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Items of Interest From Surrounding Territory * BRIER ROSE. * ****** » » » * * * * * * * Miss Alberta Rankin is spending the Christmas vacation at her home in Lakeview. Kenneth Douglass, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Douglass, is quite sick with tonsilitis this week. Mr. Will McFarland from near Boise, spent Christmas with his mo ther, Mrs. P. J. Collop. Mr. W. I. Mcintosh was a Christ mas dinner guest at Rev. Runciman's. Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Clemens were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. Brown ing's, in Franklin. Morris Corbett came from Jordan to spend Christmas at home. Mrs. Meador is on the sick list this week. On Christmas day at the home of the bride's parents in Lakeview, Rev. D. A. Clemens united Miss Carrie Robbins and Mr. George Houston in marriage. Bartlett and Thomas Allen of Em mett spent the week end with their cousins at Rev. Clemen's. Mr. Frank Laws of Sunny Slope was in the neighborhood Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Douglass ar rived Wednesday from Gooding to spend Christmas at W. A. Douglass'. Mr. and Mrs. Fivecoats and family spent Tuesday at the Leavett home Lucile Postlewaite is spending the Christmas holidays with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dix. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Doug lass entertained twenty-one guests during the day. It was the first time in five years that all their children had been at home together. The day was very pleasantly spent by all. All the children had intended to be there for Christmas, but some could not get here by that time. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Douglass of Halfway, Oregon, surprised their par ents by arriving Saturday night. Among those present on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Douglass of Gooding, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Douglass of Halfway, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Woodcock, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tish, Miss Grace Bassett, Mr. Am brose Tish, Mr. Bassett, Mr. Pierson, and Nora Grieve. All but foun of these were dinner guests. A sort of Community Christmas tree was held at Meador's Thursday evening. Those present were the Ed elfsen, Keough and Shaw families. Mr. and Mrs. Rinker and daughter, Genevera, of Montpelier, and Mr. and Mrs. Gleason called at George Wil liams' Wednesday. Mr. T. M. Nichol had the misfor tune in losing a valuable Jersey cow Sunday night. This was one of the cows that was recently taken around the loop on exhibition. Miss Margaret Nichol was a guest at T. M. Nichol's for the weekend. Paine Rankin of Lakeview spent a few days at Rev. Clemens this' week. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Christopher and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Baum were dinner guests at Joseph Baum's Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Douglass of Gooding, Mr. Lee Douglass, Miss Grace Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woodcock were Christmas dinner guests at the W. A. Douglass home. Christmas day the Newman, Rankin and McCampbell families and Prof. Rankin were entertained at the Clem ens home. Miss Olivia Meador was a guest of Miss Viola Howard for Christmas dinner. The Martin family have moved from the old Charlie Douglass place fur ther into the country. * PLAIN VIEW. + **************** John Robinson has gone to Sloan, Iowa, his former home, for a several months' visit. . . Earl Cox and Lloyd Cox are visit ing at the home of Henry Cox, during the week. Oscar Trueblood is putting the fin ishing touches on his new home, which will be a dandy. W. A. Fivecoats has added another room to his house on the hill and it looks now as though Arthur would be soon bringing home a housekeeper. Congratulations Arthur. Will Zeal has the reputation of owning and driving not only the best horses in the community, but the best broken horses as well. But even at that, he has been known to drive off the grade sometimes when accompan ied by a lady friend. Take a driver next time, Will. