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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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THE CALDWELL TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, MARCH S, 1915. < *o" Dollars Our Way and They'llRoll Back to You j BUSINESS MEN OF CALDWELL WHO HAVE WHAT YOU WANT AND WHEN YOU WANT 11 ; : Ask Your Grocer For Wigwam Flour NONE BETTER Made m Caldwell by people who live in Caldwell, from your own home grown wheat Caldwell Milling & Elevator Co. 1 ' ; ^ *W*www m hw**wwm««»>I « «.. SUPERIOR :: DRILLS EVERYBODY EVERYBODY KNOWS LIKES THEM THEM J. L. BARDSLEY Located Across From Depot Phone 439w KEEP 'EM ROLLING z THESE LOOSE BOTTOM PANS WILL KEEP THINGS ROLLING AT HOME— Boyes Hardware Company EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE t W»W »V HW»WMMVWt»m » V M>»WW ^WMWW V »»W W \ : |W W WW WH W W » W W»VW»HM »H »H»WWWHH W WW Pure, Fresh Candies Daily The Colonial Ice Cream and Lunches Special Rates to Organizations ^WWVHWWM WW WWWWW V WWtVWWWW W WWW^ Farm Values The Holling Dollar lay in the same purse with a $50 yel lowback. "Speaking of children," said that busy piece of money, "why don't people look ahead a little? They think they are giving their hoys and girls a good start in life, when as a matter of fact they are handicapping them heavily. "You and 1 know what it means for young people to make a start in the city. We know how many more good chances there are at home—or ought to lie. Yet lots of folks, thinking they are saving money, tear down their county town instead of building it up, by buying everything possible from the cata log houses. "When the children grow up they must stay on the farm or go to the city, for no town can grow and offer opportunities to a young man unless its merchants are patronized. And few boys, seeing how close the sheriff is behind the business men of his own town, will stay there while the distant city attracts them. "The good people have forced their boys and girls into the fearful grind of the city by their own shortsightedness. The home town goes downhill, while the mail order houses get rich." "Farm values are always higher if there is a good live town in the county," responded the $50 yellowback. "When the fanner sells out and retires he fan get a stiff price because he sells location as well as land. Why, farm land around C'enter vills here—where folks keep their money working right around in a circle so that it gets back to them—is worth a quarter more than around Mossdale, where the land is just as good. But the Mossdale country has the mail order bug. "It is human nature to want a good town to come to once in a while, and we are all willing to pay for a live town's ad vantages. The people in the Mossdale district send all their money to Chicago and the other mail order centers. Conse quently their land is worth less money. They haven't figured yet that no territory, drained of its cash constantly by a city which buys nothing from it in return, can offer any inducement to investors or newcomers. A good local market is worth money to the owner of farm land, and you can't have a good market if there is no live town. "Some people think the local furniture dealer, the cloth ier, the grocer and the hardware man are robbing them be cause there is but one or two stores of that kind in the town. 1 hat is one excuse for mail order buying. "Here is proof to the contrary: City people are not a bit smarter than country folks, and they fall for the catalog with the pretty pictures just the same. Why, I heard that Omaha sends $250,000 a year to one eastern house that has a fascinat ing scheme for selling soap. Now Omaha has a lot of good stores, big ones, and competition is so keen that 'robbery' is impossible. People there have some other excuse for 'buying a pig in a poke' T suppose, and they get trapped the same wa X" (Copyright, 1914). Money In The Bank Gives you a feeling of security—enables you to take ad vantage of opportunities for making more money and lifts you out of the rut—makes you a man. First National Bank They Can Sell Anything You Have A General Invitation is hereby extended to the ladies of Caldwell and sur rounding country to use our rest room. ^ on will find every convenience for comfort. ACKLEYS MARKET , I» w» Just In... First Shipment Spring Walk-Overs KELLEHER & BOONE 403 Main Street Get Yours Early What is the most adbused word in the English Language. If you don't know— MAXEY & SCHNABEL will tell you in this space next week. Come in and see the early spring Sailors and Mary Pickford Caps, and Tipperarv Turbans on dis play at the Tribune Classified Advs. Have Over 10,000 Readers Others Use Them—Why Don't You MADDEN MILLINERY BUICK The Best Type of Motor Car The Best Motor Car of Its Type Demonstrated and Sold by SHANK AUTO COMPANY. Phone 221 Caldwell, Idaho THE FORD AUTO ,, P°''d Agencv has been established in Caldwell. The policy of the Ford Company is service, first and always. Ford Auto Garage Company COME IN AND SEE US. C. L. IDLEMAN. FRANK WEAVER Merchant bailor Come in ami look over our stock_of goods betöre buying that spring suit. Western National Bank Bldg. Farm Equipment Specialists Idaho Imp. & Qrain Co Big Stocks on Hand JACK WATKINS BILL COWDEN Roll a dollar into the FARMERS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION as they operate at the closest possible margin of profit, and at all times undersell other deal ers, thereby enabling you to secure either, 15 lbs. Best Fine Dry Granulated Sugar, 15 lbs. Fancy Japan Rice, 28 bars Laundry Soap, 5 lbs. Blended Roasted Coffee! other articles in proportion. Another car sugar eoniinir at $<>.20 and $(i.40. 'lWM «WW WW MWW» W »WMWWMt W v t M WWMWW t w j ATTENTION FARMERS— You will find us a ready market for all farm pro duce at highest prices. GIVE US A TRIAL Vanhyning & Co., Lta ROLL YOUR DOLLARS — To — PECKHAM CASE FURNITURE CO. EV ERY THING IN FURNITURE, RUGS St RANGES — WHOLESALE AND RETAIL — -Sewing machines—Special for a short time—a few Standard Sewing machines taken in exchange, guaranteed in sewing condi tion—Come in early. Wahl Auto Co. $950 F.O.B. Detroit Overland Model 81 Anderson's Guarantee back of everything sold. Standard and well advertised lines carried, there for full value always. AND THEN— Dollars spent at home come rolling back to you. The Qeorge A. Anderson Co. Caldwell - - - - - - Idaho