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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
♦ PERSONAL AND LOCAL. ♦ ******* ********** Messrs. S. W. Dee, James Harris and C. J Westcott left Saturday for the Payette Lakes. At McCall they will get pack horses and go into the interior for the purpose of hunting big game. They will be gone three weeks. Mrs. W L. Wooley is visiting friends and relatives at Vale and On tario this week. 7 ? Mtke Maloney, well known base ball player, whose pitching has at tracted attention in the Union League, the State league when he played with Nampa and F.mmett, and the Canad. ian league, is back from the northland, announcing that he has retired from the game. Maloney got hurt recently and thin accounts for the announce ment. He is going to run the old Ma loney homestead, five miles north of Nampa, and become a real farmer for sure.—Nampa Leader-Herald. C. A. Stief has made homestead ap plication at the Boise land office for the following described land: west half southwest quarter and southeast southwest quarter section 30, town ship 2 south, range 4 west, B. M., 160 acres. ATTENTION of the game warden ig called to the fact that a closed sea son should be placed on the Bull Moose. He is a mighty scarce art icle on the returns and the remnant should be preserved for curiosity's sake.—Pocatello Tribune. Bill March pays the highest cash price for eggs. slf>-if W. R. Sebree has returned to Cald well after spending several weeks in the cast. 7 ? The Seventh Day Adventists are building a large school house in the Mountain View addition. There will be services at the Catholic church Sunday. Sunday school at 9:45; mass at 10:30.—L. Marx, S. M. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hawkes return ed from New England Wednesday night, accompanied by F.dgerton Prof fit, a nephew of Mrs. Hawkes, who will enter the College of Idaho. Mr. Proffit's home is at Grandview-on Hudson. 7 ? Albert F. Winters and Hazel R. Page, both residing on the Jordan Valley stage route, were married, in this city Friday evening. The cere mony took place in the Idaho Hotel and was performed by Judge D. D Harger. Fin-ley McKenzie of Rockville was a business visitor in Caldwell yestcr daw Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Cole neturned from the coast yesterday. 7 ? The Idaho State Federation of Womens' clubs will meet at Lewiston October 14, IS, and 16. The Third district meeting will be held at Mos cow. October the 12 and 13. No. 8225. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the Western National Bank, at Caldwell, in the State of Idaho, at the close of business, Sept. 12, 1914. Resources. Loans and discounts $131,244.84 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 259.81 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation . . . 50,000.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits., $1000.00; to se cure Postal Savings, $5000.00 6,000.00 Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits, none; to se cure Postal Savings, $2,000.00 2,000.00 Bonds, securities, etc. (other than stocks') .... 15,022.34 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 28.5(X).00 Other real estate owned .. 30.504.36 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents).... 12,115.58 Due from State and Pri vate Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies, and Savings 761.15 Due from approved Reserve Agents in Central Re serve Cities $16,006.99: iti other Reserve cities $13.265.19 29,272.18 Checks and other cash items 638.04 Notes of other National banks 495.00 Fractional paper currency, nickles, and cents 161.39 Lawful money in reserve bank, viz: specie $6,832.25 Legal-tender notes 6,960.00 13,792.25 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5% of cir culation) . 2,500.00 Total $323,266.94 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 3,934.83 National bank notes out standing 49,995.00 Due to state and private banks and bankers .... 2,535.71 Individual deposits subject to check 129,444.61 Time certificates of deposit payable within 30 days.. 18,766.29 Time certificates of deposit payable after 30 days or after notice of 30 days or longer 50,053.25 Certified checks 555.30 Cashier's checks outstand ing 481.95 U. S. deposits 1,000.00 Postal Savings deposits.... 6,500.00 Bills payable, including ob ligations representing money borrowed 10,000.00 Total $323,266.94 State of Idaho, County of Canyon, ss: I, L. S. Dille, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. S. DILLE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of Sept., 1914. F. D. MUMFORD. Notary Public. Correct-Attest: EDWARD HEDDF.N, MARTIN JENSEN, H. D. BLATCHLEY, Directors. (SEAL) I h m o oc s « o Q £ < >* H D O u z o h— I wm \ < U w X H iE % I S £ U. O S O M R W. N. Selig presents Wm. Farnum =ln a Stupendous Visualization ol the Powerful Book= By « m mm —IN THREE ACTS AND NINE REELS=== AT THE Huree :: Theatre Tuesday, Sept. 22 One Night Only THREE PERFORMANCES-MATINEE 2-30, EVENING 7 AND 9:15 This nicturesaue. rugged romance of Alaska has a love story with splendid imagina tion that grips and holds the sympathies. "The Spoilers" pre sents the most stubborn, strenuous and exciting fight ever pictuied— the acme of realism. See a whole town dynamited! A volcanic earth quake extraordinary! A wonderful draw ing power! T L E A Virile Masterpiece oi the Most Wonderful Story Ever Filmed rv 'vi: i m m : Wlliam » H Big, moving, mas terful and wholesome in its human interests, thrilling in incident, ab sorbing in situation, powerful in progression from start to finish. "The Spoilers" is a thrilling red-blooded story of strong men bat tling for supremacy, with all their power of mind and muscle—alert for every cast of chance. The picture with the punch powerful!. Fresh from a fort night run on Broadway, New York City; an eight weeks' record breaking engagement at the Studebaker in Chi cago. A Two Weeks Capacity Engagement in Los Angeles And Two Weeks in San Francisco. âi The Beat I Ever Saw" MRS. CARTER H. HARRISON Famed Authoress and Wile oi Chicago's Mayor says The performance of "The Spotters" in photoplay I wftnessed at the Studebaker is Just splendid. It held my attention trom start to finish. The acting is su perb, and so true that one can almost read the words from the mute lips. It Is the best entertainment oi the sort I ever saw. Sincerely yours, EDITH OGDEN HARRISON. Thousands have seen this Thrilling, Marvelous Picture, and Endorsed it as the Greatest YOU SHOULD SEE IT A Story That Appeals To Every Red-Blooded American Matinee Children 15c Adults 25c Evening—25-35-50c