Newspaper Page Text
Items of Interest From Surrounding Territory * SUNNY SLOPE * ****** *********** The Farmers' Club met at the school house July 2nd. After the usu al business meeting, several of the boys entertained the crowd with an interesting debate. The subjects be ing which is the best for farming irrigated farms or farms that depend on rains? Two duets wer e sung, one by Nellie Gray and Fern Johnson, the other by Everett Taylor and Vivian Gilbert. Miss Vera Horace then de lighted the audience with a very pretty solo. Professor Ireland then talked to the boys about the proposed agri cultural summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Jacks and family of Homedale spent Sunday with their folks, Mrs. Hiler and Mr. Ingram of the Slope. Mrs. Rogers and daughter, Alta, spent the latter part ofthe week with her sister, Mrs. McNeil of Nampa. Mrs. Brown gave a picnic in honor of a few of her friends before depart ing for the mountains. She left on Monday, July 5th. While trying to celebrate the Fourth Everett Taylor met with a severe ac cident. He had a can with some pow der in it and a piece of fuse attached, and while trying to light it it ex ploded, blowing the can into his face, the sharp edge of th e can striking him over his left eye, infecting a deep cut. Dr. Farrer happened to be out on the Slope and was called in. He found the cut so bad that he to take five stitches. Not daunted however, Mr. Taylor attended the celebration at Lake Lowell. The monthly meeting of the aid society met at the home of Mrs. Clyde Gilbert, a good crowd being in at tendance. A great many Slopers attended the celebration at Lake Lowell. The farmers are commencing to cut their second crop of hay. The grain fields are ripening and ere long the song of the harvester will be heard and we have some very beau tiful grain fields here. Most of the farmers had to cut their seed clover crops though, on account of the seed being blighted. Some say it is a tiny red bug that works on the stalk right underneath the blossom: ***************** * LAKE VIEW. * ***************** Sunday Mrs. Chas. Robbins, Sr., en tertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huston, Mr. and Mrs. George Hus ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Robbins, Ju nior. Waible Patton worked for E. G. Kendall last week. Archie Miller spent Sunday and Monday with his folks. Mrs. Kendall visited at the Fry home a week ago Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hyslop took Sunday dinner at the Schneider home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shi\ely spent Sunday evening with Mis. Chively's patents. Mr. Rankin and his boys helped Mr. Newman with his haying last wtek. Rev. Jones spent Sunday night at the Newman home. Pearl Newman is working for Mrs. Brown at Lake Lowell. Some of the town visitors for the week were Payne Rankin, E. G. Ken dall, A. G. Keister, Dolbows, Pat ton, Godfrey, Frank, Miles. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Badley and lit tle Elmore, spent the Fourth in Boise with their daughter, Mrs. Payne. Eleanor Prosser spent Friday and Saturday at the Horace home on Sunny Slope. Mr. Keister has been the night watchman on the Mora ditch lately. Last Thursday a week, the O. V. Badley family spent the day at D. L. Badley's. While there Mr. Badley and his sons helped paint the house and erected a barn. The boys spent the rest of the week there helping their grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Waltman gave a dance Saturday night to their friends, Arch Miller and Mr. Waltman furnished the music. Fern and Jene Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Shively spent Synday afternoon at the Waltman home. Mrs. Bert Badley spent Friday at the O. V. Badley home in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Vanderwilt spent last Sunday on the Slope. Clicord Barnhart spent Sunday at the Perry home. Kd Jamison from the Gent District was a Monday dinner guest at the Prosser home. Rev. Jones took Sunday night sup per at the Stuart Mutch home. The community was well represent ed at the Lake last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Kollenbern of Boise spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. Kollenborn's parents. Mr. und Mrs. George Stites. of Parma spent Sunday with Mrs. Stites' folks. Bert Badley was on the sick list last week. Grasshoppers