Newspaper Page Text
Items of Interest From Surrounding Territory * RIVERSIDE. * The Valley was well represented at the Fourth of July ceiebraition at Lake Lowell. ü. L. Roberts lost a valuable mare last Monday, from blood poison. Rev. Jones attended the Bible class meeting at the 'home of Mrs. Betsold, Wednesday evening. Little Mildred Nofsinger, from near Kampa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ul rich. Lawrence Keil hauled lumber from the yard at Sunny Slope, Friday. Clarence Gragg spent Sunday with his parents, on Deer Flat. Mesdames Robinson and Gano from the pumping plant, called at the King ston home, Friday night. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. Amesbury Tuesday afternoon, July 13th, instead of July 6th, as previously advertised. Those from the valley who picniced at the Warm Springs Saturday, were Messrs. and Mesdames Staats, Aue, Gallivan, Roberts, Hodkinson, King ston, Hazel and Lawrence Keil and Ray Wiley. The Willing Workers will give an ice cream social some time in the near future. The proceeds from same will be used to purchase paint to paint the outside of the school house. H. V. Stilwell and family took their Sunday dinner with Floyd Mclntyre and family. Owen Roberts made a business trip to Star, Wednesday. Messrs. Stanford and Johnson from the Gem Irrigation District were call ers in the Valley Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hagerman and children spent several days camping and fishing on Snake river, last week. Both the Warner and Tom Harris families joined their parents, who live near Nampa, and all picniced at the Warm Springs Sunday. The Amesbury, Mower and Wood families picniced on the Tobias lawn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and children visited on Deer Flat, Sunday. Several wagon loads of people from the Nazerine church, of Nampa, held evening service on the W. H. Mallett lawn, Saturday. Mr. Betsold came down from Baker City to spend a few days with his fam ily on the ranch, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are enter taining her sister and family from Boise. F. E. Smith sold a beef to a Cald well butcher, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ulrich entertain ed Mrs. Ulrich's parents, uncle and aunt, from near Nampa, also sister and brother from Fargo, at Sunday dinner. Clifford and Roy Hodkinson drove down from near Kuna to spend the Fourth with their cousin, Lawrence Keil. Mrs. Edgar Tarwater gave a dinner in honor of Gladys Mutch, Ruth Stil well and Letha Larrance, last Wed nesday. The Merchant and Fuller families celebrated the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Biddick, at Meridian. R. W. Kingston has purchased a new model De Laval separator. if********* * ****** * FRANKLIN. * Franklin people had a very nice picnic in Aliens grove Satrday, July 3rd. T. E. Tollcths drove to Meridian Saturday evening to see the fire works. Mrs. Chas. Grim's mother has not arrived from Nebraska on account of sickness of an aunt of Mrs. Grim. Mr. Nofzeigers were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ulrich, over on Sunny Slope last Sunday. Mr. Nofzeiger reports that the roads were very bad for an auto to travel over as the dust was very deep. Little Mildred Nofzeiger is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ulrich at Sunny Slope this week. Lee Richardson and family and J. C. Justus and family celebrated at Eagle Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Grim was shopping in Nampa Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Miller attend ed the picnic at Aliens grove last Saturday. Roy Gibbens and wife drove to Lake Lowell to celebrate on Monday. Miss Cleta Messier from Midway district is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. Richardson, this week. Mrs. Lamper from Star visited her sister, Mrs. Ira White, over Sunday. O. E. Johnson from Nampa, took dinner with Lee Richardson and fam ily Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Justus and son Claud, visited home folks at Star Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Richardson aiul children Mr. and Mrs. O, E. Johnson from Natnpa drove over to Lake Lo well Monday evening. J. F. Messier and family from Mid way celebrated at Lake Lowell Mon day evening. kc C :kc: K C Baking Powder is guaranteed absolutely pure and wholesome. There is no Rochelle salts, no harmful residue left in the food that is leavened with K C. Even the most delicate can eat hot breads raised with K. C without distress. Try K C Baking Powder breads if yeast raised bread does not agree with you. kc K k c :kc: k kc f" Irs - , F - E. Tolleth and daughter a W hernoo„ OPPlng Caldwdl Frida * Mr. and Mrs. Win. Skelton were noon 1 ""® m Caldwel1 Tuesday fore Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Smith arc ex trin fn Ii" e t, A ,s week fr °m their trip to Albany, Oregon. . Mr. Smith, from over by Nampa, V1S * l î i Miller home Sunday. Mr. trank Madden is building a new barn on his ranch east of town. Mr Bumgardner is laying the foundation for his new barn the past week. L. Richardson and J. C. Justus were Thursday g business 1,1 Na »ipa last Mesdames Justus and Richardson called on Mrs. George Stewart of Star last