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Lovrjoy of Caldwell drove out to the farm one day last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Blake of Boise were Plain View visitors recently. * FARQO * **************** Wedding Belle». Mr. Harry Barker, of Greenleaf, and Miss Elsie Frank of l'argo. were united in marriage at the home of Rev. Vernon, at six oclock Thursday evening, December 24. Both young people are well known in the com munity and the best wishes of all are for their future happlnesi and pros perity. Fred Mobus GEHEMl COM® ING HID BUILDING CABINET AND JOB WORK; Estimates Furnished Free. PHONE 443W 216 ELGIN ST. Lillian M. Bailey and Thom s E. Cross were united in marriage Dec ember 22, 1914. A wedding dinner was tendered them at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L>. Bailey, on Christmas Day, only the immediate family were present 1 he young people will be at home to their many friends at their home south of Wilder. George Smith and daughter. Kath leen, arrived home Wednesday after a month's visit with relatives in Neb raska. Mrs. Elmer Look is spending a few days in Caldwell, as the guest of Mr Look s parents. Mrs Frank Brown, and Mrs. Elmer Look have issued invitations to the members of their Sunday school class ", watch n 'ght party to be held at the home of Miss Frank Brown. Communion services were held at the Fargo church conducted by the pastor. Mrs. C. I. Pearson who recently un derwent an operation at the Good Samaritan Hospital, at Portland, is reported as improving. Mr and Mrs. George Fenrich enter tained as Christmas dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Magee, Mr. and Mrs. George Camp, Grandma Baker, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Baker and Master William Parsons. Dallas Root spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Root, of Boise. The revivial meetings that have been held at the Dunkard church closed Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith returned Sunday after a Christmas visit with relatives in Weiser. The Ladies' Club will meet with Mrs. Lester Clark, Thursday, Dec. 31. Officers will be elected for the com ing year. Miss Edith Wilson, of Homedale, cer. ^ Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Magee left for Caldwell the first of the week. Mrs. Magee and family will occupy rooms in the Union Block, while Mr. Ma spent Christmas with Miss Mae Mer gee is in Boise attending the session of the legislature. A Christmas entertainment given on Wednesday evening was well at tended. An excellent program and treat was enjoyed by all. Grandpa Daws is improving slowly. Miss Lottie Sleeper expects to re turn to her school work in the College of Idaho the last of the week. George Smith went to Caldwell to make final proof on his homestead last Monday. John Isabel, Fred Smith, George Camp and James Bruner were Cald well visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bitner had as Christmas dinner guests, O. W. Hos kins and Chas. Grim, of Sunny Slope, and the Misses Rachel, Lottie, and Priscilla Sleeper and Messrs. Dick and Royal Sleeper. The many friends of Mrs. Jno. Beal will sympathize with her in the death of her father, Leonard Castor, which occurred at his home in Kimbolton, Ohio. Mr. Castor has been in poor health for some time and his death was not unexpected. Miss Fern Bitner spent Wednesday and Thursday with Miss Josephine Day in Wilder. Miss Mae Mercer is spending sev eral days at the Douglass home in Claytonia. The resignation of Miss Josephine Day as teacher of the primary depart ment was very deeply regretted by all the patrons. Mrs. H. Bitner will do dressmak ing at her home one-half mile of the Fargo school house. Ralph Evans was thrown from a horse Sunday, the extent of his in juries are not as yet known. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Magee will reside on the L. J. Magee ranch. ***************** ♦ FRANKLIN. * ***************** Mr. and Mrs. Aten of Lincoln, Nebraska, who have recently come to spend a year with their son, Walter, at Parma, Idaho, spent the past week with C. B. Grims and E. A. Grims. Mr. Ira Thomson is spending his Christmas vacation at Boise. Rose and Ella Jacobs of Deer Flat are spending their vacation with their 'grand parents Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Jacobs. The second number of the Lecture Course which was to appear on Jan uary 9th has been changed to Jan uary 7th. Mr. Frank Gehrmann of Jerome, Idaho, has been visiting at the home of C. B. Grim. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. l'&rke and Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Jacobs took^ Christ mas dinner with C. B. Grims'. Mrs. F. E. Folleth and twins, Bea trice and Bernice, are spending the holidays at Portland and Seattle, visiting relatives. Pauline Tolleth has been visiting lier grandparents in Meridian the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Madden and daughter, Ella, visited in Meridian Tuesday, Ella remained to visit with hen sisters, Mrs. Egbert and Mrs. Kats. Mr. Joe Ulrich is visiting Walter Nofziger a few days. Winnie Parke, Mona Fowler, Maud Allen and Ruth Miller are spending their Christmas vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McClanahan spent Christmas with Mr. McClan ahan's parents at