arc in the community and are eating the clover. Messrs. Kendall, Mutch and Mo Call had to cut their clover for hay. County expert advisors, McCall and Ireland were in the community last week. They stopped at the God frey, McCall and Kendall ranches. ***************** * LAKE LOWELL. + The basket ball girls' team of Cald well were Thursday and Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F,. E. Perry. Their time was spent in fishing, swimming and berry picking. The party con sisted of the Misses Margaret O'Connor, Inez Johnson, Martha Buntrock, Mildred Lovejoy, Ruth Anderson, Helen Rice, Florence Hof fman, Celia Shuee and Golda Powell. A fine time was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Riverside were all day visiteors at the J- W. Gragg home. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sower of a ferÄr "" » «« Mr and Mrs. VV. J. Walls and fam Fry family"" V K "° S,S of t,,e Eleanor Prosser visited at the Horace home on Sunny Slope last Friday evening. " 1 Sunday" 06 GragK visited home folks Dolly Sprang was at the U. S R S Luhf Monda >' visiting her'sister Linus Sandburd of Caldwell was a PerryVme. M °" day v "' ,or at thc tained ^Sunday 'dinter^r VoVhe'r" and wife Mr. and Mrs. Williams, and Slope" ° Saltsburys of Sunr.v Mr and Mrs. Roy Gibbens of the Franklin district were Monday visit Ors at thc Gibbens home. „ °- 5," Wright made a trip to Era men Tuesday and back Wednesday after a load of apricots. Miss Newman is now working for Mrs. 1" red Brown. Ed Gibbens went to Nampa last »atiirday evening and he with Dewey Walls, who is working at Nampa, spent the Fourth and fifth in Boise. 1 here was quite a large crowd at the Lake last Monday. The day was not very favorable, but every one seemed to have a good time. Eleanor Prosser who was working for Mrs. Fry has returned to her home in Lake View. ****** *********** * CANYON HILL. * ******* ********* The second crop of hay will be cut next week. I here was a neighborhood picnic at G. I". Berry's on the Fowler place Saturday. All the neighbors were in attendance and had a good sociable time. The table was loaded with the best the land affords. Mrs. Wm. James and children left r riday for New Plymouth to visit her parents for a week or ten days. 1 hose from the Canyon attending the big show at Middleton Saturday night were the Lake sisters, Carrie Smead and Fred Berry, Paul Jackson and sister, Wm. James and A. B. Lewis. The show was very good and the crowd was large. 1 he Canyon Hill Ditch company mowed moss last week and now have an abundance of water. G. H. Myers had a friend visiting him from Nebraska last week. Jas. Lobb of Greenleaf was visiting his uncle, W. J. Lobb, last Sunday. Kipp and Elerick are still pasturing the highway. Orman Dustman took two young ladies over to Meridian in his auto to the celebration last Saturday—so we hear. Miss Sadie Jackson, sister of the Jackson brothers here, had an opera tion performed last week. We learn she is doing fine and we hope for her speedy recovery. Misses Louella Wells and Walter Rogers visited with A. B. Lewis and wife last Sunday evenink a week ago. Frank Gapp and Basel James came down from Boise last Sunday to visit William James. L. M. Lake made a business trip to Payette last week. D. B. Myers and Roy Howdyshell have finished cutting their rye. Ray Bliss and wife celebrated at Payette last Saturday. W. F. Lobb and Jas. Lobb went to Boise Monday to take in the sights. G. H. Myers and wief took Sunday dinner with C. R. Emmett and wife. Milton Temple's mother and nep hew arrived here Sunday morning from Illinois. Mrs. Temple will re main here all summer with her son. Paul, James and Lois Jackson visit ed with their sister down in Dixie last Sunday. W. F. Lobb and family drove to Lake Lowell Sunday to visit Mrs. Lobb's parents. It rained a nice shower Tuesday night and Hick was dragging the road by 7:00 a. m. The Lake and Myers families are picking berries. Masters Ralph and Wavne Myers left Wednesday morning for Caldwell to join the boy scouts for .111 outing. SUCCOR CREEK IRRIGATION DISTRICT IS GOING AHEAD W. D. Martin, president, and Mes srs. Mark Price and Martin Shcne lield, directors, of the proposed .Suc cor Creek Irrigation District, were in thc city Wednesday conferring with Hon. J. M. Thompson and their en gineer, Guy C. MoGoe. The district will put men in the field to begin the