the many friends from attending the funeral of Mrs. William King, last Thursday afternoon. She will be missed in our neighborhood as she was a devoted Christian. She was a mother to all who met her and never refused a helping hand to any one in sickness and trouble. A pleasant surprise was given Miss Nellie Whitney last Saturday evening in honor of her thirteenth birthday. Special—Men's or ladies' suits thoroughly cleaned and pressed $1 50 Frank Weaver. Tailor, Caldwell. Ida Kimball Ave. The Marble Front sewing club was to have met with Mrs. Roy Jones last Thursday but through the re spect of Mrs. William King, whose uneral was held that day, was post poned until June the eighteenth Mrs. William Weik and Mrs. Harry Demaree were visitors of Mrs W S r, Ha L wk ^ s last Tuesday afternoon. Ruth Boulton of Caldwell visited c?i Boulton last Saturday. Ellen Boulton was entertained at a nine-o'clock !break/ast party (last rnday morning ai the home of Miss Eleanor Christopher Mr and Mrs W. W. Lewi, and daughter of Middleton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lewis Miss Ada Powell of the Canyon Hospital is spending a portion of her two weeks' vacation with Mrs. I nomas Pearson, At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allison occurcd the wedding of their daughter, Miss Edith and Julius E. Miller at noon on June 3rd. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. S. Hawkes, assisted by Rev. B. S. Rice. The bride taught school the past year at the Marble Front school and was superintendent of the Sunday school. She has, by her very faithful work and helpfulness in the church and community endeared her self to all and it is the wish of her many friends that sunshine shall at tend her through her years of wedded life—many or tew, whichever it may be. The groom is an estimable young farmer of Sweet, Idaho, and also a member of Marble Front. ********* ********** * * * CENTRAL COVE. * ^ a ♦ ♦♦♦■a************ Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stewart visit ed at the Pierce ranch of Homedale Sunday. B. F. Black lost a fine cow a short time ago. Mr. Meredith was a Boise visitor the first of last week. Mrs Conwell and Cleo attended Ladies' Aid in Sunnyslope last Wed nesday afternoon. ,, Mrs ; Ford, Mrs. J. J. Wright and Mrs. William Thomas of Homedale were callers at the Hillyear home Fri day afternoon. Miss Sadie Oliver is helping Mrs. Stewart with the house work. 1 he rains of the past week is hard on the hay that is down. Mr. Monroe put tip some hay for Mrs. Siders last week. Special—Men's or ladies' suits thoroughly cleaned and pressed $1.50. f.. an . k leaver, Tailor, Caldwell, Ida., Kimball Ave. Mr and Mrs. Roy Myler and Mr. and Mrs. W. I,. Holton of Homedale and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Black were dinner guests at J. F. Hillyear's Sun day of last week. Mr. "Trueblood was taking crop re ports of the season the first of the week. CHIRSTIAN CHURCH. At the Christian Church next Sun day morning, Mr. Sias' theme will be. Throttling the Skeptic and Infidel." Eventng "Whose Wife to Remem ber. The Bible school openes at 10 i n <i Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:00 p. m. Tribune Classified ads are read by thousands of people every -week.