Friday i Ï j' aru ' L. Richardson and children and Miss Cleta Messier were invited up to Mr. Miller's Sunday afternoon to eat ice cream and cake ihe afternoon was enjoyed verv much. L. Richardson marketed some cherries Tuesday. Miss Wilson of Franklin celebrated in Meridian last Saturday. Frank DeCoursey and wife and baby attended the Duncard picnic at Allen grove Saturday. Mrs. J. C. Justus visited the Rich a A* S r° n family Thursday afternoon. Water is getting very low for the farmers to try to irrigate under the i hylhs »canal. Mr. Shaver is stacking his first cut ting of hay on the Young ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Tolleth from Meridian visited their son, F. E. Tolleth, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Tolleth from Meridian and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Tolleth auto ed over to the upper dam Sunday af ternoon. Pauline Tolleth took dinner with Winnie Miller Sunday. Mr. Thompson went to Nampa on Saturday evening. Mrs. Tillie Yoder visited the Nof zeiger home Monday. The Duncards had a very nice pic nic in Aliens grove Saturday. ++++****+++****** * PLEASANT RIDGE. * ***********^^.^444 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Howard ot Hammond, Iowa, arc visiting at the Chas. Howard home. E. W. Eames moved onto his home stead near Melba, last week. Mrs. White and daughter, of Boise, spent the week end at John Shelp's. Geo. C. Doug"htery has inclosed his back porch with screening. He has also improved his carriage house with new front doors. Miss Hazel E Reid spent the week end at home. The directors are having the school house paint:!. Miss Kathleen Martin was a guest of Miss Corleen Doughtery a few days this week. Lloyd Hazzard left Sunday even ing for Pendleton, Oregon, from thence he intends to go to Spokane and on to the coast. Wendell Rice of Caldwell accompanied him on his trip. Chas. Howard informs us that there will be no Traders' dav sales this month. The next one will be held on August 2nd. Miss Belle Furgeson of Homedale spent a few days at the W. R. Mc Kague home last week. The delegates who attended the Epworth League and Laymen's con vention in Nampa last week report a very fine and helpful gathering. Those who attended the full time and pre pared reports were: Rev. Martin. Miss Sly-/'a McKague, Vern Martin and Cyril Cover. T >cse îeports are to be given next Sunday fcnd everyone will do well to come and hear them. Miss Ethel McKague, George Martin and Alan Moss were in attendance at the convention Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bird Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whittig, Miss Hazel Reid, Miss Slyvia McKague and Alan Moss composed a party that celebrat ed in Poison Creek Canyon last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rose, N. Holt and family of Nampa, and C. E. Davis and family of Caldwell, were guests of Mr. atid Mrs. Henry Rone, Sun day. Wesley McKague made a trip to Fargo, Monday. There was a neighborhood picnic on the Cover lawn Monday. There was a fair sized crowd and a general good time was had. Some races had been planned but dinner was served first and everyone ate too much to be in first class trim for racing. In the evening a good many went to Lake Lowell for the fireworks. The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Joe Whittig last week. There was a picnic gathering at the Chas. Wright home Monday. Joe Whittig has painted his barn. Attorney O. M. Van Duyn was at Nampa Saturday attending to profes sional business. -ft*******-*«****-*«* * BRIER ROSE. * *****4*********** Mr. and Mrs. Banks were Sunday dinner guests at the Simmons home. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Robinson and family and Mr. Stanley Hurtt were Fourth of July dinner guests at the oseph Robinson home. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams and family attended a picnic at Curtis park Monday. The jester family attended a picnic at Greenleaf, Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Douglass and Miss Agnes Van Sarr and Miss Snarl at tended the celebration at Lake Lowell Monday. Mrs. Ruddock of Caldwell and Mrs. Weir and children of Roswell called at the Runciman home Thursday. Mrs. Jester and Mrs. W. A. Dong ass spmt Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Jessup. The Clemens family attended a pic nic at Franklin Saturday. G. G. Runciman ate dinner with home folks the Fourth. Huston Frost, Rollo Frost, Joseph Robinson and Kay Robinson went to Boise Saturday evening. Robert Clemens is working this week at Lakeview on their other ranch at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Miter of Franklin were gests at the Clemens home on Monday. Elmo Peterson who is working in this neighborhood spent the Fourth vith home folks near Parma. The Shaw family is in quarantine 'or smallpox. Little Roy being the cause. Roy is not dangerously ill and we hope he will soon be well. Rev. Runciman was a Monday diner at W. W. Waterman's. Miss Lois Varney and John Clem ens were guests at the Clemens home Sunday. Last Saturday Ted Williams, Frank Hartkopf, Ben Van Wyngarden, Ancil Steunenberg and Elmer Peter son helped Mr. Runciman plant an acre of strawberries. ****** t.