survey at once and actual work will begin on tile con struction work by the middle of Sep tember. The new district promises to be most successful and '1 he Tribune will give details in the near future. ***************** * MAPLE GROVE. + Nearly everybody in this neighbor hood celebrated the Fourth at Lake Lowell. Harry Maus started cutting his bar. ley last week. Misses Bessie and Jessie Rowland spent last Friday evening at Earl Baird's. Mrs. Whitmore of Boise spent last week at Earl Baird's. Messrs. George Judd and John Beeson went to Cambridge, Idaho, last Thursday visiting relatives and returning home this Thursday. J. F. Rowland cut Robert Smith's rye this week. Mrs Irene Tarbell and her sister. Miss Marcia Colburn of Beloit, Kas., are here visiting Mrs. Tarbell's nep hew, Mr. M. S. Greeley and family. They are enroute to the Panama-Pa cific exposition. Miss Helen Amoreoux of Nampa snent Sunday and Monday visiting Mrs. Lloyd Mills. Mr. Underkoflcr is home from Ar CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GUARANTEED RESULTS— OVER 10,000 READERS WEEKLY-K EAD BY EVERYBODY Rates:—2c a word first» insertion; 1c a word each additional insertion; 10 Limes special rates; cash in advance REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment, located on Government Project, $250.00.—J. S. Harrington. 79tf FOR SALE OR TRADE—Goo<! new home in Baker, Oregon, clear of incumbrance: to trade for 5-acre tract, close in to Caldwell. Will assume in cumbrance.—J. S. Harrington. 79-tf I-ORCED TO SELL—Easy terms On new modern bungalow. High, cool, location near two car lines, cor ner lots, tine lawn and shade trees: 2 screened porches, concrete celler and walks, complete bath room, and four most convenient rooms with built in book shelves, cabinets, etc. $400.00 less than cost. Phone: Owner, 499 J. 72-9 FOR SALE—Forty or eighty acres government water, partly improved; 3 miles east of Homedale.-—Walter E. Langston, Nampa, Idaho. 72 FOR SALE OR TRADE—40 acre relinquishment. All under ditch. Would take some young stock.—W. H. Kollenborn, Route 4, Caldwell. jl/-jy8 FOR SALE—160 acres Improved land; fine wheat or stock ranch on un limited range. Free water right; good buildings; land all around selling for $100 to $125 per acre; good orchard and variety of fruit for family use. 2y 2 miles from good town and rail road. $50 per acre if taken at once, $6,000 down, balance on time. Good reason for selling.—Inquire or write F. M. O'Brien, Weiser, Idaho. 64-tf FOR SALE—Twenty Acres, all in alfalfa, no buildings. On highline ditch, 3 miles from Caldwell.—Ad dress E. S. Edwards, R. F. D., No. 3, Nampa. Idaho. al6-tf WANTED WANTED—To meet woman of good character and a little means who knows something of and would go upon a farm. My object is matrimony. I have a homestead under Boise pro ject on Deer Flat and need a help mate, who will assist me in building up a home for the two of us. Age 47. Address M. X. Care Tribune. 624tf Yards cleaned, trees trimmed, chim neys swept, stoves repaired, furnaces overhauled. Phone 12, Maxey & Schnabel. fl9tf NURSING WANTED—Practical maternity nurse, 10 years experience, just located in Caldwell, from east. Rates reasonable Mrs. I. J. Mees, General Delivery. f26tf rowrock. Miss Ada Lafferty and Willis Oder spent the Fourth in Boise. Mrs. J. F. Rowland and the Misses Bessie and Jessie Rowland spent last Thursday evening at Greeley's. Miss Esther Baird spent Sunday evening at Rowland's. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Greeley and family, Mrs. Irene Tarbell and Miss Marcia Colburn took dinner at the John Lonkey home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith called at Rowland's Sunday. Wm. Nooner and Earl Baird went fishing last week. Quite a few people from this neigh borhood spent last Friday evening in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Greeley and family, Mrs. Irene Tarbell and Miss Marcia Colburn spent last Saturday evening at Rowland's. Jack Sullivan returned to his home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith spent Saturday night at George Smith's. Mrs. Martin was on the sick list last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Lonkey and son Roy, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mills and Miss Helen Amoreoux of Nampa took dinner at Greeley's last Sunday. The Knights of this neighborhood played Sunny Slope last