Boise. Mr. Haltman is quite sick at this writing. Frank Gehrmann, Mr. Ulrich, Mr. Fitchner and Miss Gertrude Miller were among the visitors at Franklin Sunday. Maude Allen is suffering with an attack of the mumps. , Mr. Dickman s and Mr. Whiffin s children have the chicken pox. Clyde Claxton spent Christmas with his aunt, Mrs. Garrett at Nampa. Mr. Tom DeCoursey's uncle, Mr. Price, from Montana, visited them the past week. Figures Talk but it's the quality back of the figures that really tells you the most For the men who like to see figures: 25 per cent Off on all suits and overcoats in fall and winter fashions. For the men who are after quality: Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes at greatly reduced prices. No matter from what angle you look at this "clearance sale" the results will be the same; you'll see good reasons for buying now; you'll get the best clothes at 4 off; you'll make money; you'll be glad we gave you this chance Men's Suits $25.00 Suits are / 8.75 $20.00 Suits are / 5 .00 $1 5.00 Suits are / / .25 $12.00 Suits are 9.35 Men's Shirts 20 per cent off on Flannel Shirts Boys' Suits 1 -4 off Men's Overcoats 1-3 off We have Fifty Overcoats left which MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Men's Odd Trousers 20 per cent off Kahn Clothing Co. Caldwell The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes ***************** ♦ CANYON HILL. ♦ *************4** Xmas was a nice cold day. Wm. James and family went to Boise to spend Christmas with his two sisters, Mrs. Zelba Allen and Mrs. Ruth Goff. A. B. Lewis and wife ate turkey at Mrs. Ollie Dustman's on Christmas day and says the turkey was just simply fine. G. H. Myers and family attended the Xmas exercises at Caldwell on Christmas eve. They report a good time. ^Misses Bessie and Anna Lake were in Caldwell Christmas eve attending the community Christmas tree. Ed. Hickok went to Boise last Sat urday on business. The Smeades commenced putting up ice last Saturday. They expect to put up several tons. W. F. Labb was in Caldwell last Saturday on business. Mrs. A. D. Robertson and son went up to Boise last Thursday to spend Christmas. Mr .and rMs. Lake attended church in Caldwell Sunday. Jack Cox and wife of upper iWl low Creek, wereguests at the Mrs. Dustma's home last Sunday. F. P. Kipp is putting up ice. The ice is 13 inches thick and of extra good quality. Jim Labb left Monday for Horse shoe Bend and Wm. James left on Thursday for the same place, to work in a logging camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lake entertained on Tuesday at a dinner. Those present were Mr. <nd Mrs. aBrney of Cald well, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barney of Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. My ers and sons; Miss Mable Burris, and Mr .and Mrs. A. B. Lewis. There was a quiet wedding in these parts last week when Miss Pearl Berry became bride of Mr. Ch'-rley Merritt, both of Canyon Hill. We tender congratulations. We hear there is a dance on the program for New Bear's Eve, and as we luve not been invited we cannot give particulars. **************** * MIDWAY. + 4-*************** Miss Strang, domestic science tea cher in the Midway schools, was shopping in Caldwell Tuesday. George L. Karcher was in Caldwell on business Tuesday. A number of men have been laid off from work on the dredge near Midway, because the ground has been frozen so hard that they have been unable to use the dredge, four shovels having been broken in rapid succession. Miss Anges Hall, domestic science teacher at Fruitland, spent the holi days with her brother, C. H. Hall. Miss Hall is a classmate of Miss Strang, of Midway, both having grad uated from the State University of Colorado. Miss Nettie Casey was recently marVied to George Robinson, also of Midway. The L. E. Greenslet family will take their New Year's dinner with the family of Henry Oeder. Dr. Gillilan of oBise, District Sup erintendent of the Methodist Epis copal church, held services at Mid way, Sunday, and administered the sacrament. Miss Cora Greenslet spent the holidays with Mrs. Mary E. Campbell of Boise. The school board held a meeting at the school house Monday night, and decided to build a bookcase to take NMA THEATRE SUNDAY, JANUARY 3 The War ol Fun—It's one Big Cyclone ol Laughter and Surprises MÜH & JEFF IN MEXICO % DON'T IVIISS IT All new this time, anc) twice as funny FOR THE IM OF HE FETCH IRE KIDDIES SEE THE BIG CHORUS OF MEXICAN BEAUTIES 50 and 1-3 People Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Seat Sale at Wyekolls Drug Store care of the new books, purchased with state money, of which there will be from ISO to 200 volumes. Mrs. L. A. Whittle and son, Rich ard, were in Caldwell oMtlday on business.