*****«***« * HOMEDALE. * ***************** Col. and Mrs. W. L. Holton enter tained at a 4th of July dinner. The guests fully enjoyed the usual deli cious cats that Mrs. Holton is noted for serving. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Myler and Master William, Mrs. Karma Martin, and Messrs. Frank Myler, Chris. Jensen, George Lee and Jack Hamley. Mrs. F. E. Tracy returned home on Friday after a visit with friends in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schenck made a trip to Caldwell Thursday. Gerald Gess left Wednesday for Boise where he celebrated the Fourth. Mrs. Hugh Travis and Miss Alberta spent the day at the Schenck home Friday. Mrs. L. O'Donnell returned home Tuesday from a trip to Caldwell and Middleton. Reuben W. Smith went to Boise on Monday evening and brought Mrs. Smith home. Mrs. Smith had been in the hospital in Boise for several weeks receiving medical treatment. We are very glad that she is able to come home. Ed. and Miss Emma Burns were Caldwel! and Boise visitors last week. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong tias been named June Aminda. June, in honor of her birth month and Aminda in honor of her grandmol aer, Mrs. S. A. Day. Mark Price was a Caldwell visitor Thursday. Mrs. J. M. J< hnson was at Caldwell a few days last week visiting her hus band who is receiving medical treat ment there. Mrs. Oliver Anderson and sons, Fay and Leslie, left Saturday for Kemmerer. Wyo. They expect to be gone a co'jple of months. Mrs. Eads returned home last Sun day after an extended visit in Caldwell and Botse. Charles Heath returned from Boise Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hurrh Travis and Miss Alberta celebrated the Feurth. Miss Eliza White of this place and Frank Carter of Jordan Valley were married in Boise, Monday, June 28. James Armstrong spent Sunday here visiting. Miss Leone Wright, who has been working in Fargo is home for a short visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Padgett and Master Gordon, and Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Snyder and Master Ralph, celebrat ed the Fourth at Jump Creek canyon. They went up Sunday and returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Benham and children and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hose ley and children were entertained at the Ralph A. McDowell home the Fourth. Bert Heath returned home lhurs day after a month's absence. He spent part of the time visiting in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Trotter and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Megor den and Master Elding, and Mr. and M sr. John Upton and children «pent the Fourth at the Gess grove. Mrs. W. R. Sample and daughter, Mrs. Stief, were Saturday dinner guests at the John Stover home. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Vanderhoof were entertained at the L. B. \ aden home the Fourth. A meeting of the Gem District set tlers was held here Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Dugdale and Mrs, Faulds were down from Claytonia on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hall who are motor ing from Nebraska to the San Fran cisco exposition spent Friday^ night and Saturday at the W. R. Sample home. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hyslop went U Nampa Saturday to celebrate and visit relatives. Mesdames William Thomas and G L. Hoseley were Caldwell visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs Roy King, and Messrs. Jas. Bruner and Spurgin were Entertained at 4th of July dinner at the William Lang ford home. Mr. Kerry, head of the firm of Smith, Kerry & Chace spent several days here last week looking over the Gem District and consulting with the directors. He expressed himself as highly pleased with the rate of devel opment of the district lands. r Misses Bedford and Adams of Cald well came over Saturday for a visit at The young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R .Sample was recently taken to Cald well and underwent a slight operation for the removal of a pin he had swal lowed. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Vanderhoof were dinner guests at the E. T. Rogers home Monday. Lorene Johnson returned home on Friday from Caldwell, where she had been attending her father, who is in "' e hospital there taking treatment r a bad case of rheumatism. Messrs. Logan and Rhodes have leased the C. E. Freeburn ranch. Mr. Freeburn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. D. Fletcher will leave within a w weeks for an overland trip into ashington, hoping to benefit Mr r reeburn's health. They may locate somewhere in Washington. Frank Black's mother suffered a stroke of paralysis late Wednesday evening. A doctor was summoned jrom Caldwell. No late report lias been received as to her condition. J. A. Jacks killed a large rattle snake on Sunny Slope one day last week. 11 had twelve rattles and was quite large. Rpttlers are seldom found ■" this section. The apricots at the J. D. Stull ranch the toot of Poison Creek hill are ripe. Mr. Wajne of the lntermountain .