Monday at Lake Loweli and were victorious. They received as a prize two balls and a bat. After the regular game Deer Flat challenged the Knights to play a game of five innings. The Knights were again victorious. The score for the first game being 10 to 3 and the last game 9 to 0. Newell Greeley and Lloyd Mills arc thc man agers of the Knights' ball team now. METHODIST CHURCH. There will be regular preaching ser vices at the usual time Sunday morn ing. Epworth League meeting will be held at 7:00 o'clock. No preaching in the evening. There will be preaching at the Baptist church which all may attend at 8:15. A reception was given in the base ment of the church Tuesday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Badley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker, Dr. and Mrs. Miller, who are soon to leave us. Mrs. Miller was sick and could not be there while Dr. Miller was called away on a case. The others were present with their families. A very pleasant time was experienced by all. The following were received into full membership in the church last Sunday morning: Lola Newport, Eleanor Postlewait, Grant Gordon, John Ewing, Cossius Nicklc, Eunicc Nickle, Margaret Blakely, Glodie Blakelv, Theodore Jester, Hazel Gil bert, Edyth Small, Agnes Can Laar, Vivian Kimbrough. Ora Wallace. Sy lvia Powell, Virginia Journey, Goldie Powell. The Womans' foreign missionary society with King's Heralds and the Light Bearers held a meeting with Mrs. F. M. Cole Wednesday after noon. Miss Johnson, a returned mis sionary, addressed the meeting. Next Sunday morning will be called "Collection Day" at Sunday for sub scription to building fund. FOR SALE NOTICE! SHINGLES! SPECIAL! Standard cedar shingles, $1.50 per 1000, f. o. b. Spokane, also extra Star A Star grade at wholesale prices. Write for quotations. Manning Shin gle Co , Spokane. Wash. 813 FOR SALE—Singer Machine with all attachments for $10.00 or will rent same. Peckham-Case, call Phone 105. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on farms, In quire Freu Mitchell, phone 413-J. ~aldwell. 430-tf SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE or Exchange—We have quite a number of used Singer Sew ing Machines that we wish to move. These machines are all in good re pair and will be sold from $3.00 up. They are sold with guarantee to give satisfaction for cash, on time, or ex change.—Peckham-Case, Phone 105. Caldwell. CATTLE & HORSES FOR SALE—7 high grade Jersey cows, 2 coming three years old. Some are fesli now. All will be fresh in July. Call at my ranch four miles west of Caldwell. John Shelp. 79-16 FOR SALE—Good Jersy Cow and heifer calf. Inquire Tribune. 79 FOR SALE—Team of young horses one 4 past, the other 5 past. Percheron breed, about 3,800 weight, geldings, apply William Simpson, Wilder. 63471 FOR SALE—3 head of choice dairy cows. For further information phone R. D. Sebree, Notus, Ida. 64-tf FOR TRADE—10 acre, bearing or chard, clear of encumberance; will turn off 6 cars apples. Fine location south of Dorman & Meek corner, to trade for Black Canyon land.— M. L. Walker. 64tf For Sale on Time. Dairy cows, stock cows, registered and Grade Shorthorn bulls. Caldwell Cattle Co., H. W. Donnan, Pres. F 5-tf POULTRY & EGGS WANTED~~TO~BUY—POULTRY Wm. March pays the highest cash price for poultry and eggs. Arthur St. Phone 329 J. LOST LOST—Drawer from Oak Library FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mid-summer Communion will be held at the First Presbyterian church this coming Sunday morning. Let this be an Every-Member at Com munion Sunday. The Mediation for the service will be "The Anguish of the Light." Evening service at Baptist church, where Dr. Varney will bring a mes sage every churchman and well think ing citizen ought to hear on "Church Union." * * * The church and school picnic * * which was to have been held * * this Friday at Curtis Park has * * been postponed for one week, * * or until Friday the 16th on ac- * * count of the death and burial of * * an honored member of the * * church, Mrs. Anna Roop. * * * ***************** NOTICE. The firm of Drs. Miller & Cole will be dissolved about August 1st. All those knowing themselves indebted to said firm please call and settle same by cash or cash and note before that date. Any bill against the firm should be presented by that date. 79-30 D RS. M 1LL E R & C( ) L F.. NOTICE. To Grant County Bank and the un known owners of the following de scribed property, situated in Canyon County, State of Idaho, to-wit: part lot 9, Section 14, Township 8,Range 5 West, N. E. Corner N. E. S. W. and in W 1 / î lot 5, Section 24, Township 8, range 5 west S. W. corner Ii. 'A lot 5, Section 24, Township 8, Range 5 West. You will please take notice that the above described property was taxed according to law for the year 1911 in the name of Grant County Bank and was on the ninth day of July, 1912, sold for delinquint taxes, to Canyon county and assigned to thc under signed, May 12, 1915, and that time for redemption from such sale will ex pire on the ninth day of July, 1915 at which time we shall apply to the proper officers for a tax deed to such property. Dated this 7th day of July, 1915. N. A. PEACOCK, E. P. NOKF.S, Postoffice address, Payette, Idaho. J y 9, 16, 23. NOTICE. Caldwell, Idaho, June 28, 1915. There will be a special meeting of the stockholders of the Canyon County Fair Association. Limited, at the Commercial Club rooms, in Cald well, Idaho, on Saturday, August 14, 1915, at 8:30 P. M„ for the purpose of amending the Articles of Incorpora tion as follows: That the name of said Corporation shall he the Idaho State Fair Asso ciation, Limited. That the purpose for which it is formed is to manage and maintain an Annual State Fair for the State of Table somewhere between C. K. Em mett ranch and Caldwell on June 24. R. 11. Hart, Caldwell. 72 at Cha»tauqua: contained Gold Watch and between $6 and $10. Name and address in bag. Edna Mitchell. Glen ns Ferry. Return to Mitchell, Cup pies Merc. Co., Caldwell. 625 CARPET & RUG WEAVING ALL KINDS of carpet and rug weaving. Work guaranteed.—Mrs. H. M. Faris, 122 Cleveland. Phone 255-j. 3 20-tf HAIR SWITCHES Hair switches woven to order. In piire at 408 Blaine street. Phone 417. WELLS DRILLED. WELLS DRILLED by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charl ton & Crooke. 86 WELL DRILLING Satisfaction guaranteed. All work done with latest improved machinery. Try me. CHAS. HANSON, Well Driller, Caldwell, Idaho. TINNING & PLUMBING All grades of tinning and plumbing work done to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable.— Howard & Lemaster, 613, Main St., tf ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. CA^yooT" TBSTRACT AND Established 1892. Incorporated 1900. \bstracts. Loans, Insurance. Bonds, General Trust Business. Caldwell Idaho. CHINESE PHYSICIAN O & O. CHINESE MEDICAL CO. 8085^ Bannock St., 2nd floor, Boise, Idaho. Dr. J. H. Moy, Chinese grad uate Physician. We treat all kinds of diseases of men and women. Consula tion Free. Phone 2683. ARCHITECT TIIOS. H. SOULE, ARCHITECT and Superintendent. Little block. Caldwell, Idaho. ATTORNEYS AT LAW DAVID D. HARGER, ATTOR Idaho, at Caldwell, Idaho. That the number of its Directors shall be fifteen. That the amount of the Capital Stock of this corporation shall be twenty-five thousand (25,000) .Dollars, divided into twenty-five hundred (2, 500) shares of the par value of ten (10.00) Dollars per share each; Fur thermore, the corporation having been organized for educational and scien tific purposes, and not for pecuniary profit, the said stock shall be entitled to no dividends; for the purpose of re-issuing the capital stock under the new name proposed, to change the qualifications of directors, to change the date of the annual meeting of stockholders, and the transaction of any other business that may come be fore the meeting. B. M. HOLT, President. J. E. RIDDLE, 9-813 Secretary. ORDINANCE NO. 258. AN ORDINANCE VACATING. ABANDONING AND DISCON TINUING THE PLAT AND THE ALLEY APPEARING THERE ON. OF THE BLOCKS SIXTY (60), SIXTY-ONE (61) AND SIXTY-THREE (63) OF MOUN TAIN VIEW ADDITION TO THE CITY OF CALDWELL. IDAHO, AS THE SAME AP PEAR UPON THE REVISED MAP THEREOF NOW ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE RE CORDER OF CANYON COUN TY, IDAHO. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Caldwell. Idaho: Section 1. That the plant and the portion of the alley appearing there on and included within the blocks hereinafter enumerated, to-wit: The Blocks Sixty (60), Sixty-one (61) and Sixty-three (63) of Mountain View Addition to the City of Caldwell, Ida ho, as the same appear upon the re vised map thereof now on file in the office of the Recorder of Canyon County, Idaho, be, and the same here by are, in so far as they affect the blocks above described, vacated, ab andoned and discontinued. Passed bv the Council this 6th day of July, 1915. Approved by the Mayor this 7th day of Julv, 1915. FRED C. BOYES. Attest: • Mayor. S. BEN DUNLAP. Clerk. 