\ursery Co., was in this section last week taking orders. Mr. and Mrs. Green and son, Harry Greenleaf and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stief and Miss Gladys and Master Clyde Sample were guests at the Ells worth Sample home Sunday. Ice earn and berries were served. Wm. H. Hamilton returned to lomedale Saturday after a visit with lus mother in Iowa. Ha left Monday for Cascade, where he will spend the summer prospecting and looking af ter some mining claims in the Thun der Mountain country. Lee Hoseley recently brought to town a sheaf of oats measuring nearly six feet. It contained well-filled heads that measured about eight inches. Trank Black was in town from Cen ral Cove Saturday. He has a remark able crop of peaches and has been thinning them to prevent the trees breaking. ***************** GREENLEAF. * **************** + Grandpa Winslow passed peacefully into hsi eternal home last Sunday, shortly after mid-night, after laying for ten weeks at the point of death. He had been failing in health for more than a year. He leaves a wife, nine children a number of relatives, and a host of friends to mourn his loss. The funeral services were held last Tues day afternoon at the church. The fam il y has the sympathy of the entire neighborhood in their bereavement. Last Monday occurred the most successful annual picnic on the 4th ever held in this place. A large crowd was present to hear the program, which was a good one. Special men tion is made of T. A. Walters' ad dress. It was highly appreciated by every one. The success of the pic nic is highly due to the band boys who worked with unfailing efforts for its success. The dust storm that came up dur ing the ball game delayed the after noon program of sports. The Deer Flat boys had to leave, but a good game was played after choosing Up. In the evening a large crowd gathered to hear the Greenleaf con cert band. The evening program was highly appreciated and a vote of thanks, three cheers, etc., was ex pressed by Marguarette Hinshaw in behalf of the crowd to the boys for pleasant day they afforded us. At the close a yell was made up and eiven in honor of William Binford who is leader of the band, and was appoint ed to oversee the whole affair and through his unfailing efforts every thing went off lovely. Miss Marie Maclin from Boise spent Sunday with home folks return ing to her work in Boise last Mon day. Jake Faw is putting up a new house for Seth Mills in Greenleaf. Aldis Tucker spent a few days last week carpentering in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker from Boise spent the Fourth in Greenleaf last Monday. A good number from Deer Flat, Wilder and Dixie attended the picnic last Monday. The men's bible class of the Pres byterian Sunday school enjoyed a so cial evening Thursday, on the church lawn. Many Roswell people are planning to see the Liberty Bell as it passes through Parma next Monday morn ing. Miss Iva Raymond spent Monday in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lowell have had as guests for a few days Mr. and Mis, Lackland of Morton, 111., who arc re turning home from the exposition. Ben Van Wnwgarden of Caldwell is helping for a few days on the A. J McCormick ranch. Messrs. and Mesdames E. W. Rock wood, Roy Allen and Clifford Paine were a camping party at Jump creek for a few days including the Fourth Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McCormick and Lee Wohlschlegel celebrated the na tion's birthday by going down to the Boise river and making an attack on die finny tribe. Mr. Carl Pearson, a garage man, moved last Thursday, into the house recently vacated by the. Grosvenor family. Rev. McLain Davis of Boise was Si guest from Thursday until Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith. S YOUR HOUSE INSURED? Your House may not Burn But You Must Die. Look over our up-to-date policies. A. Ten Years Agent of the Equitable Life FIFTH PICNIC ! OLE LARSON'S GROVE Ten Miles West of Caldwell on Jordan Valley Stage Road W. E. BORAH GOV. ALEXANDER B. W. RICE W. G. SCHOLTZ D. R. HUBBARD Speakers E. C. Bradley will report on Board oi Reviews Basket Dinner at Noon Two Base Ball Games Athletic Sports -- Good Premiums for Winners Everybody Come lOOOl [0E301 The Liberty Bell Symbol of Liberty, of Independence, will be here next Monday, July 12. Now is the time you should think of your independence. Have you a nice little sum laid away for the "Rainy Day?" You are not immune from sickness or accident. The dark days come to all sooner or later. Secure at least a measure of Per sonal Independence by opening a Bank Account and making Regular Deposits each month. Paid on Savings Deposits. First National Bank CALDWELL IDAHO JZ lomoE 301=301 o o o D o o 13 Jones Furniture Company The House of Quality Furniture and Undertaking Undertaking a Specialty. Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night. The Jones Furniture Co. Phone 24 606 Main St. Governor Alexander delivered an address at the Baptist church Sunday morning. The address was pleasing, appropriate and eloquent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berger of Salt Lake are in the city for a couple of weeks' visit. While here they are the guests of Mrs. Berger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Dee, and Mr. Berger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Berger.