79 FROM COAST TO COAST FINDING HOMES FOR BOYS Charles Sawyer Leland, stunted physically, a defect in his speech, cov ered with the fine, impalpable dust of Idaho roads, arrived in Caldwell Wed nesday morning on hi wsay to Frisco from New York. Mr. Sawyer is making the trip on foot. He has no money and evidently wants none. A crust, a bone and a hank 'o hair in the way of mattress, Suffices Mr. Sawyer. The Frisco earthquake left the lad homeless. He was put into an orphau ney-at-law, general law practice, Cald well, Idaho. WALTER R. CUPP, LAND AT torney. Formerly U. S. Commissioner Practice before the United States Land Office a specialty. Egleston block, Caldwell, Idaho. GRIFFITHS & GRIFFITHS, AT torneys-at-Law. Real estate, stocks, bonds and Securities negotiated. Ov#r Western National bank, Caldwell, Ida. H. E. WALLACE, ATTORNEY at Law, Commercial Bank Bldg. FRANK E. MEEK. ATTORNEY at-Law, Commercial Bank Bldg. THOMPSON & BUCKNER, AT torneys-at-Law. J. M. Thompson, T. E. Buckner. Office: Commercial bank Bldg., Caldwell, Idaho. SCATTERDAY & VAN DUYN R. B. Scatterday, O. M. Van Duyn,, general law prac tice, Little block, Caldwell, Idaho. CURTIS HAYDON, ATTORNEY at-Law, General law practice, office; 15 Union block, Caldwell, Idaho. ALFRED F. STONE, ATTOR^ ney-at-law. Office in Little block, Caldwell, Idaho. JACKSON & WALTERS, AT torneys-at -Law. S. T. Jackson, T. A. Walters. Office rooms 6 to 8, Egles ton block, Caldwell, Idaho. DENTIST DR. L. D. BLONDELL. DEN tist. Office hours: 9 to 12; 1:30 to 5, other hours by appointment. Com mercial Bank bldg. OSTEOPATH DR. F. P. SMITH, KIRKSVILLE Graduate, Rooms 15, 16, 17 Commer cial Bank Bldg., Caldwell. MONUMENTS. GORDON & ADAMS, bany St., Caldwell, Idaho. 814 al VETERINARY F. A. BLAKE, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist. Resident phone 108. Office—Engle's Livery, Cald well, Idaho. j. h. Mclaughlin, veterin ary Surgeon and Dentist. Hospital 5th and Main. Office phone 23J Resident phone 420ki asylum, whipped into submission and then—whipped out. Landing in New York, he pushed himself inta a job and finally passed a Civil Service exam ination which permitted him to work for the Juvenile Court. He is making thetrip on his own in ititive, hunting homes for orphan boys. Proof that he is successful in spite of his hadicaps, may be gather ed from the fact that he has placed 985 lads in homes since he started on his journey, on January 11, 1915. PROHIBITION LECTURE AT CANYON SCHOOL JULY 12 Luther Wells will deliver a Prohi bition lecture at the Canyon school house the evening of July 12. BANKS TO OPEN AT TEN O'CLOCK MONDAY The Caldwell banks will open at 10 o'clock Monday, Liberty Bell Day, in stead of 9. They will remain open for business as usual after that hour. FOR SALE—Store fixtures, includ ing large mirror, counters, show cases, cash register and safe.—J. S. Har rington. 79-tf Water Masler Fined $1000. Col. Marsters, assistant state wat er master under Haines adminis tration was fined $1000 last week for tampering with, breaking the locks and shutting off the wafer from the government canal at the govern ment diversion dam in the Boise riv er, which caused a great loss to the settlers of the project two years ago. The water was turned off without warning at a critical period. It is alleged that Mr. Marsters is still under bondsmen as water mas ter and settlers are apt to bring suit against him and his bondsmen for damages sustained on account of the water being shut off.—Kuna Herald. Miss Florence Tenney returned on Saturday from San Francisco where she has been spending the past month in attendance at the exposition. Mrs. Clara Goodyear, formerly Mrs. Clara Powell, left on Tuesday morn ing for Jordan Valley where she will make her future home. Thos. Dryden of Bruneau is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. F. L. Crews, this week. J. M. Thompson and friends from Boise spent Tuesday fishing at Lake Lowell. S. S. Foote of Middleton was a business visitor in our city on Satur day. E. F. Brass of Ketchum is in town on business this week. Mrs. D. K. Beatty was a Boise visitor last Monday